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Full text of "New York Clipper (November 1863)"

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■ ■■xr 


■•n t>i\i 7(>'0 litofl'liii. 

.■.ginl'IO ni/'l 

tI-iI'J if. 



'ii.|3njH 7o "ii :-! :il i> ;i)o>i 

, V .ni( III Jil.l ( ;;l | 

••■I1li|. .-ivi'l : 
ill 1u DlM'ia III .ir i ' r 

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V .llj I' 

! I l.<r (!..: 1 J:ii.i 

• /ll li. 



^..i-ir ...y.T.ii. ii.<-» - .t . -I I , • 



II ■..:;(• ' I. 1.1 .■•■■'.r ' 
O^iM'l'-- -! 
l.-yl- -i.'M' ;lll 

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tilt Mfnmr 

I""'?,','-, '■ i.ilVlK(o*.-. .l I »'-.■■'.'. ! •■Ml-. . r- :! 

OAHTDl I|I;V' >' . 

tj .'•.ri; jnl';y I i; o y '» 

M f ,11.' I 1 I 1- ; . y .. . I ,. .. I i." .r 

....1 a.i'ii/iarm. '../••• ■' 

AD ta*1rT4lMt«lJi ^» p»iit • • ' ^'j ; ' 

lollanli>4oiit«d.brt]iebnTs; '■ 
tHiMftmiM I'uud'flia'd BO htirt) 
mlMulitei'i arlWM heawn** frst aw nrt; 

.1! /" 

n .V. 

s r.;. 

!■. !••• 




I...ii'jiirfil:Mi.' ' 
(f'.iifl 0 .1— iC i'l 

,0 .111 
R_.|lill rtjii.j> 

;V-Ti. • ,'.:ii'n 

). i> .'i.'l 

. Ill 


He aliUf itrntf'mdfS^ Hd andaot mllli ; 
^WoSi «Ma!% tTlTbik tk* 

tlie <h<)Mh>« < WilB Bl wnirt r»MMi.i prt ai»oa>VilMttogji 
'U«atlii Toalkivbo wtihM, of all ikUgi, to ba mated 
- VbloBnt. \7Mn4haflmeilMp*a high lad Ugkar," 

. . iJ^aUttMVMtlbid^BCQinv^aMiT^ 

^Ingt lonAifnMki PMoWm*d th<^ powos it UbIii^," . 

.;. . ;i;, ;!■ ' ■ 1''' i'" -n^nl' ' " i' ' '' " " '' ' ' 

;.. A]iV«a,.vfeiolaOi*tam.ati«(ratailrtaaM, . ' . ' - < vn 
V .".v^^:>lw*n.Una.^tUalti«nrtiu61t7, i : . . 
V-|nfennies*ttiMrk.u«»TCr«tiairtaB()«, :' ' 
^l^Jltn|«nUtailbttt«.gMla,tadfawl)M»-tHtr; ■■■■■■■■ 
y.M^-jan (IAaMl)-7oor'liiiA) beoQBaiKaTtaUaati>' ' - 
i;.. ,'W«oiB».M9l.oC!iinlr7aottiga,'D<atlildpt8tt7,' ■n - 
j,,.geaU jmr tbwgliMdoa'tntflnpiint'OluBaali,'! . ' : 
.. liHtowlwnyoa'W'ijlllnifitook^ctliam^ctflMiitli. i 
/r.i'v -:i:if. I'M I'll.-- ■ "!'''..•''- "■'>■■■' .'>i''- I ; ' 

....... I-- 111 -^1. . ni M.j'iiMW .11 •: 1' T "• -' -I ■■' ■ 1^': 

. 1 ji{4».aaiMdOti>Plaa}iIIiiitoimog«di .>ii :-: - i ->'' "> 
I'. r-,or0Ua|rlIUiluiaeu1ierftniar.kaAat!U'.-. i.-:^u .ii<oii'. 
I ^.-p/ina^tpgnp vlUi thai* .Whom'alia'diBktniigad, >< .iirri 
Ik«a.lbawftto;a*ita>m)m^i»»m9M(aiiMm^'- -<i-i 
P«Aap« hnrfrlnnfli »nnli1 llnil liii i<iai»w1n( ataaoged, 

- .Drwattp^'iBttoka^^ ; ."!;;; / 

/J ■■■i-: ;:i ,'■ ,i U-: i i.-.>i' • iHOT, - ..i -|. .1 .,.v, .•. . -r 

'i-'IraO.tohtf llth'«rUia'aii9<aatdlhUntia— ' 

-WollilThatltoithxrtjiyUit'aaptta^^ ' 
• 'Bet with liietiSfMpa'ofl^'btlajn^ 

ita^(^JliiRi)Hr'iiingntf '4M'4aipai1(Ku: 

t Hau-ontaidilak a voi4q,'whaii ■ha'a itfiloUa. 
>< Tliilaes tb'6 %ai4»p ttllii Iia^ tBalP , ' 

jqrt iRid;ii9'*orta;^rt;q,t){tl^;da'U M.pajf 
{1-1 ..■ .-aV.M 


Two days trom that-ttwy teftihe towt«g*tlIer- 
• -iSft^''?w*^5'*»*«»#'«wlu5SiBt ,;.r,: 

.,.7on.'U,^htotii:eak,iBr«o«a.9riBBO« h'-.r. 1 

,.'.1- : ), " '-y ■£ij^n'. nT\ .uii I.-. .' i-.r .i 

BuHhla HI aay, onr Uuta 8«U mow fnn, 
>l|m.Ji)UUri'a^«omm(ta.aania«obbttd^ " ^ 
uto bar plan this alaewhen ran -Blllflal . . 

r playi tbta alaewben r»a - 

•iiiJ :rilT-XI<vtt-j-/. ;<)if»l iir t:;.;" : 

'«««rfW^V^P)SJ. tb?wWI»i,,u [ 

v,wb^mtp.oMU;maft-/ji.., iiiii r,.- 

mjTwtr^m^miff' I . 1.1. (,■■-. -I I- 
9 BB ooM'iunjn^ 

'■•r n' j l.-T. H .t— .I'ln-I,? I .Yl..- .1.: 1.1 1)1 1 

I til J'l 

II t It'l-V 


ll'I. '■! 

ill I "ll 111! 

'I ' ll I."- 

'-.•■I'.l ClU ■ 

XpVB,jjLB|>i.OBUWiKi<iiii liiJ' ."iioii 


('■■lit, T.t.. .... ;>gyjj^y(j fl.'l ■) :>7lW' .Ijl/ll lI.H 

j"!;'ll I :-t i ,i..|i.i..:- ■Ii..iiii ... ..J ,.llW"l( il' riii.lli.'l 
*Balimwl^.9^*i^\W^n I. .1,1!. ,•.:.,...„.;. 
10»ll«i;jr_^ D*BIItT OnHIIimOVUXT BUOUB BDE- 


.?!*ltt'»\lUll»h Olj*l«ttll*iil.l.-4i^J<J..'_-'^' i:«.'j^.'4*r. A:!. J. ■ 

<>t>mi'''>'>U">*'i<<iia^ HI u> oorron, ma . 
^j^-T^n-n^n^.foM .tbatAaaltaadybannto.feel 
%f<«'h..:^W.ValiU9iwiinjid,wiil^ tha aiu 
^V.VtormVaadidaTani .U irtllt ai^'aTldUr.whlok 


raaV aad;daTani..U -wlUt^ai^'aTldUr.whloh. 
iir"i;.''*9j.»^' gl»4-t»-Ploknp aTeiy oruabhe 
ry^L«»Wo*»*»PP<im*«d whan, la war* gona. . . 1 / 
Ou'^qwil naif lentaNd'lOa aon), and<TrliUatn bli 
d,t4T«l, In foaatlBg AndUboHr, maUng Iha.wik^. 
fdt '^btful, Ilia body waa now beglanlag to 

"•ytiJhJSi a* ,'^«nB«b dlmlnUhlng. ind wttb tEawb^ad 
'rtj.iotfflj?^''^?*^ H« tto¥ ptayad fct d^t^Vind.'Ui aii< 

Otti^'H.'"'. bill aaOteiniM.'. Snt with wUd laaahrniM' obIt 

I. .hi,' . iililr.-* ,fl:li',l.! n .-."/n 11/.- 
■:.>;ii. -l-r. ^■<:im/) \mm]:Y. 
,' rin :<-..-! '.(Ill "III) fl'.'i'.li 'i! I'l:...-.!-;. 
:. i.i|ii.-i ill*;! ;.'i'.*i- iil Ifl-",t.;i7^-,'j \:\ 

.: I- 111 ■> 1 1., .;!..rtii "n'Mi' j ' i'i 'I .-i.M 

.1.1 .-' Hi .f Mi;l i.-.i'! VIj.IkI !"i 
,.1-1.-7 ll- ,"'f.i 1 l.ii.-/ 

"1 . '.• -idl*.!!!! 1 '-II .-f 'Ori.i 
■■• r •: i-.;i,l,i* f.s-l^.ii' Ji: .1 

.IJo.l ■.•■"i-l .-■.,0 
■1(1) ll! I ''1||- 

■Itl/I-] /.'■I'll 

■fV»l liJi •- ,iLA V, Jilijl ( .".II rr;I 

t» ia«d.n iMd wan^enhoiB io-idDck; .or; doTll taka it r 
Sb*T».tiilDd.(o«ii«»tMn>t4.Hl4a Wlilta'a, for '* obaaga;-'-'! 
)iaTWtia«B«dao«nt(Mttl«aa/oraireak.'.'i ; i. - 1 . i 

-•Ttun ir.,ha oari'teonx., lefi gi, to hir,^^^^,#tt^ 

1 »ra tell yon rtat," aald ^^pw, 'lafa vWiiAti^'''&i:'&ini 
jtho winner to taka tha first chinM of a'ltSk aAfi??^" 
L.l*ir*^l:, Be^^ ana rte-twoWat dSmllMVA'fte 

WmojtaintkmtBBtad^aU'tWlr powora t4-wl?t£?^*j2a » 
rnnURiuinganaiiprolaotedfamlla. M • ■ 1 ' no" /I'l" i-jMoo? 

When Ball heard her cofcama and etrugglea: tbtaa -did'iMUM^ 
jOB«.«Bain,d/8wmlnqtea Wyaa reappeaied,.flaaheltiaDa Ittdi- 

bet tor aSTS^ 

I uwudrawlng (omrda 1 

fiktaittiDKiitoa ^ ■ 

ai Uirej^ iomaa lonaa jtf his dbair, and belield a nali at 

itatottar vienta.- . ."i-AUt- a^iilrt gaUe U oardafSPvL^-V- 
-HVteih^ hlicwiM ^tait aud'wtal'db ToainUt'> ikieai(li^ 
ntheeitaiMMnd^BdL'.'J''''' -> I ' ' 1. '>•- 1 '^^^nrr-j"t> 
"Tent }aa am, bearia! aa '<nr yott ttiade l^'o' in«ha>/UUk<> 
V.ttat'm flgbUMiditaylAVansaritfn.TeB hot(M,Wa'tllM£K 
t.oMww e«nTasM4ocnf,tsiliit aBtakdaaieotiMfbrTewUr 
< >!M!iiT<>?^M*i«<> m*.tte ^tembla to come .'daw* >«tfi mh 
"i^^»&'Wi*!P4 vntibalaa alglit.'iMakari tba MtauxU 
- -(Ua time waa almoit;Mliarea,^«tiatt«ata»iI 

I od vttb tke blow of a TOMM^oSiPl^^*^ 
I bad lii>mMlr('taiir«fUdt>lSaiaimhf%iQit n'ol^^ 
1 4^1 MBdand,ttMaa<9 ku:ui^a%; i^iVi^. 
I irfthailM'Wiirttfaahtig-ttiiodgk.i^aa^-krilii:-''" 
1 up la the air, and aank to the floor a oerpsa. 

gjmaaet wu .bont at araqd,; UU.- 
: officer ot Kapotaim Bonaparte. ,Bla i!arllHt 
pbaw'ate.Mllbvad' ;th4..93{i9tTr^ot bta blrfki inf^ there 
I lu I8S3, inTimted the peoollar ezerclae w^lob baft (ipodar* 
lamooa thranghont Barope...3Iade jttla ddmZ In London, at "tbiB 
^ambra PaluM, at wbloh entabUibiqmt. ao <|paiv.4ar^. De)i>- 
Ajrmanoea baTetMcfaJatrodnoe^, |tad.^)^niyen9pkeo]tNyklnadu 
-SSilSi^ SSJ^j^jy*.*^?"* »wrtMi6 fa ajivM^^ 
waawnM. EU))eraxmaBoa.-taoTinatai«aivst remarkable— 
4Ati(^,t'AP*<4M'J!^^|ai7bMaa.,w^^ aHW.or tba^ack. 

n/ma^F °'''^''f°'<^ '>'■ 

r gr. aUgntjr (tiet mm, the 

.MONS; yEBEEDKE-'ilriE Pabisu^; .Gt^^ .' !- i„ ' -'"^ 

j4aUa«a)tia'aipeebll<iiiK (Mglailly fotai^clbf IiItai'>^'b«"J>, th 
^<s pafnll4r;.fKfiahAa, anapiinifuhaUe; bejatttapta .laateitiom 
ntucn the mo< ' * " " 

la did .they ooi 
f dre TUncfied J uree 

the book of the to . aeoure bla : tqat 14— ao Jar as doing lila 
ia]i^aiiobBtrenet)<il|tba!^tb|ipre> ' ' ' " 
.V>.be/)i^ta.Qnneo«8aaiyonbliipart. Ibltei' 
i)r,Terr«cka Uiaadfln )8$1, alao«. which Ume 
Ian Imitator,., Be'li«8#atnngUi.lii,bIa n«ck 
linaglnattOD. ,;Hei>aabadU^hoaOTtobefip'' 
' ' tt,I7a;)<deoD;IIt, ^eSiapemr ff Baeau^ 
. . . Jelglnm, Bblland, and tho Queen otSpalp, 

w! 10 waa graclonaly plaaaed to nuk»blma handeome reoompenw. 
Ai ler this nMst darug eiecolaa 1)0 went.ufinndernaath a.baUoon, 
« atarted boldlng bn by'tia nUji, fmd, teatlng bis . drwn 
itlAloirtto'tlew'. 'Heliaa'alsbWtt th( afli^IraUon of ^a]?ariar 
la tpdbuc dnrUtflbUi^' tears 'at:tba,lC;lr4m9i Napokon, where he' 

LjtmlUted' UtteCpatjrol 

has been 

I ' the .ij^l daring, B)ElltDL'and<.a)n^ilbtraU>e^ at 

b^ shabnk-ftato whlobMpdblljlH^CiSd' «StI(~ ' 

possible dUthey not bthoUithem'; lattd the 

„ Blmpv'lm- 

Ill It made hla puUooa leap at the rape, for which he waa hlahly 
re Tatde d br t he dlreotorrand sootfttyoftbe Olritaer 'WIMfi'MD- 
ta 4 anlvea In Parl^vltb bla nqw, perfttrmanca on )tbe trapese, 
Yl moke, after havub aeen <t once ortwlee, began the lamo ex- 

" f'Ht . >«» 111., w^i Jimimlt, J».~,..l...UftLH.. ni«. 

atF«^tod(>.(hesamepfrfarinapoe^,fi<9tard,l^.,aU tha 

iqtea.of bla auooe^s. . fiiUr hla ^iTelf .|a SBa« 
flS?Wlf»P>*lMi),^P»iJiyot,!» ■enBWf»n«t 
I tb^.WMtor ot the AUfiunb^ Lonifopt.aaiU tai, 

■-"'^M(|Wn^.toMM'W™».'l^'' ' ■ — 


'; uUmtllfU i B— . — . -I . 

la idedin Kew Torb amoDg'stiaa^hK ■IStl UntB ttl IIUan,'the' 
ol rcDflmaDav^laafBlna(>t.b4**nty^'lB)medl«MT^«^^ 

.fii r^U£4iiifapT°olrcnSi' iM^ 

y >rre<Se^dadelUil Vi^Blrae SUtbri^^^ the 
c^qva* (imd^ which ha'-watt6fMdbtBi)'io) UlottlD^ >lila «eiit> 
US ,to,be,,pr<^ly!,pnt'mi kb Herreokemadeadeadhviire; 
tqat 14— ao Jar u doing lila wIm ha qogI)ttoliaTe dona It on,bla 
firetajtHeirahea, ahdorealug-lhe exbttemtm hi eeitolnly woold 
have danebad ht been )irOptrtr broaght'twforetha^blloiithloh' 
for hla qifa sate:(belag a atianger la,a Cmlgalui^} we at«aorry 
itq'say waa nc'tlpe c^e. gelng. .well aware that ha WM damning 
bts mtuta proepeota (if he'- had hot Ui^y)'ln thla'iimnti7Dy 
.bfflitlnalnghlseneagament with Nixon, bebrongbkUtokOloM' 
his aeoond or third appearance. It temaOned, however. 

,. th>a>'alabmbp>*ilt., , 

£ gymafs^ ^ t^tifs A)ba9ibn,fBore,{ban 

w^ the enleiprlalng manacfr pf ..the Hew.Bow^u IheabieTrklr, 
Lmgard^o IntVbdtiee to the iUnerloiaB pnbUo, In a proper man- 
ndr,..the..tileBt9'«f :tbla' yotm^ ^Tmaist'^'iftir a'-tlfteewe^ka* 
.rett, 'Verrcokis maife Ua<Uii(( -at taa Mew Bowerr.oatha eiit ot 
Bspt', la bla wpaderf a) aot, and proved beyond a ^^bt thithe 
was all' that" bb'ftad niMested-to'be— oneot-themost'daMng 
gymnaataolitho^Sai- - ■ •' 1 ■ . .i-.i li .i.i u. ;•! ,: 
In th9 dramntlq cfihmiu ct- t)Ua papsr, bla.fltst.fppearaqee at 
Nikon's was dppkoi of In ytry plain terms„oeasnrlnB him very 
aeyeroly— tUH oriHe U (he UAe'Soliiiowlngwheito the-fa^ laid. 
AtjhUi •aoccaifol ittmt, however, when we "see wilt wedldtoe,'!- 
,we took oo«aal«a<to;anei)c,a(,htjm,aa,7a (oond blm,ivad gave him 
.credit for bla fln'e artl8l|o perfomianoea. Be raqulnad ^ne wedc. 
ati the Hew Bowery, mi)ethiig''iMth WreM sacMaa. 'Hs'tben «&.' 
. iged with Hanager Oeo. Lea, of Balllmare, for one year, at a 
reiy large aiia^rii .Htfmlitehlalltat'appearanoeahderUK Ifci'a 
mln^mmeat 04 ^9t^ 9f polvliei, at the iFcoot itree^ Ifaeatr«k 
fidtimore. Atp|re'ianttlsi6paif()nnlpc^InPlilft^ , 

.11 I. 'i\ '.-ll.l -|il-l->.l- , I-./.. .1' -i.."!,. .' 

\ot hopei'n^w sptans. tip amtegi tUe'^ow almoat mialao 
_)tta q( tbe.oiipUvti.vOa 4ba nett-dav'tha-kame' happened 
ag Un. > jBottOB aaujadito apaak, bat the bid oiBi 4lilji abook hla 
lu td and then went away. The third day Barton agokeoaiiH. 11 
•Old man, do yon need moneji?4£nviI have plenty." 
Vimexn-Boney I'.' hlU«)llIoqnlsed,:haH.ii)aoalat«d\lB. r^what 
«i Dld'.I d».irltb.mosaytiao— nor. tnuttlmt 

%i B wjien I did want lt<Mna gotW- andapelUlt, 
ik-nol" i- » .11 '-I11.-U 0 i: 

waa^aa,. time waa 

■^a , 


» .11 '-111.-U ll i: ll v.- 1' 

And;thBa the bid.mia-aominnilbdi alihoet in*«fl<h^ *^ WmtAK, 

ilfl lle.tep1ylna tOLBarton.- i;';'.'.i.:i 1 j 1 ii 1 : -■ 

i„ Tqolatal fiMtoaAabtbe(I.vfllglTelyon:eoldlnplenty4-take 
.ea « qf yonrrU.yiuk'arUl bofebalp taiib toieeoafe. fitom. .thlt plaee.' 

,1-1 rfllimaktjnnilbhlf 11 .M.-iliid .1 0 i- -i- ■ •■.iij: 

■Blab— a*oaDel.oo,.nali (hat-wwild ihevardn— mylUewaiitA< 
parfocJt OMd I the time was— th4 time waa"— 
-. ji4inibA4Ur. tuning. aSrltlBnic^ l«ft.hlm...It.wia.evldtilt 
th .t he wu la hla aeoond oblUbbodr,^iid,|| jnooberent n- 


t 'to bribe' Ulm, hut be eltbarijTDal^ or obbld not ohd^.. 
blm. Awe<jk hail nowela'paod ii%cp Bill aM.Barnors 
vlalt, and atrapge tho(ighla 'orai^VtU«>n^tf''B<Uxoi^'^ b^'i 
he wonU at any rluchikl^'ooe effort mllbeftr^ ' " ' 
' •] n ta««r eiSebtatiba'bir'waitea fbl^'-ibeliett dKmUg ot'^k,' 
M>lwhenhehe*idhlBf90t8tena,got.npon^feet.. ^tUlchiaer, 
tti y apOmuhUU, taleie-^ Mtb apMum BoHod eqdeavored 
tb wa hUU' > Hb Alcb^ided,' l3d aped -dbbr the i^SBge and up 
r^.u. ^ii^jmy|!i,r,u55i4. nbt Shd aa>'*prli>g 

, vpJ.^lthinSla'mlghl'fihd'ln bla fteMe 

boi dIttoB tbaVWaaiiotMnU gni);)li6.Mea' to'foKb 11 open, but 
IB rain; and now he feela i jiantf'iipbn' hlU,' S^ the'oU man, 
'M h a power hardly Inferior to his owii, obdelVSie to drig' him 
do mwarda., Aatnggleensnee. -la the pUcby darknoas which 
te elbMllaeftil''fiettSea< '(iUl-'BM the ^ of bla 'aht^onlst, but 
Xli bl<)dMn^araTht<t>l«atlUn«a'^bby ^IHV^'fbil thS MSiUry. ' At 
Ut ; the old man falls bock, wltU Burtoit' ln-'UU' gra^ thi^r r«U 
'to{ other to the foot of tho steps 4a- -a beau; a few gasps and 
gr(ana<jind«Ul8qnl«t<:i '. .. ' 1 n.- 1 - .1 

,1 maMblA09inMDlf(>.,iftaMlidtotbo bovol, mlisedBmok 
for a itlmo,l.and.4e4oeqdlng:ito'the olvom:to aaoXbelTVlotlm, 

•tu nblod orer.the bodlesrlilpgi.'ini (heir way.' .Buiboa'a 
atlu olasped the tbrott.ol.thnoUI man who, with Jlvld faoe; pra 
trallngtongn<i,«ndiiiitlagejat>allaJwaaatottodead. Burton-tiad 
ifeodved awoiuid.lntluihaidti>aBdlwa8i: to all aopeatanoes, la 
ttoBamecondWoi>....1l,viiiiiiil-"i| V s ■ , 

' • VeUI" oiolatawdBm ^'lars-a beia • JoUy.row;'. they've beaa 
*B< gone and. did It Wtoua . woBghaniiel jaSicbldl^a'a bad a 
.floiaanttlmeofltitolookathlm, sod- that oaiaadobap— velll 
.^'r apaU'a.JWttM yeU;hera«tive<l n^aitieubla o'ABlaUn' out 



,Y.oantoUhlml If 
ha'gbtbff toheosy, 

_ , , .'dw'bt'alMsaiffilt'ir I 

I giiato yd bS bloAly thanUul," ran 

II •jliet's'getj'embuto'^thls. thed, latharjluibtisnie: "It lint 
" or safe to have mob dead meat iroond vera a 

, '|l■lh\nn'>^4^kWd'b•'61^wiS5l WtrS»taiMbi 
Jt'i , a 'lbUji^k'Bl|ht( and may aeiv*tt da Itiii^aoei bnJt*: 
Tot 'tdatoiint'iialbgethet<|-if ihe^vufbOBdiilabiabloWMi 
thi I «ere plaee ihl«hty joiek, at-the eld 'qa Yia hii£w£''<<"" ^ 
■ '1 bsythta Idbki thai body bf<ned>4'iMtw^'tha& 
"-^IM It dbWa'to thW rliMtalde, Irtltre ' thay^dNHiei >i^. 
^"">]r:dtt^.'a hole <hi|ih«'«atUl/ nbt fjiftidSTtllb <hut.' knd- 

II'^UIII ■ ll I 

htlki «k« MnubM-bf- th«Y>ld taairTi 
rautA bwt obt d0inrte4i(« tb« t 


,.; ! ..■. . 1 .1 ,:<< ' ■ < ■ ■ > ■ • . ' I ' i 
't hbihidvbeetf bnly atiiBBed' by. tha bll; 'UlalmmmlOB la' 
M w(>eahfd;jmd watered 4»lBiit»ieo»a«lo>) an ese, gad tiei 
. tatncgth' onoDgn,to..keephinueif aflcai ,0«lngdcnn 
wUh;i|h»-atke>b]'k- hla hand' wme'''tn-c4Stjce iHth'a'ebt&LiBi 
grlaplng It he foaad htmaelf cloae hoalde -i sbilll>Mie«aer 'a»i 
eh srtdataam^UlejtUtaDOtftOBiJhaalMEa— HliXaetflbeltbrta 
to baHlEoiie on board were fbrtniuteir heaMlrf a'mka'paclng 
tb I deck, who, thobgh;' at flnt| bated flAr thJ) uarottbly aound, 
ea led up aome of bu meaakiatea, liad with Mme trouble Barton 
wi ■ got on board. 'Bare he waa ao exbanstod and 'weak that ha 
eoiUnellberepeakllor.Mtfid|:thAci^talB, <lib)M^, to<* him 
iofrm to bla cabla aad,.-adA)lnlJ(torijicta)»sM mtonUrca, Burton 
soon able to jtiate hie BloR-—begglBi '' " ' 

at pMabtt'a'iirdwF'tb '^St 'i&Xu _ _ 

'aw ai efhU'dcllMibaoe' tr«in'.\$aUb,'Unlglit^.t^^ qf' 
de^glhe hidac^jlutiij.''^, l 3y " Tt^' 

] )ait(lB'«v4a iMU'iali^ icGt'ol byaie itstatB lftr''ik 'oon] 
da i^'tuTUa'bit tbkhewhiTr^oTSedMB,^ and enu_ 
bli iiaU dnrla^lhtitlme^la' V (>)f>^' liiMUsiUon of, the ihore 

eai UlgBjli/terhbpalno t 

Hoia.-.''Btlll|Ua ftUM ta'ditaet' any 

I.tlme he would :niv' 
did Bbl 'flaal lottg 
Mm ksy great dla- 

..L. ^ » ... — I —I . »' 

whttheeaw, keptit ' 


iSihbm B^tUabk ali<rnkl'lntMi'»b& Vtk^' a'pilVa^ Amm foif 
*hfl«iiiU»ttdi^ MajK^iKi' fait'tt to dJrelgeiHoi 

i/U4Mis«l3i the.'tbj^'Ot ilMe^hoJtartilmb 
dal" «M!|h'tf death 'or BrtlDkbfWhiMa hbknawd^ teme£ 
d'aotUufa',hta UbV'jeih'btob^a^^ (he ,(lme h« 
, tbb'rdA'toliabijiei-UlHlf^^ ,' ' 
tiM'^d«'Wtba<kiuA$^,'P>t«w'4M<.'An ' 

, ,-«.i»w.»iili obnncbled with thb 

iifl^bli'bBl'aUASof 'tQ'Urgit'iSib^tb ^UlotiilurbeeB'pbok-' 
1 by BtU and Wyso In conaeoqenQa,?! that ToeuIL Knowing 
Il.tbatihy.wgjaj havp.ta>*^ 

nessj By oiieVir their ttd 


"Elk t^uad^On to BtAten la^d., 
'* • ■ 'bonnarf^ Wtff.thi^Jnd 
. _^ _p_n',t(i.rB5»* tWnibf.^belr 

^'iJSlVj'wJV^'pi'jbb Aetbotlon ^d'obsJrtWotf. ha4 to 
keep TerirtaMbi' but br bSiuiaibf .'a liberal tolbdto the Keepet of 
an UleUlifeilbe had labUMbd In obtalplM'a reBile<iU)>lb 
mlddlajad. 'IHffigh "^lAW itw^t,; to att«B4 to tholriWBnta. 
8b^ alrrlvM>.l|,e«$ttQ^ mbtWVlM Sila. Oak: 

8b^ ahlvM UibelMtUMJtut ib» vety' mbtaDi* kftbr Sim. OA- 
loy^had fblIbM4> tbi^b'^ili^'U^'.to a^^ MPP^ of, 

(SSata, and >*tte so w^U 

autdoahwi vrerkif^|(ln«aB;.a«arofaiagihalB paaantiii 
oanylu offiUielr.waUets, tbeyitreated. tfaealsalveat 10 a'Mdnpwii 
rfunuDf^^aud left .t(ie preinlen) vttbODl<tondhME( anytblai bHUio 
tbr, la BU aageV remarked, '"It vonld. hiolcauira nat'irilAM^^I 

Ibave thtf gs ps they STM." .„ .,, ^ „ . ,1 

I On'(h«a«Do%hton,wbIi^.tl>aBo.evenla oecniTed.Bam.Oar 
leK'byapeUfl-irtrmls^flofWB master, pal^TMalMo.Kew.Vr 
wllbaaeyetO'thb-wUfdnK'orthetwenty.AvadonaiBi ' 
t^e dlaoovery ef Bell and Wjie, Aa the moeOftel 
ftnd thoteiibeiMa InmMI at, to'aU hui 'ln (Ua'i 
went. dttsoltylto.ljBlia 'Aifdreiwa'tBal<Mi)^Hr,*a ' ' 
easy alfthli and-.therbiwaa^a laHra 'hbiabir' m 
— , . _ - IwS^nni -tK 

Oatemlty preseat: Harry GreetiwiyJwaB- art -tiUrt,- 
Xho^,A)t:jOo<)k,,af>dBUl Eallwefa.-:WUhrthaae t 
.was.inn lc<)iiat|ited, and aoou relattdi to. tham 'hta.Bdveatoiba;^ 
aa.Ball.wM excMdtngljr jqhlUlaatjDa'.letmlsffi<lift.newa,taadn 
.dUUnd Bam. lobe "the joUleat Utile ttump he ev«r «M peapalBlo 



at onoe move for Ibiilsoene'bjrAotlo'h, undw (he a 

briag ettiUdtinl.'ptefeflillWtbkttadt tbe-e34id>ii, - 

night, latht^'Uia dayttmo/^aoebraUiUy-, h'sum^ ''^^'■i*''*'* 
,an«aw«tt,llapatohadtwlth(dU<Bb«eMtoleta:t=theyY _ 
tlleni«d,to >lie469tteKB, iWlitthnt]iey;ultlmlt«)ynatihedwlthatatio 
aiybat«^^I^;^H^ Itbad 


olar .Mandq jiraib; t 

I'Mpletnl a5d,'''«y'bj; twoyOlLile, pi 




rtU!''slBk*d IlIU'HainlnTOlse." ' '^' i'^,,.-" , 
hlmaeU.:4obe'eBre):vltba$&TeaM'ka taik^^W':':' 
u hell have to keep bU byes jUaedTlVbbtlM!''-^ 

uptnta bad a I^tltf'noVyeti^lSbL. 
la valla ttaatdfforts wub oaeid'toUhlob thelr.'V 
ihe.taitdooE It rekdllr;4e^«d?to -Ihil^^r 
bOT.e-enWe d, p»< |lartd fotanieBum^WMDe; ' 


bQztn«blit'fl¥m'thewi>nnd In hla forebead4';tl«-/bbarBbt«yato3 
botd; on the other,, hn3elL bla- revolt beaUe.hlin.fftihM' 
eS2t$''bair*l'VbtfytoobMy dlsbha^7-fnvm.hSIi^iqnf^^ 
IlL jwas snrralsbd IbMUi was drmfrion ttiat^if 
aad liquor In which thay bad been IbdUlging. ' .. 
irfian>:)Wbb.(toi>itha<lfai'portiaV >Btt'BfllJid-pTared'<UUi»'fi^,, 
reMniont of tbe'soouadiela,- felt'that tt'^'b6ialXtoUfmSf-'l 
aalof, naalhe'tottobreafcslleiiiejL i 7 irau-j-j .iTr^u..:'i| liHi/a 

rV^t. I' oaUatbla'erearclearaicasecf mnrderta'dWviM 

id vb'd'Jlstln'ttiiu lootate.-' Blann bml ,vyiobu]lln.'tthniir( 
a ^pt tl)alr.abQottq: tO) ve v«'.'eratoaeeXidBpIk9l',.flo«iOJiii 

VWhat.pobr deWl!" sJakf ■ ' - 

m,ctldlilakhr "' 
Is inhlB premises 

honiswlqflB b^.bf^ o.«)>l4ittnaillon If helhl£'.VBfllb>tnat^>^T 

noWl" |- .- I.-,: n .. 1 ll.;. ..." ,i-.-i;iii ->il liiii .i nl ,3mll 

lUa ^i^^anuttoi^ waa jmnooftby. Boma.oae in.iU itwih kbor«l 1' 1 
ai>eftl|i(; 9 wbi^hn^ tKfajiblif^ ^rltap t/ftpfif wv^piv^ tbiSV-.I, 

°*ieTCiitIbf t^'^aztriWibd'tip'italrs,' knd ''nntwHng'^jlaaEjiy 
of a room dlaooTered a poor domntto eroqchedln a^iper, ttt., 
-lUed vmh the beUef tUai bb^ tthfibnton b^Mt^ 

.aaoiiiBoiaBTbatit>«ilBed;<'aiA'.'tiiey,WBr« ekkble^'UliMie^i'j 
her Incoherent btttemaBt^liEd tba'dtoMSM-ttaWblW'- ' 
belMa and. thlogi araaad Iieb,;some BartfaAlanMifha^iai-dWC 
rUe thaiba£h(^ o^mi^lttad. nSbblbad -(uardithel ahet->lMLt|il 
•ititi the aaMequeal^oathllke aUenoB- -had lMpreaiteaihwtOtitlw 
lelhiagna^isiig. Bbs.jraa, takeB.-.dan.aUbf .teaabtte 
imi'^aoaibtf'bodld'lndnee'hSr to look Bpcn (he^lj)MilAiiot 
who bad been her mln. , , --i; .1 o 

Ueaeuef iHera. fbstanliy takbtf- tolobmmTihIcBtb WlUi4«-'^- " 
therltles, who on thelz arrtvil apprehended Bell, whoT^ 
flo - ^ 

Dbsroid ftlbndlaib.^Btn'bta (o BtU>d.'UB'trlal-''-«diA<iijm,-*' 
hua qoodeiimed to-|lbath;%bl«b;«t8'dMlfiiat^\lUllttl^ 
mpriaooinentfwcjtfhtgb tUb bvldeaoe.Vu'lnerair HnaAi^T 

,'ana two polnta havug been elucidated wblab jrarbtikailout 

inio oopaldeiatlon by Uu.exoonllve u tenUns to.srovjtWASO^T) 


aMIlllsfrlenaBaeoiaraa uaiwusai — , \ \m , 

'^^ ..^ . — T,hiip^|iefl[ 

tt-i-llUli.i! )l 

.^^ fa«haodt<ha.f(ont'Oc«V bfcSrt.^l*S<lB«JiS!^ 

frlenda declared (hat whbtf tb'e)%e(ldied-(bto'blB0c4t WatCI/o 

thbf«!0»dl»Q ' 

lepereoaof ell 

Bt^y had some ttine fiefore oeiiml(to&aBtbIdttin.thllT6lblMD'>0- 
In a ban'iaome apeebh by ty>m Tldley. ■ ch»ttmatf Bt-tbb j!Hb' " a 





,^wn-*qiurt ot.ale utaiattittUdraiililRh'bBd'^^ 
taof hlsfrlend«,'.v)laian itla/ooaaalaal «M«»'oS 

.."L. •Vii''-'JL'.'.'ii> 

i|oli o< mmnvi 

Junlry lor aomb* 

ih'ayahfi)i*W*4.T< — 

to I Wll^I>aw„tnQi'br*W» too aoon -t^ SffZ^ISf^^SSS. 

hlblt or'dliup^ibiubg''ttN; WeeKt'U B'tUiiq> aiU'wtbsbr 

bbnthatners, (hey took a turo , 

flnjijng that jt <>iUdn'^^ 

In an exbedli 
Uiiist'teorbty to hOBt bbti'l 
tuoated Mad) waa - 
aillrlet,ni£Aasly InaUtol 
tbbhTra aMVbtOD 'olvin, 

lib ajpowerL 
jMWiakd tilaHAji'BdtDyianABtMfhrl ^0 _ 
V^lSJhad iXtot UmetoiforetertbemMlvrtiiuid tbbuglliui 
rnoolanaMroSwaaaearohed. So oayem,.remaIned un- 
verS md BurtbB Wl tte litaobttl^H^^^ 
Jfi^tabawoBdaredaVwhaa U'lB hept-a^ Bilnai««!f^, 
2^iiana q^hla wMpq^and eiU^ 


BitOHDAT. NOTEMBHB 7, 1863. 

^wliMptfoni, thM we 

^"■Bif-DiWrtftiii know Uiett»flTem«nj 

pinion on 


%,ti*«i?t''t loittlili^AeiipndW, o^rt'tia* pWjv 
_jifMon8eptBth,18eL -.J • . , ,-v.r , - 
iri o»i)iiot:«lTe'jon ilie «m* t)Bw.,1^6,ta Ilor» 
D ilZen idd biitc. on BuBlon Oonne, B«pt Sib, 
jmoB ihitnora did ini one (it ihethTna 
.FlMtthb Sdhsitb; criy a rUcLiiii-.Wii, ''Ihe 
iBooki wMUld to b^T^,.Ut«;^,.pn]lea wwon, 
loYflitlio'wore.^ ■,,":;•):■.•■•'• ■ 

dw(t>r, Vlohi-rU'ttiftballi so tntttcr whisthai ted 
idbiick qff,tl)«..oiuhlant',vlthoiit.'.tmliig:ooiBBln 
I iome'ptnon or mua PVtat, It ehoaUnmun whtie 
LnlUofli Jflt rauJnoAon tntontUoni'UiaTed bdl. 
^•^ued on tU pimi ftoUH ■ iirhUainU^:U: ^mUd 

;^ ■ ^ -m,;, " 

[B^AoM'-Teapla'ttetMt time on tlta 'Ikiblba Con'nb' 
MM iniffi bn JtdT'»/f86V«UeB°«li« Wobribekt igalbM^tl^ 
Iltow-T^ ! ji.tkn<iW«.«ii»tii In 3:n>|f, '. Oas: 

a^W* &BtaitlA*^ tbe<iitas o«imbMMDtd«<m'(Mt.7ib, 
jao^ vlua be HU«T«d i-MH unbrMddlc MTimosbiliia,' ' ' ,' ' 

lit, ls'lm|{opl^||bK,«Kf^ 

iL.plknog lUlhfoiin'tlie palnti:*n 
i»irliur 9(d«(:iDn'blgb;'(eoond. lam.tibStS) 
5fr^Swn«»i *o& beta»:Apotoi<4to 
lion'Cie game, do msttaraOTtmanjpoma lUs 

.JDB,injp,nj.i?!«flrrTa:.woB.: -•<: ^- • : 1 •■ • • 

ML.flDM bvaaAbd indtiiMlUd<m:^Iltli^,,(ih>>y 

B.ti St ra.ira*.'' i.««#(MIUni'iiiike4;'lNifoi|e' 

ttdldidty Iti tlM UBUdlur MADBiualal Uf 

n^'iurSiEe^dSetrS&^lliilo oontaU ihantueVatakan 
place, will be fought In Bsg)iiM:¥«twpei»;i74fi>C4<^BMnM)', b-, 
mlJlKlj.kBfiiaiUilW.l^dlX^im^ jUlLToin King, 

'in JSgBiimu , aiiSlSeMD^'Mrot Brilidn'i'diimplbii. Boili 
aieieokoncdtotie x«prei«ntatlTe mas, In point of lAyifguc and 
ipnglUatio aUD, of Ihe two oonntrira ; oonaeqnenUj, It leldot to be 
. wondtKd It that the grcattat Inteieat ihonldbemantfeitadln 
;i«gaxd to the leanlt b; the pnbllo of both natloss. Tha'jUnmeiu^ 
' nun to be fought for, WO.OOO, also Bdde«W.t«>t^; t^, Md.ttr 
moTcmentiot the men, and the pI0g^ei«r«l->^^i5^»to^^^ 
become flnt due topics of conTonalion ta i^jirtlng olMea;;. to' 
pioofotthl»,wemIght»t«te that st theUte.OwatewflahBao*,. 
Heenan and Elsg, aa w»II ai Tom Bai«^ aj»n wd »he fitaley. 
bHdge In&nt, and bthtta, w«»» 'pi««i<nt, and the Wnbe of 
.Walea, andtheBJiig 4f. >h* a»*eli .irere'«D«IOMtoh«w them 
ipolnled out thai tiie:r ilght ibto of the model gladla^on. 
Iln regaid to Heenan, tt i ailatei ihat "he already laoka wond«- 
IfnU J impwred diceiSi location t( hli trmlnlng head etnarteia." 
King had n<3ti at latent adrljeB, done much aottve work, but had. 
been taking Ihe gnattet oaie of himielt Heenan •tUloontama* 
to be the tkvoilte to beWsg, aihotigh the manner |n which 
mngi frteidii take the bdda immaU tod large beta wonld tadl- 
. cato that he ta not withflnt frtenda who tklnk his ohanoee of TOO- 
'cesearegood. We look npon tito^'aUte of .Odngs aa.a good 
omen, and tndlcattre that (he mertle rasa at meiile Xraaa-tlde 
iwlU be right merrily oohteetedrrMiBi of Heaittn'aAito li»Te 
klready Irf^Colnmbla'B ahoiM to be ttne or tberekfionta on the 
Iday, and ibie broQier-lJ^'Uft thlaj^<mtli'e.3W 
^he aport,andpiobabi^io:-trte::»B*?4,lng6t0ng Us blotter. 
Into oondiaoi OUier^prqtiilnenfcBi^ takeeWpln a 

fewdiyt-wlihthe aiBSe:obj»ct%Sl*ir,to lh»t lhee»ltement 
boniequent npon the !e»BiiP;Pi«»««*»iWe nUy expeolto a«e a 
large ^bare of snjilli;wn^ Jhe^porttiip 
Lift we aie aUtee jQut'ijjISIij^^ tor • oertalntyt 

but we baUere he itu ifi*|^ miilS^ip,hlBmlnd, In othtt word^^ 
•he la on the 1eB<)<i^i^M^iti^oti^ .<>t-^,W 
latminy Joo^.io i^^O^ig-^^^mi^iaiamuiT^xmSnaA 

\^'^Aiiia<>:-f.'^qni'Mi knbadrlp^n U^piA 
i'flilifc fTro/^aTelWan ioA oredltjfor ta,mpi» 
■■■,noth<jr*Jahtm6nl- • ' 


I fflir'-iinother^ht m6n%'in))MialJ 

iriwlteh. tfd.-^ii W«.af Tankea oati 
^fium^y liea^ Allla U roondi.Sept. Ui 1SU| 
-iiPff. 18, UtSi ^.OllTerlnMnmnda, TO mfai," 
_ ■- : liol!! ^; ■ 

__^__«ev(8nii:KBiaaT.--nie>Kliigwa^ In hli' .eoimtlii^- 
liana itllliiiHiil mil hie money; ■ the <liieeii' waa In'thd pkntry' 
attfaf hMdand'hohey, atad— we fbiget the' rest; bntwm lepv 
tfB)dlln«nek^'mor«airleM.'' " ' ' 

Bgla 0, W.— We never a^w inoh a' work. By par- 
iMugaeomto a'fUeof the'<'1MtfBe^star''former^ 

Iff'- - - 
_iS/0Id fipMC of, Oe Jftntf, yon may poaalhly find 

'';^o>b)n.-:T''^ ^><'' B ttai a whlt^ 
.a oertainheab -They maW a 'dead beat' Who 
A, b«t,that ^e white hoiae wonld hot the black, 

OtiAIbitnyJ-^lfter begging, AraeeaMa moat be'^eUt to 

W:(i;^^iliu(miiiioii^ iwk, waa 
i^i^>t^irtng''bem^ ^ inapend 

.' eachJttme the akme' trmnp'Ia tamed.' " The dealer I *f ' 

Sitiwrt ahasig*. to B leaa nnmber of cards wlthotit the oonienlC I 'f' 
•flfcjortioaltBpaity. . ■■ .■••■-I'-. 

J. A, E-.^'l, Deaf Anrke. was deiiuted by-Bendlgo, 
— KWlMiHirmln;--^-''- -^^ " 

u .>vx^« a£d'by Kick Ward, Bepi 33, ISM, In 17 
vomU,'* %W<hm,noknowtedgeorahygentl<inangMngfaBlU' 

XJ^Ks^iJai^iiliaiT-iUHni^ deaerfbed lnr n*ln> 

■£&fiflmg|a,^jin nbt the i«n«r(oan colon, 'weabonld like to 
^irw|il|^j|^;K'*^ 'Ihfy were.o9ippoaedofred,whlti9andbtae, 
BUi34ini'.Ootamibna,'>0.''-8hoti]d' be' pleased if.we'lsbuld 
ttb^attilhe dUBanltykibat:l>elag''in 'idTerUaement we bannoC 
Xlta».lit](<medledii>obtb]yi l^wrlllnglhep^eiithenisetTes. 
ti^^HtM^^ St^^^l^^^' It Is^igpo^ofor na^tp gtra 'a 

, , ^ the-oldeat. 

refijjofthatwp, ,, , V: •-.•.o.^!':. 
inrgtLrVhie if^l we heard of - tbe parties thAy 
jhla. ,'A'IetterrdtNOted care'Of iSuiL UIDer, 
int'Btteet' Honu, Philadelphia, wlU.probablyrMohfthenL' 

. '■"%niftliTat' tliAe (asldo ' fmn ' tbe Salamasoo 

Ja^w iO^OM.' agttiM BUlin'^.AIlsh and mats, Bashlon 

ttmi.^Tbp Iidy hi^ been' married and 
i^^ihJlld 'lN|a£. . .'.The' gebt^fjman yon men* 

' k^ioir.aoUiiog'of eioept that 
^l,jbr..: Win Bbow>yoiir Istte^to'tbam; 
Iaynair»1>lei(i>aanleforll«»l: 'I 
jCBBMtf-VmUtieioDl Pi (kuin idaylng at bagitcdie; It a baS' 
QtfjottiltisLtatte, Mdkes: Ihe wab and theh^lls'baek'again 
9*09)1, ttdbeabotoonnt and shooia be'tfiKen dff''ts'"dead." 
Bki^.alvW 'g.jmii^Bltofls 1(^^ and;}«ft'h»nd f6^en)0i't' 

I. MAdlilo^'j^B 9k(^ Baioiil'i'^rere' emudljf. good ellha£way. 
Vew prlie flghtey staud irittkthe.rlghthiihil'xiiit. {-.T^: { .;;. , 
b'^^Vr-ieei :tbe {ebt:h'u bMntwloeiu*' 
Xraatee In OS mln, B&x saoi^ and^oncehy 

.Stseost-. si ;i 

PMghkeSpEle.'.N. T^Wkrd's qnlokeel'flTe'mlli 
Mm*, In a pnbllo match, waa that at the SUyer Belt Ohamploik- 
aUpaMdXBfcBllltah laland, where he'^ifSnWaS mliLlOseofi 
i:9M!, Ma-kflbi riDti.— lilk'e'Wiith'dlsd'^ Kew'Tork elty,° 

iBgJtn.laUdf fottaltroMsiloiL '.:T6n'3uin1i<r(''th'e UandtiTol 
'Vhit9tik;mUiaTeilo«ndan> > :>,^Oui;i !.iM;r>Si<<:'. ,- '.T 

,^^<k^B^^VT¥4'.o*nnot .glTe.y.OQ ^gmtlfflian'h present 
^sjl^^aotise: We dinnol teD yon ,of .tt^^^tl|t)r'ffl^lni£i^^ 

»™.rTJ'pple,»na MorrlBierfonghtfor HOksMfrln 
l!)>«8illau':.«A Ama gtreetidook. Inly 95; ir" 

T.iAyidfatinf ^H.^T.^Th'e esrde '«n»ll&BMid'''«biMilati 
NNdlMdswpfiUe^I''J'i'' ' i:i;:i'--'i Bn.i'i'i ii '~r;:.: 

(iwlihjyoniailthiaiae 'iTttiand 
♦yJMU? r,' i» '.,-i-'yil: u.ii 'ii: '1. 

^JW^&lH tthntb'lettelr hits 

BeTViMiAed>aK>il ->.: 

Vlit'B^^mtXi^ii. . _ , „...^^, 

, .^^PWWvi.ri.'i'r .. 

. w-j.,SWti»'*rHi'P'" wnffof«^e/My»W^ 

'amuefrMioi'ihlsTcIalne.t • •■ '^ . rT r . i . f.)r<.i ( ji u 
&ili^elnbja.-^yre ,haV« iu> reooll 

.. iymfcaleUli)((pJftto ]iragedy, ,,■ „,,. 
I}*la.— Twelve oenlaTer Una tbr each and-ewryj 
"WW off W. three months., .■ .i.^ ■■■ .:i.' )v,i/ 

t«?5' "<>»'««"'teoelr«tth» fdrmar'ttt 
taaiffofenfcii ■ 1 1 1 •■ ■ i* 

where. Whip, to.,. „ .. 

tiiem tl)! -tlM •mnker'otiiSf^'^ Oher dwildBdly 4Pod 

things tb'h«Tolnihe:iiiKiSiid It la * the 'ttnuloken';; 

' can no. longer' sl«t*jBe'Sijiiijjng ind etgar air.; ■We^te 
' wlthdiiiwal wffl oanse manf of oriri^y 
DnndrearjB to eiolaliii .■wUh .ttie Unmprtal bard Vlaow ja.t^k 
Trtnterofonr dlsc<mt«nt;'^bnt iet them not commit snlflldB.te 
In a fewslmrt weeto. Zero permltUag, they wUhaTS. anop. 
portonlty to exofaknge tbelr rldli^ psUkeyi <tir 

.Aalmoralt, (prndea'siar/theyare isuiipifid hot w»:doh;t ieeH) 
.'a!nd skating pa(aph4a>>la.''0annat' lom*. «f: onr .<isfiiuintlal 
p!ommlttei"pr«TOU on the prolong tftetoitay.totll 
t^e Oentralluk pondbh)oqndlJAciiEi7 Thtywonldnot, Jndg- 
g from the preaeot sti^Vtbewsl^sr, luve to wait 
grand baU ! What' a- 'gnSd^lasngnratton of the skating 
o^mlTsl ll .'wonld prove fc^be. . Sy'ail meahe let ns have an op- 
pprtonlty to see the dM^Hnioavlte diM^ on the park pond. 

TBI Buiorm) Wm— Another, and a crowning work, by Urs, 
Ann 8. Stspheni. Fram the days, lob'g ^e, of '•Adilon and 
limlne,"the fame of this gUledsnthoreashaa been steadily on 
the i norckse, and the present wMk, lit She prcdnoed no otber, la 
fitting ollmaz. ' Space folrblds .na; vtevlewi 've can only pay:, 
bny it^verybodyt ndngUsg of;phases«fhnfable Ufa with 
tae.hlghai.'ptrsonagea la, in tbls^ 4ia«^ peonlljuly.hiqppy: This 
vol nme ISnstrateii |fcM.^BttpbeiiBi'lilgliuit, anidlttes; .hu.ifliarao- 
iers «itp«'i«santed wlilt 'sw4i pot^.tliBt tbey seem' oor own every 
iij atf^ulntanees; jandwe fMl'^'lntaiUe;'Sinnp«thy Vrlth theiq. 
'idd'eeS t)<e dci^-'to'*^''^ the belirt 'lalinimd ImlDsoy paa£igak 
1^' piofonnAj^.b^irovdiall appaitent.el^^ of aEt,nlde pp. 169, 
183;'37D, 8n (comlo)^<f '(tg., md the lutaniie; dnnutlopoweT'of 
tti;e whol«.<;^fio||'f^^W A¥°4 Bnmi earllii: 

lib. Ibf ^iwok Is a iBsgnlilniiTitly prttfedlj mixl 'pp.:4Sa.: ; T. B. 
fateison^&Bros,, 806 Ohestirat'StreMV'FUIMtjpbl'^^^ I^ 
by ^. '.IIext^,HaDmtonl''^'po;,'il^';Sa^ti:'i^^ 
p8pir,'|l; mnaIIn,$l.Ml'>'^.,.-:'^ :;i'.'' . ^ ;•, ''■.■•; • 

'Y6ra'EiBU( ASS 'ta^V, hu. bMn 'tlje advice', frequently 
eliw by totareetedbnt 'nntirinolpled jrtlltilnlana to thelr consll' 
taints. As we are ' not >>Ittlclans we danhdt' ^endorse aaDb' ad- 
.vl^;'.;butbeii<(( lnter«hk( .^„tli* tiexpt^^jr/itthe Union and tbe 
stability of its inslitatlbns,' we can emphatically axpress'the 
ho^ thati evety American dltlzen w^ vote at the Mew Yor^ 
elgctioia 6ti'^the''^l]l;lntt','.'|i!e^ jaipkspsW and 

'd6ino«r»tlb "motto . ■•i- 1"-.!'!' .. ■'<■ y ■ , 'm i--..- 

^ •iTheUnloiiM<(imd'St('piesmed,'V'''.|'.'!:..,\^^ 
prnfl'Voft'i^ iid l^i ^h.ttiaVdjtirnoLti^dorui^' . , / 

J_£ I/-. : - ;'.' ! r'i . .1.. ■'■ ■<■ •■■'■'■''^ ' 

TBa'Iiurs'AHft FBionos or >BDaEU-.1CiiDlire, oontldered b/ 
Yi'tbi'liiteti of eira''gmes, i^d-'i^oirj'o^^^ tii the'most'ev 
ively placed of any, is'yet Ih'i leul^jiis nflsd'by recogidz^d. 
.— ^"ranily thlsdeflU«>oy,'ihb'tRat^ aii'd Is 

ilssned tn'a:!'new tiA mlstd'adUlott'.'r'.: Ihe nplanalloli of 
lB'4SiMMI;ffxielIijn't''At>Mlifiilly printed isino. 

;a0«nt,'MvAnn'atrwt,% T. 


'BnX BttVBtB'DZ^ute'Olt.' WixD.' 

the . H^nlll and . Joih Ward „race8 (qr, 
pnlled,' between WUllam B^t(nji,,cr 7i 



illbbrt Wara .liSB to fwetlm'ci Deed jbdneldered a p'romlslSR 
.,....v. ..„.«.r.^.iri.. thelal/oomwall 


'Se, ie()0. 'Olake^wbtflSiihil 


taammiKiiMtmti. Began whoadyertisesinttttrooldttiur 



innV^eoember'lilh^'i We: 

k d.ltiwtai'' io •'allp!r ini.bnX«iot!tt**<'4ms itbp.' 

ifi/'tolliii.' n i;' .. -.. ■ : k::.) ■<,. r.i:jhi <. .■ 

t^la •):( f.:. Ill r.i I..'" u.U >1 .IIU. !v'H !>.i' .1.-. 

"-^ilni OuuBA.—'nie loter«<ifi4[port.tti' ih^ *nrf,of 

r and KDlbeting next leiaoB. T, 
JVidnMsnnr*! the iaicotttM' ' > ' 


^dt^(lo)i,,an'd' by inany be 
the ciQce hla brotberJoih 

mta Ibohed npon as'a fit cwdldate for 

ha 1^ sd. .loPK. and :ix>L)>ftW dVdd^ ! fibjls, not iaaUs as tall or so 
■st<ritUhlillrothor,.bnt£feth? ■f-'--*^-- --- - ■ ' 

jip mlar w'lthHildion river boaqni 

»!pqg, aw,eep||Dg iatroke. so 

^1 If jojinds; He Is Opts , 

i/a IS M'jreiT^li^ar.slrbkb.'' In fonr'bwed and other races or rt- 
'^^jhb^inejt Tllh conndeiaM^ siic^; and this, added to 

IbWer df 

;^ "jiojifxfiBg tbe cobrse'! |tt,Ward'and Hamlll's ls«t 
a prOmlosDt admirer of aanaUo sooirta ot. Ponah. 

M< eV indnced' a prominent admirer of a<. 
<K»ipsle to' bock him agslnet ao Wfd for tbe'am'onnt above 
^Bknetaod ^fler It hm madf ho Was for the, first, lime, pnt 
Ib^lliUj^nne of trying. Oh tbe .Aaybrlglnall; fixed forlho 
'btoi otf^he hlrbnlontiU^.' Of, lie waters rendered a 
rJ?iH' iiS^^!^- ' 'o'W'rtng .dv, however, 

Oi, ibi ,ef<i4iedta uters deeaed, favori^lei, aiiL4^}, is., fixed. 

it, oi kewblugi, fdr'Ward.'aiid' 
'o^ateyens,vibUe John Uoort. 



fmlf^i^lSkn aii'd rtlsJearilll fiiving dra*ti''tho«TtonUon'„ 
he^leg .nlOItaJn, Mother dirMUM hardly a corporal's gvard 
Itas. of' inM vbar tTeW .Tork CMbald^tble entboslum^i^as 

„. ,, - . lobohb 

' lo|So<(k(mt, W ;tt#ubnrgh,1f( 

lpT I Ibnii^efilla.Ie, UibepUd the ooeroui pfflce of. rabree, ifhere 
lWRi.o''JnPfral| Jew, toeeent, the , late Ohamr 
5?H^» ffiW"***"'? «i and. the fight 
nlSgeriia fitvUiR drawn tho nitonUcoTdf Jb< 

^ — „ 11 MTiniwJyt^ rfftft ' 

mantfi)sled"I>ythii'n{i)rls of.'»e«bargh and PoDBbkeepels,'two 
rival .rlTM. towns, bbt there vifl .more Ibooietlcia than procilMl 
beftlBO.' InlrlUt: JlftWi'ttiite,'.W»a d4ne;,W»ta had tbo cljh At 
15:04, P. If;, an the;;llM*Msry trellmlbsrlos having been ar. 
rlinged, ti the propeVWjniiU bblh m^ n dropped tbelr blades and 

?r h'rs^.M' Mr?^.;i'd?hc^^^^^^^^^ 

nuking the tihn, WhM,>ie,tgtpel on a liltlo mora steom, clored 
t gap, add passed'UlS lAu; getllBg ionai the stelie hott I 
m\t taifiyo .^ndj i^Dad, .XhU gave him'd great afl- , 

th^ short 

Vani^tf w^lch Waird 'oHiUdlibTliKiiwiudl overcomerowlba, 

alleg'^ Mlainn mi* ' fPhi' jIam;^..^...: ^'^ *J 

. leged, to his annsolvlMont..2^t\f<oniebtience 


was that ha. 
la distasoe In 

We stietA)^ tbWy-nlna mlnttts «^:«'5;};„J**!2,%, » 

oXgTo the lateaeMof-lheswm.nuy be looked ni«naa^ 

/IiuiI« forl8«3,we snppoee; bntlnl8Mwe 'h^LiSilSS^hS 
1(»k eut lor Mn«h.lLf :a<itKme good t^^^ 
Wodif, flleveBsrHamlll, and others, to which the stakes will be 
qnot^ VtraUghet'flftiue'Uu^itUe .above. 


lB*xTB0TOimj»6Li.isTB0T.— An assemblage, estimated at 
MOO people, oamd together on the HaUonal Oonrw, Washington, 
to wlueu the great trcttlDg contest tor $1,000, the oapllal prize 
ot the trotting w^. wblob, ai pravlonsly ainonnced, bad been 
p(*tponbd'to' thflrth nit. Three fott "nns anally appMred at 
tte<«at3ir»ttti*, Pilnoe, and Belle ot Hartford. BnU^ the 
'slaahtng buck gelding, owned by Si-Ald. Oenet, ot New xork, 
waa the winner of the raoe,. u wu expected by the knowing ones, 
The iiiie 'wte 'W«n eontested, however. San Uaoa managed to 
land the gamellUle bay geldloi. Prince, first at tbe score at ^e 
end etthslhlfd beat ■ Be came home lapped tpon BnUer In the 
fourth and last beat, the ftstest of the raoe. ' Bomman':— 

NAnomi. OoiKaE, Washington, Oot ^th.— Irpprletor's pnne 
11,000, mile heats, bests to 8 to haniesa, , 
B^r.lovettenteiodblkgBntler... 11 J 1 

DanUaoeenteredb gPrlaoe...i.'>:'... 8 i \ ' 

Mr. UarUn entered oh m BeDe ot Hartford. . .2 .8 dr 
•ame-iMH: ixSiiii itaiK: 


SiaiorsLT I»nra»i>.— At the trot on the above na)ned coarse on 
iheasth nit, for $1,000, mile heats, best 8 In 6, between Lady 
OOlfton and Fanny Allea, the driver of tbe latter waa capsized, 
and waa to all appearance serlonsly tojnrefa Tbe qnadmptda 
had alraidy 'done two heata which Fanny hid won. thns moktog , 
hei ^he favorite In bettligat extravagant odds, and had been 
■ttflad evenly for the third heat tirhlah also looked very mnch In 
fknt ot Fanny, being over a length ahead at tbe halt mile pole, 
wheitli4y OllAota made a sport and began dosing, and as Ibej 
went Into the tower tnm ber head was olose np to the wheal of 
Iteny'A]Iaa.,"In antnalant more the vehlol^s were together; 
- --- -'-■■•^ — tamed np side down, and Fanny Allen was 
Ul speed around tbe track, with' tbe broken 
herhwls. ladyOlUton dldnot seeqitobe 
b~bytbe ledilent, for whan the^eyesof 'Oie 

^ from .where Jones lay on tbdhoonl, they 

iti o np tha'iiomeetretob on a aqnanvot, and at a 

than ahe bad shown betore In the raoe, coming io.ihe 
— ' - acoldeat Idolpded. Every body nowmshedto 
<f!^Bcraoe Jones, and to aseertalathe.axteiitor 
lidncalved. He wufonnd lying :on thetraokln- 
fithe Jar hsbad rieoelvedto his lUL-'BIaear na 
^Ing vary freely; Irat apart.&om'tbai there did not 

_„ any bthar'i extenal wooBda, He:vrM placed be 

o^age, attd-aent'lfflmMtaialy to ib^ «lty . for medical aid. ';He 
aeemad to iwxmr: bis leMon aohiswbaton hU. way t»town, 
and'ttompUlnM' of great paln^to hi* bretat ^ Pfifer, the drlvet ot 
£i2l^gi{ltpgnuopwtt8 for thb Aoddent by sartitg. that Borice 
i^-t.iJig:r:.i,„n mtn.thfl gwi^'arid at that moment Horace's 
ip<and : swervtog to atlll more onPAfer, thcr latter 
jr Horace's wigotf; . Pfifbr'B escape was mp«it 'iron- 
Ittdges state ttat tbiByhad'hd way of sMcStalntog 
^i»y ware statloDCid-^ne half mOe tarn the spot ot 
whether :theie was any fonl .pli^lv either of the 
telt tbemsatves eompellsd to awara the raoe to the 
the^rojper welgbta'to tho stands^ Snmmary:- 

jOBBi; i £— Wedneaday,'..Oot, 28th, match $1,000, 

aillaiieals, bett three to five. 
d: 'Pilfer named i bay mare, mate to Lady Olltton, to 

: -, harnesa^ .'.' a . ■ 9 ■ 1 

Hdnob K Joneanamed b mFanny Alleo, .tO'wagon. , ... .1 1 dls. 
; .-r': 'rtoioH>:81X;a:«?K5 a:»8^^ , 

Tarn iT BuiWt6az.—Ou tbe28thalt,tbere«as an exciting 
trottlBg contest at Baltimore, (or a pnne of $1000, between Prto- 
oess ud OeiMral Bntler. mie odds were at first On BnUer; after 
the first heat the betting waa even, but after the thbd and toorth 
heaiaPrtoceaswasttaepetst onehnndfedtoten. Upon coming 
np to the'atand for the first daah, tbe horses, started off In splen- 
did stile; BnUor, however, broke and fell bebtod, bnt aprndlly 
lesaened the gap, and reached the aland to 3:32^. Tbs second 
and third beats were won byPitocess to 2:30 aud3:81. Upon 
contesting tor tho fonrth heat, Butler rarprlsedhls most aan- 
gntoa friends by his superior movements, maktog the score to 
2:31^ and tlia fifth to 2i30<l^. He waa therefore declared the wto- 
ner. . . .■ .. j.. . i; 

TBomHO AT BoBion:— nerewai a goodly assemblage on the 
FianhllnParkOoursa,nearBasion,iass., Cn. the .28th nit; to. 
Mtneea two' spirited and well contested trotting srentsi 
firrtthefonowtogtoa: • '''.^ '" 
' I' . - ' BcnouaT. ■ 

■■ JTatih $200; mils he«|a; three to fivs. 
8 'White natoed g m Xady Hale, to 180 lbs 'wagon; . 
I Woodiuflnamedg g BIDy Orayi'to 'wagon: 

- Basi Biu'mmb W flttKHii|.='ATerylnter«atlngg«nt 
wu pUyedat Bedford on OotMth, bstwet9> tbe dnt aloe pf tbg 

Ion Oot S , , „ 

Atlantlb Ctab ftnd seventeen plajen, oomposed of twelve eri'nl!? 
«M nfl fltb baU playeia, tbe m«jor3y of thepiaveta belnn!? 
gMW ttW.Mew Tork Orloket Olnb. and the bill pUyers. of 
'Atlantic Base Ban Olnb. The original arrangement wu the al 
Untie nine agatoat eighteen old countmnen, bat tram tmri 


- ■ 

petranoe, and to conseqnenotf, tbe.gaae.'hM'itaiUmadeuD u 
beat they could, the match beltgihssahairobbiia. af m u^^ 
Interest attached to It In spite of the cpldneas of the duT 

. — — - ,siriJS»-. 


;i 1 1 


mm».i^2:MX; 2:61X; 2:82. • 
The nttt race was one creating a great. dUd of totereaf aa It 
InauBurStedanew teatore to trotting, and one thilTftauit'.even-. 
tuaUyprevallonalloTirctnuses. TUs Is the appototHihnt ot oha 
fudge to decide the race. If timekeepers, are..reqa|md, they 
bughttbbetodepetidentdf thi Judge, and' iia their .prfvtooe. Is 

m'osttoteNstlpgfbatnreiIir.,Bobbtos i^ever'hav. ^ .. 

appbatod to'}M]i«T acstnme, 'Tbe'bompetfng',>^ were. the 
gSji tdiup; koliy, and the black mtM, {Uispimt, th^: e^va, 
Bfeari.'!). Bbbblna and "T. 0. White, to' drlte,'.to 'wliAbn, sille 

audttpiAL' '••' ' :■ ■ ■. ,',■: "" 

■ ■ . :i..'.:; -r.-j ■. !< ; SUMKABX." , ' • ' i '■ ' ."' , . ,' ; , ■ ... 

' ' UatcbrnoO; mlla a^id i^fwit;' to wagbns. ,/ . 

T O'Whlte named blkm Uuspedt/i ;.';o'. ■ • -1 21 
H Bobblhaiiamedci'mllolly..;;. :..'..',,.%'. ..'.'..V"2 1.2 
• ••■ . • ■°'Tlm»i-8:«B;. 3:19; '8:18.'. .."..';.:' .' .■,' . .. 


' BohosEN vs. K>w ToBK.— Tbd tlinmd match bifwpen jMleked 
ntoea 'trbm the' above 'kealltlei, which' took, plipe.,Pn theball, 
nofihds ai eSd' st^t, lldjotolng the 3d avbnue'rall road'idepdtt 
'on FHday, Oct'2ad, turned ont to be, aa'a contest b'et«;(en . the' 
■trengtb'of the two parUtsi next door to ^^Me,. " IIu!6agh>iM^ 
'yitohng. It was'not tfnly a tedUma^Hme'tot'tha a^otatois^ bpt.'- 

&iieioiAe one to'themsjcrltyibf t£a fielder^ 'AAer a bonteatptj 
twondQisi dnrtott which oiUy t6nr Inato^'hod been'pUjfed; 
daAseee JMgan rapidly to approach, Tbas far the game .bad 
been entirely one-sided, the INew Yorkers apparently ftodtog no 
•dlSoolty to battlfie the btUs pltohsd by HoSweeny and Wodsleyj- 
their scon at the^ose ottha fourth Inntoga being 28 to (, whIoU' 
'wasnit matailally altered to the next- lnBlnga,-aawlllbe seen 
bVthefbUowtog secret— I i\- •' i*... •■■■i- 

■ ■*■-..; iBATmraj -: - ■ '.• ■'' i v M.:, . Mt;' 

B,L,:BCIIt I '> I' Sww'SOBt. l'.'i' ii.u.aX!iii 
l.' ia.'i'i Hannesan; pi'...J.'.'..'.2''' (8'l" 

i :: I 

'jj i' HOBODW.: . 



Pibe; latV.;).iVi 

BboBey, 8db 


.'■.'.4 . 

.'1119 ) 

Btohem^P fJ'^v .i.i„-;l..l' 

hT Wright, as..., 9 

Tl|oHisj'r tl i !• •.< v. ■ • • ' ■ 2 ' 




■ i> 



■ -0 I'.l 


Dr.'Ben,'l'fr;'.:.'.i.';,v.'U >< 1" 

Hudson, a a 2 "' 8' 

iAbramsi.'lstb.-.l.': ...<.'l <':!>3>< 
BlrdsaU, o;.;;.>. : . .'..B.i';'>1"'' 
Pattetooil,.'2ab.'i.';.jUJ0-'- 1 A 'v 
KlflholSon;8dbiv.i.Vi;.-l <" B' ' 
T. Ballon, of.'.'l<^''.l'P.'.2 ' '^2^'' 
JeWiett;r' j.-<il.ViO "- 'l4!i( 

• ' , . ■, ,1-.,) r.-;, Ir l -ii )'u 

•(I J 

niWi:.;.'.'i>'-1--.>''<''-'^'' i>:i.:(rotaIi.;ki.ti'.';.>';..';k'j98''''' 
»•«•' •.•'t->ifcw=iBM'liilwt-*%Adl'taiBfcSA" --.'•i't •'■ «» "«' 
,;i'.' -irt ad " 8d''''4ih;'8th' «»h','ijW:;itt',W^ 

.ymasfi^iil&i*; btthe^kfort'oiW, ;;''..;:.■'.'.';•. 

, • >£«3ban»^Wahafj:,.!frSo^ ^LT Ij 1 1'lf''',- 

btibe^ktoi^'alob, ij 

Piased Bans— wanajyy,.y I ™u>sy,,jj;W««.H,:.«ij '-^ ■■ifir.i: 
,Stin!k.mt7rMpBfi;e«i^, 1;,jPP<^ /,Btpk$m, ^| .^al^er^ J), 

' KVqutifn ifoul b^fis-j^ 

.^.Um'es.vBbboken^twlg^' n-'i. 

"A Bas* iajji lfATOBwM played atAQiany, ^,.Oo(pb«ti(>iii.> 
letween'the etf^ andCowBoyHi which r^sqltad to,thp.defpat:M: 
ihb Oov'floisby <*nii»B. The loorei-r.. . •: :;irl .r :i I, 'j •iO 

thb Oo^, 

tfcOlnni*, p» 
J Seliy,'o. ;.'.■•".-■ 
Fllagetald, 1st b 
McOaiTlok,'2d b'.i '. 
Dtolan, » r..'i.'."«' 
Batters, rf, 


:i..2; 8 <: 


..I B 





r , Totali. 

,A 7.;. 

fl**! LI 

CowBoM i> II '.'B,ti:«n(i 
W:Uarphy,'pi.;ivr.'V.'.li> ''lOii' 
,Honagban,'«.v.<^.'i;;.8 ''-''0 •■ 
Beatl)^ B s I'l .>..'.'. :p8 u i>'l;'> . 
JBtay,.|Btb;.;';iJl.vl($"'-! ti' 
V Uorphy.M b;'jv..'.'Ja>i ' ' li'<< 
EBray,'8d\b;'ll..i.;<:'j:'.«' " '0 
0 Mnrphy,lf....i'.''.'/i'.8'' "■f'-' 
aulaoil,'S f.'l ; . . .•t:iiV' " : » 
Flemtog; tt. ... Hi: .'iJt «"0'J 

.• I I !•> . ..•■' .1 'i ' ■ •■.:r.ll iu '„). 

" ' Totol.'ik;i'.';'.ii'.i'.vl.'i'J'»';i' 

„,TnRlSaiSZ0II9AIII> AlBLienO'^AUi:lOH)H<:io 

piaye'd.aa«c0pd'ntoe mat^b^tor tbe pbaqplpnshlpiPt mnfflnlim, 
Ust week) 'which wm won by the Keyslpps, : The,play,ol DIebIt 
left ileld lor l|ie Keyalbntr, was finl.oiass, naWng^wo fine 

lalso idayed wea The reiammttdiirtU: take, pUespo 1^**day> 
NoiVt ith) ontb»Atbl«Ui)i8tanndsQn„17>h'and kUsteraUeeb. 
.ui. t. de Binder Bicbapdi, aatad aa:.wnplre, and give.ttBlvetsal 
rw^s"*"' '''^ ^ t«e..kov%.' W«Mr;K*Tiitpa«,,Ml 


l^aitW „ 

by'th?oon^tfliiVarll*»,'enb to th<olher,>-tlle tbsoll boSg'SI 
ftatemlelBg ot tne New Tork aDdUiUantIo dubs on the ooculmi 
l^t apeaks favorably tor tbelr future totoroouree to aloiUtf 
gamta Al^yaNtap matf|).hBsbeen.:.pI«o»dqponthi»i^ 
inmmt as 'one of the flist games ot the seuon ot IBM, the sim« 
& be a game ot cricket between-tweaty-two bate ball playera ua 
th^^^relevra.afthe^^w,irork <dal}<i A nu^toh al|o b talked^ . 




Scarce, o 

Smith, 8db.., 
Orane, 3db... 

I, each and all did reoaitably well to tbelr poiltloBL 


fame oi cncut oeiween i w»u t y -iwo oaae oaii playere ml 
ele.vea.a(ttie,New,Tork otnl}.^! A match also b talked^ 
1 np.the tit fli»,j^^t a'e^foii. b^twt^'ebven a3£' ' 
1 the aeoofid «U>TeB of ttjajtr^w Tbik,<liit) f\ <^et iha 






lOhapman, of 


" '•;>'-ivitrf ' ^ '•' «■'■■' 

I,':/s.*»WtVf l^AVf 


Hammond, 2d b ^'.troli $n 

Byron, p ..-.^ So*. o«j ^ 

Hanh.It A 0 

§iilLTt 1 0 

Denbigh, a a 


Hndionr o f. „. ;iil'i'J "J'rl 


10 B'v.'iil; ' !i: 



•.t'u.vIiiiI'v;! II .'Ijir ,, .B.U-kim 
Whltet<u'.'. m ;i'.l .h-.A't 0 

)SeMwAfcJci'iU /;«i4.:.'>.o 
,uwkar>'f,ii .';ii9>!iiii 

Stelle, f 3 0 

:K»«».t 8 0 

rl) '((|i|iiit oiJ! i! 1 711 1'.i.lT 
i ,.L'aALjtiyi^i liiiLUufi '" 

■ — tn'sB»'/i»iy 3 

Old Countrymen... 1 1 

lumplre— P. O'Brien, pf, 1 

*^ontatMti^ltU4^ik''ii'^ U- 

iPut oat at aeeond baae— B. Wrl^il, by Orans, tiri«, 
{Put out at third basiCi^San,:BtilMiaid<lfddMVlT BnlUb,' 
Put ont athome; ba s Bi H lghaihi'.by BgrsiffBi' tta'B{M(as,by 

BJmmond. ; .;'j,'.j ;.'i 'ic'-j: i.;':i *'■ J. J;i >■"■■ ';'■',-.' 

Ply catohes madet-^Ptanei Oniia,' 9)'- Bptagd*,' 4i .iBtitt it 
OUvIn, 1; Bmith, Ir-totd^ 11. Btehe,' 2i HanUt;b£a;4;?E. 
Wrlgbtf>l-.totai:Wi:')' T.',.v r.'jj ;:■ '..> •. '^i^oi lE'iflTf 

Catohes mlssed-StaIbl'9;vBnlli 21 U. 8ialth,:li 'BpittMe,9r. 
Start 9; Oranvlr <JaIvta.'K ■■ -i - -ii ' '■ t - ™^ 

[Left on bases— Byron, 1; Btelle, 1; Smith, 1; Orane, 3; Oliver, 
ii Spraoue, 1; Obapman, 1; 0>lvni;.1, 

Sound eatobeaitlaila ifHd'CoaiftrirmMii'lBri'AllaBaiuTlt/''- 

{Outs— br the twelve cddketenj U;: byiibe ftra ball players. 11. 

frimoof^gainiv twohomwaadfilty mliintes;! - ji.. . ':' ; > i. 

I b'Ai-i ' ■ ■' .' .■.y^/i :ii: .1" :■" -'■■. '."■■' !<■ ': 

y. <- • . I... I ■ 

iFoBziOR fF0BTiiialTiiaiirBBiBr,^^-Oar flleof MMgh'spbi;^ 
papers hivtog arrtved' Jostbefbre we go'to t*es6;wvluyblaiily 
rdomfora abartsummsryof avanto.. . iXhtf^orMiipXf/'tbf Oct 
91, lakes aides 'with lb contemporary, and threatons to throwpi. 

ojUam OTerboatd unleaa better randacted to futore Ur. 

IbnyHolt, (puglllatlDr Mporterof -iUt'iI^; and refeKe'lli ue 
^te fight betweesilMllota'and Iravers,) Jem'Dlllon, Bob Mtos, 
Jack HIcka, Alec K«ana, Nat Langham, Fred Oliver, GMo.'notni, 
BbaTyler, and BobiWebb, were Ul aentanoed to ten daya'loiptlgpB. 
nient at tUe Oxfordahlie; Quartor SesiloDs, on the 90th ult/for- 
b^g present at tbe'Blllon and Tnvers' fight ' Pretty rci^h on 
tbeboIa,paItlonlaIdy^BO for Harry' Holt. v!.;. Ted ITajiper 'and 
^b Fprge fought In tha liondon IHstrlet on Oot J0lh,'a mtUbg 
and protracted baiUe, lasUng Bb. IBin., and 109 ronnda.wben 
dlrkneaaputastoptolt [Full jlAitlbalars to our next].,.,,. . 
' Ohx cotemporarlee sbto (bat £10 b dowil' far-Ike Baker (o tflit. 

JceOoea, Howbthbl H.Oardneranaj. P. Joseehada 

Brimming match fbr£M.on:the lBihult Bbtancej 'X mlle/M 
yards, won by Jones to Bm., the qnlckest tima on record.^' 

■ I ' \ 'i , '.* ■ '? ., ■ ,'.^ .''' . ' 

FiBSidar'e IlmiKB.— Theiiie dbp 

hid a grand parade and toapecUon on'i 

(of Haverhill, Uasa., 
b^ asth nlt., the prowl- 

Inge oToatog by a trial 'of the throwing powers ot tbe vbiIou 
labs." Tiger, No. 1, 41 men, threw a stream 200 feet 10 inchv,. 

Thb machtoe b ot Jefler^' midte, baa ao(an,l9ch oyltoder, wlUi 
end atroke. ^wo and one-hair liiph,hbse wu na'ed by this com- 
pany. The boys tbol(hald'0t 'th4 bra)(ea with /k will, and.on Um 
fliat trial aent a Jet squarely over t)ie^le, reiohtog an altUadt, 
■ccordtog to the Jild^es,«f 161 feet and 2 toohei. Tfied- W.'Let, 
No. i, (0 men,, threw. (4th ttttl) 301 fbat 4 toob^s, beating Ko, 1 W 
Slnohes. Thb bb b'sle^oof'^tbeJeffeis paltem, with ten bca 
ojdtoder and olds (Mke; and pUved tl^iigh the aame hoae:,u 
nded by tbe Tiger. Each tdb 'iue'w lla own water and played 
through 300 feet of hose, Tbe trial was merely for supremacy, 

[\\ -.-,»!! ■' , I' ■. ..' . !-". I " ' 'l-'I'-i 

V Oeasut WAi,itt'«Bxinm<--«wln^t(f<tU*.^torDrwe<(ttu'» 
jlhere was bntveiy^fU^atteddaboe a^'.'UoptgAifiery Hall, bi ut 
aoth nit The foUoWto'^' Maers-appeared'afad aparndr^Icn 
mran and Al£<WaIkeir/%lU' BUMy'ted'Pim'c^, Ot-BmrtoiLBUl 
HoXialn and Tommy Ueakta,' Vjlok Rpbto- 'aifd JlmEerrun 
'.Whltebeaded Bob and Ub(Mauir''Tem -.Fanvl 'add Boapol 
iSwcleon Jenh]nB.'aBd':SrolhUr,'Wlth'(IIlka Sbney and Obirlty 
I Walker to tbe wtod np. Unole UU. Tovee appeared oa U. 0,, 
,me first time ^ce h^ rftnm.^oto w 

Bia CBAiJAolifiwMjiit'tieimTTTh'elal^ 
Elliott b open tdfijOiti^y JWila.Aqerica s4,j)rap»;)« to'lWt^ 
for from tSOO tq.$lMra'a|df| al^taiyJUDa agreel.upon. 
.Uan and money M^^...'^',£l)l^ j{]!)<nX 
'ffiooklyn. , ^l .;v,iii'. j- ',).''.i;ii .i -:.■•> . 'ji'i i.'' ^ ii" ' •'' . 

foi TBI WAUixBiJalMiAooaurwanb'to'sedyoa'liiinsdbtsly. 
„i ' 'I' ■ j^r- ■ ■ ■ " '"' •' 

roiJHa Sfobt to Jauu UcOabbc— Thb well known pe'*. 
aaees to accept JUcOabeb dudlengft .loi nn itwo, mllei, snd,^ 
■pfet bim at tfii <£^nm 'oq\S^n)B'i^ 
,^)makearrang(tUi^,lt^lijljjaJ:((p, ,,.,(,>. , 

L Foot B^o^t4W^>lM'4m^^ 

.ij'.:',.ii;'.'.'>.':« ^ - 
IBAU.IHOB TO TouHa BFW(.-::J,£.Iaoki0n. win run. OSw^ 
I eve a fi<ra~mlIeTB«rii^$nb a slde'and give him slity Jt™ 



I eedaya, bas'^^^J^iat kniidbJIsfcalu^^i e'^een In 
..uf £ell< France. The clcae was-brllllant to tbe eitreme. Da 
'griat event of the loat day bwa.rtbs) otieccid on account of IM 
'.mignltade Of the slakes, Thtf b'fttlfagwu evenonBtradella,^ 

rdTihbttitekt.avUie Mlh the IhM 

pipUtTons, The sui 


DbWixds that have 'never won thAjilloe prize betore; enlrtnc^ 
Hltt,, ht It : second to receive halt the enUy.: hpisea bred 1%*"** 
;*3st alloweai01b|-f*nf "fallW '"^^' '■■ ' ' ^ 

SL,\ Bobto's Bouvenlr, by CaravaB— Emllb, 4 yn H'P, 
i-^l P'. nr.. f ■!,■', Haidcaitlel 

SLlAnmont's Orphelto, 4 yri.'uilb..'. ! Bsn^.lisJ 
pfntvV.TletBgranse'siBtnldilU, 4'-;»M,'UUb:-.:.'... '-0.^,9 


U'lfijeaa (lU^nf^W^ 

'ana"liomngiiWbiflll debWjMii, > 

;ii[iin'(niunid,.MnilitifBS ^ 

dlxlihliestrslUnlt ibatdhl ofi'the Odi 
.#oHht'oa'Ualfttb'a1t', IBoth'lada 
bn MUt told tA'go/ Hollll)RS«iolih' 
taUed.fbrlkve muss and* balt'vrtiilfl 
add won byitioenty'^AtdBi' Tlml 
s<!ot>iulll(mlD','9(seo,;' thlrd^Zimltl, 

was declared drawn, or 


nNnt^'a*iSt^uni!ii to°2 bibi 

JJ E O B K ^ O L I P P El B; 

""."v.-i rtMtrldito. flaring tli>;i»«t weei, we tm ierj little io! 

* qiVMtheoBeBf"W<'' *^l»P'«'«';»*»^''''''"* 
^•^^^i:i!{M^iibwSiori 6Tl)^ik Ei\ flook nlBhtlyto 
^"'T^SSm Thi Bro»<lw»yMi#en M tbe Boweiy eitobUsh- 
I. »U been doing ii TtaJ gob4 ittijliig bnelneee. 
uMVSeroD commenoed «a enugemeat >t Mlblo'i Strdon, 
MtSuih dt;dpepiDg 14 "OsmllSJ* The tofllence/'tAi'tlie oe- 

^T?.l!r liM rolOvi In "u* ^1*7 Tery luge,' end BhV;<li<tntln' 
«iu on tbe off ntghta of Utr. Forroet to large wd eeleot 
Her rendition of- "Medea" vu moat .exceUefit; On 
no"*. r;._..T — . I. iiMin. "andontbeTth aa 


fr*Snittppetrea on tne wnn TUbi^M uia jreorv; fit "The 
£?w>nt BoROt*." an^'lt was one of tbe' moat anoof eafaV obar- 
JJ^M^thit^e baa 'r^reaented thla' Auon. ^r. Vheatley 

f?rilKiML Kltt Heroala to appearln VKdlth," and on tt 
tt'jSTliSnTrl.r, of *iid. BaoUeTa greateat rolj*., 
^}i»SLit(ppeared on the 98th TilCi^aa Old Febrv; 1 
^wV^fBoiota," and'lt was one of tbe moat anoof aaft 
^2S^ik2ihe baa 'repreaented thla^aaon. ^r. 

juMiifli>tappiar>n(ie(<laoe''bla lengthened Wilt to Phlla- 
?rvu\ u Antonio de Oaberero; and waa moat entbnalaatloall; 
^'^r^ Ttii^iDinsVlr. Tahiti if ftm,- tot the flrat time 
JS?5 «aioB.ln Bh»keaMar«> Eoman.ti;a«e4y of '■OorlolMinB," 
'^^nnal wlib a fine oaac, new stenary and aplendid monntlnga. 
V?T«SliiAlaJnieatre leooid.exeapt the Uot 
iwffrJISwSwk'^ oomody— drama— latoe— Malodrama-trage- 
SSrfiSoiedilei" oonltonea to draw hpgoly. 
•UtSolnWood, errt on th^ aleri for proluolnq anything 
'<ii^» srore attraoilve, bring* ont at her Ki'ou eatabllabment, 
v^fflSbidOi' this evening, the great aenaaUon of the day, of 
oeuvi^r ..^ the Baid of .Uorrlalaland, which ahe baa bad 

KSf and will rensaln for a abort time longer 

w^J 8.Clarka6Ioaedaaacoeaaral two weeks' engigement at 
ihrffbi'tar flaiden on the Slrt ult Thia eTenlng Mr. and Un. 
naiwce. the wen known latpersonaton of lrlah andTankee 
d^toa. oommence an engagement, opening In vHandy 
JSaf'-whiOhleTOua Annie." and the "Betorted Volunteer." . 

rSa anit brooght byBlohard Gacott agalnatthaexeoutors'of 
u^ute Wm. E. Bnrton for $11,910 damages, waa de(Med on tbe 
wOinU, In the Sopreme Ooart In this olty. The trial ooonpled 
Srfrfo'nr dajiiind the Jury brought In a aealed Terdlot for 
SdSaff ftr H9M80. It wu alleged by th» defence that the 
Mmsasyweielncompetant .to ting EngUah opera, and that the 
rilifUffftlledtoproTlds a proper wardrobe and snfflolentoN 
Snrtral and Tocal mnalo, aooordlng to hlf agreement. The 
ildbttlt waa examined ak a wltneaa In Us own bebali; and oalled 
tn^ilaln hla taatlmony a number of mnaloal experts and other 
aitaMMa The plalnUS proved hla readlneaa to perform the 
MBtoa^'and hla (nlBlment generally of all the terma of hla 
uMtMot. The oompany aaog "Bohemlm Olrl" and "Tror^ 
Sm" la the 'tret week, and had ivheaned "IIarllana"forthe 
neend week; >ben Barton aloaed hla theatre. Tbe company 
van aU anfbrlng fMm the effaots of a atormy paaaage ftom Oil- 
ny when they commenced to alng, bnt.Borton.lnalatad jipon 
their going on the itage. ,. ' ' . ..^ , . 

Mr Oacanraa the Armenian Tprk, gtve one of tna leotnrea on 
hmiiellfa and aooloty In Turkey, at Nlblo'a Saloon, on the 39tb 
alt. HlB lecture yrasmnatratedby the Introduction of aeveral 
uaia In a variety of cha^ soterlatla Tnrklah ooatomea. ' They gave 
ne3maniot the dandng of that country,, and .Vr. Osoaiiyfn 
pva a very InteieaUng expoalUon of the character of the harem 
ai a donuatlo Inatltutlott. . ' ( 

Hi. Oeb. '^denhsff obmmenosd a setlea of three leadlnga at 
Dodwi^tii'aHan, op the 3Ut nit. . , . ■. 
' T1ieattncUoii%at Ui Broadway th^a p^t w^ were such aa no 
riitiil .F Mace of entertainment baa given amongst na fcr mpny a 
day. Avsfme «t the .'posten tayr "otowds. crowds:- crowds" 
roan U;l)'llioiigb there Waa only that part^onlar nlgba when we 
want ^ go. aet apart' to tie niore crowded than any other olfht 
It aaainad ao to pja byjthe wiay people flocked Into tbe AmedoaP 
aiietira on the laat day of October; but In reality It la not BO,.for 
there's Jnat the aame lam erory night In .the week.: Amongst 
oiheraewttcea which has lighted up the American during toe 
iMttiwdajra, arethebeftnUfal Klzon Slatora— Frank and Ada- 
lilde-^the ftcmar a'.du^oBr 'and 4h« etlwr .a alnger. Adelaide 
locka and alnga very Sweetly, but has hardly enongh compaaa of 
.Vflca to be heard dlatlnctly at a dlatanco— this, however, will 
leoqlxisbeutbeiled.bypraoUce, t^elady having onIyre<)enUy 
adopted the auge. Ixank— a downright pretty name— aa a dan-. 
Kiiw, la van 'agUe and graoafbl. Mlaa Emma Temple^ another 
n<w comer, la aald to be a very clever aotieaa; we shall be able to 
pptakol bar merits after wltneaalng bar perlbrinance. aa we dldn'l 
wiltuhm the'laat piece— the only one In wbloh ane appeared. 
fig. CUiU^-ibB wire walker and vcntrUognlat, cloeed a very 
tocceaaftil widt on the Slat ult: Mr. T. L. uonneOy. a favorite 
njlb'. t^e 'boya, la baok agaln. doing Irlah oomedy, and MlkftUo. 
Senna glVelij)rutIoUlIla>1rAUoDB of t^e dancing at Lanergan'e 
3aIL wh|oh Tony pastor atngg with such guato. All thp old . (kr 
vcrllaaiue atUljratalned— tne fahainbalutlo'.bevy of .'.'dar^a''— 
tlhafley Vblie, Tlob' Hut, Xew BImmona, Jim Wambold,' Slfik 
Balfb, ud^obi|ny,Wlld 1 and It la aeldom we see a company wo(k 
KweuiogfiUier, With ncne'of that profetalonal Jeal^uay wbloh 
^atlmea characterlaaa actor folks, nis' American Thea^ 
gtvei thd obeapeat and moat venatlla entertal)itaient onBroadwax. 
i.,9oraI)awTon, the dlatlngnlsbed dduble-vblcedvooallal^ oom' 
panceaiatBamnm'B cuHoertyahop ontheaiblnaL. 
Ike SandMrd Brolhera and Mile. Uedea, oomp6alng the trp.npe 
iDtitiitotalnilata and danuuwi, who havfe' Juat uoaed an engager 
Wt at Baivnm'a Moseum, ate .prepared to engagB..'nltti man- 
igm for flnt daks entertalnmenta. Parties re^iurliig. their aei- 
nou mnat addreaa thklr aolt i««nts— Meaara. Conner b 06. 
[Siranta'UlnBtreia'contlnneuglvepleaalng and m^rtbfnlen- 
Ualnmonta io veiy' large and appreolallTe audiences. . Dan 
mnt and Save Seed appear illghtly In their challenge dance, 
mb la van langhable. Tbe Bryants have alao added io their' 
ttricUona ttila week thb last lentaUon of Mllea O'Bellly.and 
l>ow who takepart In the aot nake.a good deal cf fan. 
At the Kew Boweiy Theotie bnalneaa has been tbe same as 
laiL On lbs SOth nit., Mr. 0. 0. Boniface, one of the moat 
opniar acton on tbe esat tide of the' tows, took a benefit, and 
le unmenN crowd present folly proved to blin that his endea- 
onto please had not 'been forgotten. This week oommenoea 
-.'luui'draotaof "The Jewof BouthwaTk,"and tbe rorlvaV.of 
le ■■Plying Salobman," BonUaoe. playing ih'eJow and Tande^ 
joken. "Bnmor' says that MdUe. £eo will ahorl^niBke her d<hit 
•«.ln a ;iew dramatic speotaple.', • . , 

janhger Fox, of the old BoweTjr, hk( been 'io' atiooeaatbl with 
wghoat dramu, that be will in all probability oontlnui) them 
™98h the entire aeaaon. eras long as a good satjeot for the 
"Induction of tbv special lUaslaa can be fbnnd. This week 
5'^x Introduces tbe'eomlo piece of lha "abost of OUes Scrog- 
JKJfhoOcarted Molly BiowjL*'.'. Also tbe drama of "Norab 
li<7Sr. ^x^yHerrlng.oiMngtoaMAtlnuedlndlapoiitlon. 
"«W»toappea». . . 1 ; ;i <: .i " " i. .r 
laat week, Barney WllUams had An addlUond member 
*m2?J* V» hiwoomet-la of 'the 

.^IS^i!^j^u^n,iindwm.doQ|^ edlUonof 

«f^ffl?5V^'??"''"''**"'l''"**l"»*«'". Thi panorama 
fiemJr ^ver haa beemteylvedj and Is very popular vrttb 
SSfiT*JL5»?^"l' «>• BTMli fwtnrea 6f thli'tSl&ted 6001. 
SS. ,!g.rtnla la the vMalhsaUon of Matter Wood, Wth piano 
awinMiimeBt, Muter Wood'a volcia no longer laboVa all 
ahortilme- alnoe,|and) no longer fettered bythe^ 
- hla IntonaUona, tie revels In the full display of 
'S, The efleot produced by his voice Is that of a 
lUos «fitr<.v. -.mtliant any Visible, laorttle of 
jbeU'llke notea aoar above the Inatmmental 
effect. la peonllarlyTyrlCal, the dletlno'tlop be- 


iearot _ 
effort, ' 
u .much 
general In 
call points 
and devoid 
tilt vjolee, WL 
two exttemes, 
notaahe ptol 
mUe aseigT.- 


ballad ilnge'ra. 
atrament, anA'Wl 
' VlacB!tAlliambri 
tbe weeitwas of tl 
the ttk«ig«F'116t 
PNMM o&'th«v«Vi 

.1. 1 

1th I 

0 and the Instrumental being that the former 
Tmore lildlVlluallUr, and that the h'eVo ehbuld, 
Ible, remain .Tlalble to the ey^, like, a great 
itnr^ Of a battle.' This la one of the most dlffl. 
'"ler can make. ' Bia Voice la retaArksbly high 
less, and from the highest note ol bis range 
~irk>Ue eaaei OowB tomeloweatiioteB of 
th'e;«ffeot of tbo ktldden oontraat of the 
more offset Apon tbe sat.' His saalalned 
ivoildortal cire. ' Ih puts that do not re- 
reat tondorneaa and awe«tnc4*i and his 
of playfalneeB, and bo ra'pld at notib be 
loot matter. Be la yal^qlte young, with 
ey^ fnd aa'expreaalVe motitb,«nd bids 
*-- tiatnbig.lone of ourVnioit prbmlaing 
of ibe mnsloal.comppaltlon .aaig .by 
Dlicoura^!.'— HeiM'Blbhop'a maattr-' 
* dn the bcoaMtih Is a iklagnlBcent] In. 
d' to MSatei Wood by MeaBta,.S(6d' 
. '< I .. . i. ■ ;'■.. . . I 
fjeiopenedlnlouitaetih street OB.tbe 
kouse, and tho attendtnee' throughout 
VOet wbloh wsf neither flattering to 
IfeiD artlBts' Maagod' h'eio, , VTi 
\tu« aSibi uia UieM wit^.^jtobably 

' I .. J "nil I - ■ . 1 

•bout lUO ouh In the hoaae. Blnoe onr Jast visit to-tbla show, 
there have been only two addltlona worth mentioning. The flrat 
UtherlnglllheqneatrlenneiKAd, Maile'IIaa4rt«, wholsotteof 
Iba'ifaestlieautual riders we have had In ,thla oountry for some 
Uffle. 'Her ease, her darlu, her eertalhty and her rapidity. In 
lU' thOidUBouH'fAtts' tba nbdert4kes,,bkve won for her the 
aduliattOA offalL' Tb^'other artist spoken of Is Mr. VDllam' 
FennT,'.Ute:oi the "OltonS Beyal," who la one of the beat 
"I/WheUe'&MTtbrmeM ln'thedonntrjr^ ' Mr. Oosk, the Blngltsh 
otoWBi luprOves vipon 'adqualtatanoe, and ainea he has reaolved' 
to Mve Us th4 phre ntiadnlteriited Qdeen'a EhgUab, makes a-vetT: 
eleven otewn; The wiaather was ve^ cold nnder canvas, so tnuch; 
so ihat vre <lonld n6t sit the perfbrmanoe out On the SOth nit. J 
Ufa Dixon iooka benefit; knd MfJ Andrew MIxon takes hla "ben"! 
this (Monday) ivenlng, 3d inet,; which occasion oloaea up, rath- 
er «ammarlly,° tbe pn^aent season.' '' 
• ilbe French Theatre In Nlblo's Saloon -commenced Its regnlaV 
istfason'on the 37th olt., undef tbS' management of Paul Jnlgnet^ 
(Ita> Initial performanoe oonslsled of ■' BataUle de Barnes, or ud , 
iDnel en^'AfflOor," a oouedy fn"three Acts, by thbse eminent 
a^thoB, Mtaara. Scribe And LMirve. ^Ith eleiUenla of saecoAa' 
milch' Increased 'and strenithet|«d since bin lakt 'Season, M. 
Jdlgnistwin doubtless have the satUbctlon of flndlng his liberal- 
ity; In fumlablng the lovera of Fnboh ^tlng an degantenteif- 
talntnenti appreciated atlla full WorthJ 
: XatbAen O'NaU, the pdpnlar. Irlah bAIladlst, arrlied' in tbip 
dlty.daxlng the early'partof laat wsek.afte^ a -lengthy t)t(lfM. 
slonal tour throagh theivrestera'cbabtry.' 8he'%«s'lmmedla^lf 
tecored by tbe manager of the " Canterbury," WaabliUtoniltnd 
qpens'there thlt evenlilg. ' • ''• ■':™-; "' 

: I'' ■",..!..; '.■.': • i. : ■' ' I -''' ■ .'.' . .■• . 

:■:;■■■':„ ,'. ':■ ', " '. ■ .'' \ 

()n,'%MJaesday, October 98tb, Mlu Charlotte .Odshmm atf-. 
peaired at tbe Brooklyn Acadei^ of Mualo aa Ladvi Macbeth, - 
.^nUtoe flaying Macbetbi and .Mordaun^ Mardnff, tne ooCaalon | 
being a benefit lor the Dramatic Fond Asaoolatton.. 'Owing to 
il^ .bad 'management by those who had charge of tbe arrange- 
ments, .nqt, more: than iwo-thlrda of the. soab were oooupled; 
1^ demand^mr, seats wonld' have led tothehoqaa being crowded 
to eioeas, but for the action taken. In plaolna the wbole of the 
tlaketa,'tath^ beat Beats in the hoase, In the hands of the rega- 
lia tisw Tork speculators. This the Brooklyn nubllo would not 
Dubmlt to, and hence the oomparattvely nllm attendance. Con- 
sidering: the gT«at dealre to see Miss Onshman aot in this play, 
the mjoagers would, have done .well to h<ve aold tbe seau at 
auoiloti^ the whole of the prooeeda: going Into the tressurr of the 
Aaabblatlon ; no onjt would then have begrudged paying the pre- 
mium; but, as it was, all the profits beyond the legitimate price 
pt the tickets were pocketed by the speonlator* and those who 
were in' oollaslon with them. The local papers, we were glad to 
eee, for once oommented Independently on the snbjtoti and In 
faotltaxolted the indignation of .every patron of the drama in 
the city. Of the peilbrmancea, we have especially to speak of the 
tmly. artlatla rendering of the principal character by Mlaa Oaah- 
inap.. Atone time a pin might have Men beard to drop, ao folly 
absorbed were.the audience by her powertDl acting. Boniface's 
Macbeth waf quite a creditable effort for one of hla pecollar 
aobool. .Monuont'a Macduff waa moat praiseworthy, bis read- 
ing being remarkably good and bis acting worthy of more eipe-' 
rienoed artists. The ohoma singing In the:wltohes' aoens Was 
capitally done and elicited hearty applause; Taken altogether, 
it waa a, far more satlataotory performance than: we expected to 
have Been at the handa of the cast named.for the occasion. . 

At the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, /' Kate Kearney " has been the 
leading oardjof the week, and the excellent acting of Lennox, and 
^e attractive -vocal elbits of Miss Shaw In this piece, together 
^th. thai fan. and {ro)lc peculiar tO: the play; have drawn very 
goodhousM. The attendance on Wednesday,'when the perform- 
ahoaa^at the Aoademy and the poUtlsal farce In the Park were 
the counter, attractions, being auoh aa to .fill the. houae with a 
hlgblr fuhlonable aadlenoe. " Satan in. Paita" la set down for 
the present wee^ . On the occaalon of the Oottaohalk maUnee, 
on Toeaday. the bbose was filled io repletion. : 

Booae'a Dramatic Combination Troupe waslat Sootantonl Pa., 

The dramatic oompany nowtravellng under the management 
of a. H. O'Hara. was at Elmlra onue iSth uli, playing the 
'.'Osatle Spectre," Introdndng the Ohotfr bnalnBas. The com- 
pany was then, to goioWatUna and Auburn, and then down 
the Central Bead to Albany. 

At Pike'a Ojjwra Houae, Cincinnati, Mr. and Mia Conldook 
were the Stan laat week. On the aTth ult, "Orlcketon the 
Hearth" was raodnced to a luge 'attendance, and wu repeated' 
on the 98lh. The latM m nenc la said to hare ttean qdeodld, and 
refleoted great oredlt upon the ecenlo artlab Mona. and af./im,« 
Zavlatowakl oontlnue to be u popular in their terpalchorean 
moremenla'u they were laat aeaaon. Bailneu oonluued very 
good throughout the week ivlth the Oonldocka. 

Joseph doctor made his ddml at Wood's Theatre^ Ohiolnnatl, 
on the leth nit , in tbe rob of Vlrglnlni, In which oharaetsr he 
made a very favorable Impresalon. On the 3Tth. he appeai«d u 
Jack' Cade, and the preaa of that city apeak very highly of lb 

Cubaa. the Spanish danumt and pantomlmlst,' opened at the 
BnlUo Theatre on the seth nib, in the "French Spy^' to a house 
crowded to lis utmost capacity. Mr. W. H. Leak vna engaged 
eipraaaly to aupport her daring this engagement, and appeared 
u Mohammed, and In the bioad award oombat It Is said he wu 
moat excellenb' The "Itaich Spy" wu repeated throughout 
the week to very large audiences. 

, At the Defiance Theatre. Cairo, m., the drama of "Gvarybody's 
Friend" wu performed on the 38th ulb, to a very large attend- 
ance. .The piece, it la uld, wu not prodaeadu it onght to have 
been, and Its repreaentatlon caused great dlsappointmsnb ' The 
company gederally were, not parfeot in their parts, and the piece 
diaffied dreadfully. The dance wu apoUed by the musto, and 
the ttroa wu terribly butchered. The comedy of "Mine Points 
Of Law" and the farce of "The Slamue Twins," were announced 
fbrthe arth. . I ' . 

' The Holman . Opera bonpe finlabad their engagement atSb 
Lodlaon the Sllh ulb. with "Cinderella." and are now en mfa 
for Chicago, reeling by the wayside at Sprlngflald, nL 
'; Maggie Mitchell wu the recipient of a compUmentaiy benefit 
at Ford's Mew Theatra, Waahlngtoni D. 0., o'a Friday evening,, 
Ocb SOUk.; Wo are adv^e4by our oorrespondentthat this benefit 
waq the grand theabrlcal c^p of the seaaon at Fard'a,.ihe bonae 
being liobored with the presence of several official dignitaries, 1 
inolbdlog. bealdea tbe .Prealdent aad.Oablnet offloen, itniiMroits 
metnben .of ' the coiin Zhjitahaftow^ and . a large 'vimptber of 
mllltaty 'gtotlemtn'bf high official oapaoity. Magglei.eloaBdi 
there on the Slat nib . '. ■ ^ .oi 

At the sale of oholoeseaia for the Dramatic Fnnd Beneflt'ik 
the Brooklyn Academy ol lfb>ila% on the. 37lh ulb, .the flrat 

Jredilapipatd for.the .oholce of' threeseataln ttieparqnet.'wu 
ISeach, Twetfty-nlneDorewe(e41ipoee4ofaltl'eaclk.-< 
' Banie SKjnalr coiocunenaed a short engagement at FoBar's' 
tonlk^dUe Theatre, on the SOth. uli. opening In the '"French 
Btoy" knd the comedietta called "The Toung iBebel.": Onthe 
ITtn, she apipeared u Mrt. Orraaby Delmalne' In "The Serious 
Ftnilly," supported by Mr..pbatlea Banu m Amlnldab Sleek. 
The "Wliatd BkUT.' wu also produced. The sensatlan drai 
of "The Woman in WpiUi" wu OQderllnedto beaoitlypi 
duced. , ■' 

' Mn. D. P.. Bowers commences, ain eiigagement (piths' Arch 
Street Theatre, Philadelphia, on the nth In^, In aomi of ber 
moat .bijUlant oharaotaK ' She opens in' "Tbe Hudchback" fol- 
lowed onthe 10th with "Love," Uth, "Ladyof<'LyahB,"^13th, 
'"Love'a Bacrlfica," 13th, •■Bomeo and Juliet," a;id op the Ulb, 
••Plot and Patalon.'.' The second week of her en^'tgement will 
commence with one of tnoee new dramatio ohatioters In which 
'She hu achieved a great reputation.. 

At the Cbfstnut Street Thestta, Philadelphia, Mdlle. 'Vi^tvall 
wuthe star. lut. week, and sncoeeded In. atttaoUng very good 
audiences. The dtuna waswallplayM and splelidld^mounted, 
and Its great ancoeu wu In nO iTitle meastin attrlbutU to the 
exoellsnt mnalo and the ohoruaea. < ' 

. Oarl Anscbuta oommancu a seHu of operas At the Academy of 
Muilc, Philadelphia, on the 3d Insb ' ■ 

The feature of the patt week at the Aibb Street Thehtrei PhBa^ 
dalpbla,.wu the Davenport- Wallaok-Farren Combination. Mr. 
Wallabk'a Werner wu very highly spoken of by the pteu of that 
olty.:.|Mr.E.I>. Davenport la the atrengthot this oomblnatlon,' 
and Is ably Busported by his obllesgues. 
'. Mrs. CeoUe Bush gave diamatlo readings atUdsIcal Fund Hall,' 
Philadelphia, onthe 37lh ulb . ° ' 
I Mr. and Mrs.'W,'J. Florence tookaoompUmentary benefit ht 
'Orover'albeatre, Waahlngton^.oh the .80th nib iOn' the Slat, 
'their engagement oloaed, 'With the "Oolleen Bawn." The next 
btiwwMiolw.Luolllb We8tem,jwlioiwutoopeti on the3dlnsb,' 
lni"EutLjMe.". ' ,;,■•■•'>■'■.' ; 

.The Foster Troupe oonoluded a two weeks ' engageitent at the' 
>7orfolk Opera Boute, on the 3tth nib, presentlog the aeeotaoular 
drama otMie .VBljIng Dnlcbman,'^.the "Forty^IhlevM,^' and the 
pantomime of the '^Bed'Onome and Whit* Warrior." On the 
37th: ulb, a benefit wu tendtied to the manilger, B. W. aienb,by 
knllliary and clvlo offlclala and oltliana, on which ocoulcn Evelyn 
Evans and James Gates, together with the ''entire oompany, vol- 
iinteered their servloea. Ibe bill ' presented wu Tom Taylor'a 
oomedy of "Our American Coualn" and "The. Beriooa Family." 
In theformer, Mr.Maraton appeared u Asa Trencbard, Oosaln 
as Abel Murcolb Evans.u Dundreary, and MUa Mary R Bill u 
Flcrahoe. .While laoUag the pungency which la a dlBtlngulshlng 
characterlaltc of Jefferson's Aaa,Manton made a favorable Im- 
t>reBSlon. In "The Berions Family,'.' Olenn, u Amlnadab Sleek, 
Introduced aomo. local hits, vrith telling and approved effocb 
The crowded houao, which was oompllmontanr to hla popnlarib, 
and to thoke present for thue teatlfjpfng their appreoUUon ol his 
labored efforta to p lesent an entrirlalnmontwonhy of patioaago, 
;seemeA to exerolae'a IkvorAble stlmulaB to bis rondlUon, which 
wu nnexoenUonably glTen;' In reaponm to the domanda of the 
hudlbsosj Mr. ' Olenn repeated his printed promlBeito' present an 
entertainment which oannot fkU to pleue, and plodgtiig that bis 
eflbrU Bbould'OonatanU^toijd to the falfllment of fliat laudable 
intention. The Webb Slaleis were to oommoneo an' eagagemont 
iontbe3dlnBb ' : , • " 

: . wo wero agroeably Burjirtiod on Monday night, dot JOth, with 
tbdperfonnipoesatthefirooklyn Academy ol Music, by Mr. J 

^"ffL?"'*?'-" '^^VS?!' bKSw A*' Marco, m the 

great Trenohdramaof tht "Martrta He«tt." ' Boblb'i acUng ln 

thU play was truly sxoollent, eaoeClally'Ui the 'toeno'ln Which be 

InblsOTOBtudfo. H JhaaairbV Ahd fntoUlgohl countenance 
Is Boon to great adVahlage in glvlng'play 14 • tho'VaridhB exproa- 

to axoel should lead attempt-higher fllgUUr^ilun hli age 
andexperienoe,lfnothls oapaol^, should .warrant him in at- 
temptiig, and we think he dou tUa When be itrivu to equal hla 
father In Ma r^dltlon of the leadlEg ct^araot^ of, Bhakeapeare. 
n)4 Ust time we saw the "Marble Heart'.' ptffoimod, CFeorgel 
Jordan enaoted the part of Rspheiel.^d Xanra Keene that ofl 
Maroo, and of conne with the rMU'embiUioe of their fliM utlDg,< 
we were not prepared to be carried away with enthnaUsm by thal^ 
of, the artists In the same characters on Monday nlghb .^e were,' 
however, eapeclallypleuedwllh Vb, Booth'jBatjhad,'and I4 eev-i 
eral reapeots with Mrs. Barrow, especlaDy'In' the scene' wherein! 
ahe explains her experience and dread of '{loverty, her reading' 
and acting, which wu worthy of her won eartied reputatloil." Qf 
.tb«.olher*, Mr. Norton'a Yolags wu ihe'only one worthy ofspe-: 
olal remark. The s^netr and' appolntmenta were (k'llty, add 
Ihe'atltndance email, the house not baldg more than halffUl^ 
^yMnre ate It 8laled,'in tbe iinmaaulate dalllw, that the dramatic, 
perfoitnanou at the ' AcBMlemy are always greeted by crowdea: 
honaiaai Tbe 'fact is, there hu not been a otowded hotue at the! 
Aeadsmyttda'aeasoni'. "1 ■. h: :] 

Mr. Jos. T. Fannin, now engaged for a brief aeaaon at Foid'al 
Haw Thaair4;Wuhlngton, Is having' a new driama ' written for! 
hlffl/Wbttb will soon beglven' to the public, with an emlnenti 
oast, and-all'seoeuarysoenlo and other adomioents. ' ■' . 

On Thniaday nigbi M^atieh faVored the Btooklynllea with', 
Tlotow/s:','MAitba,'^.theattendadce b«Uig,^erygood'lndoed. Tbe 
performanoe* were excellent, but' not superior to those of' the' 
'OonnaD trontre under Anschntz last season. ' Miss Kellogg. Mile, : 
Hxateci Hem Lottt and BIgnor Blacbl ensMed the prlnolpol nlo. 
On 8at|irdaythe; AMdfmy wu filled to OTerflcwing: with the 
BrM>k]yn fMhlbni^UBS, on the ocoaalon of the.flxat grand concert 
this season $f. tliai.flillhannonlc Society.' Mn, Abbott sang in 
plac6ofMn, 4«flbgg, : .. :. . 

Mn, Tan Zandb-^ Jenny Blitz, daughter of Big. Blitz, of life- 
long mei^ory— makes' be« first appearance at the Brooklyn Aea- 
,demy, od 'ivednu<|av, Mov. 4tli, It being her .debut after three 
yean tultlpn.dnder'tlie' beat masten of.the axb. Bhe<lB to be u. 
atstedbyahoatoftailent ...' . 

Uaggte Mltahen Is^e star this week at tbe HoUday, BalUmere, 
op^mgonthe 2dii) "FaQohon.'.' , ' . ".. ' 

At the Front Sttoet Theatre. BaUmoie, B. E. J. Mllu wu io 
commence an engaganient on the 3d in«b. making UadAtidn 
"Mazeppa." , . . . • . 1 . 1 ■ 

Edwin Doolihwu at ihe.Sbston Theatre last week. HIalmolas 
Junius BmtoB Is considered by the critics of that olty io be his 
masterpiece. He remains 'this week. pradaolnK ••uas Blu.<^ 
Tbe attendance Is noted dowi^ u being , good tnxoogliont the 

week. 1 .. ; : .. 

, ;nie mnch talked of play of ."Camnia's Hosband" wu brought 
ont at ihb Boftbn Museum last week aDd,proved a suocus. It Is 
aald not to poaaeu that deep and aaatained Interest of "The 
Dead Hearf'^.by the aame author/yet although of incoulstant 
plot, Is an effective play which afCoida a good diversity of char- 
acter, and Is relieved by the oomlo element to. a marked extent 
The piece 'Will bis contlnned .during tbe nreisent week. 
. At thd Eowud AthenBum, Boston, Mis. D.F. Bowers' audi- 
ences, it la said, have not been what that lady deserved. During 
thei week "Peep O'Day^' 'wu revived, to preeent the lady in her 
original psrt otEathleen Kavanagh, to;whloh shaimparted maoh 
melo-dramatlo effecb Mr. Hawk's sunmptlon of ihs ^oted 
Iriahdian iF.sald be the best thing he baa done In jBoatoo. Mr. 
Omns Is the present star, opening on the ad'lnsb In "IheHelr 
AtLaw." ■. , ' ,. :.' . :.).;..'. ■ 

, Maria Zoe, the now verrpopular dantaue and pantomlmlst, 
(iommeuces an' engaganient thla week at the IndlanapQlls. Thea- 
tre, where she wlU remain two weeks. She goes ibeaoe to Fnl- 
leTB LonlariBe Theatre, opening there on the 13th Insb . 

Tbe theatre at Alexandria, 'Va., under the management o< , Mr; 
Joseph Parker, did a f^ buBlseu la^t week with the Webb Bis. 
tere u the Stars, iaupported . by Meaars. Btevena, Ounn, Harry 
Rowland and Parker. 

"The Duke and his Motto", wu announced to be given on the 
3d Insb at Wood'a Theatre, Clndnnatl, with Joseph Pzoblorln 
the leading rok. . > , I 

The Blchlngs Opera Troupe were announoed to open tt Pike'a 
Opera House. Cincinnati, on the 3d Idsb, In "The Daughter of 
the Beglmenb" 

Marv Provoat took a benefit at the IndlanapoUa Theatte on the 
30th ulb; aqd dosed her engagement on the Slob "The Bomance 
of a Poor '7oung Man" wu In active preparation at laat aooonnls. 

Mr. J: M.-Tridib]s^ Jr., proposu opanmg a theatre In Albany. 
H. T., atjled the Academy of: Mnalo, to be opened about the 16th 
of Decbmber. . Several male and fiunals artUta areadvertlaed fbr 
in this Issue, and any good performer in want of a "alt" will ad- 
dresti ai( pta adVtotlBemeiib 

Weareinreoelptofalotof n'aifB flrom a correspondent In Ban 
Franolaoo, CaL, under data of Sepb 7th. He says:— "Fanny 

Wembam^ at ' Magnlre's, made a uUure Charley Thome 

could not open the.Metropblltan, u be could not get a company. 
.'.,.. .Mn. Qeoige Jordan opens at Magnlre's ott the lllh of Sep- 
tAmber.. . . . .Miia. Lelgbtonjiu become one of Msgulra's stock 

oompany Mr. Leighton is at the point of death Miss 

BHrllng. tbe American giantess, is in a state of destltatlon In this 
olty The Union Theatra opens next week under the man- 
agement of Sherry Corbyn; it -Is colled'the New Idea, Ithlnklt 
will turn oat a "bad idea,'' U the location la bad .... Gilbert hu 
abU out tbe Melodeon to Little and Bradly; . good houaea all the 
time - - . . - .The Bells Onion Is crowded ereiy nJgbb The compa- 
ny at thla place la a whole team. Loranta 'Marla^ Marian lieie, 
and Blscacdantl, cannot be but by any artisle In their line. Sam 
Betconrt, the proprietor, haspunmued a block of buildings on 
Stockton' abtest for $70,000 cash; he Is one of the managan that 

we read about..;... The EuMkaTbeatrehu good bousu: 

The theatre and melodeon at Wuhoe have bunted np, and tbe 
company have returned to thla olty...... Jack Wilson's Olraus 

hu'retmned from Oregon. . . . . :Lee'B Circus is bHII iiavellng in 

this State ; The Marsh Children 'will be here about the mid- 
dle of October Slan commg here this winter (If they will 

take yonr oorrespondenf s advice), can do better by coming hare 
flrat and make their amngements after they setheK, or they 

- wHl alaad a good ohanoe of getting bit Jamea Stork h(a 

gone into'the qtaariz mill bu^lneaa at Anroxa.:,, .'.— . Julia Deui 
Hayna; with Waldron's company, are ht Yortlanfi, doing wiul. 

Madame Acoata, the danieiae, bu got a Judgment agi^nst 

^M^Irefbr 1600 for salary,' but .getting (he mone^ la another 

On the 36th' nib, the Blohldgs Qp^ Tronpe ma^ae'thelr bow 
:at thB'Olevdand'Opera Houae; The high-character of (b^ ttonpe 
'aa dMits, (x>ap1ed with the attrootlon of the onlveisally popnlar 
iMIaa' OAroUne Btchlngs, could not tall .to seAure' them good' 
ihonaea. During the atay of the troupe, Mr.'Ellaler' look 'hla 
co^lpany to'Oolunibns, Ohio; ' : ' 

On the 81st ulb, Mr. Alt Buriiett, the hn'merlst^wu announdcd 
toocoupy the Academy, atOlevelandi'attd -on the 3d losb, the 
regular- oompany wu to r^pp'ear, with Mary Provost u thil 
star. Her engagement Is for six nights, and will bloae In a t«w, 
leks, Hr. E. gblug- to Columbus with hla obmdany for' the 
nter. ^ ' ' '•• ' 

J. WllkM Booth, Mn. Banow, Mr.' Sniton, and Miss Fanny 
BNwn were onnouncfed to atipear In "Blohard in./' Cob 37IIi, 
.but, to the disappointment of the andlenoe, laye '^e Maible 
Heart" Instead, "Btohkxd m.," the second night, and "Hamlet" 
the lut, with succeu, at Mefw Haven, Cb ' ' 

Mr. Ohantrau hu been playing the "American Ooualn't: -to 
crowded housea at Mo'Vlcker'a Theatre, Chicago, The "Oboat" 
wu OB'the boarda lutwsek. Jennle Balgbt appeared: uthb 
ghoBt, in thedranaof the i^MlslstoeBcagli."' . ' i 

' Tbe new.iheatn at Muhville has been doing a very exoellsnt 
bnstnen with Miss Laura Seene and her oompaoy. . Her benefit, 
on the 3Sd ulb, was » perfect jam. '•Baohal the Super" hu 
been the chief attraotloa; i, 1 

.Mrs.'Wa]ler,atthe oldMashvilleThutre,bunet bad thatat- 
tenUon paid to herwhlohsoolever'an artlstdeMrves. A.cbr- 
respondent states that tbe . Block oompany here la dot what It 
pn^ ' I , : 

alcns 'Of pualod 'Uif^ tiiese 'SDenevandhlB reading waa nearly 
taultlus. Hh labortd oMte th-e dlaadVanS, of' hoa^^^^ 
from^a saVare coM,bttl.ln olhfv respeota £ere vtas no other 
'drawback io the encceHOfbU 'aSttrIa iTgl^iri^S^e .ffntto the 
Iparbhe M ^ i^rfonn, 'It la'to; 


A new (Hnoert Ban will shortly be' opened In BuSklo under 
the 'management of Oeorge Wlnshlp/'the Btrong nun; and 
to 'be called Wlnablp's 'Tariettes, ° ParUu wbhlng to engage 
(diould api^ at onoe to his agents, MeAars. Oobner 1: Co., ox by 
piall u ^ advertisement' ' 
' Ever on the alert to engage talent of the hlgheat order. Mana- 
ger Lea bu added anotber name to the already brilliant doater 
of Btanbdongtngio hla Mammoth COttblnatlon.' E« bks ae- 
baied'the servicu of Mr, J. H. Ohllder*, who is a' wbndeifal 
performer with the mueket Mr. O-hu never kppUMd In the 
Eutem dHu, but hu been conflnlng hlmadt to dnolnnatl and 
knany oiher of the Western -olllaa. AtPorhopaIls:he played an 
engagement of one month atPteval's.Matlonai Halli.anaat SnUh 
ud Dllaon'a Hall, oreatlng quite a aanutlon. He la now under 
bontraot'.io Manager. Lea, and-manBgenvriahlDgtaBebare tils 
Bervlquoan do ^l|y addressing Manager. Lea.. 
. Don Santiago . Qlbbonnolse,' tie Iranakeas man, and one of the 
beat . boptortl|iu4eta In ,the . bqalneas, hu been engaged for the' 
Hemaodez obmpany in Chicago.- > . : :i 

At .sorval's Mnalo HaU, Cincinnati, Master Aogelo, tbe ohOd 
wonder, Ujlheprtnelml feature at preaent Frank Donaldaon, 
Gob Bbaw, Sophie Walton, and Lizzie Donaldaon, were alao re- 
engaged laat vreek. ,» < II' 
' The Meifark Theatn Mnalo Hall Is now)n full operatton under 
the management of Mr. McManua, with the following oompany: 
—Bob Batlpr, Bam Alnswoith, J. H. 'faylor, Frank Lnm. Amelia 
Wcills, Mlu St. OlDlr, Josephine Barnard, and Uazlo Walby. 
: At the .Oanterbory, Wublsgion, quite a varletv of newasts 
WBie given lut week by tbe oompany engaged., Julia Horttmar, 
Millie fowler,' and Eineatlne de Falber, are tbe leepeolil favorites 
of (hi pitttoiv) of that eatabUahmeab , This week, Eatbleen 
O.'Mell oommanceB an engagomenb On the alttmoon of the 8d 
Inat^ a matinee benefit wjtf announced to be given to the Wuh> 
Ingtop Protestant Orphan Aeylnm, given under the anaplcss ol 
the Lady Managan of.the Asylum. Every mombor of the Can-' 
terbnty Company volanteered hla servlou. 
. At Hamblln's YarioUu, Wsahlngton. a most exceUent pro- 
naa^e wu offend by the managemcint bat week. MoaarB. Wll- 
llam and Jamea Budworth oontlnao twb of the especial lavoilMt. 
of the lnaUtutton„ . Meaaw Mafflt and Bartholomew, in panto- 
mlidiO, are nightly, applauded In their several acta.. Mlsa< Uaale 
Bobullic.liu^apMueLtbrcragbovtthe past week In her new Im- 
vanodatlon of Jack flbeppard, a part in which' ahe la eald to exi 
obL .Lltzlemoku a .gi\U<iaboy. Thli week there la an entim 
ohang^:ln' the programme, inttoduclnig the several ariutet In. 
inagy popular acts. ,,'.'; . • ' 

The Bt. Clair HaU'at Pa^doab, By., Is now ready forpocnpaney. 
rorOrst-dau traveUlngpatronnanoeaof aUUndB. Tha.atagaU 
a commbdibua one, itnd abltable for dramaUo peiformucM, wUta 
Tbe.«adltoflnm la fotnlahed with arm- 

Bb Sar'ta ^V*""**^"" •* "'"^ pbbple^wffl biiiHtt 
«f iJS? V* Pvovad a aaooaai.' The" mpS 

hoff mode iheir.deM on the id inab Mr. OoUliis, tbe '^er^ 
Cure,^Vtlsd onAof the prinolpal fealaros o?SaBMllffillahS22 

At Lea's Mdoda«i, Detroit, there wero no new beta lut week. 
Itie ooippany nn»lned'."u they wore." Jennie XnglLcUt 
Testnad, Ffea Sbaw, Fanny Deverti, and the Iloman and Gredn 
etatuaty of MIle.De'Mdnlagne,- dontlnus' (o stttaot exoaDsnt 
houses. The pantomime of '^he Coopers" wu given last week, 
with BDly Csvanagh aa ZoJIekle, and Emma Itoas u Llzstta. 

Mr. aebrgsDewh Inienda opening a mnsjc hall at York, Pa_ 
abortly, to bo styled "Desah'».Ootttloental." Med Berry Is io ba 
stage, manager., AIa4x.T90a)lst.And.^two doiueiua an wanted, 
Soe advertbamint Ijrom Mfsin: Conner J: Co. In another odumn. 
'TheHarmonlaHBitl,OA$ri;^nk,'l8'(n;lha full; tide of ' a so Ike 
snocbBsfDl a'aonon. .'tfdlle.^ebAora,^ Blatba, and 

and'E. D: Gbbdnln It^bly oIoiM A^ esMoident there,' add tbn 
left for Memphis. Tluf compiiiiy at jtreuut.^playlng thene ban- 
slats of the-ioUowtng:— Obrls- BadSonL'MbkH^ 
len, Cbarlev WlUlamsVChu. Hole, D.lT.'arp^ ;Prof., BbOfraM, 
Proc Plaeaker, andiinta Myert. OhArles'Mehder'la. proprietor. 

At Toronto. 0. W., Manager Bayieis, late of tl^e DstrbUVart^ 
nea, hu In ancceasfal operation a flnt dau Muino' Hall on' Baf 
street near King, caned the Athenieum. AUutadVfc""" ' — 

Sanyconslated of M-llo Llretta. Clara DvT cihafl 
^mmy Clarke, J. Leon. Harry Butler, and Master 

. BSOBp OOf BTIlBUlr. 

.HodOT's Minstrels on ' Broadway, ■nndet the manageiiani: Of 
Gec^rlsty, attracted vew good hoMOB lut W8«k Mr. JA^ 
son Haines, tbe Champion Bkatar. wu one of the attraettom Vu» 
last week, and he carttlnlydeservu to be billed u a sla»,*fl» 
mora talented :one In his line It wonld be a difficult matter t« 
find. He Is uaotlve and uamirtapon skates u any man oooW 
be wl|hont them. He plronettu buutlfnlly, and movu upoir 
Uio"atoels wUbgracefulnea and precision. 8. B. Purdy ttwi. 
tlnuea to be a great featun of this orsanizttlan— ho la a'flrat 
dau performAr. •::i''i...'( 
Boolsy's Mlostnls overln Brooklyn oontlsne to dtawUnV 
audiences, and spread over their Immanu oaovu tlie'most' 
cheerhl and pleulng ojlon, that produce a gaiety of feeUna llft^ 
poaalble to suppieu while drlnUng In themlrlhfalaoenes npr^ 
sented. Over the whole float the witcheriH of music and ahadbvi 
land, forming a panonma Uiat la not often unrolled to th« pub-' 
Ua Drop In and see these sable pblloaophers, and observe tban' 
Indulge In their pleasant profeaalon, which gtvu every1^)dy aooV ' 
entlrafatlafaoUon. . --l 
Duprez and Green's Mlnstrsls are Jogging along thtcnghth* 
countoy moat harmoniously. Their route ahead is u foUbww 
Uteriden. Codn., 3d:lnBb, Danbnry 8d and ith, Motwalk Klh,'. 
Fbngbkeepsle Oth, Hudson 7lh, Troy 9th and 10th, SaheaabtiiM. 
11th, and. Albany ISth, ISth and Utk They expect to' apread. 
their thirty-five .aheet fTork size) poster, the laigast evarprlntaU 
In the world, at Albany, for the ant time. '... -i.N- .1 

Uber^ Hall, Alexandria, Ya., lately oocnpled by Sam LalhrM < 
with A dramatio oompany, ' on the 36lh nlL'bylL 
T. BkUfLwlth a Mlnatrd Oompany of fonrtaen peiformte^^ '1 
. The. BIppozoonomadon Mlnatrels, a new oiganlAatlaB, wUk 
oreen posten, are wandering through the Slate of illIMa,>evr 
dently iniant on oolleotlng onmncy. - 1 ' -m';'^ 
Arling ton, Leon and Donnlker's Minstrels are huvfly bQIsdla 
sU tbe Interior, towns of Illlnola, . They made their nnl ataaii^' 
after leaving Chicago, at JoUet, on the Sfilb nib, making the'ettn 
cult of Bloomlngton, Bprtngfleld, JaoksonvUls, Oniiiiix.''ttsVi> 
burg, Peoria, &a . : i . .: m . j-.j. i • 

Mldatrelay hu recdved Ita flnlshlig tonoh by the organUatlaa 
of a band of real African bnthen. who dlspeoas enwdyiMUr. 
burnt cork, but have the genuine nnvamlabed uUe bid*. Thsnf 
gentlemen, devate their voices atWymsn's Hall, Bb"Loals, adtf 
attract the curious mrals to behdd them. 

Mewobmb'e Minstrels oontlnae to hoIdposaesstonofSmlfb ft' 
Dltson's Ball, OlnolnnatL Their proUxiged stay Is svldenee'that 
they an folly appreciated, and settln the question of pArtdM^ 
nenoy. They oannow be consldeieda&xtanatthlshall. -' 

Bdalneu wllk Duprez & Green's Minstrels contlnnu of a verr 
llvdv obaracter. On the SOth ult they wan at Westfidd, HUa-i 
and hod a large attendance. .On the Blab they were billed at 
Mlddletown, Obnn. 

IL C- CampbeU's minstrd party, with Johnny Booker M«d 
Davis, Gould, Waddee, and Eddy, hu made a aucoeaafdl trip 
westward. After luvlng Detroit, the party stopped -one nlgM 
In esAb of tbe following towns:- Ann Arbor, Jackson, ar.^C^ 
Kalamazoo, Chicago (three nights), Badne, Mllwauka^ and Waa 
at Madison, Wis,, on the 37th nib . . : r . . . - . 

The. Buckleys, at their new Mlnatrd Ball andAqnarlal Qtpi 
dena, Boston, are In the hlghut tide of sncoeaa, and are dfswlaig^ 
crowded bonaes nightly. -Their liaU la a beautUul one, and holds 
fourteen hundred people; .but notwltbatandlDg thls,1iandreda 
are frequently turned away, nnable to goln admlttanoe. ''TW 
troupe at preaent oonslala of B. Bishop Bdckley, G Sw*ln» , 
Buckley,' Fred. Bubkley, Jamea Buokley, Mlu JnllA Gould, BoUa 
Dona, J. F. Sullivan, J.: E. Oampbdl,' Onurlle Petdnalll, J. A.' 
Palmer, J. G. Lonadde, 0. Piott, Erastua J^eksod, Frank Bawla. 
Kennedy, Steele, and Muter He ward. . Measis. Young, Johnson^. 
Duffy, and Wlnshal have diuge of the aqoatlal depattmsnt 
George A. Eossam Is treasurer, and D. Q. Waldron (formerly iba 
aoant courier for the Alleghanlans) is buslnsu . manager, ^naWwy 
a very strong team. . 

Morris Brothers, Pell it bowbridge'a Minstrels had a veiy at-' 
tractive programme on band, lut wecl^ at their popular hall' la'. 
Boston. .,Bph Bon is on the "end,", and wu "down" /or'M &Oii^ 
Ic ditty. Kph Horn appeared u"Ctoge'aObve," and pea Mdw' 
ris gave "High Tlmu In Msau's Kitoben." . The faroe wu eaffitC 
"Sdplo, or the Intelligent. Monfcey,"iWlthJHiadese'ToBidiyW' 
the "Honk.'' .'During the.pleee the oharacterliUo "Cocoa Om«»-' 
Dance" was introdaced. Bnalneukube«n-varygoodwllh<lieiH. 
popular dlaclpIeH of bnrnt-ocorkdoni. !.. -::.. -.I'liLwit 
• I ■ :'iO /r- . ','.'. '■ 'i'^ ' •■ - - '.'(''! V", 

-.;...»;... '. .fWBODBM; ;.■'.■ '''.,. •••■ ''"' ■', 

Yankee BoUmob's "Triad" ddsbdtlMt'^bn At' SaotU^'li^H 
bnthe33dnlt;- '-■ ..'■.. '..•.'.?;.'. ..■ :.• '.':/, ■,".•'. lu.'' 
! Bailey's Otrous and Uedagetfewaa-.b^atjkaiedat'Wlnahablar., 
DLi by the sudden tUl In the tenij^etatare and' a 'dx-lnd) fUl af,| 
know. . "''■■;:; , .;;:".' ..J.'i'.^o..,., 

AsYanAmbnrgh'a 'Menagerie wu leaving Miles, HlbUgaa,.^ 

appropriate soansry. 

chain, and dtogettie^tia very fln»bnlldlD8,. 


few mominga ■iuoe,'.^'thundn^ storm came tjp,' add a .huvy bblb, 
of iiahtning stmok a t^'lnthe' aonlb put ofUie city JpatiaDw 
depbant wu paaslng;' which kdocked 'down the keeper ana mad* 
oidHannlbd whirl :anuiid'aeverd''tlmee'veryrapldly,'but IgK. 
flmally stialghtentd up all right, ' the aatlaaA^oii ot tha. 
khowmsou '1 J ' ''!■; .. 

Yan Amburgb's Henai^e showed at Albany on' the 39th aid . . 
SOth ult : 1 1- "■ TT . , . ■"' • . ; .■ 
I L B.I^t*aBq:ueaourrionliimiBawiln£i«okiynaUtbla'weidi£. 
Wbloh dty irill. In all t)nbablUty, be ibslr bat ataqd tbla . 
season. ■ '''',, ,' , .;:.'• ' .. .r. . 

I Madame Loulu Tonmlalm, ' ihe well knbwn 'eqUestrleniMk 1 
arrived In the ol^ on the 38th nil, after a very.snooeAsftd fai»> 
mei's tour"wlth B. 0.- Wheelei*B Olions.' Madame .baa dlsndsaA . 
of her fknnin Mew Jersey aind hu moVsA' to HAwtown,-Li>iic 
Island, where she hu taken up ber whiter quartan. ',' ' < 
' Brian'a MaUbnal Olrcusopens InPhiladelpbia on the}4ttilnit|.. 
In MaUonal BaB, Market street ' and the probkhlUty If toe abow., 
will nmain then all winter. . ' V , 

, Mesan. Gardiner & Hemmlngs, who have Just MoaAd a' voir 
ancceasfal summer's campaign tbrangh the country, adverilu'&. 
another department of this paper their antln ring atobk to,b»^ 
hired ont to any pardu'dunng the ooming wtnifT,'e wee^ 
Tbetr "stook," Is an excellent ene, and partlu quiring any* . 
thing of the klnd,dther for the ' arepa or for dramatio ap«p^ 
tadu,'cannot do better than -by applying at onoe ,19. Measn, . 
p.&H. ThetnppIngsandmbnntlngsare.aUcomBlstefcrsbow 
pieces. ■ ■ •■ ''.■",'''... ",' . ', 

I iTbayar & Moyeh' OtMusremalned at Ohldaiso all lut %taLTb^ . 
tng the secdnd week of their stay there. ! Buslneu was eioeoaat .. 
with tbe'comiunT. Mr! Jamds Roblnson,'tbeCbam)plon-'BldaE<. 
of the world, wkauie great future: The mfnagement.epgaisAi, 
servlou of John u DavenpOri, the American blown, ,wba ^ 
niade < a very favorable ' European udpreaslod not long wof* 1 
Several other talantod artists wen added to Ihe.poncem. , Itto.. 
admitted on an ddu to be one of the "bMt dronsu'^ ever aMk, 
juthatolty.' ■ ' ■ ' ' " ' .', " ".....'••., ! 

'■■ BUSoBiuuAmimn. ..■','';;\,' ''■.';.:.,:. , 

Enbiger and Mavoomb's Mioral Exhibition oommeaoad'flk*' > 
put week at Stamfbrd, Cbtm^.thencs to Danbnry and Morwilk. 
Ibis ireek' they appear Mt Bridgeport: 3d ;,Blrmlay^m, Bd; ' 
WateitaiT, ^tb lina 6th; Mew Haven, Otb and Itbt Mew Londoi^ 
(Ih And loth; and thanoe to Morwioh. .WlQImantlo. Hartford, ka. '■ 

The darter Zduavb Troape opened JRpoheater on the Slat 
ulb for two nights only. Mr. L. M. W. Bleer^ . hu gone back ta 
his fint love, and le agent for the oompany ono< again. r 

Father Hemp's Old Folks had very good houau at pibraryr 
Hall, Mewad, M. J., last week, and ha'fB concluded to remata, 
three nights this week. On the Oth they nppearAtMeVrbnrRbr.- 
Tth Poughkeepd^ 8th Hudson, Bth Troy, tbtnce'tb BAnlbga,.A«w . 
On the .asth, at Spencer ffall, Home. ::- > 

I .Dick Bands' puly wu advertised to be at Utica on ihA 3d afia..£ 
Sdlnsb ' i.- '' ■ 

' The Siarooptleon exhibited fo^ the benefit of the jtAirHavM^' 
(Conn.) >Yonng Men'a Inatllnte. October 301b, hu b^.^nU,, 
gaged for all exhlbltlona In Music BdL < , '.^'M,:. . 

. Mens. ChlrlakI, tbe wire performer add iitoenent yNttrUMoUl^ , 
having Just olosed a sbort'enRigement al."M4," tajAady to, 
gotlaie.vrithvanyolhorman," . . .-i.: „,;,•; 

ParUu; TCqnlrlng the aorrlooe' of Tq^Bwn^ ^^y al;^ 

far vocallat win find hor address Id anotbbr 
engaged after tbe Sib inat. ' -:_'' 
; .frof Karl Kabr's Drawiojl Iloom'Hoval;^ 
boiree wU at Columbua on Ihe >n. 

„ 6tbdib' Ibe domf Auy^MS^'. 

of T. W.NIcbota, baslneu m»n«rf»rV]HarrtX<*JlJ,^t^^^ 
agar; Prot Kahr, magldan; MJle Dr%olL'the f*|ttf»;^^^^ 
Sank Wblbiey-ntt Mlohd>--J. SWeeaAhd,.«fl4 i;TM>k'<>fWy ' 


'ftir Mntbiiia«lo& er.IhM«iMi;|^ 




> %t A.^ U S B M B NT S 

TO asvebubbss. 



Huaovvjxvn-^^.w A.Boaa.oao«r. 

, ■ BBYAHTB- HIH813Utt8, „„„„ 

m zxosLBioB TBOuna of vat wobu). 







J, B. BI70U, 

J.fl.BWSGS, _ 

k,* Jww luUkftd BoBgi. I^M^ BnrtoKM", EIinWioB 
to Fni«tlanUn,iMMBiotthedir> „„ 
. - 31e£rtiol AAndMlonUcanth W-U 

, F*:...v" 


■ ■■ ■ 



KM. BOOLET Bole ttdpittat. 

' Oi' W. OBITTIN Dlieetar of AmoMSUnHL 

I. B. FBEin)BBGA£fr.....Voo»lDli«)toi. 

Vnl BTBAUB. i initmniaiitalBlnonr. 

MDAZ XVXRIHa. Honmlwr letb, and dmlag Um wmb. 


by HnabM, Boyoe, artlBD, and Pirkeifon. 
y \ 'by Hoghf tnd Orlffln. 

C jumuiuj IJIKboraOT, ,b/ J. T. Boyeo, 



OAT IB rr." by B. B«lp&. 
UHOLB SHOW, br Aidur Hogbai, 


kJoMk OonolnUaawltbtliencirWtlkAioiind, 




'<'<'-;''..'^"'' - ft|j||in ^Syi^«^ -~Tr...itABMjli"BtBBlBOH 
' ' ' ' Btin lUiiMtT B. A. BAKEB. 


Dbm «pai at 7K: oom'i'M"!* 8 o'ebMk 

PBtnat W<W. 

OuifmliiOtitai: "S"^ 

ItanQTOliela. = 

— Baat* '.v.. TOoB. 


MaftomSA. ictoiSr.K. 




AM.aqv on Ibdr Onnd Tthnnpbil Tour, dNwned with tba 

' inoatfliUailngsnoocaa, 
WH lUt an iba prtndpal ottlMtalhe VBlled SUtas and Canada, 
pnnoni to thalr dapaitan fbr BnioM, 
Bli'IfiBifflothOondilnaitanli eoopoatd ufoOowa;'— 

11 tmim tU, 3t toah MMyhjjmd intghaM pouadi. Bla ilttar, 

liUTMiioU,171naluabt«b,andw%hiUJ<peandib ' 


. lalTnanoId,391nobaiblgb,andwtlghaaapomid0. 
Bawbdcmrldlaohallangedtopndaot tbtbaqoal in die, 
%ei(hk oi ednoilios. 

laaddUlantotUignatattTaolionli ' 

MOBa 0. LATALIXE'S fablob opeba tboutb, 

' nnhianmbar. •nappaaitnginoneOnndEntailaininaatl 
...-jfcft JOnrooife BnalneaiManag er. • 

It-' tiiO.BVSSELUAeent. IMiMtor of AmnMmanti. 

' oomraira>Ai< thbatrh 

. Valnnt street abOTaEl8hUi,RiIladeIsUa. 

; lUJBON fe HntOEEK LeoaeiasdlUnaAan. , 

. nie.towat and Beat Condnoted Ertabllihment In Immifm. 

. Vbe are (reeted nlsbtly by_ 
, ' '■ ■ nmEMBE ATJDIENOES, 

V 1 ^' b IMIODilDa, Billet, BnileaqTie, EtUaptin Ada, 

Qema ot tha OpMra, Oymnaatliii, to, to., 
- HMnhaiepiMtmted to the pnbUo in perfeoUonlnaBthelr 


[■SBBIi BAIilii OFBIt 






■""raAOTT AMD »ABHIO». ^ 


Ohadtf F^ftank Bnwer,' A. J. MI^AS^jPiS^ta; 
Hto^. aWanWd, I*5nio«d, Oleo^ ^wioardl. Haatar 

Wood^aaca Brothaw, Haalam. I^lliS^^B JOnrai 

OoBAnnuKOonnB, TmBBDBOKne, 
H*in)T Ahdt, to, «p. ^ ^ 


"^StSnsbr sraBET, abote sixth. 


0^ jumiwra HAnoKAL nranrDTi 

' '^*^;i5LS35iUEnJoableAm«a«Mnt 
\ "^B* fSSFiT Tin WOBLD. 




Xm eSeted to a DaUghted'Fabllo. 

Tort«ata«f Arplaaae. 

^ ^tttoBoaiflOlDaUfhi, 
nom the Bdverted, the OtUoal. the Baflnad. 

AUagreainpreoo^^^j^ OAHDJO 

W. B. BHUH, B*NJ.»gSf.,oj^,BB-n...k«UK «. 
N B. Aiiiitaof aoknowledaad abUtyou alwqi meet vUn 

g^K 9SWeatH0BSlanitaeel,B.T. 

awMJua 'ggJfl^SJ^BoBlOH, BfABB. 

^^^HOBDAI AUOTJffr td. 
OmSit ot the toDowtna Oentlemmt 

f . a TBOWBBIDa^ 
J. flTT'^''- 


t. QUEEN, 
J, J. m LTARD, 

j^'OompetantAttlataoan meet with aftrantigeoiisterina by 
^gng aa abore. j^jj^g pnxjBIM, Sta ge Manager. 


' ' " " "taUDtranla ATennt and Ninth atreiat, 
WABBraOTOH, D. 0. 

■ Wiim xH k Oo Fioprlstoifl. 

* Bl'iX BIUHONS Btue Hanagar and Admtlaer. 

W)BB.-BAPnBTIN Uaitre de BaDat 


mh OENias oub auiDiNa stab. < _ 

atoFiiat Olua Uuie BiU Of Wuhlngtoa Oitr. 

by tha leading Jonnula of the Natloa'a OapltaL 

jbtb daily oomnundattona ptore onr aaerUona. 
QBDiaafAdmlaaton, BOandSteenta. Frlnte Boxea, IS, 
ggr- lMtarionaU of atarUng ablU^, and STABS of oaiH 
■iSimtatlon, wiAlnc engigementa, will addreai 

BAUBLIN & Oo., Pnpilaton. 

' : caaoAoo vABiBTisia, , 


' , O. H. OHADWIOX. Pro p ri e t or . 

' ' eiO, F. UoDONALD BIfge Uknager. 

. . '. now tn tarn foil iidi or inootaa. 
' iMalghtly vlitted by Crowded and Enthoalastla Andleoeea 

of Ladlea and OenUemen. 
.- BfiBlaoolmingacoonunodatloBafbr 
1000 PEOPLE 

BiaM large enongh toaooomodite tbeoiowda that aeeken> 
tmuoh idghCv. 

eoed Ptrfomen ean ahrni meet with good eogagaaaata by 
■■alriac to the abore Froprutoia, or to 

JAfl. OONNXB fc Oo., 

as Weit Booatoa atreet, N. T, 

■Bit Iboagement oaB partloalar notiM t* tkaaboradlatla- 

"^^UtoSwoantit Beaarred Beati BO oerti. 
ao.« LON HOBBB, Maaater. 



A BoeoeMlon of Crowded Honsea Greet 


Ereiy Nlgbt. 
Site noat onanlmona tokena of approral, 

The Frtaa and PabUo, 


The oompany'la Pertkotlon in aU Ua detalla. 



InahoriailihateoeatomakeTiD __ 

tn Ph^ga c< fto^ Mpm e ^reg Weeh. . . . . 


J. AUUEBKAN, Treaanrer. 
PAUL BBILLIANT, Bal^t Uaatar. 
F. TAB OLKEB. Mnalaal Director. SS'tt 

FABBwaui tov a, 


XboQfOitOzifllnal. and only 

asias Bias, 

Teb IIaukoib Tsotm ov tbb Wobld. 
At the termination of the preaant aeaaon. 

They win appear ia 




and WABHINaiON. 




Manager and Proprietor. 


_jtoiBfi)mbIsoIdMenda,MaDagaia,and thaPnbltagen- 

r.thathslsnowIoeatedatthD : 

tbawlUalTellia peraonal attentloa to tha prodootion, 

feanf atyla,ofanklndior ' 


. ■ Far Monlarly adapted fttr 






' ''Xill.lnftathAt bla manyyeata eiperienoe InthebTiaiaear, 
~ I«cirlarma8iortmentof0ntaathlaoonuiund,anyofwhloh 
ibepirbitM in one or more oolon, the aerrloeaot the beat 
~* — B andEognkTen tot sew work, wHl aeonre to him a oon« 
bpfpaatfaTonandatrlalbyaewpitrona. SS4m 

nil OomiBodloaa Ban haTlng been re-moddM and anlargal, 

MireMiatethenie of 


Ifopalna hare been aparedtomikeit oonnlelalnan liiu- 
aagninnnta Oneof OanninkFandiar'a beaf.PianoahaabBan 


to Ita fBmltaretandwlU berented with the Ban at* 

naflonaUa Bvioa, 

- tar (Drther iatormatlon ean beobtalned at tha Book aad 

' 67 Water akvel, nawburuh. 

|to(UB UnuB, Janitor. SeptM.USS. »av 


btaatlfai Theatre TO LET, nightly or wMkty, vatn the 

itofDeeember. Apmrto 

Ji Ir. :8U0ELdND, VoBtrwUL 

.ialit IKa-m'B DBEAK; or, Wima'ainniirOoLUMt . n-tf 


The DlaUngnlsbed Tonng American 
Baa Jut oomdnded one of the most anooeiafal and brilliant 
togagamenia at the Varieties Theatre, In St, Iionla, erar known 
in the Diamatlo annals of that dty, 

. BerMAZEPFA la prononnoed the most Aitlstloaod Diring 
Feokils Etneatrlan personation ever seen npon the American 

The Stage Borae DON JUAN— trained brWnilamB. Depy- 
eaed by Hue Fisher, la the beatln the world. 

Manaien of Theatoea wishing to make propoaala to Miss 
Flaheriw&igttementa,mastaddresa ' 


Tarietiea Theatre, Bk Louis, ' 
or, JAB, OONNEB k 00., 
n-tf < asWestBonstonatraetN.T. 

A :M U 8 B M B N T S . 



OlOBOC XOA FrapnaM. 

■ W. B. OAVAHA0B ActbuHaaSM. 

Ta iU Mnu t Orn Au Onua, 


Oandneted on a fkr more liberal aoala than Its oompwioca. 

Mlaa Kmr,BOOTr. 

joHjnnr bo yd, 



The highaatSalariea paid to lint class Artiata. 83<tt 



THOB, MAOUIBI Proprietor and MAnaget. 


W. STEVENSON. TreaanreK^ 


, .Stage Muager. 
>, leader ot OMhsatm. 

MISS 0. m NOEJi, 
D. 0. ANDEB80N, 

W. B.XAnAB, 

BtariHalttng OaUfbmla ahonid iesrin mlad thatHr. KagslM 
Isalaopiomletorotthe Metropolllan Theatre, Ba Mam a nto , and 
theMaryirOlaTbeatM. «B-T.s.t( 


The greateat remedy extant for the onra of 

And lastantaneena relief of Boarseneu, Innammatlen ot the 
Oiroat, elcb 



ToPiblioBpeakere andPrcfesslonsI Slogen they are InTalo. 
able, aa they slTe tone and vigor to the YOOAL UUBOLES, aUay 
InUatlon, and wholly reUere the throat and arUonlatlng organa 
of aU tendency to hoaiaeness or lasaltade. A package containing 
100 Lcnengea sent free by msUcn receipt of 8S cents. Addreaa 
WM, A. AlffiEBSOM, care Mr. AYBBY, 

(3'lt* 78 Broadway, WlUlamsbargh,L,L 


Managers wishing to engage the aervicea of these very talented 
Artlats, for STAB Bigagements, wiU address them oare of 
81-tf OUVPSB OmcB, or 38 Henry staeet, Brooklyn, 



Win inavgorite their Winter Seaaon, at 

NIBCO'S SABDBN, on Mondar Erenlng, Nor, 9td, 
In a series et those pleaslBg and artlatlo peiformanoes, which 
have gained for then the sonbriqnet of the most attraeure jBTABS 
in the proStaalon. Sl-tt 

WABfTBD-tor a tint dasa Theatre, immediately, llrst Low 
Oemedlant Sinolog Chambermaid, (good); jQTanlle and Ught 
Comedian; Waldlag Qent; and aareral good UtOlty Men. 
' Addreu W. H. WaBD k Oo,, DramatloAstDta, 
^■3t* BozUia.SiiaUo,N.T. 

BIAmitnB IjOUIBB TOUBHIAIBB, tha wen known 
Iqaealrlenne, can be fbnnd at all timea the coming winter, at 
Newtown, Long Island, where parttaa leanirlng her serrloea can 
Cpply or addreas by letter. 804ffl* 

VBB ADBBBSa of J. B. HUBPHY, Ute adrertlalng 
agent of Cistenok Tan 'Vleok'sOirons,anthorot ••TeaogEphe'a 
Lament," and other acnp, la at the Tailetlea Theatr*, St. Mnlf, 
MO, '81-4t 

xriSVBDi^-JXim or three flnt clan end man. Nona bnt 
ttrietlyflrsi oUia need apply. Good aslarieawinbepai^ and 
tngiaementa made tor one or two, years. No traToUng. Apply 
immediately to & H. BOOLST, doolej'i Open Honle, Brook- 
lyn, or IMBipadway, Hew York, .. .;. ,, 7-., •).,•. 


Sanmer stree t, <nea r Waahlngto a) Boatan. 

Holding twice uminy People aaaay HtnatrelHan inScston. 
Hotwl^stanUnFthe Ftei 
Hnadreds are Tu rned Away from its Doon Nightly. 
She world renowned 

Bnrroanded by a Oonstdlatlon et 


Aad ererr Star a Brmiant one, inclndiag 
She Qoeen of Bono, 

SoppoittdbyaOorpedeEthtopeof aOFroteasloaals. 
. 4^ The Bocklep* Bepertolre embraces many fresh gemot 
Tooallattlon, New Ants, OperaUo Bnrieetnes, and 

Dona in theli own peonllar style, and notontdonebyBay 
ftoopa in the FroEsBsion, for which the oltlseBaof Bcatonand 
the press han laTished npon thsmths moat flattering demon- 
atrsilonaof approTiL 

THE AQUABIAL is open Aftemoon and Sraalnff , 
Admlsatonto both Bihlbltlons, aS eatik Beearred aaats, BO ots, 
HOTICE,— Peraona vlaltlng tha Gardens In the dayMme are en- 
titled to a dbeok ot n^"-'—'^ to the oTcnlng entertainment 



. OABDNEB, BEiraiHaS k Co., 

•re TO BENT. 

At any time daring the winter. 

With the Hcfaea are 


(D r e ss ea , Saddle Cloths, Saddles, to) 
The Bones are aB thoronghly broken. 
Thoae wlihlnt to negotiate for either long or abort engage- 
ment*, will please addrem 

DAB OABDNEB, No, 310 Jaooby street, 

PhlUddnhla, Pa, 
P. & Those intandina to bring forth Show Pieces will And it to 
their advantage to appvuaboTS. SO-lt 


urAwigAT.T. B. PSSB, 
The Oelebisted Anthor, Comedian, and DeUneaior of Zcosnbrio 

WmpUyaFarewenSngagemeBttn IhaprlnoIpaloKtes daring 
theFsflud Winter, aaistedby 

nie Oieat Prlnos of Yankee Eeclnltidttea, 
nina terming one of the Greatest Combinations of TSIsnt that has 
erer appeared together. 

Ohsradeilstic masfaaUona of Heal Tilfti; Fnn,wlthoatTaIgar- 
Uj; lihrth..withont Alloy. 

Look oat lor Maiihans. Pike and YandeeQloffl. - 
99-tf GEO. E. GOODWIN. Manager, 


wabhin<>t 6h,'p. 0. 



HoWalter^lrls amplayed. Ladlea and Geailemea ot known 
Abmty always wanted. 
Voontalde perfHman emplOYSd-aiona bnt the T«iy bestial- 

Address to WOLUM I. BINB, 

Sde Proprietor, 
8Mt Waahlngton,t).a 


(Booceaor* to John K Baooo,) 
13 and 1« Spmee Street, New York, 
pw ptrtisnlar attention to getting «p an Unds ot 

For tnT8Ungoempaniea,andhaTeonhandaIarBeandraiaBdia 
assortment of large and unan 
Saliableft»Otaanase*,Menagari«a, EthlopUn Perlbmum , Gya. 
nasts, K a gldaa s , to, to, which ean be printed in one or more 
oolois, to anit oastomen. 

:A'<M].17.'B'E-M]E.N'T 8 , 


• I AK D OaLT . 


. A«D BBua auiD, 


of ihs ■^TlWhiiri 

and wtwaA bcdUuit 
EaTa gsd aedfo r them with Frees and Pabi 
4^ Bead the nameai— 

U. 0 OAH^EUi, Pnprieter and _ 


JOUMNV WHITING, Comedian NED »0( rnnt 
N. W. GO ULD. Oaltar. Tenor, T. WADDraTTmi;^' 

Bamamed «Oabas," J. BAILEY. dnML^*''k 
A. NI0HOLU, Leader, J.UmoSIC^ 

J. FBAUNIOBT, Contra Basso, Violin tu,.^ 

J. B. WABD, Tenor, A. SIEWABT, eaooi?n% 
JACOBS, General Agent ^"gj 

.Who aabndts the fiBewlag names otths Bmh^ 
mapeuaanflloteatanaiBateetorthaeuaUenMiSMSL. , 
tainSiita. and whUhlheIr many trUaSntiSSn^JF^ 
U adaaee. sBdwdlMUM taltot taloi^^ 
U TADIFFIBEMT phases of Sa^i tn. 

A deposit reqnired on an work ordered. 
Auoi " ■ ■ 

ordsraaddieasedto"CLABBT k BEIU2Y," Baeoa Print- 
ing and Bignning estabUahmant, UandUBprnaeatrMkRew 
York, win be promptly attended to. sO-tf 


A certain BInn-er from Washington, who has had the good tor- 
tone to mskeafewdollara br keeping a halt starred concert' 
room, more throngh damb lack than good management, ii in the 
habit ot TlBltlng Philadelphia in qaest of talenC Be UTarlablj 
visits the drinldng saloona toqaentsd by the profeaelon, and u 
always ready to taie a smile with any one, espeoUUy if thiae la 
any "champagne" aroand. bat he was nerar known to "ahen 
oat" and tetnm the oompilmgnt, 

ThIsSInn-er is always ready to iistniot performera bow to 
break their engagemena, in order to obtain their serrlcea to go 
to Washington. He can tell a ballet girl to pnt an her aUra 
nnder har dieas when she learea the ahow, and leare her empty 
Inmk behind, which of coarse hewlU make good; andhs can 
also otfar a aong and danoe man, or a banjo player, a aalary 
which he noTcr had the courage to pay, and even It be paid 1 1 tbr 
the lint weak, he wonld, as nrasl,naTe to out them down the 

SheoUeotot this card la to pat managen on (helrgnard 
Mdnst this Blon^r. who goes aroand like "a wolf In sheep's 
oTothlng," end Is tally quiUaed to act the part ot (hebestblaok 
sheep in the botineu, and although thla eipcsure has done him 
good, and in some maoner checked his naaty, dlrly, practices, 
yet be Is.not thoronghly repented, only oheokmatM, and will, 
nodoabt, stay at home for a abort tlme,nntU he Mta another 
chance to ply hla nefarioos oooopttlon. 

The perlormen' names mentioned in the Card of "Bla Boyal 
Nibs," are people who, having algned Contracts, did not know 
how to keep them, and aa our "ShaDghae Manager" is well aware 
thatBeyntfd Is too smart to let either manager or perrormer, no 
matter who they are, get the bestot him; henoe the that, «0 
hare nerar to bewan the Ices ot apsltty FlftrDoUan, andtir 
by pnltlDg fiota In the newspipen, that cannot be sabsttntUle4 
to Iqjare the obaraoler et any performer. 

At the Casino, when a person engsgea for a certain aalary, he 
knows very well he la golog to get fl, and eonaeqaently we nev«c 
bare to adranoe moner either to act aa a ••bait'' to get them to 
leare their present sKaatlon "dirty,^'ora*a guarantee ot oar 

This Baltimore Flog baa this week been endeaToilag io sat the 
Delaware river on Are br oaailna bis "Fowler'e nela"ln the city 
ctFhUadelphlai but u bis tsckOagwu of a fourth alias descrip- 
tion, tha Oraad Starring Tonr was a failure, and Slnn-er's lofv 
hopes faU to the groimd. 

Tmsting these remarks wlU have the eifeot npon the mlnda of 
Profesdonals and the' pnbllo ia general, we leave this irioked for the present w his own ccfleoUona, 

8J-" . , B0BHMri6t.' 

. Bolaiged and Improved for the year IStt and 'uT^^ 
Tenth UoBphaat Annaal Tonr of the Uneqaallsd aad^..^ 
, . DUFBEZ k GBEEH'S^^^ 




Tha rendt of Tea Yean ot experience, pUroaixtd brUah.iL. 
and eUte of the leven ot the Burnt Cork ttotmlt* 


Rarer bebn conoentratedtita one OemMa* ' 
Ob wblch eoeialcc many new fseea and all theoU'kiM,. 

DBTUgthe prsatai season Iheywin visit theOiuiMia 
Bnaawuk, Nova Scotia, Newtonndlaad, the blind otoSu 
aU tha piiadpal OlUea in the United BUtea: IntrodsdSiba! 
mbUo the beat Neno Ddlaeators, thebestSlaW £. iS 
Daneera, the beat Haslolana, the beat Female PeaeuknlE 
beat Brass Band, and the beat Orehestn in MinaWlir. ~~' 
AlBO, tha Inoompaiabla 

Ou mp o ee d ot tki onipproaohaUe OUtlA'TE BOAn, 
J, B. Green, Edwla Eolmia, and Oensahro Bishop, ulnm) 
admitted to be the b est and most powaiftl ^ 
Bie Biggageof this Beaowned Troupe Is theFlsMlai 
Begant, BeaatUal, and moat cjiaUy let of Zinc Tniti n 
aaea eoaneoted with one Company: tlu whole was ailtl 
apedal order, at an Immeaae expense, ~ 

IS ena of the principal lines on the grett Mamaolh M 
now used by this mDp^ recently oomplsttd St Olairy k B«h 
Spnse street, New York. Itsurpaases In Design, Stota 
dear, and Expense, every thing ever befora attempttd, nola 
excsptlnt Olnmsea or Itenagarles. This imm«»«f Bg^ 
tUOt, Itiaeompoeedof thIr^-fiveeke«la,wotkedlntODMh 
ttls nineteen sheets larssrUian any Porter ever printed. | 
Poetara along the roate will take notloe and reserve gnifH 

plMesfbr^u cmanent ' 


etch evening prevlooa to opening tlu Itoa 
jift ttan partloolan, aee Programme* of the day. 

Stage Manager J. B, GBEBN. 

Leader of Omhestn and 

Hnsieal Director JOHN EELS, 

Leader of Braa* Band ALFHONBE BEBODOI 

Vcotl Dlrecter OUSTAVE BIDin, 

The wkda nnder the ansploes and Immediate coalnlol , 
DUPBEZ k GBEBN, Bole tafMnl 

OHAS. H. DUPBEZ, Manager. 

81-tf A. & FBHRTI88, Advaitlltl|l|it 



See ••UnlcnDemoorat," Dayton, 0., JoneStt, IBL 
. guohiatheanlvanalcplBlonot thepreaaandthepa^lbii 
where, apon witaeiring the very veraatUe and aibMH'v 
SBlartaiiuig exhibition* aa given by the abore rat \ 
tnape. Whilst most oompanua have fdt comMlIed r ' 
•xtraOTdinary heat of the psat *nnun«r, tciatoi" 
the CABTEB EODAVE TBOUPE has been petforoilif ba 
coly "toll," bnt even crowded houses, J 
The reaaoa of this neat popularity la eiiUyerihlBttl 
OABTBB ZOUATE TBOUPE combine the Cmn BuDur 
oteU the beat exhlblUon* of the day, and ibe motto olll. 
manager Is.'^Mwaid," "forward," and he will notrntnll 
mskea It the best axhlbltionot the present age. I 
nia aansger of the above troupe, oontempUUig itUI 
EaropeTi^seascn, win be happy to recdve piefciibli 
maaagan of flnt daaa estabUahmenla. Any aioli, mm I 

nndar, win receive due attention. 

Manager "Carter Zoaavs ftnipt," 
Oare of Faaax QdzbIi OLirpia (mm 
SMb* NewToIl<Br,V.^| 



JOHN A. FtTJT.aii MtnagerandPiqnK 

The only proper and Popnlar BoUdlng In theOUr. i'll 
certs, Lectona, and other ExbHrtilons. Can be nmM 
night or week, daring the months of July, Aogwi, ev*^ 
Mober, NovemberTDecember, 1868; aud April, HVi'C" 
IMt; tha other monthabelnaoconpled bymyngiivi™ 
Company. AU aaiiUeatlona directed to , . . • i 
ioBN A. »T.TJIT.«R Jr., ClevtlaiiS, 0,* J 
IB-U O.AlWAONBB,O0tafl«*i 

FBnOB OF WAUOI ^B^^, a<iu»J 
TUa truly denat aad very beaotlfnl theatnli I 

•faaknewledged position and talent, negotlstet*n>>" 
th*rt enf^vemed*, a* mntnal intarestt nay rea'"* 





An Ta> LiBoiar nr thb Uhubo Butm, a ■<'•■' 

Firtt Ohu BIAB8 treated wItt at all ttajs. »" 
aeed apply. JAMES OONNEB ^J>}-l*&1'«u 
17-8m or GEOBGE DBAOIA ft" 




The M«t sad moat popular Balldlng u the WriJTn 
Lectures, and lU Undof EihU>lUon» It o^^JSLr I 
Bight or week, during themonthaof f^ov^Ji^t 
Maroh; alia July andlognat, 1881, tha remaM* "^J 



107 by M feet; Sbge 8S »>y,2'SoJ»«' l 
Appropriate Boanery for Dramatic OompuiUMw^ . J 
. edOhalrs cane bottomed, lighted «ttliO«V 

Licence paid. Police tonUUl. 
Liberal arrangBmenU made with dl ^'SS^tf.] 


OOBIB 1«IAN HAWji,^^^^^ 

WUIieBenladtCf Concerts J<eotnns,W 

Address . W'^f^ISSr&wwi 

9Ma* SB Aioaaei«w-^ 

»AH COBBYN -^J^J^^J^^ 

H, B.-AB Istten leqalrlng aaswaa 

Kait W^|*«Il!I-^^ 

'';:i^ta?<flJBtAas.ppera Mid BUlet.Itoai'** " 

V ; 


NEW. YORK, SATQfiDAt; NOyEMBES 28, 1868. 

{yOI«. ZI«-Ble.3a. 
PBioii nx cwrei,- 


• jOTMttT lOB MM mw TOM ounn, 
• •BVBII EHiaHT." 

M ^i. .«»<amuiMOf ibe •ztcMtdlaur .daauA for thU, earl 

i. V.tP^I^or. we ■!• ooBpMcIroiitof ttit noDberooB-l 
>f ?.^S!?S£Su xa lUniu tnbntm tbftt tU lur b« ft^^ 
rgS|^y.OTSSto fll»" we hwwlth lepert wM rtmiM.] 


\ :■ ' - • . 

ipBi loJllei* otew wMft we th»t erer net— 
■ ^^''a«S5ieKiirno«ir.UTOJymtl»i«t. . 

' rrmiTMa (go, wbem mar etoh one now be t 
' vidL La&D itrle. I'm UtIiw end in debt; 
. "XZl onei (IM > wu k>tt fir ont *t le*; 

'. ''.'STbutb tei fiUktt-tiut ii, tnnM oonlrutar. 

. ■ n, ■ 

. It *ai t til Ttu* (IDO* ^* together, 
; ; w»n aoei memorrplotnrefcfto the night; 

W to Iheaiaet of ohlfir Winter we»to«*. ' 
' bSib OBT prtttT room 'twM wina Md bright 
. jtaoSTlmVe eU-TiijlM, ihllHBgo^agee, whethsr 
'luS, or deeUi iJun ietf mj morWeldl, 
lulieom. tliit dab, inl eB the fU 
^(om • theme to keep mr eplrit gted. 

m. . , 
•ShoM hoBii ere deed, ud eniel »ite hu throwft 
moBM In the ptth where rosea bUMmed, 
' jUthouhtotteMonthomihenee&rlhl'adooned. 
T. -.Mirijfhniiii I dteeuL jometlgm elone. 

Ot in ttieie thing*, noi t'Te ftt lift pienmed 
ato dot oor word! enddeedi downoa thji piper- 
g^>..ll Ml mlna'^ioiili-wordi light M TMW*. 


a toU you wo were fsnr; ewih h^e n»me, 
Twe being ChiUtliu In e ohrlitbn Uod) 
AttMhed to tmamen— yon wUl nndmtaad-' ' 
Ve thouht 01 of ow book!, end Died the lame 

«eft>iindthit"a)nb"faiaieek (wh>toonUbeM«t«ct) 
'VuEeppe.Lunbdi.TrpillonindBet*. . 

V. • ■ 


One of theletten of the miglo wnd, 
Ifhkh cISBg to him like t tobiooo flime. 

OUIembd»wM»ttTeIrblrd, ^ 
Xto him enr flneetlou oRen we retemdt 
; And UDeUonwueoand: hot br mora depper 
Okin fctthei* wu he we ehrWaaed uppe. 


WdL when the things were fixed, we hftd to meet J 
TodnwoarBT-TAWiapindOonitltatUiD; j - 

. IVhlch tiM tbeal SI brief ei It wu Beet, 
We dropped sll rhstoilo and elooatloB. 

TTwsi thos: Eioh nm shill tell s tal^ or tmt> \ 
Whene'er we met; md tbit one whose effmloq 

Wu deemed the wgitt,Uillshonldohiaae to 1 
V Bbonld bajjIgMB-gM nqaar Jar thtnjgb' 

. • TO. 

BcmaohforlntradooUon.' Nowrafpoie 
Thit TOO were sested In the room, {nxi;. 
InflilhlesndghoetJlke; No one knows 

How stuih yoo'd hanrtheielB, 700 laekf i 
Joit ns your ghoatty een , yepr speetral no- 
ToiOd ee regaled with wUiky-aklnB inl 1 
' Bat yoall please taste not, tonoh not, haBdte not, 
■ Tor itaryoar knowledge will be soon ftrgof 



Iistbds remarked 'twas oold onUde— yes, 
And so we pUed the ooala Utile higher; . 

Kappa oime m and btooght some ToOk and J 
ElseBtnnoe, be aisniMLroaaedkot oor li 

We took a drink and alt <w somewhat merry. 
Srlak llqnor hot and by a rooUilg fire 

On Winter nights, U yon woold know what Jo j; 

Is WBatinM meted oat iHlhont alloy. 

We tslktd and laoghed, and when ont sUbb w| 
And alter wo had llgbted oar olgara. 

And eaten qnlle a lot of ahestanH, roiilsd, 
And diank eaob other's 'beslth, and blessed 

W" tuned to E., who freqnently hid bosatsd 
Ot fbOUni glxia, and flitting with their ma'i 

Ahlaiked Blm If he wouldn't Are away 

Ann t«Il OS the first story of the day. 

X. , . 

lMUhewMadapp<rllttleman, ' 

Oood looking, too, 'With bright andjipart 
And one of thoee klnd,natnrM. whim we 0 

Xot often see below ihe angel's akles ; 
Bat Ibnd of blowing when he onoe began, 
And any oae he greatly sonid snipnse 
'He ihnys gate himself fttU share ot glory- 
Bat let tUt pae sad listen to the atoiy. 





••Bon, when I Uiad In York I knew a 

: 'J. loreiy, iritohlng, brown^yed 

(Our oloie attention he had won ■ 
"^e had a hasband older than 

By fall a score of yean ; bnt he kept ahidy, 
' And gne Us time to gathering fllthKWf; 

Au Ike, whose years had searoely nnSibere^ 

DldUka t* fllrt-the loier being pl( 

lered twenty, 

'1. at Ihst tIm^ wsi rather ihort.if moner, 

AfaUlng vhloh I baTin't qalt^got OTer; 
Asa I dUooTewd ODiy thoie whi'd won a 

BiBliiIenoylnTorkoonldUTeflnoloTer: - 
«o I oosoelred a plan— yonll think It foany— 
•Of being anUllUrlanloTeB.' 
ni ten yoa how It wai, I gqrpiy fixtotei 
AniDgad and tried my hJ^d at palntlBg plotoni. 

'''^t I*, I beaght a«ilatte indiome thlngi, 
Aaa knowing how todraw, won learned their om; 

'£<>e>idwailc;i^, that U an arUat brings 

.Vunt and dUttnotlon like the Terydeaoe. . M 

hummed poor tnnei-an artist always sings— 
■taA thus prepared for this my Ultle rue) 

igotu InttodaoUon to the lady, 

nroDgh Dl^ my oonitant tHend, one ptoaiant Kay day | 

• 117. 

"I giTs mjitu a good, hUh400|iaing namei' 
Aad uikefi Kith euygnoaaboat fine artas . 
■^Btde her think that I wu known to mSi»- 
trfuT^ ?r ^ *>>A ■oheek' In eqnal puts, 

, iL';'^ oonvlnoed— thoagh In her heart of hearts. . 
imuk she felt ay thoaghu did lomeiut boidec 
Wwre; bot for aU than got an Older ' 


nnuntheitmihlnCof their smiles, Upon 
bnbtt for votes, or dewi (that'i oU) (Mm He»T«B. . 

jnm lo^ the belt In som« light 4reai, ott low- 
^TjMdopd the sutement wu with ne, 
Tet the look ot BtioUef, and tk« glow 

Ibsh ConcDUK. 
For Blogrqitiloal Sketott, B«e another Oelanm. 

nUoh III bar tioo I oonld not <U1 to see. 

Plamp, whlt»«klBnad beantlei are not loth to ahow 
Thair anoolden, and in fut, 'twere wone than folly 
Xo Ilk laoh woman not to drai deeoDe. 


*4o, at her sUttng nmnber oneL I frand] 

Ber dressed In Tary anU-Qolker style. 
I ean't desoilbe her luir, her eyas, her round 

White anal, her sannal Hps, her innny smile. 
Her snowy bresst, whkifa swelled si thoofh 'twinris boont 

Ko bMu away from thti Its dnranee we: ' 
Ball 0, re gods 1 1 aak what wonder li It 
That I shomd make an extra lengthy Tlslb 


••Undoabtedly 'til tme that women hold 
A higher moral plaoe on earth than men; 

They're not so nogUistlo, nor so bold. 
Are more 'reNrug,' as a role; bat then 

Bonutlmes we And tbek blood will flow leu oold. 
And In that ease, parttonlarly when 

Xm. ohanoe to be a mToiUe, ysaH dlsooTsr 

Zbey oome half-way to meet a boUUfaoe^IoTVh .., . 

' "'('■": ■ 

•'Atleait'twuaoinmjoaie. Ihadfoond 
Bome things aboat ttls la<b:-4ae<r mggeitlOBl, 

As hu beenlblBted-ljy.whlcii I inlnred ' 
' It wonld be ssfa to pat some leading qaestlani: 

And' she wu looh a pietty little bird. 
Among the flnest-Iooklng, and the l>est one 

I erer saw, whloh wu a doe Inoentln' 

Pot maklag lore and being tolta attanttre. 

"flo I oemmenoed my painting and Ioto maUng 
At the aame time, one pleaiaat aflamoon,- 

Twu when the bads of Hay, ao long in waUng, 
Had bloomed into the tagiant flower* of tme, 

That I wu paid f&r an my great pains taking, 
in tan yon how U happened Teiy won ; 

Bat that my olosliu may in grandeor bnnt, 

in make my morauilBg statements flnt 

••Heal married women lore the Joys of lor^ 
And Ifthelrspoosea ohanoe to be old nan, - 

And they good looking, "vlrtae'i like a glora" 
With them, drawn on and taken off again 

Aa ohanoe may dlotala. Ahl the botfk aboTe, 
In whlA onr aotloni are leoorded. nhtai 

VnfoUlng to oar wondering iplrlt gaze. 

Will ahow qoeer dolngi in these latter dayt. 

"I thooght a m'ooMnt'wliat her liaskaad'i ire 

Woold be if he ihonU ohaaoa to oatoh me there: 
How Jealooly doth ronse a snoaldering fire. 

Bnt plarina with the long braids of her hair, 
I fUt my half made "laws ot right" expire; 

And so I Uoed again the wliUng fair. 
And pressing to my heart her hasTlBg breast 

I— boys, pleHs plotnre to yonrtetres the reat" 

Hem Lambda started ont to get some aheny, 
For Kappa seemed to hare a lengthy tela 

In store for as— we'd drank the Tom and Jeny, 
Beildee imbibing freely of old sl«. 

We jait began to fe«l a UtUa menr— 
In Caott' good drlnki in oopioni drraghta ne'er lau 

To ronse the Jolly spirit In one's hain. 

And rloher life to erery soene Imput. 


We ,%nnd the 0hmj tolattble^stoS, 

- TSfwaebest; butwii 

estafaLtobedlTldedaqnaUyamotigat thsmr at hli death; bit It 
ooBtabed a ipedal elaase, that any of them laarlng him before 
natitlma, bnder any olronmalaacu whatarer^ shoald be eat off 
ftMn lhe benefits of the beqoeit, and bat, ahare dlatilbnted 
aaoBAOe others; and another oUnae:flirther atlpnieled that 
any addition to their nambarahonld be Inolnded In the daed. 
Tortiuae reasons, seUah u they were, they had resolrad that 
■e ahoBld nat,^o long u Itwu In their power to prsTant It, 
bring any aldlUonal members into his seraglio; bntAeiaoen< 
SkfiSS?',! 5?"? °' thomartyes lafBolentfor unlan'i.labty. 
"newea hard, however, by piomlsu at aecreoy, to lodnoe tbem 
!S.?'!'7£'*° escape, bit feir ot the oonseaaenoea detatted 
IS!I*fJS'£.''TS" ""oy «' Oolon^Twho ml^iit 
ifJiSS'-^fSiS?".?*"'' they felt saoare so long *i|Ou 
»«™itwas beside them, aa he knew the possHile danger ha la< 

torttUMoSl*^*^ ^ conduct jwjr&e; tham 

«^?S5Sir^'*\"?°lf">'"'"«y theOolonal'aaimi 
^^2iK5S2f »<" prsTeBted;'b3 

ley eUowed him to petpetrita the oilme be meditated, and 


T^il^>. iTT^ ifoji-jiimw ,us gniuB US miwiwan, ana 


uiMuiiii, fciiiHi nil mm and the bornlaie opened np to har 
a new phase In bis character, and aha was not thaonato'hoU 
noh an advantage wlthodt makbg nae of It. JTom what 
aan taken place, ahe leaned that they hod some mvsterL— 
hold npon him which rendered him powerless to protect himself 
against them; and from eipiesalons which had tUoen from their 
llpi, she gaeaaed that he was implicated In a way whloh made it 
dasgerone for blm to resist IhelT demands. ' ^ 

Bat the Colonel had not fotgoetm nor forgiven her Intarttrenoe 
when, by her timely aid, ahe rescnad LUllan from hia aiaaolt; 
and petalanUy woald upbraid her with havteg. by her oendhot, 
deprfvadhimofapleaaarehehadwroaghthardtoobtaln. How, 
however, ebe retorted npon him, In ton, and made blm Mare 
howmnoh hewu in her power, > He wu lying one day.hli 
head reclining In her lap, and bis Angara playing with the long 
blank tresses whloh hang la beanteoni piotosioa over bar ilattai 
ter ae«k and bosom, when adddenly ahe exclaimed, in a tone of 
voice indicating a flrmneaaot panose which conld not eioapa 

titm * — • 

"Tea moat get rid Of lilOian Hetbert" 
"Varzattal'^he cried, atartliig to his feet, "what meta jronl 
whatdoyoaaay?" .-, 

"Ton most get ltd of unian," aha repeated, lii;a calm and an> 
Impaatlooed manner. ->•: ■: .. .1°^ 

"Uareetta, yoa ask too mach." 
"I ask too little,"! 

And I In drinking wlna am no ways green. 

Bnt u It wu we took a hamper, and 

Oonoladed that man's life wu aU too bdat - 
To wute among tha Porltanio band. 

leriiapi 'twu wrong, and we may came to grief 
Tat pamog at oar "Oondhu"— first rate brand— 
' And drinking sllngs. Can't help Itl I'duUef 
. ; So so, u live a hypocrite exlstenoe, 
Thoagh in the end my lOBl goes down some distance. 

Xbe intemynun being over, we 
Drew np in order, giving dne attantlon 

To hear what Eapn's other sorapes might be. 

With that fine lady whom ws'd heard blm mentlOD. 
, Bat Lambda, always ihrswd, inqnlred if he 
Woold not out alioit the rest; a great wtaaaloa 

Of time we eonld not give; for eaoh desired 

To tan hIa tale befcxo the tnob retired. 


VroB niae by meaning 7U I' and ssying <«o I 
On Wednaaday night yonng Lawranoe, (now in HeD) 

Who'd told his wlhttat ha molt do 
Some work Mich wu of greatifflporlano^ still 

T6uid time to oonrt a pretty widow, who 

To mrlaiting woe Itaantenoad, tto." 

Hera BaU lnterpoiad:-"Kow. look here I 
I want my storlw like my whiskey, plain; 

There's Kappa patnUng like a toolbar aeer 
Thajoys ot heaven, and heU'a outngeooi pain. 

This mnat ba stojoed. >>• li^^ baylha beer. 
Wa want no Bwdenborglan, half Insane 

Ftodnottoas of that kind; soflie'awajl" 

And Kappa took tha hint and aald his say. 


"Wan, ahe had on a low-neoked dress, her bast 
Wu half oottoealad, yet could I not bat know 

What atioBg temptations to man'a yielding dnit 
Ware hidden In the deep reoeu below. 

lam a moral man— quite ao, I trosti 
Bat when a woman's breut la white u snow. 

And she hu too a charming foot and leg, 

Honllty knocks under Jul a peg. 

XXV. . . 

"I know If s aU qnlte good, this metal taaohlBg, 
Vor sermons, essays and didaoUo rhyme: 

But piaotlaing Is harder muoh than preiohing, 
And men do fall firam virtue oft to erlme. 

. t oMght a stranoh old mondlst onoe reaohing 
Bis arm twund a lady's waist: and time 

Bu taaght me that true moral men are rare 

' As pure ohampatine, or real sea serpents ate. 


' •'Btkt aomethlag eti« at that time bothered ma— 
WonU it aoooM wllh aiy oompanlona' taste. 
It I iKinild San right tn-la very bee, 
' lad put my arms around her npelewalstt 
X thonih) a moment, then reaolvel to sea; 

Oondudad dahgen ^uldkeit fled when tteed. 
Bo on the spot I olaiped that waist so small. 
Ska blishsd, lookedtovlng, smiled, and that wu aU. 

■ xilVn..'.,, 
•Tes, ant bnt^twu sneosh, t taltjnrtthia 

ThatoUftnlUoBolthyMMwuneu) . 
And, answer ma, ye honest AUsw men, 

Wonld you have Called to whisper in Wear 
Bome words of mora than Mendly love T and when 

. Bha sighed, would you've not huiged hat wUhout tMT, 
And pressed npon her pretty moutSn Uss, 
And drawn ttom ruby lips long draughts of .bUas t 

. \ XXVZXZt 

'. fij anil then I frant mora quick drawn sighs 
^ Were aU the answer that aha made. BerOhatw 
1 At«nsed my passions; her rich, langald ayes 

Looked •ensoaUy bright I've seen soma fanni . 
Shal did approaoh pertaotton: bnt then llu . .. 

WUhln that wamaa'a bosom, aeok and anu, 
■ore of the Ideal grace and wondrous beaaty 
Zbw m bs(M* lumed snlng man boB dafy. 

"O.bothaiatlonI" Eappaoried, "doB'tUowl 
I gnea I know how snoh' things should be done; 

Tbla liquor gtvw my words an extra flow, 
Infaotiignessttdeeetoeveryone: ' 

Bnt I'U be brief u poudble, slthough 
For maiv daya I old enJoy the fun 

Ot ithloh I (peak;" and Lambda aald no more, 

BntBrambledtohlmsalf "OhI whatatarc/" 

"Xha picture got on slowly. When I next 
Oallad on n^ pretb auhJeet, her I fbund 

Hnksged In reading Byxon'e amorous text; 
Bna tried to hide tha volume at the sound 

Of oomlag footsteps, and seemed somewbat vexed: 
But when she saw the arUitwuaronnd, . 

Bke smiled a welcome, ottered me a leat, 

And said ahe had aitjoyed a bookish treat. 

•■Upon a (<<< a she hslf-ieolined. 
In that voloptaons attitade ot easa 

■SnMk ladles. It they're young and pretty, And 

bbTaUoddsthesnxeetoneto pleese. 
' It's wholly in aocoidanoe with my ndnd; 
But then the Uttle witohes Uke to tease 

A'faUow, too, . They ahow a pretty ankle. 

And hide the leg— one's spirit It does rsnkle. 






. liOya, AVP OBUKBi 

Tha Tlmtr6, 'Taif; BIng, and Bsgnlo. 

' ■aiuaa ixmtiuc Ma nst xnr tou ouvm, 

uiuuM saaam's n«noioas— m will— iubzrta tm tbs 
ooMwab^iR ofna or tuaaiaoa— wo oomfouioii, omiw lov 
mtr-A Bou> STBosa— bux laa nosn one 1 oood job— m. 
■tnaaWKsnii nr a xoer oottropiaBU ruox— tbb sua axa, 
suiua or a itoR oMonroBTiaLa smTanoR— iioiu ms 
wkTOH AiiD Komr, Mm oms a bit oold— auniiia bodbi 
Fiar amoioBBs MWanos naa doom— raoii a bbd or nowx 
so a bid or aoox- snann has to lib wnii tub Baasr— 


BmoB the attempt by Ooloael Vraioh to oemmit an onlrage on 
inuaa Herbert ahe had always fbund In Uanetta, the Spanish 
giil,attuefrland and ptoteotor; and. Indeed, the rut of the 
(irlihad shown snoh aUadl^ spttlt towards her,th]^ 'sheMt 
oompaiBltvely seeura from any further vlolenoe on bis pari 
They never pemitted her to ba alone, end even firing the nigfat 
one of them always Shared her oonch. They assigned u a rea- 
soai tor this, that they had leaned her hlatair and hkd deter. 
Bkiad to savs her,ao long as itwu in their power, bat that they 
dare net openly attempt to release her, u li would oonpromlse 

BeBeateat ealtraly upon tha Oelenel tor support, he had aome 
UmtMlktvBiadeawilliinwhkh he bad left them Ui scire 

she replied. 

•ifonoannot be serious. • Why take you such- an- Inteffst la 
this gill 7 what matters U to you whether she remaliialiaraor 


■Hid yon not make her an oiffer of manlage?" 
"TmI whatthe;i?" 

"It ever yon do marry, I must be tha bride." ' 
"Ton I Kuzetts."^ 

"Kaizetta. what madness hu taken poasesalon ot yont what 
slUy dream is this that bu entextd yonr btalnt Jfattyycnl 
Ha I ' ha I And what wonld Bebecta, Jeaila, Hary; snd Annatta 
say to such a proceeding t" 
"They need never know." 
"How oonld that be prevented ?" 

"By car leoiet nuptfala and they mnat take pUoe, loonet or 
later; and no oae need ever be the wlaer, nnleu yon obMse to 
make it pnbUo during your Ufttbne.' After your deaUi—'' ' • 
"Ahl what then? yon calcnlala npon that already!!' ' 
"Attar your death. It I lunlve yoa,' it must ba made pubUo." 
"Whyao?" ' 
"Becauae I ahaU then be the inheritor ot your estate." 
"Never I by heaven I" 

"Be not rash in your, assartlosi. I shsUI" andManstta, 
drawing herself up to her full height, glued upon tha Oolonel 
with a smile, In which trlanph and bate were combined. ' 
•Huzetla, yon are not Toniielf, to^y." 
1 have P9t been myself for a lonp, long time— never slnoe lha 
lime when, an innocent and belpleae girl,- you tote me (tommy 
paienta' hone; and <tn my retora to Ufa found myselt a polluted, 

' .H>ing-ai1ettmto jBgt. iin) i rMlrt l a y ft A ( miaHl P) M/ n 
- 'HliB&lAVEul nbwU la7pp'<;aiihliig; Ton bav^emota^ 

time In the Indnlgenoe of your brutal paaatons-^assfons wbfoh 
do not seem to blunt, but only become the more ffeioe and loalh- 
eomeu age oreepe npon you: but the time la now at hand, and 
yoa oannot avoid your deem." ■ 
"And who ahaU compel ma totakeapartiathlslntetaitilig 

plot'" . 
"LlatenI In the first place, there Is Lillian. What a wonder- 

fol seautlon it would oreatoware It tmmpeted forth thatOalontf 
French, the long tried' tHend of WilllanrEerbett;'hkd.robBad 
him ot his chUd for the porpoae of prosUtoHog her to'hls llMn* 
tlonideslresl Eow wooM the Colonel then appear before the 
>nbllo,or howwopld he eqjoy the luznry of aprisont Than, 
hereare yonr Intrigues wllhUadama Bouil; andlub though 
not leut there are certain aectsta between you.and the burg^ 
who paid yon a visit a few olghta since, and which in your sleep 
rou oannot keep to yoaraaU;tbat might be very unpleasant .to 
! lava revealed.'' .. " 

."Hal what know you of these?" - - 

"EnbuRh to oansa you to tremble, aa yon now do." 
Uatzetu had succeeded well in herplan.forbyoauslBgthe 
Colonel to beUeve he had batiajed himself, and she ksAwlie 
could not guese how much, ahe had blm the more folly in bsr 
power. The Colonel, m ine proceeded In her obargea'asalnit 
bUn, felt that ehe had Indeed anarad him In a net, the meatus' of 
whloh he could not rend; hlsfkoagiewuby lnllahna,aBdM 
ehe, wltti cunning mlnatoneaa, detillBd her knowledge ot bis 
difficulties, large drops of persplr^on stood upon his brow^and 
H she ooncluaed he aanlc Inw a chair, unable ia oonttM Us 
emotions. ^^.^ '- * 

. Uarzetta at a glance eomprahended the valuf .of the tthfmph 
She had achieved, and satlafled that she had given him sufficient 
tor oostamidatlon to answer her puipotu ibr tha prueaib a!b- 
mpt^ quitted his pceaeneer - • t 

The Oohmelwsi much affected by theperlls of his poaltloniaad 
could not shut his eyu to tl^iat that be wu no longer hia p^n 
master. Surrounded on aUTnti by danger, and dictated to on 
every hand by those he had>kft aooostomea to look npon ai Ui 
tooli, he tdt he wu descendid^to the degrading position of a 
slave; bnt he wu nets man to tmialB long inao&ve, and, like a 
lion at bay, tendered fnrloas by the attacks of . his . tormentors, 
hemsdeup his nlnd for a bold stroke to rid hlmseU ot his 
enemies. ■ .'. 

Tae ume eveningtcnad the Colonel doaeted in a prltau room 
of the Emerald Honee with Its proprietor, the rtisnlt of whlsh 
vms that a messenger wudlspatobed to Wllllamabnrgh.' Ontha 
Bight foUowlBg, be appeared at the aame plaoa aiQlfound a gnlda 
In waiting; who led hun over to Brook]yn,where,1n the' house In 
Atlantlo street In which Barney had found retage when he es- 
caped froid the fiieman, the Colonel foond BUI Jackson In expeo- 
tafion of his visit, 

"Tell, Setnsl, 'ow U yer? LooUn' Up top-«lad toseayart 
•Opes u 'ow yer don't bear any 111 win for our little wlilt t'other 
night ; but blanus, Kemal— blaneu must be did.'* ' . v u. 

"Never mind. Bill, we wont say any more abopt that,- alUicun 
I think you came down lather bard upon a frl*nd;^nV be-that 
u It may, I have got something for yoa nowthat wOl pay. ypu 
muohbettei^provlded you do the right thing-do yoa unda*. 
stand?" . . - 

"Iiathetthlnksldou,soft*-butoutwlthit'' . • 
"You know Bfadame Boud-sha sot oat of the my." 
xAnrthin' to oblige yer;" and with a wink he made a .slonlfl* 
oantdgnulf ontSig his tkroat. Ilie Colonel shuddaMF snd 
Axclsimed:*- • ■ « 

"No, nol— no bloodi there hu beaa enough of that; but 

Est pouessloa of her, snd do with her u yon please: but kS 
er not— neither let her trouble me aioie." -' 
"Tbataintvetydlfflonlttodo. Bhalsanleehlndotawoinaii, 
and I gueu I could mako her conkforlabia in my little shanty t 1 
thinks u 'ow she'd be wety glad to keep qplet. theteVkaeln'.M 
shevoaldn't like to risk her neokbyblabbln'ont— butvatl*^ 
vardvlU yer offer for this)' • ■' v L 

"Of that I wlU speak afterwards. ,Tliexe is another Job, anf • 
mote dlfllonlt one, in which' I desire' your sasistaBce. xro we 
aware of oertatn peonUarlUes la my estabUalmient,' and thatlatte 
aie beanUu there which, tor my amuaement, I keep aiouia m^ 
One of thus, a Spanish girl, bu, I boUev^ lost her senses, ^ 
I waat to find a'qnlet place whete aba oan be kept so u to 


able to masage It" 



ta, tha Bpsnlah 

"Vy.myotoNfiAmflU alnt got wary inuchaoomnmodaHon.for 
dlM;but,perwldedttwo8Biadevoithmyti«uble, I mightbe 

■ to manage It" ■ . . ■ i,., 

win pay you five hondred dollaie, on yjurseourtts 
BoutI, and five hundred more on yonr dlaposlng of suottt- 

yousalf In the um^ solemn' 


w thtfmand, <Mi your blbdltas 

__juier that nellher theyaqVfpa 

teaU aver, by wort o; dMd,iiObMpioiDlae me ta tovsUg!^ 
manner, or In any wayfionblemeagaiB; wMla. onmyparL I 
ihannarantee tlut under no ciioumataBcu ahan anyaotrf 
minetendtoyeur ii4aty,or aohurtof any of your oompn- 

'"^Ten, thafa fair and eqnara,andv«ni«nitabaryato/'iMUa 
BUI, who wu wen enough awaie i5**h«t>>y,«»»»MMl*;"% 
an arrangement, got the Colonel stm firlher Into his power. Af 
Ibr whatlha OotoSel might do to him he Wu not mwl aljsld * 
havtan too much at stake himselt "But," ooattnued BUI, «w 
are we to Ml the girl ont of TOnr house f" ' ^'....^ kt 

"That wm bS a matter fcr attar ttonght TonmnrtfifJ": 
lead to Had tme Bonri; when yen have mansgsdwimhstk-iai 
me know, and I shaU be prepared for the real" ...... u,» 

"Thart settled then; Hpna yer daddle on the bftj*' 
and BUI Lid o?t iu hand tor the Colonel to t^e JtoU ot TUS 
vm ntttr too much tbr hia eauutlnUy and h» shtBBk MB lbs 


alUr • bearli (faetza. 

^kflCiBUl. dhsoUlai 

22^piMa.-I» 1w ooattaved. 




. 555S?iS5ocB ot Ui»t luiSnig^ 111* lMoHoB»l7;'of the 



ltd' iLUdeoi 

^ k iM nL Toll.— l/Jolm O.He«n»» did iMneftlenaftle 
^ '^C^r'iu^irKM^ted.M Ur.lLliid leUied from pngUUm. 
l5l5SfTvTtofi»il»find, 6id Pool* TO I«P?5¥^ .^i 8«W5| tt» 

"'■■gtMii, th.t not btliig "Uuifj"^ir» cwmot lUto podttTdy. 
;'.ra:(L0..-B«idlii8 0i n>Il>dtiplil»,'P*.— luTtnorteoIUe- 
illmlnMBudto whoimt toitlieltttsTnow. Of ooan«,the 
'•'Strnrattspi«parnims«tU>*7«oiiId nothwa bidtt. "^a 
atMadTiiwaiTaiinlMdtanacmi aoimpondanca, or mdioiiM 
''' aeoBBwdona of Vndla Bam'a itoiolioiiias to itow tt vwtf In.. 

*hn^ «lnhUi-t-Tli«ia iie two trfndi of f<i«tUa' 
nnnili t '"li ' '■"« fiiiiii nttMj^' *■**' 

iliramblngtlMtbioitwtthtnrpantlnaonafuuar. The 
odicidtba d^ ntUt, foT,«IU«]ithe lemedr li gar^o 
if»W**ddini»liath«)»t ■ 

asu, H, T.— Thla eomapondtnt uka vs to daoUa a 
lAanSB Inragaid towhotudmoat monsrln bis 
.'." nnMLirUliofittaUIiig va tnaamennt aaohor either man bad. 

'%w Buon- U aald to bava baen a Vnrr wlie mia, batU be 
. MjAeft oTtt mb a qoary ba can M 

.i;''9.TB>iiXAE0ia.?Va don't exaoUy nndertiaDd tha natnia of tbe 
-I'VdLvlVUn'lIoalaaey foagbt vtlgbad iestba-4t 
' ^.'^STsNMatd^rbawalgba aomaiAareln.tha nelghboibbod of 

V:aw™i'''^''' ■ I 'i 

till .7tj »*s*5, .'HptlMaald. O.— VBayaia'iroB dnt blaod'liittie 
;i ' tatwitttt «ltt> Haanan. 3; nta edda bare aiefUOtotTOon 
-'^'■SSKnr^vUdh'la'baitartbaBTtar oiih. 8. foe Oobtiolanot 
-n gft |BaaaflieMKflirbt- ■- 

"'-■'^^ji ^iiU IDMOB, pD]toidiaBi,'i(. T.—Tanr letter dated Nor. 
Utb. la Iba 0DI7 ana .we bare leoelTad from 70D. Tonrolie 
' " peja for fonr nantba' rtlyttlptfaB, commmnlng with the 
{nosabar. • • - • -rr 

t aiti^ K>q|WLnMi;.;CUlaa«Iphtai— If. In 'aldttlon to 

jntelaaa lefMBaea, 7011 oan. bring aoma pelional lallsenoe to 
Tipon naatanar ownCM, yon- might aetan tbapofltlon 
jgaalinat . . ■ i.-' „, i 

-il ''^in'puT. J<o>narU, V«u— L Bob Brattle knoolud Ita 
'■''MaSt'ivm In'- tbe fbnrth round; -and thna won Untknoak 
Sown. i. Bma waa only floored one« by Satlugbam, and 
SKappeSadtttbaaUtandlaatroBad. _ " ' ■ 

~QDi>nonB/<Bia<AIyn.— Va beIlaTa;thaia la ■ teeatlaa in 
xWalker'a Uanly ExemUaa." Ifr.Kaboe.gtrea InatonotldiiBto 
Ua outomaia, giatla, wa belloTe. 

.Uiij/iTiaoAn, Ueapbla, Tmuu— In arlbbtga' 9 ftnna, 1 firail 
l»llnnd.% fdartomednp eonnt llj'Tla.i'alz by flftaani, alx fbr 
^''-'l^ijayaltfnd'nlnaftraaqnenMa. : ' ' - 

OuSBOJLT. Alexandria, Va.— Tba . ttrea of dtambndi, atoba add 
nadei. and lack ot hearts In, band, with the fire of btarta tamed 
ll^p^t the bigheat hand that can be bald In oilbbage. . 
"l^wifam naD. Bon,lh Benrfck, He.-If yon get anobnd en a 
iana'hand,' yon daow.toloae fonrpelnta, bnt yonr opponoita 

oiljisooM.two. I I 
" - -amw —im Jisid .that tha. dtalar oannot play aIbB& when 
kla partner aialBtB: the roIasajs.Uiatha mayor henay not, bat 
aaTthe'gbastlonahDnld baaaiuea before """■"tuning the game. 
■ „ JJoars Jpwotrj Byois.— B la mUUedio the money/havlna 
} IMPaated the'wotdB.glTen him. Awas.OTainaohed,wetbInk. 
"'wnbia uonM at once band orer the aniomt of tha wager. ■ ' 

^-——-■T- . '"WT. 

iSxkBKRi TbSMilpilK-^.Otulj'a feat wonl4, we 
nift^ take the palm, VUl InTeatlgste fnrtlier, ^oWersr. and 
v ,,po(t yon next week, 

>' ' "itB,; Boxbnry, Uaaa.— We ahall have to triable Wto repeat 
'■'8WP«p i««|b1B,i f ff »b e JU»ttf na waroannpt-maka mt .ii^y^ 

.BiiTiuttT, Kamprt— ne game' is aotmnob played bii. 
-;'ilid;weh«Te,nnJrI>een ftrtnnato enpnab.tqaeaaVotatrnS 
yja nii, wa do li.ot beBerethey are to be fonnd In prints ■ 
' ■ "h; L,; Bookrille,— It pnidea na aa mnob aa it does ion- 
';lmt'.'«»:>b«UeT« :I«DWter,^,lf thf eonaot addrea' Vilto 

, WMhlflgtoiuj-The liJywM,in»iA a taraoafha 
,io;^»^;waaUby ganUaman, ^d .^: retired ftom tha pro- 


0 jl^i^iioiwg, at I«Bli.—ire are always plaaied to hearftoin'cfiD 

L';:uil)DirB<niiIhlIadelphIa>4nid Blatter to'oiiTsddreaf.aBd 
'•WimiadwitueittolUBi. mb 

'i',' '1r.']L''X; jbiladalphla.— TTe knowno other method: than br 
'"■•ndliigtbnmgbtbemaa" ' . .f 

Tnoma 8., (HndnnaU, 0.e-The ooat for four wadia 'inaerUon 
CI yonr adraUatment will be (LIO. Sea It in another colnmn. 

^ 'teoorMflamen. .Wm call their ulentlbn to yonr oue. . ^ ' 
jJ'^^TiiVilSi L))nIa,KB.— We' balTe not'hsard of tha party for 


iia 'i. El', Hewark.— We baTa ezoUaogta, andooneipondente ftbm 

i. ttBry-oltylntheeonntry. ' 

ii. n^i- Bnaioa (Ubikb, Hsrana, 0nba.-8ent letter andnawa. 
nijaitei ontheaiatlnst • ' ■■ '™« anonews- 

r;,,JiP:p<>wurai Boatan^ames, or , Tanker BnniTan'a rloht 
[;^^|i^:W4:top^TebeennankAmbi0M ■ 
^n 'fiim),i-tfKMMem" la the only pleoathe lady baa appetred 
Jb. Bhe la studying two or three new pieces: ' 
Lnnj7i();iE;i^xteg<ea,Ky.-We ■ 
'TUnrtlaaninyAHradtoyota^ . . 

n j|j!lL.:Wit, Hewut-Xha nnmbers yon'want an oat of print 
m i^BttrotihBEAloiB, I.oiilaTine.-t The U^yla'aot manlad. 
X 11}e]adyla80yeaiaofaga. . . „ ' 

'aJtoS^HeenSi""*'""** S«» Btevins la the irtliof 

^^^&°tolt «:ib.d:n.. bat thai 

1 ■■^tln BcaioVi.H. Y.— Drop a line to- tba Priddmt of tho Vew 

_ W. N» I c, Waahlrgton, », 0.— The Obamplonihib Belt of 
iahi((UadUmnedatX100,'ortSIW. ■■■■■■ 

'i^ikiiy tant o^awiiing mikar can mike one for yon. 
Fed. Oo*MaS;— WebiTaaTrrglnlaOityletter'for yon,- ' 

^noi nil books. Some of 


B|, Boston.— See anawar to 'Xltho^pb,'^ 

P. 8. 

J;: I 

"• d«ol» Booiir*; W&anltrMtf of Obaraoter, Is.tba bit Daw book 
.atr^'Ha: ant; ntbstesa of "Paatagea In ibe life of' • !rast 

ia^SSf'^^!*'-?^''^ nytebtMpltdoie ■illi.W: 'W«bn» 
4!W(^».»i.W«.WaIywa.ooxflamo»atrnlyand oordUnyBbbt^ 
■miTha dealgn la waU ooooelred an|I extontod; aa'oha^' 

nvSfl!r!'^^if!?Ly'^ M«n nothing aoile 

oliKHmV; J|nA.^T||dena than tbe dlalogne ,ln many paaaa«e» 
.osMt ibanqiiat Mane. ale. An-exOeedlsgly readable ji'oyd, T^C 
|Uai*,«;}dtaide>iolei, (DdmpaiUybutneatiy'ilrtntid, 
BW^pp-iea, Woents. John Bradbain, pnbllib**. 

•.M WdUa sttaet^-jrew Tirk. 

,t I 

ik^<5^ ?W<?;;«W^ Hwre.-PWB- oni EngUah' ex. 

moa or ^olhtafttffitateroit. Qi -regtid to the Tw6 SIS 
^.ls,Ao.wei;fur,,t^tiake nam on DsMmKn 1^ ,.T'e 

• fn'i'Mmborlat.botweenMfce 
implonahip. and lbat en Daoitnbaf 

iijBeWean BanDan^^ SlpgVm.' learn that anYanaauS'iS' 
Hni.'^'-rM^'^^ '^^S^ work ""SSiS 

15'hiS5U ^^« bas,b»em,ba«kad fee £20 to tun flre mSS 
"OTOmberMtb. The betilns U J to 1 
>l.toaonIIaoeaealnat-ByaU|.anil 6 to-46nHeenani(Sat 

,'Of t«noarter, P»,>'iihie. tfaear flnl annnal Van bii 

On? tuika a»»,dwio th*' gantlataen In eStooL 
. — na aomWhlBg ittoM'antolahttal than 

l»lwfH!ABW^'<uae. -.-.j vr ji''i-'-." ■'■ i-' •. . ' 

'.. '-rt-:,-, -I','. .veJUaif.>I.BK-» -il 

".' rlifH;-^ (>rr.- -1.:. 1 ; 1 -ii;.'..' .f.^O. -I •! ' ! 
•">Mm.O .V) /jf'dl .at,.) 0." ■ < 'I J '.! ;..! I: :.'.:r ■ 'i- In-,.. fiU.' . ■■.t.: . ■ 
o4) U.yiticr,! lit* Hf ),■.'.« ;.i:r:';T i.j. ..; I'r.l li .ctti uj,: ;i.!,v. . 

^^wi^libM FUGIUSTIL. . 
lEB TOim^ oiiinS OP THB OU) 'TOL .. 

lM»day,i4ied:jipo*br the great pngnsttp «n<w^tar>tw<en 
diHatan'and.iVsmSlng. the t^^m^tattrw. nl!***"*' 
tj. ot Tonngimerlaa and Old Xngiand, Is fistappioaohlng, and 
altbongh In this cooatiy the Interest In tha Important afttli Is 
IMaaadbythaiaor«'«ttllUg»|e]itt 0MmtftU[-wltb the .great 
r^edliiaiyatlnKi^a/^^eldbifiadithAmoat Intenaaev 
eltamentiunrpieralla. Than, the Prize BlngU an aaknowMg- 
ediDstitntlaai SOB* ottba moat pnmlnant man In the conntry 

taking an Interest In U. ui<Ltte<ia'»!itlyfCWitribntlng, luirMHr- 
wblob means "keeping Bli4dy"-to the Inoneyfongbt for. Hen 
ttU dUIlH&li UlaWigVpimBtirBMetlag «llb bnt little fkTor, 
on aooennt. In a meason, of the abamefnl cohdaotof "rongb 
aIIeya"wbo an to betoond ateveryaaaembligeof note, we 
aay the ring apforaay meets with UtCe towr here. How. 
tbongb the attendanoe at onr ring not generally 
large, yet It la an nndenlabla fact that the daily papen new 
glTo tbalr naden a mow palatable llt^ 'rJ.*^J7;^ 
toey gin eUbontenpoitnof well.foughtbattlia Inthe pngUlrtto 

tiena. The details of snob aflUis'are read with t»(^«>M«. 
Interest by nearly all daaata, by Old and young. »bJip*T* »• 
gay. tbe fithir and the oblld, and occialondly.'^iy 
softer aex. We remember whatan exdtementwas <»#Wto 
thU oonntry when the nejh of the Heenan and BayeJ^ ?gbl 
Miobed here, Oengnss dlsoniaed It. and for w«lijt w^w 
the Cabinet held a meetljigon tbp strength of It , :Pl»P»«n 
wen nererreadao oaw^bllyaa they Ven read then. Eteiy 
lUm connected ilth t^iflgbtwaa oilledontof tbeweH-flllad 
oolnnmaof the daUlei. /and ewrytblng elae gara. plaoe to the 
then aIl.abBorblng topfe-flie flgbt "Heads of IMnlllea" wen 
np bettmes In the morilng, ta order that they might aeoon an 
early copy of thepapefli The women fota ahowtdan equal 
Intereat In the erentiand dlaouaaed "npperonta,;* •'flro«»' 
buttocks," "oomitan" 'and '•owiwuntan" wUb atooaenasa 
worthy of yeterana of tti tine puiOUttipu. . The 6eys, «eeln^;th»: 
old folka "on It" so stronfc gotn» to|ffo* f<n i»n .t | i! iit»>nd b l ack a ^ 
eaobolheneyeawltb»ianrttywortby:<ifab(rtl»r.oanaa. yfhji 
m hum of aeTeral Inaluioeawhen ont. finow loUizena of the 
"clergy penuaalon" obtained a cojqr.-jtf ttoOUinB, ud taking 
It intothelratadlea, eagerly deVomil^! great account of lh« 
"International atmggle" bet;rMiijtbilr;ij^^ tnd.SngUah 
obamplona. ■ ■;■*',;/< .•■■ 

Well, altbougb we have sald')^hm to'.iiottheaame.ltttiBrest 
atticbad to tbe forthcoming eneajnttt aa-.then waa: to tba' 
Heenan and Bayen meeting, wa bare bellen that 
the reports of the Heenan and King colii|{i>l:wIIl bsye foBy as 
many readen aa the detalla of the FatnborOTig;^.^bt bad.'and 
already news dealers an aending In their or&n fin/aitn 
ijuantltlea of the Ourna containing the nport of the|M|tl^ 
We 't"" endeavor to rntet the demand, and supply tb^ oonntty 
with the most truatwoxthy aoconnt of the meeting. 

Bythe last arrlTal from Buwpe we. leam thatalne thonsand 
doHanof the battle money hadbeenduly plaotd In the bands 
of-tba stakaboldai^.aa lhaaxtldlea of agreement called fori and 
en this, no doubt the lut.^ake of one thonaand dollan has 
been'addedt making ocmplata theWu total fought for. 
The battle -mon^ thonaand ddlats. Is aqaal-to tbe laigeat 
sum enr fbogbtforln therworld;; .We bellentbls'^ountliaa 
only beeA'eqiualled cmoa .bebre, and that waa lO: the eter-mem- 
orabia fight 'between Tbm. Byar and Tankee Salllfan. In Feb- 
ruary. ,1U9. In the "i;tlce rIngof England, no^anob'sumwia 
erer fodght for;altbongh"Udaea not /oUow'tBat large stakea 
bring about good flghta; aams of the best fights on record han 
been for sums Tarylng bom: tBOty-JUt dollan to flnlinndndl 
Tetit la true that the onlalde world attacheamontn^xntance 
toamatchfbr ablg itake tbanlt doea to one. fbr a email stake. 
It la aald that some fears .an entertained that fmiglsterlal 
Internvtlon" may'bring the Heenan and' Elng afblr. to a ter- 
mination without a. flgbt; 'Anijr the spoil sports off the 
acent, It waa recently prapoaed-^wblle tbe two gladlaton wen 
attending some raoea at Sewniarket— that tbe flgbt abqnid take 
place then and {tben'f deenan. we heir, .waa agnuRiIe to it. but 
iriTi- ■"-'"-trti alttiirnir*' »jt-'-w.^-^*;-<«M^ jp«i;.«m» 
offered blm to antlolpato the day.flrat aet .apBnLand"baye t 
oat" on the! spot^ '.' We pteaume. Xing bad good . rtasona for ob- 
Jeotlng. The gentleman mtrnibiiirith tbe managdn 
"exonislan" iren:Vilng eirary baTe tbe aibir come 
Off fair and aqoan on Its merits; and If the thing la at aU feasi- 
ble, they will gin tbe riptonsnbble the cold, abonlder, and tr^ 
to get along wlttkoiU,tUelr.'pre8anM n '.'aasfstance," At nearly 
enry prize flj^ht^-andat moat'all sort* «f laiga gatherings, for 
iS Intnid^'a'iiftelT^^ tbeV 
either make money by breakbig np the flgb^ CTi^lcUngpoakels. 
Weban pien^ of 'sddifUIowshere, andlt is 'only a wonder Hd 
na that the pnfeasora and::Bdnilren of the ring do notdrhie 
them away by giving them a "good warming." For the coming 
meeting, the pnaenoa bf the nbbia la not at an dealrable ; their 
Interferan'at 'I'anibpnagh greatly Injn^ tbe Brittab Bln^, 
yet it k(pt'W<'dbim^bn',BeIt"'ltt'theccnhii7; anidiUhongh 
Heenan lQBt:the' trophy by the ontalde dlatnrbanoe^ yet Iw 
gained some Very InfluentlalMends among all olast^.iuEugUi 1 
soolety. aome of vrlibm are iaow backing blm for the oomlng 04- 
oennter. In order to ihow thalr appnolatlon of bis eond'upt 
daring bla iojoftm ItfEn^laad^ : ' . ■.' ■■ *'■:''.*■■' f 
Th'e:"b()illgerenta" an' to asttn taalnlngi and have bean ao for 
some time past: ' 'tOoiilltlon" must not b; lost sight of for tlie 
approaching paaaage^of. flsts> and'well do both .men'.know iL 
And though the AtMiteanla booked to'wln among tl^oaa wl 0 
knowtheiwoin'm,'y«t We''wntlm naden. . against looUig 
at this or any btlieraportlng event aa a "certainty." Wa don^ 
believe In "oertalnllea," e'ie^wheniwopartleB are'Wt^ 
gather. It wak~ aejg'eberal.' opinion, ; the flgbt some 

months ago b^tweenSUigand l^ce. for this championship, the 
Utter would irin,.owlng to bis superior aolenoe, etc;, bnt KInig 
got ItfbnrblOw' that hnoeked; ali: their' ealoulattoni, 'knd Kaoe 
'With them. toto'Vlriattrlhihle ' cqnftislon,'' and. tbat ended Oiil 
certainty. King ta^ do the aame'.'agaln..- 1 Wa aay^that we do ntt 
undentand why then thonid be snob odda on Heenan. Know- 
ing, aa we do. that In ^elgljii wftlght. ^e, ,eto., the men an eqoal 
whUe Sing haa fought .oftener than'^anan. ani ii* had. tber^ 
fon. morapnotloal expeitluibe .In' ^e rlngi Jie also baa the aA- 
vanlage of flgiiUng 'on his 'ciwn gnnnd;' that Is, toEnglanf 
whUe Heenan, aa to hto|flgtit wUh Bayers. doM battle '^n^ 
of the atrange:^!',' : Ali'thlngs cbnaldared, the advantages an in 
bvor of King; andtbexefon wa an puzzled why Eeban overtops 
bis opponent to betting. The bnlyreiiscn we can see for It. Is 
the ex^rdlnary ablllttca be dtaplayed in his contest with Bay- 
en, whlob, at. the time, our tr^niatUntlo frlands were not 40 
wllling to admit as they be at pneentl' - However. Ve aiiaU soob 
have tbe news of the result of the impending straggle, and thett, 
per}tap$, ey^tblng;wUl appear aa . plain as:"hoasehold words.*' 
It Is pnbablei iia we said In a previous Issne of the Ourrsn, that 
the day fixed origlnaUy to the ''arUdes of agreement." may be 
changed, and an earlier day ,named. .to order, to. mlalaad tUe 
'iibum bdllA" and bthit spiai ' We than eideavor 
liable account of thA'^i ittui, although we may not be quits 
as early ^), onr ttnids of tbe dally pies*. When the 
great Internitlonal Mitch.TOsJa pngriss. we promised to give 
thefal)eft,datalls.. 'Wemontbfn fbioned our pnmlaes tbei. 
and bircalalednearly Om iu'nirrf Uunuata'icfta vf OuppiS, 
oontalnlngtbenportot that Impot^t event We ahaU strive' 
toflTf ^qpj^Iy.e^borate the oomtogseVto. if)^ f^lp- 
^"Mm^ '1 Tbwtron..letnews agenta prepm themadveh 
andBUathelroaloiaBUoiufoi'a'Urg'e^adeitf to'e'OLi^|j&, 00] 1. 
anOiftsaitiff m jfto,»Un di4 ani.y gjtQilfp'jiji^^t 
;(!( .( .■;!•"■'.;• 1 ' ■■j. . ■•- . ' . r-- ^-rr---.- i.- 
; OBXAIBSUI. ills CSEVOIi PkttEST'TO A Bowiti' PihAuif.. - 

We wen. reoantly shown a very handaAmoly palhtM iS'd var- 
"lehed Indian club, totended- f«»'l'ohii'O'i UiJo-' 
Bf. «W*f)(rt»t;fwPian of Bagte Eoae Oo., sf Buffalo. .; It Isla 
) B^!aBQ^f^jff,.imaul»otiu»i by a, D.Kebo»i taa«rlgln4i 
?i*y24l?^l'rS*^''f''5'!.' <">thelowetpartof,thBolub s 

^tMMl/W ««»«;.«». Hose,. the- spcUkon tub 
whMM and,)dongilde ,tti.<i "mubeen'.' stands.the popular yon& 
2Hr*R?feL'?l*-^* tnunpe* under, bis arm. imptryaaniiZ 
<mttmt6v4*afWfnln la splendid, and Itaaana 
tt^flntt^ pl(m clw^ftnu^ «u young Booheatot frlandi Jit, 

ir la pnpltiauf on;ihe.«$i«a- 
turn dol'oi every man and 

iivnca DAT lath* 

aloD.lhenrls nsaallyaveryg«nenltutnoa^oL . 
boy to the metropolis who ean handle a ball or wleld^ bat 
fUn. every avaUabia space of gionnd, on thla hour 
comae i«(ndiaint,l|l'OMnpladvrttb..parUe^ 
idtat totoV^Nfa-apagamadf baat^tllaiMbL.. ... 
time of It bafon dinner. Parllas for a match an made np who 
aever tonoh 1 ball at any other time, and gamea an played be- 
tween.canlealauto whcaa oecnpittons only«dmltof tneir enjoy 
medt of ball play on such holiday oocaalona as Thanksgiving and 
rooHh.of Jnly.-.- 

The paataeaaon, on the whole, haa been very successfgj^d. 
undartba'atrounistanMswe jnay'say'qnlfea'bTOUanl-'one:' At 
any rate, the Slucesa attendant upon the progreu of bise bdl 
doling the pistlhne seasons of the exlslence of olvUwar, nbt 
only aiforda evidence ef the great popularity of the game, but 
atao of lis oompleto establishment aa a permanent American In- 
aUtaUon. '' Onr s(ddlan play ball on all lelsun oooaslons. Just aa 
the Eogllah^oUlen paraolpste to their national game ot orioket. 
Bvery regiment In the army almoat haa Ito ball dub, and aome 
flnt olaaa gamea have been played In several of the Bonthenr 
States during the past two yean. The season of 1863 waa marked 
by tbe visit of 'Several clubs from looallUes outside of tho mf- 
tnpolls. Tbe Athletlos, ot Fhlladelpbia, opened the season By 
paying us a friendly visit, glvtog us a week'a brilliant play m 
ooDsequenca. The Hudson Blver Olnb, ot Mewburgh, foUoired. 
salt toOi and learned. several valaible lessons from the expa- 
rtaa«e't)iey noelved: and It Isbntafewweeka alnce the Obt- 
lege Ba>s, firom the Prihceton College, aitonlabed the BiooUy^-' 
Itaswltn .'a display of ddlltbatbas notl>een surpassed by any 
club tittalde the metnpoUs, and by bat few to the city. TheM 
tevaial.vldts bave not only tended to promote that social/ ana 
hntbariy tedtog that ehoald exist thnngbout tbewhids ball 
ilaylngoommunlly of ibe oonstiy, bnt also to toontsttne wd- 
hn of the game, and promote Its general popularity. We trust 
tbit.nait seaaonthe dubs from the wastom part of onrStat^, 
and'.thbae from Beaton will payuaavlaltto addition to tbe 
(ddbi which have done ao this season. The series of obamplM- 
sbliTgamea tesnllad thla season In the trinmpbant sueeeas ot tbe 
Olnb. who can pride themadvee on aoblevtog a success 
aever befon equalled by any dab to tbe country, vu., that ^f 
Wtoatoir avary match, bo^ flnt and aeooud ntoe games, that 
tiwy. wan angtged to. Considering that they played against the 
Bt n la g'a sl 'elnEa to the country. It la an aobtevement toey have a 
Jnstngbt '.tp bi proud ot The Eokfords, by the way, played l|i 
ten.flm^nlaa. games, soortog a total ot 317 runs, to 80 on the 

Sitt oftlialrotponento. play tog gamea with the Atlantic, Uutaal. 
nlon. a*^Tr™s Hudaou 'Blver. and Beaolnte dubs; the high- 
est soon mads .against them, to a alogle Inntofs, betogby the 
latter Atnbk and the Ughest to the match by the newbnrgh olnb. 
NsJitatoseatte gnBtoontast tor the championship wlfl lay b^ 
twaan^th'a UfanSD of Brooklyn, Unlual ot New Tork, and Eureka 
of.'I(tvw3[l'.th».two former wlU eapeolally make strenuous exe^ 
tBteto'tokirQie lead, and an exolUng time may be folly expect- 
ed^bn l^;QiloaaIan'of the matdiea between them, but both alula 
liari'detimdited that no auch oatalde toterfeienoe and dlstacb- 
'ssMM/aB-.^JitaRed'thelr games this year ahall be permitted to dl^ 
InAthabanabny of their gamea next season. ! 
. tXh'f 'next bvent of Importanoe to the ball playtog fntornlty Is 
.tts aasMbblage of the delegates to the ngnlar annual conven- 
JltiNi'Athe NaUonal Aasodatlon cf Base BallPlayen. Thla meet- 
tog takes place at OUnton Han, Astor Place, New Toik, on the 
e^entos of theaecond Wedneedq In December, and It Is expect- 
ed that folly one hundred dubs will be npresented on the ooos- 
alon. Ddegales from the dubs ot Phlladdphla, Balttmore, 
Waahtogtbn, Altoona. BnfCelo, Boobeater, Utlca, Byraonse, At 
bany.TTOy, Boston, Lowell, Providence, Trenton, Prtoceten, 
&a, 50., have promised to put to an appearance on thla totanst- 
Ina oocaslon. to order to get thoroughly seqnatoted with the new 
rules that an to be totroduced at tote convention. . In ngard to 
tUa subject we have to say that objeotlbnable aa It Is to change 
tharnllaB)aftBb,ltla 'nevertbeIesa neeesaary that the game be 
made', aa >perfeot aa proper supervision and JndldorUL.ohangea 
can make It, and It la well- therefore.- until tbey an made 
oompleta, that, every two or three seasons, sundry obangts be 
made to the rules, whenby the'experiencas o^ the past aeaaona' 

Elay can be made available to.Improvlngtbeaamec .tn><changeB 
avebeen made to the mlea alnoe 18fll,andatooetoenaevenl 
Important ebangta and Imprbvementa have been: ahoifti to be 
Impentlv^ necesaary to order'to.reaob that potot.ot excellence 
which abonldidiazacterize the game.. - . .i 

The Oommlttee on Boles and BeguIaUons have new under con- 
sideration a boat of soggaaUons to resard to the wording of thla 
and that mle. arid the totroduotlon or new ones, wblob.they win 
brtog to toe notice of the convention embodied to their regnlar 
report Tbe moat important Improvement suggested Is that of 
the totroduotlon. of wldeballa,aa to origket with avlaw to do 
awaywlth the wild pitching to vogue. 'Wbetliarthe/lilBn an» 
gested Is an aivallaUe oile ornot.wetraSt:.the'.'oonVADtlonwlll 
see to It that some plan Is adopted by whtdlt'the civil referred to 
canbeobvlited. The fly'game,too,to brought nptoradcpi- 
tlon, and en thla aeco\int then la likely to be qolte an "exolttog 
trial ot atrength between toe two partlea wt)0 advocate, and op- 
pose this style of game. Sacccsifu^ sA the past season Bss been, 
'We have ^vsirreaaon to believe tUat the aaaaon ot IBM will be 
<lie mostDmll^toi sny known to UeDMat VBals of our 

Im pntnp 
tween tba bo: 


Tbbb IttflatMBtama met al oiir oSoe da the Uih intt 
Ing to appototment and dnw tif aitUlMto -fltfht onihl.^^ 
January. IBM. at l()8lbB.,f«>i«0oraisldaJl *i£<^oUm '""X 


PEDES TBI A N i; S lyt . 

100 TABDS Foos Haob miwaBM Tbohas AKD.ilaCUBa.— ne 
Orasge, N.f.; bslf-mUs tnck exhibited si. llvdy appearance on 
the 19to Inat,. fa between four and five bundnd say aporta 
ftom Newark and'dsewhere wen congreigated to intoeas toe 
great 100 yards spnrt between. John niomss, of Newark, and 
JamesHoC*be,ofOsnada,for$100a>lde. Tbe match waa made 
on toe St&'ef Nevtsmber. (made todnonble' by Old OUy f'awkaa' 
'~rtog to sand 'the memben of the British Parllsinant klttog 

ith his gimpawder. plot, which will never be forgot) by William 
Oacker, tor Thomas, and UoOabefbrhlmselfiWltnassedby Qeo. 
Condlt and Ulbhael Oeany, otad toe variona deposlta duly pott- 
ed to our hands'. We arrivad at toe track about 8'P.U., by means 
ot steam aud hbVB»power, toeettog toe familiar ftcerot Jem 
Qlddtogs and Harry Hasktogs, from Brookljn; Pngb,' Thomas' 
trainer; Hat Oasaldy and Frank Prtolz. old opponents ot UoCabe : 
BUlClacker, of Newark : John Ortodell, the ten mile ohamplon; 
andotoera of'less hotoriWy.. The proprietor of tod track had toe 
aasnrtnce to aak $10 for toe nn oi It, but came down after mnob 
long aafferisg and talking, to a mon moderate figure, taking the 
apectetora IK- cente'each, except toose who scaled .toe' walls— by 
ftr toe greator majori^ adopttog thla metood. Owtog Utihe late 
dank weatoer,<aUhough dear overhead, toe traokhad to be raked 
over, and was toon sloggy and slippery. The betttog wasto fkver 
ot theNewazk man. at toe odds of two'.tO:one,'Wblelt.waa fre^ 
quently taken by UcCabe's friesds. John Grtodell was nnanl- 
moosly chosen referee, and a Jadge was appototed to start, and 
anototr to call back when toey didn't start even. . Boon sfter 8 
o'dodk toe men doffed toelr flesh-bags. Ul but tight under-shlrl 
snd dnwais. and look a pnllmlnary canter. Tbonus,' who la 1 
"^*5^.^.S?V*» Mjears of age. and'atahds 6 f t 16k toobei 
to- nelgat; no Is a, flue-made, atbletlo . yonng fellow,' wito a 
bounding,. springy, siotlon obartoteilBUp of speediiSo rarely 
to be f&atid to men of bis weight and atatun. He Thas fig* 
nred exIenslTeljr'ontoe raoa-tradk. wltoHavtoa, Kelly. Scboltze: 
eto.— his best race to 200 yarda. UoOsbe,WBbeUeve,lsaOanadl> 
an by birth, of about toe same sge, and some two tocbes shorter 
to stotoK ; he haa only figurdd three ttmea atooe bis dilmt to toe 
Stotes, defeaUrlg Frank Printz to a 10O'~yards race,' iratt>Cassldy 
to a two mlto3iieat amd snffertog defettaomtoebtterlnuicther 
ot two miles. Aftor'toe ttsok had be«n deand, -as no other one 
man coold' hava dleared It by BUI Oladker, tos'ifien toed toi 
soratob, and. aflbr aodrtog eight or ten tlm4a, got off eVen In a 
splendid bant or speed, and from Onr «nd ot the Une,- toey look- 
ed to be side by side for the flist fortryatds; Vulhera'toe Jerk 
seyman began tooh by tooh to gato on the OanadlanMho'labored 
heavily, owtog to the sottoess cf toe ground, yet gamely strug- 
gled on, but was beaten at toe bdmeebratoh by about ton yards, 
Time of the '^n^—lOX seconds. The race wtt nobly icontestl 
ed. taktog toto. oooslderatlan that U cOabe had- toe toalde tnokl 
when too grpnnd was the worst, and slipped at . dmovt ever 
stride, whereas toe Newark- man, by bis eprlghtly motion, go ; 
over the conise much easier. That UoOabo' did blsibesttowto 
no cue wlD^galnsay, and with a bard, dry track, he . atlll thlnka 
that bis opponent cannot toke any Ubertlea wlto blm.' 01 tbi 
two men, Thomas' stylo Is far mon (he Ideal ot a runner toai 
UoOabe's, toe latter bavtog obad fashion of Loldloghls hesd lot ' 
and snreadtog his arme too mnob, which, however, can easily b 1 
remedied. „ After.tod race, Jimmy tried It agalnt and' seemod 1 1 
go qnlckto than, baton. There Is some talk of getttog np anotoe ' 
maioh between toem for a qntrlar of a mile. From tbe trto: 
toe horsea' beads ware turned for Joe Baldwto'a hotel, to Oentr i 
*'"'"i£i'i?''^^?^?^4''»^"''' ttesports toNewark,wher 1 
we metThbmaal bther,.an old vetennwho dnn the mall coaol 1 
whan Lafavette wasto Ainerlcsi andknew that patriot well, Johi 1 
MoOormlok, and a house. fuU of sporttog men. Kr^.Oltcke ■ 
called on toe iWk and received toe slakes on behalf of Thomas. 

Afoibib Ua'^b, Uasb,— As'was anticipated,, Tbcgnas an< I 
MaOabo'ttide anbtoej mab*. to ran a qnaMerofl to»le for tW> 
aside, on (U« JaehtoS TncltX;,l, on'Tid>iday7iMffinAer 7tl , 

doubt bntthii the match ■will kttrtot oonsld/fmv '.attenttoi , 
ArUdee wfre Blgiejlop ^ho auttost. and tioirik A^t,deposlte I 

l-known genUeaun of 11,. 
too money. MfflTli?*' 
I Wdker'i'SSi'JJ'^ 


reputaaon bt boto youngsten, a pretty UtUe mm 'iTuu^?^ 
Mtween toue Tom-tlta of tha Prize Blng. Attached we^^ 

•^^S^^B^oSr'A^nsiijxiiT ^'(ered tiitoihis fsUi dav ar«.L_ 
ber, 1863, between Blcbard-HoUywood and John Ecttoiv^* 
said BIphardHoUnroofl agr^.to Qgbt toe aald- JehiKS'u.V'* 
fair stuilup fight aocfM&ig to toe Boles of the' Ui£?b3 * 
Btog, by which toe said Blbb£d Hollywood tad Jokn Kmu* 
hereby mutualiy'agted tol be '.bound. Slie^ttldfiiihlsliS^k^ 
place on Tueaday, January Uto, 18M. and shall b^ i„ai ™» 
ot Three Hundred Dollan a aide. In pnrautnce of tkiiT^.?' 
merit tu a dde annow doposUM'^ tho hahis of F^|vK!^ 
vrtioshim be final stakeholder.' The aiddfad deposit crMoYSS* 
Shan beuade at tbd'b'onsei of PatMdk'Hnrpby,^raet tfluSP 
bU'«tad Degniw itrdets, BilookUA. on Tk^y, toeuth^uS!: 
Novenbar. %iethlrdde^tdf f>Oaeldeat^yLbkn^%! 
Centre street on Tuesday, the 1st of December. Thtfimrtifj 
posit ot m a aide, at Phil .01We'B>'.«Ot OohimbU stiMl^^ 
lyn, on Tnesday. the 8to of December. The fifth depoSt ofui 
a side at Dennis Klrwan's, odriier of Pavonla Avenna uiii>_ 

vest iitnMit. Jonum tWtr. nW tVidfilav: <>m> 1 riW .>.'. iiT"' fO- 


sevento' _ _ _ 

Uontgomen street'JerMy'Oibr.'MrTo^lday, the'seli da^ 
oember. The said detmltokhsUni«iahd«< between ilieh^^.,. 
- - -^iMIWg <hsU'fortelttrf^^ 
_ » jataitnallyi^eeditowTiiS 
kstdepealtto be to the State ot Rfw York. TheTdiUuh 
take place toe day befon figbObg, at some place to bemobms; 
agreed niwir at tha last deposit an4:at)h/{r man exoeedltg los? 

toforfdtthe'mbnaydawn. The man i 

the bonis of I^A. M. and ) P.;M ..ntf , 

bybotopartiM., theavent.of magUterlal iateifeinnL 
thaparttea aball meet at the office dt.toe stakehdder ov ihtS. 
lowing day, orBu'cb other'inay be agreed upoa on thtltaS 
dayofflgbttog.. ShattheexpenMaof tharopessndstaknibiD 
be borne mtitnallr aban and, Shan ^e. iTM Staksa not toKi 
given up, nnleaa bymiutnal' oonaant untU fairly won or kitbi 

a flgbt JOBKHT KKlTns. 

Wltoeaa:— Teos. Kumto. BiOHABi>.EcLi.nraaB 
■■ •• DumiSKlBWlH. • ' 

NxDWiLSON'BTEAnsarviKcrFsmviii.— ThebcidWeebtiba 
QamaCock bas.bad'.tob'gpodtortnnbtQseoan toe StajvmS 
Inrtlfata; No. B89 Broad wbtl. near Bleeker atreeL tar Tti7«wS r 
tognlgbt,Nov:^b;'when%«^wai;iio doubt be aiTltomme 
attendance dt h'eUday--keepeU, ccmprlaedof many vfioufinaiiw 
toey can't get Into toe toeafrM' or tolaatre) halla, wlU ^tnusl 
spwrtogSexhibltldn for toe flnt time. The regoltr "btVlues," 
thereton, must go esriy to enJoy toe ton. Bee Ccbun snd Ut 
gallant Crow, Izzy Ltzams and toe gentle Boberto Smllhli, Phfl 
Clan and bis nepberrYoung BeTilnla,'r laXJrem and tofrHenia 
hero Billy HoOrato, BUly DenneUy aid Hike Oobuht, tarelkn 
wlto many otoen. Wilson toe Brtva is to wtodmFWItoafileaa, 
ToveeflllstbeJLA'sblp, which Is proof that '.iCsre'wlIl be it 
lickofsporti Zh« tldketoanflnd«: toe unUwm latlbof Ifli 
oentoeaoh. . . .-ii- .- . ■ '.'">.. , ^ 

'.forATovB'saixATNiaBT'mBBbbiLm— 'ni|B(T«eiday,Ker, 
Slto) eventog, toe I^tosr of Boxtog Is to bana-retl Uvabaitil 
at New Temperance Hall, Fulten and Ptoeapple atreelL 
when we only want a fine night to make It toe blggeit exhlbUoi 
the old gentleman avet had. By.(hs'!6111i^''wkSM'11iit thm 
glove fighte an to' be ocntetted^betwednEdmrbwaiyand Bflb 
Dwyer, Biny Donneny and Hike Nnnan, andttw^ethsni'logtite 
wlto toe aaalatanoe of Phil Olan, Jem Olddtoga/ Jbal l>uiis,)ia 
Hnnter. Ultoge Cortellv Jerry Conklln, etavetai-TwoidfTfrantt 
page an to nan a round or two, and .toa 'wilclaeiiitaHalinel 
will termtoato wlto a tremendous boxtogmateh Is'twktB/id 
Wllllans (tostaad ot Olark) and toe etargieeaMIiale .Vfilta 
Tovee, whlcb la anre to be boto exdttog and amualng, A qjoh 
tor and fiity cento an toe ohaiges, and toe boxtog ocmmenoeiit 
Fbiobkd bdc— Onr pungent btot to the man caBedlkeBitit 
IS elicited a nply uom lhe party most-lntarested, to sll^ 
Oeo. Baknr. who ohallsnited Oon. Orem-^-that'a the muna- 

goeed ttthan been Iks. 'We presume be U a brothtr ofluioty 
utforAradentlaintatnts hs didn't wish to bavethlstoon. 
OecigeBa now located at Hr. Well'a,. Pedestrian lavaii,iriit 
Troy, aid toanxlonato fight any man in Amerloa next ipitaf 
at lU IV.. for Uoo a aide. It Is ourrently reported IhitaMttS 
big 'ui^ndenUy Imported, to now keeptog shady.reidysttte 
proper to^.'/abow canie'Vand flgbt aome one of oar Ug 
men h* 

It named 
Mlow )u 
thing for. 


I to be 
taken etoi 

DiOE Hoi 
road, " In 
R. oracle 
ters to'en, 
go to a hell 

BFOBzrno HoDEi Dt Baoonn.— Ed. Lowerrku 
'■-mon toe oorner otPrdspeot and PtsrI stieets. It 
ip .Gryatsl, sod' ttom toe .popalari^ ot the yoou 
d bonlftoe, we eapieet it will ton cstageM 

i.<^BBrTy Latfiiiy has 'got so fkr cai of diigir 
sgato. Wa-ba*e 'rten a photograph of But 
10 aflQyj l)9.I|>okil..|dn«Shat hagnrd, botli 
igadgar.' ■ - 

OOD 10 TRAm AT Habx UAQolki's.— VhIb onl 00 Ibi 
oacKand four hgnes drawn by a any nare,'.' ea Ite 
id at toe Cky.iiaa Hotel, and tb^learoel trork Ite P. 
lic^ Hollywood wonid very;Im<y taiks DP hit qai- 
Ireln for hto fitht wlto J^hnay Keating. Eemiilrt 
ir Place.. !''.' ■■ ^ ' .' ■. 

EroanBSiii^nBLi),iqa Mroroue soimoa"— ItlsaDliUa 
Dollon to tolnk. toat a sporting man lsii!t as good a mai for Om- 
nor asauy VtHer man,-ifbIoh will no doubt be proved la Ihsnmlii 
electloa. iunong otbitn rannlog for oflloe an Billy Watob for AMa- 
man, FranK Speight for Juitlce ef: Police, Dave FllzgenM for Ggas- 
eiloiao, Nlqk Jadge tdr I'ollce JusUoe, and Nsd.QmnIn for.t (ta- 
olQgrtolp. 'Iqdattca.^oglUaffl and.toe drama are allrtpretailelb 
IhcBofouriJamts. , 

.Ouxoas ma BiuDQVABnaa.-<lIlke Smilb,' " one of tie 'boja Ota 
ttis cut Bide," (dr a losg llDe-employed In toe Navy .ITardiMlliH- 
Ualone, unfw tbe UoOormack regime, has left lown for Port Rtpl, 
to look aftor toe ssnllary:oondlilon of toe " s(||er fellen," Mc. 

DBmooiqnED Uiurtor Abbival— Lieut.' Col. Hanynorciani 
la the city last week, aud toi cred us with a call. Dorleg bla ap» 
rioace of too war be has made tfie acqaalntanco of all ibegrttlaa 
ot too day. for a year and a halt Barry was Chief of fdlM Is M 
Orl«BDa,.nn(ur Oaneral Batl^. and bccameM popular tint ue * 
dies ot (he Cresoeat Qly prerentcd blm wilb abeaalini «ala ui 
chain. Ha mformfios that Nelson— net the ooe-armcd beroo w 
ftlgar, but Jimtiithe: boxer— has rstlned hlB " ocnmUB-" J* 
Tkylor to won and hearty., iHarry. met John Woods on tereruota- 
sloDS, bat (h^aa^flS'Boy looks ,wan and haggard. Tto UtsL ^ 
left for BostoOL on the:18to Inst; 1 ; .:.,. :.': ; . .. ' t 

"EocEnouoM"— The Utin qootellon headiog Ned ITIIionlMa 
has created as'.muoh tolk as (hd horse-catlDg baelocsi-eTenNq 
wasto to know'wbat-l( moans. Wilton- has nhertifora pn>>'7,w 
explain all about' It at bto bensfllon Tbanktglvtog al|l>l|tii" 
Stoyvestntloatltote. ..^ , 'ij .<;>'-.>; < 

KiBBvEiumXiiWoaABAoixR— On Thartilay, Noren^^ 
Thanksgiving dIgBl.'Hanry Hill; of toe Ednslon ttrcetCiD^waBb 
will go tbrcugb ttid.lndlan4lnbixdrdlw; at ihdSKiyrosui) Iiiiunn 
with 0 pair of Eehdk>s 80 lb. dab*, showing all tho votlciiliai^ 
on a scIonUOo principle. .TO thoae who have haadlod toMO cim 
too weight, 80 lbs. eahh, will sesm ralhcr Bleep, but b? 
OSes toe 20 poandars,H won't Be much of s task to bin. J'|'<Tl 
elon to Ned Wilson's liBBeOt, and; Harry has given ut bB'«n°; 

ilnniv IhA hlllB war* nrlDled. WOw " 

help tho Weebawken 


man aud onedt' (he old 
chased tbe hotel on the 

elDoe the blUa were printed, wW 
■e there. ' 

iH-iJohn Makewon.a popltr j 

ihln'gion Karket Boes BoioIbm.'WP 
nf BMi'dway Sod 6tto e(re«l,.iu") 

'! I J (:.' 


A.apinTrDiBloB-8roB* Ab£ad.-A oorresponaest'iends ni 
the following aoconnt of a. eaplUl llUIe rtoe whiobhai lakeh 
ptooo "out his way," with a^ropoial made and accepted for k 
fint-otaas sporttog eyent bom a qd»rter-'<fb»adil WdSHot otto: i 
hear. Thenote'.to verrwelodoit«.'-'B»ays:->; <" ' '<>i '' 

' "' iKiulsvUleiiKy., November.l4lB,1808, 

Bonos OuppiD — i?«Xf «r viJA fodt rsoe cameoff here to^ti , 
of onerhdudr^ yard*, fqr »H a atde; betwton an Unlindwn and 
Mf,^aroito..of toit oltyi .Ihcnce Idok ptooe about- one mllt 
from toe oltT. the betttog betogaU'to ttvordf (hb UnAown, at 
M mnehttEloo to .»J0 freely offeted/'wlto but f«#ttke>k, TbiS 
got off with a fair start at Jb*U.Batt 8 o'doch, keoptogsldaby 
side for toe flnt seventy y^idr, when toe Unknown took tok 
lead and'okme toi Tttonsr, byigfltetj'lb Uj^teeft ; AMFthe no( 
vaa ovan.asentUman ofi sporUng'ffuei advaidoad to' toe bael£ 
enof toe Dnbdom and offered to'toake a matohi'fttftl.OOO^ 
I ?i' dat*- aatnkdar, Tflof. 

im, The ohtUaag* -iris; aeMplia oti tba i^t abdi|w a aldb 
\^-,.\\ii< iiiv.-ii -I . 1 ■ '..'... ..','i|.v r 

.'■/'"'' 1' - "I -•' J >;i:i);.' !'.'. .': i ''.'. ' ■. ' ■ .' 

or moiuway iDu o,ui —-T-F,^ i 

occupied byFrtdFBlWand7%Bd'Iad U'tOflxod to 
Bplondld.Yle#bf toe CeBtiirjhrk ':to iflbrded from «'»'**!uij 
which to lilerally swarmed on every fine tfUnooii. Joonwiu 
donbt do well lu bto now enterjrliT 


Iranspimu, oai.iomv B»7 wsi iio'e'Bii«r\ a '"'e"*'"''.''.7Ai,Mre 

The sladiator aad'Uooto Abe baTtmadbUp friends, and tftw 
ipeaklngleTtos.' '!:"■■•'■ ■ '' " ;••''"• •"•'. ".' .•' 

Oioiioa ■auaii'tiiisMa'Mw^o.ii^^ Wckt 
puglllB^.to, now damiclied.'dndd/to«: NM''>',¥r'^*iriiird3*» 
nSertrNsIl Fkctbry, Troi', giving' KbiOnS inlhd 
Oeorge also attends gentlemen at toelr own pitcea oT 100110. 
forOeorgol , minilO' 

A Foiniv Rawf-AJ.'l^. Il.'1'Bonds ns 'aB teooant oft ipui 
Drove YardyWegf PHItaddlpbia.^bolwedn Jobbny ™"?iSgrei» 
Ddua1tasp»blehlutedbd't IWd rddndt j'the nime?tW<«l VjJS,^ 

to the disgust of the lookeri-oll ln'thdIJrove Yard. 

■H^^JSiJi-JOi'iiJ^r.iil^ iI'Aa .... -ih,K'l>:i . na iDlugCItXrlL 


liriy cf toe varminto were croaVad invoryiair --jigi,. . 
entered and kiiieU toelr rala,lh'nillovlng order: "."Jif « Hi 
rato in 1 min. 17 m? 2d, Old 48 i. : tS}y>':}1\ i,C?AM^ 
mm, 12 sec. ; ^lh^^ InaiMV'eihiS InMsed. ' 7lh. (a "|Jy,'5dir 
er) 8ln 1:82; The |lrdpf toldr of tblseilmib wiltWhB viHiJ";^^ 
buying rato, as to'^'baWn'tgdi * prefcsslooalht .qatww.w 

A Match at BniiABirfi, iodp-Vbltts nip. 'fji'jjJ^^Btoi, o»Ji: 

sou- ton., Mtween DlddD uomu anB """^ "iiii bIooc":: 
contest WM very dose, snd on toe lut "^^'^^a^ 
potote and Honia 90t. the totiw to olay, ""■Jr^ShBt* 
teotandtbnswon. ra*'^t4elMl«S.0ho«nian4».«»" 

->-.'J Jc.-. .t'fVJ -'.'I.' .'. ■ ''■".^' ■■-''..',' ■". ,, , . ; 

L'l SI. '-X. lu. 0>. 

W Y 0^fB^ :<^^ I P P B la; 



Hot 2mllr S. Vif- 

iroin)AT,.HOT. M, 1M3. 

'^j'i^& aoaMtolIed foi htolEidnMa to ya pooplaof 
jITiSST? tfww their plons «tiprool»«on of the mtny favors 
iDsnd tbelr treafuea with alooieliaild and an open 
'>'V^kitmv]met the drama they did mnoh frequent, and 
'••^'^iMM did Ihey.beitow upon ye poor player* who ware 
?lSf S fflwe tJiWi Pi»y«" dj4 iwJt]ook with fkypr 
J?iiSi»bll««end ye Shoddjltoe.knowlr- 

^wBiehabllaa — , , - . ^ ^^^^ 

'?SCi^ndiDnu!ell», and to play before whom waa Ifke throwing 
l«^S:'^Sbefoie ye weU-fedand dlityn^e. W«t«^ 

knowing them to be mere 

reailB before ye weU-fedand dlityawlne, 
oolet and gedlal managers did fratemlie 
fiuhablle. for had It not been said that t 

with ye 

^. Halt, who ha».)^»j».v^y#^8^fl29ft^^^^^ 

H^ODi, If How in Ite^otty-Zmlnfomavt that thebrolhen are 
nMta nmdODi ittar. a'ahoft Mdtv to Taitf, AnQ that he upedtt 
foMfttbamlnHew.Zoik'byOhrlatdlaa.' f.:it i i .ii. ^ 
" vUlfok'f iratn't "otpwded to thb' ostUiig" aamvch last week;-, 
kttirlbalable. It U ' sappoted, to bad Iraathsr and a too mnohneaa.' 
if tbeaamafirOi'i'' I ■ "■.'>,■:■ • ■ i 

^ t Uonday.erenlng, Noy. 339, Ur, a«d Mn. Barney' ViU 
_wUln*^4 thelr.roUra— weMbw that's the word— beforel 
e'w 7b Aavdienqa, Iheyare .popular, and alMya attiaofl 

sonatMihedharaotte. ln'nunyrcBpebts, and flndy at he i«ad 
ths put, tke nraal etagi mannerlims pnralled to k greater ei- 
tantihin'hla preyloOs efforts hadlad ni to eipeoi lUoJttlto- 

?iether,'ln'oompatUoi) <\»ltfa: ''other repreaebtatloaa ir4 ha'fe seen 
he past two' seasons, Ur.Harrlsbn'sOlaailabompaiUr tSiTtorably 
with the bigst that has beon presented. lUsa Irrlog wis' not at 
ffioo)! at home In the oharacler of Fanllno is her abfllly led m to' 
aipoot; bnt donbtloss ulth dUTerent aurronndlnga she trbold ap- 
pear to greater adyantage. Bythe-way,a "leading old lady" 

. .. . . , wonld be an advantageous aoqalslUon to this company, and 

larfea addlan'oet. 'During the uigagement they are hoife'ntarlna mora oare In rehearsing those standard pUyg would not detrttot 
ipon;therlnlendtoproduossjinmbwofnoveU16(iiifanattt%^ the merit of tholr performances, Of -the others. It Is 
Ht^ aik'd'tno^oK'aracter, Their' opening bill coffl^rlsos '!Xos icatodr necessary to sptak beyond stating that as a general 

munloatlon waa again 'nnmsd, Thallo«BMwM •uit in 
eno;.and au thwwi waSSw£^2i?^!^ThS^S5* 
aaad on SnndaTeTenlnB.the loth iSrt, theUdiXMSi^ 
of her father-thonte ab«nt haM.pul^BhLiiS^ISSJKf ?** 
lover, who had made the needMir^riauSSf!;! JSiS?;!, Ji? 
Off they ttarted to Onndas, wh«re-l£™S wm. m^K^X r**^ 
then iter want on to Wait ^■^^ y^ A^'^^^tSS^ 
Whether Ibeylntonded to return to £Llton!iSdtott.^S!i 
approved and orthodox style kneel dowi bifS™ a?"^"** 

2nd le Bachablle, for had It not been said that there was 
them? Bojomanagen jUd UU^yefattad calf, and 
" '"USift - ' • - -j- 

jjfj Iifl Baohabltaa w«8 muairflatlered,juid did • say man. 

afli^^Jl ye cth'w fat<«l oalrea to their tkbemac'les, and did 
Unit tnsD ols* aaUniI4>t mnoh merit: and n ahnA. 

SSlia Baohal... 

""".-..J <i.iiui« aboat-yemoialdrama, anddldpuTcfai asBUny 
S'tS^MmiiiBontothatemples^that their friends mlgfarau' 
•J'SX^pUTaia Trdl bettfwed^ 'without money and wltboat 
HiX Ud t* drama Nourishes and grows apaos In 
ffifoSiniltT o' Oothtm, yea^Bven to ya very gatei of .ye;pn>.. 
IS,dilS>»n» dots ye fonnof taMUttofl.psrn'glad-.tldlngs.Df 
^jli^ifligled with tho)uaBds,of je.fllmslo^ wMoh y»?rnt 

^ Btgnu.iwJ greenbaoks.; T»ipdAtM|S*bIeaa< jitntloniiily 
ELAierdlMi ply I>1> <*U'>B T^Oi ipuoh #ia«irltyi SDd-JiIs t^ban-. 
I^^fsike unto him ,muab. blinds, of .ye free llstuw^obryo 


SahM i^*'' oommandto play befbre ulvi aiWathtoBton, 
•Z not at their peril, at ye base Jndlotal lanmmmift 
lod wiathfally expresses lb Thus endeth ye tnt 

!!vlSoine'leaion ot ye day, whloh may serve to .point ■ moral 
!^3fiil6n'a tale, If ye dlsorimJnatlng reader«a)i.aeelt..'.,'...In 
on' Bterloiii eplstls, easntl mepUon waa made- of .4ha •tret 
■ u^'^^iiuh'lnqtltnllon haa. been mwh abused of lateyearst to 
She (red detriment of sundry places of . publlo retort Plaoes 
«n "cnrsdsd to the oeQlng," but there was no money In Ihsm, 
mriii toths'fteelliteis ImIdi Inthe.majorl^, and most all of 
Oiafe raw lecralls actually ca(llpa themselves "membenofthe 
-jfU "to themBnlfest dlagnst.oitheleglllmato membeis of tha 
ueaa gahg, who generally, pn;. Ihehr way, and aak no favors. 
Souls Of the managtrs ue now t^glnnlng to elft the ohaff from 
ths.wheat, and Bcatter-uoiformer (o^e four winds, whatever 
Uulmayoiean; .toall'iitwDloliwecrT "amep,'.',aild "ameni" 
• iphAAnfin vma *'hnri" ' 

..TMoptfjkjiMt "hurt" ^t jEaek,.!'OWlng totha Inolemency 
of the weather," and vthe high piloe ofprdvlslons;" Init the at- 
lagl^eiwu'not tery meign, Be^^'tt^mr Baohablto friends 
piitJn'fone,andtnrql|w.lnthaureserved seatawlth 
1 /uioe," ' UKto itiMt latta^'w Jake Herbert, as vre 
]! hUn.' .•uMS'W • reared IiftchenMllBg.on his monsy 
- • ■ bn*-Ve ltjthe,aUfti«dest 

to .thl«:hll great fmie, he Is 

. 7'the goods aid chattels B6 now possesses; he 
htolng oalonlator" of the lint order, and could "auff 
tp"tSe}ilce of apiece of beef with furlona rapidity, and gener- 
il^IitdUie credit of aelllng cheap, 'We remember, "onoe upon 
I timer of being prestntwhen a ladycalled at Jake's stand to 
piuthue a piece of corned beef, as she had promised her board- 
en eomed beet and bsbbagt for tbelr Bonday dinner. Running 
bra fonflnger deep Into ihe recesses of ajuloy pleoa, aald she: 
"ffhat's that a pound}" "Ten centr," quoth Jake. "Too 
ooeh," wu the lady's r«]olndor. "Well, I'll weigh It, and b4.( 
what I can do for you." Ths eomisd beef was weighed, and 
Jikt, lousing It Into the lady's btsket^'^ild— "tan pounds; ten 
tan^ a hundred and ten, take It for' a dollar;" and she did, 
tUsUig, according (o Jake's mode Of doing "Agger work," that, 
ihewts getting a DUgaln. Jak6 made a great deal of money 
on bis "ten tens a hundred and ten principle," and la now a 
tegular patocu ot the opera, and the Kew Tobe Old^ 

IZB-' Edwhi Foireat wound up his engagement at 

Xlblo'i, on the 20th, We tried to purchase two Vstalls" onthe 
moralng of that dav, but were Infbrmed that all such seats had 
been sold at an early hour pn the previous day ;so we. Including 
our 'tender Duldnea, had to "rcngh It" among ye gods of the 
diolee, The house was "Jammed 'with people^" and the play 
wu Oa.r<'CJumS|^^u'vao|]]jH^ U,nAt. /yqoUL 

.!u«'aDWsUthemme;fB<F«^ Inl&cid VT^Se' 

Ihem a apcech, after-ne has iMen chosen as consul He's down 
on the people, and treats the "voices" of the people with con. 
tempt.. At the dote of the play, the voices of the people In front 
called upon Edwin for a apeech, but we really bdfeve he atin 
feUUmselftobeOotloUnus,for It was acme time before he re- 
apoaded to the call, and then moved olf without saying • word, 
nie"voloea" agaln'called ubcn blm, and he ahowed, •'Speech I 
ap«ohl.apeech7"ahput«d(he.volc«a In the circles: "speech I" 
TDclATated the genUemen up stain; "apeech I" sofUy cried tho 
possesaon of the stalls. The united "volcet" fetched blm; he 
■jKile words but few, and those In tones subdued; "londerl" 
ahoited the gentlemen up stain; and tho tragedian raised his 
voles. He thanked the ladles and gentlemen fqr their patron- 
we, etc., and said tbat-whenhe ahould next have the pleasnre 
7 'JSi?^?!;* *«°^ "Tlmon of Athena" would be pro- 

di^lhUieumeaiilendld style vrhloh had marked the pro- 
"Co.n-ola.nas!" and then he withdrew, and the 
'^^J JB'U o'heert....T.The pUe of 

Bntph dirt la stlU to be.aeen to tNnt of the new German 
2!?^[l?,£!'. '"v'^v toBBtruotlon In the Bowery, ye 
jOy wntractor, who tlrnw ssnd In the eyes of: ye worthy 
^maB^manager, "gettlBg out . ot the dlit," In aome mj: 
M TO a onto trick, and shows that they don't have oil the 
SJr.^Jlr!^" J"*" *" Washington...... We Trill now com- 

affecting Ultls poem. In vene. about 
JlJmortooibUoirVe wUl wil& It htoTt style which hat 
JSviSi??^ alnee the day when Koah'a ark oame to anchor 
oujunmtAaratal. And this shall be the "burden of onr song:" 
Gome an my galllant pardenen. 

Gome listen to my song— 
'lu otaBowery boctblaokboy— 

we won't detain yon long. 
Els blackenlh' coat him pmnlat'four, 

Bit bruihet, ahllUngs two, 
A carpentter did niake his box— 
■- -He owee him font, yet 
.. And eke the pat nut stand, . 
. And^aplash-edmnd on people's shoes 
V ^''^'"'■>'<^tfi**tobIean'em; > 
A brigadier waa patatng by, 
, Bit b9oii with Inttre thone: 

Oar hoot bla^ friend ot fourteiNi yean, 
. Did mark him all for hls'n. 
At Bayard street there ohanoed to dwell, 
, A gutter filled with mud- 
And onward did the soldier stride,. 

.Without no tear nor'fkvor. 
The guahlng bootblack thought him how 
, To makbthe soldtensUp; ' 

• . "HoT ho I h«t hAlini* hearty." 

nepltced the peel upon (he gnnnd— - 
'• The wtrrick (Wit bode, .' 

He fell,' at many a iddler f elL 
. ■. „^''»UowedlntheguH«f.'. ■ 

- . and apled'thi venemont boy, 

-At yoa.may oft heard tellt 
, , Int'teldler oaoght him by th'eneok, 'i 
■" ■"■-;***«»P«lhiin"o'Tir the nose. 

He dled4-4hls ftagUe boot buck l)oy— 
- . Sp** of itrtft';' ' " ' 

- ..--'AMotlnptothwbrlWdlsW'-'-' ■! 

, .Bsitnftltedhlseditaaos, ■''■ 

all ]e pardensnUidlstiett, 

Wliat wania to plarsonr prankt 

, Onbrlgtdlenani 

] ^'Bsbantuthowybudo'lti 

' Vor« aomethlng there la which ihapea 'our ends,' ' 

ireotu'tteUwhatltlt^ . •• 

Bat take warning by-the boot blaok't fst^ 
.' ' •' . .-•LUMwlse.thQ brigadier. . •; .. ; .. ■ - . : 

InS^^'*''^^^*^ °'tUst Wooi'i; tftnstrels bring but a 
&S^J^^P^^>>rmk week, kiaVthSe w/hlt'Cfun 
rtdWiriywi^''''' 2».'>?l.P05»enl to hawjflur tatloBs o< hash 
Wo^jlJA'^Si boie^'Frto irotrer. who 18 fat 

«>«ffita MiWtmijtlYe OamlUe, with 

it^ffl^": ^.bUo yo wiry and iltedttatei olurley Fox Is to 
robust loyerjSfla'ufl, . fleo.what.a 
WtfhrS!**"^'' >' torfonf V* vlTrUy b«leve. If It 

^i&^^i?!' ^^. Tl't-hls OablnBtiroininay, ■■ ' ■■ " 
u«1£^*lO<"°'°°*i>'1 thoso two o6m«dlani'to ( 

loSKn O'Jltili'tnd It would bo trroflUbU j 

,t A\)rabam 
Ivoa perform' 

l^S; JSMtwli will give a BwKnee, or day 
"•»»gt«ag, mi lnat"»Bd alio onlatwday, 

^l^oriBanoA, en 

Va^ Circle," "Onstons of the Country," and "Pst's muuders." 
AaltlsoiHoF.theonstomaof tho country to see the WllUanisea 
pe^ns,'th«re wUl t>e no blunden committed If our friend^ 
drop In tt Nlblo'a this week. 

ibodt the "biggeat ram in tho pen" Juat now. Is Henry Wart 
Beecher, -Ton are aware that Henry has been to the lion's dsn, 
whldh is £ogland, TCd know, also, that he made apeeohea-'and 
a great foaa there^ and sassed the Britlshen In hb own quiet 
and peculiar way. Well, he Is all here now, "after his retuin 
fr^ Europe," and draws bigger "audiences, and gets better 
pilpet than any other actor on the ttage. Last week, he ap-. 
peered at the Brooklyn Academy, for one time only, and crowd- 
ed the house at two doUan a pop. ' This week,- on the 2ith, he 
shows at our Academy, the price of tloketo being fixed at thru 
dottari etchi which knocks the Italian opera scale all to smIUiar. 
eons. Henry will toll us what he did In Eogland, and what ho 
didn't'; what they did to Aim, and what they would ilka to have 
did; how the Thunderer got mad, and thought to laah the Brook- 
Ijj^ man, which It didn't, though; of these things, "all of which' 
he was, and part of whloh he aaw;" he wQl discourse to his de- 
luded brethren at the Academy. To the credit ot Mr, Beecher 
let it be recorded that the proMads of his "talks at ths people' 
arei devoted to the fOndsofthe U.S. Sanitary Ooumlselan. The 
Academy and tha people will bf .well stulbd on the Sith'. . . ; 

Bank Uudge hLanother big card. Dan' Bryant ahowl 'hlffl ' 
evoy nl^l'^TmBrSfiMy; Ad^iebiihJmtB 'as 

_ . _ .. _ arireetthe_. 

fulgent Hnoge wen never dreatfed'en^ln'tburphllosopby. 'Wi 
.^fi't know which haa tha bestL.attractlon, the Academy with 
'E[enry Ward, or UechanldS Ban with Daniel S. ' Qo and aee 'em 
both, "and thereby gain great fame." '. 

a Ike notice. All ye people who bayie cares knd la'rge tkmOlet, 
therefore iubJecttothebluea/ttkeallttlablU)f ouraeem- 
Ugly disinterested advice, and go tee Ura, John Wood as Henrt 
dSI«gadare,lB::"The,UoRo." DjtctlidlroUaWelailditer.Kd^tU. 
evoke, dispels the blues, and IsavM the patient In a nappy frame 
of mind, and fit to face;a frownlng' boardlng <hb{lse keeper to 
whpm you- owe two weieks board. 'Just you try It, We know 
what It Is, and can safaly.fecommend • dose of Ibi. Wood to sut- 
ferlDg humanity. Bhe'g Val) there" pv«ry night, at the Olymplo. 
' '"Beato there a hearten earth slnaere t" Inquires the J Uted and 
tndubltabla poet. . We answer, "there beata." Sear, friends, 
you might think we meant to philosophise npon the Immutabll- 
lyotaUthlngs here below, and girls. In. pBrt(oalar; but we have 
no such Intention. -We only wish to say UUt-sybu^ouId apend 
an eventog pleasantly an|l pipfitably, andaf.lneiderato coat, call 
at Manager Butler's American Theatre, .4^ Broadway, where the 
new prize drama of the "M<mntiln 0utlsw"1j being played, and 
when Charley 'Whlto, Tony FaBtor,>Bbb Hart, and other "hale 
fellows well met" wlU-iBeet-}tm--wlth-smlles,~t]id songs, tod 
Jocular Jokea. There's' to be a matinee . ht the American . on 
Thanksgiving day. 

' We're not much ot a hand a^pollttct/.bnt in regard to the ap- 
proaching election for Muor, we ahonld advise onr friends to 
cast their united yctos for Blunt, Boole,. Qunther, and any othtr 
man who may be ahoved forward during the canvaa, 'Veto the 
whole ticket, and thus secure the dectlon of "good and honeet 
men,*; .^mlons to the.alecttonVho'w8ver,'«lalttheold Bowi 
Theatte;,a&ateethedag ttan Tiafayatte end Wonder, 
In an appeannce thla ireelL tn the /'Forest ot Boadn9:<-Fanny 
Herring continues hcB takuig patfOrmanoet><asd 'the monsger 
Mr.a.]:,.Foic,alaoa^iph)ito8to tha.lntotestof the enterSln- 
msntt. look out fcrihanksglvlng— day and night 

They've got dogs at the Hew Bowery, too ; their names being 
Carlo and Bmki, and they appear this evening, under the dire? 
tlcn of Mr, Edwin Blanobtrd, In the "Felon's Death." We were 
Juat thinking what a crowd could be drawn to both thealiea to 
see a good dog fight, now tha( the managen have got the stock. 
A farodous canine contest In the street atways attracts crowds of 
toterested men, women, children, and other dogs; therefore, to 
a lees pnbllo place, auch an encoimtor would fill the house "from 
plttoSone." Let's try It , 

Maretzek'a opentlves abdicate the Aoademythla week, and 
Anschntz and his Oerman troupe take hold on theimh. 

"The Uountaln Outlaw, or the Wreck of a Life," by John F. 
Poole, has made one of the greatest hlta ottlie season at "M4 " 
where It has been well placed upon the stage by Hons. La 

Bob Hart the well knovm negro performer of "M," who was 
taken to Havana by the steamer Eagle on the 3d Inst, by acci- 
dent arrived homeby the same steamer on the 18th. Bob had 
a very pleasant time ot It on the outward and. homSward Ixiund 
pasiage, as he had his banjo along with ' hlm,'whleh' afforded 
much amusement to all on IraanC • Bob kept up a continued 
round ot excitement by letting off hit ^uAhit ■tylnks.'knd pick- 
ing on the old banjo. 

■ Mr. James Madman tailed by fhe'VIAfiner Ootamtala, onthe 

The well luown firm of 'Van Amburgh b Cd, having taken a 
tetae of the old Chinese Bulldlna, and after fixing It up In good 
style, opened It to the public on the ISth Inst, aa- one otthe in- 
stltatlons of this city. Tha odieotlbn of animals Is the laigeat'' 
ever brought together In this dty.. The entire three lloon of 
this buDdlng are oaed by the managen, and every available spot' 
totakenimsesdonofby somefctodof an f'anlmlla." Theunt 
floor, or baanuentihaa'aring, where the 'ele;phanis and mon- 
keys perform. Arm chain are placed hers for .the.audltors. 
The second floor has oagea of animals placed annhd the room,. 
Here may be seen a striped hyena, the nrst one exhibited here 
for 'twdve yean. The third floor ahio haa quite a large number 
of cages, 'nlled with every spedes of the brate' creation. The 
place Is beantlfnlly fitted Dp, and haa been very well attended 
■luce the opentog dght The location Is ^e of the best In the 
dty, and there Is no reason Why the Menagerie ahotdd not floun. 
lah throughont the winter, , i . , ' .' 

Wallack't Old Theatre was opened to-the.pabllconthelSlh 
Inst, by LI B.' Lent, as a flnt Olasa Amphitheatre. Therprlvato 
boxes havq been tamoved,- which- gives room for a forty foetzlng, 
which Is built on the stage.- . On- tne opening night the kttend- 
anoo Was so great that b^dreds were unable to gain adulttahca, 
and the treasurer stopped selling tlokete befbrei the pertotmance 
commenced; ' Afintdaascompanvlneveilyraspect'nas'liiMnen- 
gaged, among whim art the UdvlUe Family, B, BUekney andlils 
son Bobert, Joe Fantland^ Jimmy Beynolds, aifd Tom King, 
Tht perfcrmanoes on the opening night vent off'to capital 'style, 
and Uis attendance throughout the weak has been very good. 

I ' .'dbAb&tio. ^ - ' ' 

. On Monday, Noy. 16th, Sheridan Snowlea' capital play of "The 
Wife, a Tale of Mantua," .Was produced for the fliat ttme at the 
Park .nieUie, Brooklyn, when Mr. Oabrtal Harrison made his 
first' appearance on the atage of his theatre, In the character- of 
Julian QtPle(ie,Mla8.lTving enacting the p^oi of Marianne, 
The bill of .thk evehlng proved to be very ailnotlve, the attend* 
an6e IC'indaied belngof.aohaiflotar highly complimentary to 
tha npntulon of th'e -^orthy manager, for a more appreciative, 
and afthe'skme time Indtilgent,' audience ilever patronlted the 
drima In Brooklyn, than the one that filled the Park on this oc- 
casion.. Hundredswere turned away, imable to procure a sight 
otthe stage, every aeat In the houae having been engagtdihe 
webk pnvtous, itandlng room even being ataprerdiun. In 
view m the great demand fbr aeate, we wen pleased to see that 
th^ manager refused to permit that dangerous nuisance of pla- 
cing extra aeate In the alales and paasagewBys, whereby all safe 
egrau'thnn theboUdlng In okse of flre Is so oompletdy cut oC 
On the appearance of Mr. Harrison on the atage he was received 
with sound atter.roundot applause, and at Uio close of nearly 
etoh aoene In irUbh he appeared tho andtenoe teatlfied iholr ap- 
^pMbatton othls fine aoUng. and when the onrtaln tell In the last 
ttct h4 was enthuilastlcally .called out Indeed we do not re- 
member aeelngan aolcr more' warmly greeted thin he was on 
thltooctdon. The bast «f It 'was, his ttmy adhdrable rendition 
of tiie diaraeter, and exhibition of fine doontlonaiy powen,' de- 
served the plaudits he recdved, and'MlssIrvlna's performtnces 
alike meri)ed.the approbaUon of allipreeent . Her quiet and ef. 
fecUva .^eadlni, and her Judlolooa appreciation of the telling 
polnte Iii the johiiractort together wllh her ttslaful drtsstog and 
graoe.ot movemont, wore such aa to favorably contrast her act- 
ln|t tit, the,.drta>a with that of the popular Mrs. Hoty, whom, 
,b*<lhe;wari'th'0 greatly reaembles In '^tyle and manner. Of the 
<0tUeH,'MbBSrt. 'Whltlngand MetUff are tho only OQOS (hat merit 
pralae, the former's penonatlou of Qonzago being voir credit- 
able to hla hlatrlonlo ability, and Mr, MetUfTa Lonnzo was do- 
oldedlytliemo^ pralaworthy place of acting -we have seen from 
him, Mr. Andrews greatly dliappolntad us, ospeolslly In his 
mskeup, whloh was anworUiz!u) actor' of hla exporionce and 
rebutatldL ^^ Had he b««lf^a5«j-.^pon to act the part at a few 
mftjutee^notloA, hecouM not havo^b«on Istt effective. Aster tho. 
!'S.^^?A.''??"^f"?,*.'''»M»*»! iho Duke, dl we have to say 
Is that fa« hsjl ivldontly mlsC^en hU vocation. Ta lois Indulgent 
audlenMvrpoia have hlasediUihoff the stags. - Count Florlb, 
to6, lacks the penmnd raqnldte tor the character ho assumed, 
could play tha Apothecary, In Hamlet, to 

perfection. Tbetoenei » 

mante pAilrioWorihy, 

hoislgna«tlwpnvemont;lndeod,ltkn' _ 

rather late In attendaaiSo on there^eiimtf In qieeiionVWe coull 
only proourerstendlng 'room hear the dbor, add to aonsfiuence 
we. wltttaU thoso In tha vlcUlty.'.Wire pMventtd from hearirtg 

t -x^.. . - .1 . '''l^P'o4uoflo^l ot this diina is 

but the toauguratlon of a aeries of dmUar stendard plays at this 
as abUshment after which the old Olympic nroor^iMB Is to be 
^reiproducedi , ■ 'i.On Wedlitsaty.tfrhs jSu^oI^b^'^waa^ 
•dtiSad, the, oast todudlng HarriiSn?«d iSS ItX^ 
CUudaand faultee, ;E^rfn>tti»o&mpanUvdrTnlet 
HarrlsTinLl the "Wlfc,p; id hUfeSy Sredftawf fiSi^MSon 
of pt ^ We Itdly eWt^ltof^^ <?SS{^reSSt^ W 

Snmatto tcttbu tott'ordlnarily olibM^M kHiSb^^ 
teadlng titWt in tUt Bslo4inmatiril^tat.^ll^ 

half ot'the oonvotsaUon on th» atUcI thringh tte oteakln; at "the 
dobr, which was on th*eUde^»u3iU,itfg,g.*S|S',J*^» 
ahpuld bo prevented in fatar* .ThJproduoUoaof 


.. . ..'.>. % o.(.!WMT:»: 

leant product of the genius ot Miss Onshiuso', da^ 
_ xdletot oar suffering soldlen. Is onl^tha mott 
striBg)tt0(splIficatlonyet made of woman'a power and win t<^ 
do hettidlvait In the national struggle. Inspired with love and 
pltyl 4)S4ilcan women have been by,{halrlaboisand.Q]bpattde8 

'lO^'the army, andithelr ranks> under leadmUUWsa 

will not Meak, while tbelr sons; brotbaainU'JiDB.. 
>Jlrm.aqdtklthfaUnthefldd. Itllt'.AueioHlts'aha^' 
lc|t4(KiwMtn',to savtiMrttthls.extraordlnaiygiriiitiAtitoy-i'sD 
"^yoked bir her ap^lrbnt theldastpiirt'ef tha tetvlto 
tS/^j6fl<)t:l^<jn^ .btga&.'sh(i,haabesn sanderlilg emr 
KRope. a(»<wtnrtt.Idtftfavthiidack8M: honia,her 
. J, havetesn iioutit JnOifaiott 'ttoid, talt <dMrve 
immand the gratUude of th^whole nartton; .^ccoqillment 
i<$le woman whose generous bestomnant ot {8.367 39 I 
.pubUo}yackno.vl(dg% the Commission has ordered the 
ImonjBt tec .be expennftd through , our home branches to 
thos^Htfei wheiAthe several sumsovsre contributed, that this 
monef may cc«tinue :aa. long as possible to-be aanotlfled by the 
toncli,anly.QfWomaB'a'haa(U. It wUlthnsjeschoui soldlen on 
battkeieldf and In -hospitals, ohaigtd with ihe blesidngs, pny- 
ere^Md.iem of American Koaanhood. < ■ 

'I '.i ■ ■ . ■.-.i .■ ,.: . HsBOX.W. Bellows, 

i.^-: . ■ Jtaddentn, .8, Bsoltaiv-.Commlsston. 
Atfthe Bt LoalS:Theatrei fpuno.'WaUar cicaedi h«r.engagement 
l^thlnat,: On the 16tB< EmUyJrhorht oomnlenced, open- 
"Pocahontat," and..;-I{athlng Slops Me." ' . . 
Mary. MoWUUamstooka benaflMiptheUthtosfcat the 
loe Theatxe,',Oalro,Jll,;.'ths ccoatlan tiso being the last 
.ot.the se«soiu..Ihe,;Qpaedy.ottln'!Haney Moon," and 
ma ef the "French 8|)y," Were the ptecas performed. A 
if Jh9 tCTK/Mttr; HriT«A fl>ltt«'.t)ttyjast to time to offer 
-'WB, Miss IIoKllUamsj>ejsK,st»voritolnaalro,had a 

thing they did woU— Andrews espedally,.~,.,3%e attendanoe 
thronghoat the week was excellent, both to ohoraotet and num- 
bers. ' We noticed that the "heads," that have been such llbenl 
!))atrontof ths theatre, have had their privileges out off. It Is 
'«l>ont time, we thtok, that the manager waa remunerated by 
(these people for his liberality to them ao long. 
'. On Thursday night, I9thlnst.,attheAca<lemyofHualc,Brook- 
lyn, (here was one ot the flnest audiences to the bnlldtog that we 
ever saw collected together before, the true reepectablUty of 
Brooklyn betog tor once talthfally npraaeited ; tor the majority 
ot those present were of the olaas repttseittog the refinement, 
Ulelllgenoe, and gentility of Brooklyn's beat dtlzens, and not 
those whose Influence and podtlon Is derived fh>m wedth done. 
Tho oceaalon— ostensibly for the benefit otthe Sanitary Oommls- 
don, the whole funds received betog appropriated thereto— was 
an ovation to ths Bev. Henry Ward Beecher, on his arrivd.home 
from Europe, and truly should that able and eloquent and wa 
may truly say patriotio dUzenot Brooklyn fed highly compli- 
mented at the earnest and enthnslastlo greettog ne rtodvad 
from such a splendid audience. Els sddreea on the occadon will 

1 by mUllona on t>oth ddes of the Atlantic, as well as cn 
otthe Faclflc, and there-U Ultis dcnbt hla Words 'will 

' ' niiilil aaail In lliii ii f "IWijiiliJtiiiT 



inCbnnaiistlbn'^^dsi ' 

, jlv»f*aI«tonHJnMth'epAtrt*' 

> pf ouriBinlsbn&htd %<nlnbyWiimani Mlat <)ht(i 
,,(Wlio,itrom^e:'VBaeel:ln«iilcli: she leavaa.'auz 
' ' otends -.blm; rtttt Ml' ' aocDont ot her. 
I toithe dck'and vraosBM tbtnngti the United 
molaalos. ' TluraBeitt,fi>llolm>T-> .' 
r ofiMuatoiPhlladdphlKBSptambeP' ' 

I '. .'. .'i . , ; ... :j . »V , 1 ^ .'< . < $1,811 27 

X of JUodcj Boston, BeptaaihaeiMih. 9,030 7C 
i.Theatre. Waahlngtoir. ectojief A7th:, 1,800 00 

nieatre,>Bdtloiore, Ootobdrl9th.'...'.T'' 360 00 

xanU attribntebla to-the negUgsnce an^ :. . 
£4ii4iD4Uiager.M}.i'0, V i . ./ v . ;'i - < •. • - i 
y.of Mode, .Hew! Tork, October ffid;. ' 3,773 -ar 

tnc^ nstug pitoe. xne meeang wss a etormy one, and m 
are not misinformed, the stick of tho father andlhe hekdcS 
tho lover oame lu contact more than onoe, to the neat 
detriment of the latter. But the knot had been Ued, and ih* 
daughter had now become a wife, so that nottUng rematoed for 
the father but to retam to Us home soirowtog, leavtog the in, 
fatuated pafr to the enjo/ment ot tbelr matud ollsa. 

Jane Coombs commenced a two weeks engsgement at McTIok- 
er's Theatre, Chicago, on the fith Intt, openug to a crowded 
house. Bhe rematoed bstweek, and was announced to brtog 
her engagement to a dose on the 31st Inst. ; 

The performances at the Defiance Theatre, Cain, HL, wars 
brought to a dose for the present on ths lith Inst After a short 
Intermlaslcn, It Is add, the house wiU tv ra-opened 'Under the 
management ot Miss McWlUlams.' , . ' i' 

Mn.Qecrge Jordan made her letui In Sat FfanUscO Odobar 
12tb, at Magufre'a Opera House, u aertrnd4 In "The Llttla 
iteainie." Bhe appeared for tour nlgbtoonlr, "owtogtoa'iM> 
vlouely made engagement with the Manh Troupe. '? - . ' *^ 

About seven o'dock Monday eventog, 16th Inal, as the itsge at 
toe Boetou Museum was betog lighted up, preparatoiT to tha 
perfonnance, some ot the scenery caught firs, .Olie'-fitBS*- 
epread quickly, but were put ont wlihftu' 
a»tptrii1atiBt punp totendaMOadi M~ 


rUS-^^^ tom«irt:*lff iiiSS^oLi^tiiBjaiijlv 

oqs v(ers,ln)tofr«at..pto«tfltlto'4un«i^ P • 

^'Jf^J^'^^* (tM<tnnb'b4Iotfitaia4.-»i^.-> 

';^e .t|)eeia«la,^,«inu' Sea of Id^'V As^ftdn<luiSfSii<S& ci « 
.•tota, and .waa rypeatad on aevanl . o«ad«nt.;"«k"ohlef«< 
iten|'ware_snatatoed ifwL r...^iji. , tt^,^ ^niKKm^ Min " c; 
Dmighar* Mr. Jplutapaicn,-onB'(t<!<<te>dbapany; Uas^.ttMMv: < < 
t^.fqllPTl^ CMd:-vA'^ql«adent«»dtogihSrt5'«rii«Jrt;., ,1 
tweenmyadiWMeaar»iaagdiWtDong^^ , 
engagement with them waatofsltaaptinl- ifeeaMd. pUytav iS ■ v <^ 
the time, I deem It due to thentand ithe'pnbllc that'l.icSidMt''i nt 
edge Uiat I was In fault, and the canae of tlle.-wttdemiSdUtfii'r '-> 
and Messn. L. & D. havtog agato ktodly consented tiwiceota^-^ c;" 
servloes, Ibeg.thetodolgenoebf thepubUo,wblle'rtebsarb*i "> '> 
tore; them and use my bestitbUlOes to eateitalirantrcleaiaL J 
TooT'Ob'taervant, JoBKDiuos/'- -. .. < - .- 1 ; i.."' . .i 

... MlatAUw.FladdeMtonmade'her dctUat the Theatre ' Bovat. 
Htmllton, 0. W'l on the leth ln«t, Im •tMadUatoe," andTetoatoT ' i 
ed during the week. . i-.;^:.'^ ..« > <•.. -i. j. - -. -.j , 

TheMBishOhlldr«n/«(terian'absAioe of .Ave yaats toiiiiaalMa'*-' .' 
Ua and Kew Zealand, 'made their 'sppaaBne» tt aiagalr6.'s:<mnt9: > 
HouBe,:aan FraDalico,JOaL; Dolobei' 1^ < SpksUDri A'mSj. .i 
the of that dty; sapU'-'.'Tha -iheatan.wiS. filled, to ovsrfles^ : • 
tog,; .BsTNal .of tha young drlt have. RTOwnunlo womtDhoed.'. > 
Improvug all the. while. . Otbir Jtiventla msqiMxs ale 'added to -i 
thetronpe.. Buttbe piiaaA>«L'attlatx; itslalh Shell' relaUsbpcat- 
-tlonsoocupledvtwn.flnst .vldttogOUtfornU.^.'llQviLadlaaBtU > 
.tie,' an totertodt of.^nglsg'and dafietogcvidr. IToodlag/ eoasil>'. c.-. 
.toted ths opc«itog: prcifldnmft. Tfae:erowd'Mrs06**M,1MMt'^ - 
'WSS'Ojilv.s.gUq>PS« icr-late 'ocmen, .'.£i«]QlUo#>fktl4f off ■■■■■ 
pIeabantly,;Mid dl wera:^tlfl«d,> On the 17t]i,tbty.sifA:<Baai»> ■ ' ■ 
and the Betst,U B(atlod ,and -ttQIdohoreaa idlK-.aildv^WaiL-! 
sQpod /or Nothing,!^ . an loimenae oonoonm critidieaan2:<;/ <•'. 
oblldrwc at the at temoda petfcntanae, and In thtf av^atog'tUr - . 
•Manlao Lover,' and i;^)Odl«l.*fliled the bill . The leadln^lbfata ' .' 
of tho troupe an Georm .w>Mtnh, Miss flattie and Jsnnta Aiv . ' 
not Jndgtog from todtAMflaMt present they wUl have a'lcdgi ' ) 
and suocessfnl engagement" ~Xl {he condudon of this epgag»>' . 
ment the "Ohlldnn" vrill set sail tor thla dty, from whlch plaoa -I 
they have been abaent a long time. ... 

A letter recently received from Bdt lake, atates.>that John 
Hddllnger, for a number of yeare leader otthe Sacramento (Oal) : . 
Union Braaa Band, and Ave other -mnalclana connected with tha ' 
Second Oallfomla Cavalry, had Just flnlahed a theatre 80 by 80 
feettoalze,»t a cost of 11^800.' The- letter written on the «h 
alt, says that the new thefitre had been opened, and had met 
vrith gnat success, 

Mlas Maiy^vqattolbe .'.<$ta( of the eventog". at Ihe Metr»> 
polltan Theaitre,.Bu{L4o,iN, T.,tUsweek,.the lady havtog'mada .. '. ' 
ler appearanceit^ere rathe 3Sd>lnst. . It Is to be hoped uiathte- 
sucoess may.exssfti]. If waalhle, that whtob-ihe achleTed during. 
her!lato,'epgag«iPfint.^at^s.'Walnat Philadelphia, .whets.;i' 

lEleav's ihiat J. WU^^B6bih will.shOflTjr^wd to byme- 
— -^e baanllial '4ua. lasclnstJ^.l!ai^\Bro.wn. Where's 

noade many ^laB|dih „ 

tormahciaa aVgo(nfmitar»but np'^^lsliuitday. 

tieddlflU^d to. wltoett hey.ptFt 

toufle, Otoe 

l^tif 4ie BloUngs Operti'^ 
It ap41t held the boards .aU 

At Bike's ( 

produced "Ball 

>. ,v '.'.i ■<'..'- week; MlssBtoVbgs'tocdcherfiAndWon.theSOth. (Inthend. 

Ii^a Uolsvlllc thbatra, Laur^ Keeps aql her ccmpacy re- the "EnchantnAa" was Bnnciqioea,,to baprodnoad. The Bla)i«~.' 
'secood week, produclog''Mcbel'th'e Reaper'' on the leth toga are stopptogther^,aronBje.b£-«e^ -;j . .< . 

lola^^'-IheTcsler.lE^otfieiV wa#-at Ust accounts, r.^'wubas tool( her ii(rendni|f«efit|aiiWo^^ 

.W^^.<ilks>«aijigi«lil»ft:Bie'.Bu«al«i "ftW<43g(f.'j^<h(;^^ oni^<^ ■ 

lealre od the •iu\ Toat' ^ The diama-ot Ihe ''Detd Hiurl" .iua n- 
vlveid and met with groat favor. 

At Ford's new Tbeatro, Alexandria, 7a., the attraction last week 
conalsted of Mcssn. Charles WheaUeIgh, Ur. and Mre. 0. B. Bishop, 
and I Alice Orey , to cou)uoclI6n,wllh the regular "atoCk'' otthe. 
theatre. "Lave Chase" was produced on Ihe ISth, ant istui Wa- 
tOTS. Ron Deep" on the lOlh. Miss Alios Grey's benelt was an- 
sODOced for the 20th. 

Ur. James E. Uurdoch, the weU known actcr, has ntoraed to his 
family In Cincinnati, Ohio. It will be remembered that Ur. Hur- 
dochwent to jphattanooga to tiyto recover the body of his eon. 
Fdling 111' this, and ever ready to render aid to.the cause of the 
Union, ho accepted Ihe appointment of Tolonteer Aid on the Steff 
of deuefal Roussoau, and, on that gentleman's assumtog a new de- 
partolonl,Ur.'lIurd6ch has tokoo the opportunity to revisit his fam- 
ily, toteadlDg to reUm and resume his place «n the Generd's staff. 
White vrilh the army, Ur. Hnr'^'och put hla great elodullCDtry tdent 
to admirable use. Ho r)iad;.pn Sundav, the Holy Scrlptares te tho 
men, and accompanied his readlsg with lessocs of advice, wUlo on 
other days he recited palrioUc odes and eccss to Immense crowds 
of eoldlore, and, Uke the bards of older days. Inspired his hoareis 
with the ardor of battle, and nerved them to deeds ot noble darlog. 
This novel experiment wns eminently succesatul, and both dBcers 
and men were eager for constant repetitions of Ihoee admirable ex- 

Th^'fYebb ^latere commenced an ecgsgemeut at Ford'e Theatre, 
Waatibigteu,on the tbe plays eutlUedireapecllvely, 
"Tbe Nobleman's Daughter,'' and "to and Oat of Place." The 
dasclng of IIIss Ada Is highly spoken of, and her appearance In five 
characura In the same piece has made for her a boat of admlnn. 

LnclUe Western made ner appearance on theieih last, at Orover's 
Theatre^ Washington, lu a new character— that of Mary Tudor, In 
'\'loter Hugo's, play of that name ; and nolwllhatandtog the nln> 
there was a luge audience present. She Is edd to have succeeded 
very well In ths part lire. Uyron la well spoken of to Ihe cbarac- 
torof Janet .On Ihe 19lh tost., UIss WesUm appeared ln"Vlclo- 
rine ; or, TU Sl^ep On It." On this oocadbn. a new candidate for 
puhllo favor made her idmL Tha Lidy la uIss Annie Ward, and 
ehe Is Shid to have made a decided hit She appeared on tho fol- 
lowing night as Colin In' "Nature and Pbllosopby," 

"Leah, Ihe Forsaken," Is In sollve. preparation at Orovsr's Thea- 
tre, Woshlsgton. UIss Lucille Western will enact Ihe eharacMr of 
loah. :it will probably be produced the proaent week. - 

Emily Thome has appeared with much sneoeas at theEt Loult 
Theatre, aa Hester Qrazebrook, to ."Unequd Match." Her 
stogtog Is much liked by the trequenten ot the " St Louis." 

lAimEeene and her combination oompanywIU auooeed^nlly 
Thome at the St Louis Theatre, 

HairySapgood,Iateadvertlatog agent forRamsey'i MtosMs, 
Is no.lDDger connected with that company, but to now with 
lanergah's parly, at MUwatikee, Wis. 

lanergan'ia dramatlooompanyopened atthe AoademyotUndc, 
Milwaukee, on the 16lh, aud bnatoeta waa good aU the wsek. The 
conipany slay there four weeks. 

Buftoess to LoulBvlllSi to thedramattoworid, has been vtiy 
good'otlate. Fromouroofxespondeht "aB.B.,"wehavethe 
following Items of news :— "Laura Eeene's combination (mtont 
Ur, and Via. C. Walcot, Jr., who aeoeded at Nashville) vrere 
engaged by Ed. Bauer, Treasurer of Wood's, to play for hit bene- 
fit on the 7th tost, 'Our American Ooualn.' On ths 9lh, they 
optned at •Fuller's,' and during the past week, they gave some 
«t the good old standard ooaedles ; 'TheSchoolfor Soandd' 
was admlnb^ jpresented. Mr, Maokay aa Sir Pater Tead^ gave 
evidence of abluto that lawldom tonnd on Ihe Western stage: It 
wad a most masterly ddlneaUon, The L. Eeena ccmbtoatlon 
wU| remato' tintll the 23d,' whto wa nay oxpcot ecmetUng In the 
spectade Itoe. .Sam QDllok and aaalslante have tor aome wsehs 
been engaged to patottog pew scenery. A. corps of dfident cos- 
tuiien, tailors, mnitoers and drcss-maken, (o say nothing ot 
sewtog toiaohtoes, la hard at work on the wardrobe. At 
Wopd's Thcatro; Mr. J, Proctor conuneneed hte two week's 
engagement With 'Nick of . the Woods,' which proved sufflolently 

— I ngntthat&r.AIbaugh'attamptedtheput of 
• lolllus,' without Qoro careful study. He to getttog very oare- 

At Wood's Theatre, OtodtonatI, Oubat appeared on tho lOth 
tos^, to "Lavangro," the speaking part It was played but 
on^.^^On:'lhe foUowlng night ahe appeared to •<TheWltard 

j.?!!P'?^f*"'?"'2P*'»'*<>''P« S**" thtoo perforinaaoes at tha 
dd, Wsahtogten Theatre, oommendng on the 9Sd tost, 
■ ^dopemepteaaa to the theatrlod worid took place on the 
lBt)i'lnsl., to EamUton, aw.' She hero waa Mr. Edwto F. 

mafaltoln oharaoteh aheten: to ilovewlth Ihe actor, and her at- 
taohmsntwasretartied,.. Sometime ago, ho obtatoedaUtense. 
of marriage, bnt the frther, hearing of the affair, rofnjtcd' hla 
oonaent to aa illlaaoa vrilh a tttanger whom no one' knew mtioh 
.ab<tal< ' and oompeUad 'Ui daughter to reton . aU - ItttcAi and' 
lovs tokens that finA .-naasM .btSrsea them, Bnt otu Th^tptaa 
was not thus to be baffled, and bided his lime. Shewas eare- 
(olly WMOhtd, bnt lore iMght tt locktmllbt, taS loon tftec osa- 


Mn. Otodatane Is the star, thto week, at .Fdller't Lonltvllla 
^Dieatre. ' . . -i 

EdwtoAdamswastoconunsDceabrief engagementonthaSM^ . 
at Wood's Theatre, OtoctonalL 

Jane Coombs was at MoVloker'a Theatre, Chicago, last wetk. 

The Holman Opera Troupe have fsBpossesdon of theMuaeoH. 
Hall, Chicago. ... 

At the Front Street Theatre, Bdtlmore, Mr. B. B. J. JtHiM, tha 
equedbrlan dramatic actor, has bean re^nj^od, and appeaa tUa 
week to "Mazeppa." . i , > 

At Ford's nieatoe, Baltimore, Mtggte- Hltohall hat been.tka , 
bright star the 'past ireek, and wHl continue so this weal^'biliii-. 
tog out on ths 23d ."Faaohon." On Shanksglvtog day,>>v 
duces "Little Barefoot" 

Hden Western oommenoes aa sagagement at Ford's Tiiettreb ' 
Bdtlmore, on the 30th Inst , : . i: 

The New Tremont Theatre, Boston, (latdy known as Hn. Jsaa i 
English's) 'Win be re.opened on the SOIh tost, by Mr. Jacob Baiw . 
row. His company will embrace Mrs. Barrow, Mark BmUb, Tool 
Plaolde, Mr, Wdcot and wife, Mr, Nolan, and others; 

Haggle Mltchsn win commence an engagement at the Beaton . 
Theatre on the 30th Inat 

At the Boston^ Theatre, Edwin Booth rtmatos another .w«i^ 
"Buy Bias" was produced last week, and met with mnohXavob 

At the Norfolk Opera Eonse, Mr. E. Eddy commenced aa ea« 
gagament on the I6th tost, opening to "Bratna." 

Sato Fteher la to the third week ot an already brilliant engage 
ment at the Naahvine Theatre. On the 17lh,Bhe appeared in ua 
"Three Fast Men" and "Claude SnvaL" 

Mr. J. H. Browne, foimerly connected with' the Boston thea- 
tres, is at present with Lanergan's company, at MUwankee. 

Mr. Geo. Byer hat Iwen engaged to topporl Miiy Pravoit tlila 
week, at the Bnffdo Theatre. 

Amntamante to Pnlladdphla have eiperienoad a alight lalUu 
off, the attendance attoetheatreanot betogso large. atJisreKK;. 
fore. Avonto Jonet closed a bad engagement at the Oheitaal^ on . 
the 91st, Mr. Forrest who sucoeeos her, opens to BlcheUen on 

the 33d Mn. Bowers remaloa at the Arch. She appeared. - 

In "Lady Audley's Secret" last week, to fdr bndnees; .the play 
vrat produced to exoeUent stylo, and Mrs. B.'s perfotmanoe. ei»- . 

ated a very tkvonble Impression Miss Mary Provost closeA - 

at the Walnut on the illBt, and J. B, Clarke succeeds hertUa 

week Give Stuart Bobson a good chance at the Anh, aad 

he win prove a profiteble card to the maaagemeat 

Ladles and gentlemen ot known standtog to the dramatlo prd-- 
fSadon can secure engtgemente with Messrs. McDonald -& Bay* 
field, ot MempUs, Tenn. Bee their advertisement 

Mn. Barrow aad Mark Smith plav to Portland this week, prior 
to their return to the New Tremont to Boaton. 

HanrLaagdon and wife, vrith J. B. Button and Annie Beoor. 
give a Tfaanhaglvtog entertainment to Mllford, Mass. 

John B, Owena' engagement at the Howaid,.Bo^a, was verr . 
■ucoesstol, todeed. . y. :-. 

B, L. Davenport wa^ too U . to . appear on Monday, with tha 
"graat anianoe" at the Howard AthenDum,.Boaton. 


The old Green Street Theatre, Albany, N. 7.,waa opensA' 
on too aisttost by Measre, Avaiy t West as the "Grean Btreet ' 
'Varietlea," The theatre has been thoroughly repaired and - 
ttimlshed. The oompany engaged la aa follows :— Warren BorA> 
weU, Bob Butler, Harry SUto, Sam, Brimmer, Nallle'Howard,' 
Annie Hdl, Amelia WeUs, Fanny Thompson, Bllly.ThotoptaB, 
the Pollslr Brothert tnd theLeonl Troupe of Pantomlmltlt. - 
Warren Bordwen Is atage manager. Leo Hudson, the "Mtoppa** ' 
of the day. Is nhderltoed for an early appearance. ] 

.At Harmonla Hall, Cairo, IIL, the tooreaaed atttaotlont eoa' - 
stently offend by the managen, very natoralty dnw'a'ano- 
oesslon of large andlenccs, Dick McGowan and Emma Wtothrop 
arethetwoprtoolpklattraotlonaatpraaent . ' .' '' ' . 

Mr. Luke Blven waa ap tor a l>eneAt at the National, Otooto-. 
nati, on the aoih Inst 

At the National Otoolnnatl, the manager produced last weel^ ' 
a variel7 of entortalnmente whloh met vrith nmuneratlvs honaat. 
Master Aogeto, Frank Donddaon, Uazle Donaldson and D. T. 
Oarrle, were re-angagedlaat week. ^ . ■ . ' : '' *' " iu' 

TheTork Pa.M!dodeon win the publlo on this ^ 
30th Inst,' under the proprietonhlp of Heasrs. Salaak ^Deicb, - ' 
With J. L. Berry for stage manager, . Itlaanswihall, hettly taS 
conveniently fitted ap. They want two fettdevoaahtaaadtltai'' 
danaeuici and negro parformen, Tdent of thli - detcrlptlen •WIU \ 
dtiweU to addreasat. once as instructed to anadvertlsemtnt' :' 
dtswhora. . a . - 

! Tho ifGhctl" wit produocd at tho.Bt Loult VarteUea on tha . 
Iflthtoat, Vevn., J. ^.Campbell, Wm. M, Beeve; Ti JeffettoB. . 
and Baynond,' oonttoue members of the Vtrietist'Oon>pAy.i> .' ' 
' SSiB Hsmandea parly has been dctog a fine two weeks Us. '' 
attheNewUaseamrohtoago, andBlarteafoiPeorto,Ill, on4ha '' 
141^ tost, mder the direction of -.manager Melltn^ of tha ' 
Uaseam..',' i. ■>■ . 

Atthe Bowary, sb Loula^ budnest li.'nportedat' betog net ' 
Tm-gobd.;, The '^vtn Bona;* wMihs'lttlatttaotiaB.'. . :■ ->- ■ 
"A ooTTMilottdehttoformt nt that Utile Wdbylt lytogvair 
■tok tt St fouls, andfean are astertatoed at to her lecovacy. 
for osBitoattloa «r XbMUeal Bt«ai«. Ht M* tea. 


'•■■f.U' c? ,c 

..',x.. . 


m and) thtaw^tTM of the (xtouiTO olnnli«« tiu> 

■TAmBA%^ra8;ft«PzMot*-^OBB BODaOK.TTMnnr. 
■^raJKindBnOKAW AH, Uihei». A. BOSS, WJojjjl 


aiimBBTun iccijiB setkoub, 



O. B. OOSBOB, . 

b • MW Tulatret Boagi, Dtnota, Bnilaiqaaf, Hintitloa 
' "fe; ForMB»»a*i#.i*eWltaof«Ji«a»I. :•. 

Tlniirtn Tt Afli'Wtff" *" SMt 

^aia u s IS M :E K T S . 

'V J.^ M T/- 'T P TT 


win OMn foi ill* Moltr Wtnta* BMiea «f IMM, InUidr . 

»BW AMPHWHHATBB, ' . ', f : 

MOHDA^ymn^iioffis, 1889; " | 

Sola IiatHM an A Iioprleton . . 

BqaesttUn Kuiisw... 


BntlnaiiAgMit.. ;• 

,.\Mmt*- BoumokAHowii 

JT^aa Ik Bom. . , 
....BiOHiaDP, JoRii 


c. onnHos, 


lb. B. LKKT. 

I MWdWuntnt vQl opsn tar tli* Muon, 

ON VXDinSDlT SmtlMO, Sot. ISth, 
' ^nihttaiiiotttilenMTiaapeot 


.: In the connbT, (Dd 


■^itiwin eonilnatcd, the AafllUHom tffoTda ererr comfort at 
«onTeiil6no« for vlilton, ind It li oonfllaitlr bdtsred 
:{'oi':.\^' '< ::a«t'ik« MttbllttnentwfllboproiiniliXKifl ■ : 



KTZB OFXIfZD IX HXVr TOU. . . ■ k-' -- 

"'•■ibB-SMM Oliok uid Puonet, DO oahti; ' OUUna ndd^r 
.Ueonta. nunUjOlrala, 2Soti,'«rttIioQtdlitlncllonotm«, 
-DbM'o6«ii at TrOnnd BAttwtt t M-of 8 o'dlook. 

': A (tond Ptifinsunoe for Ftmlllei, oommnnmng at liair- 




OnoozB iH»Oii« Baix, Bioomnr. 

Xiwa and KnifCT ^^t y"""'- g^ TOrafli^ 

BtMslIaDua ..B. iuBAXBB. 

. : WiBowndBatiDtErtablldunant 

DooneptnitTX: oommeBoaatSo'eloek. . i 
. ■ .' : Vuiiwt:v;;j.'...~.. ...;,,...>.... .>,..;...> m** I 

. . ' 4M6«ataaCkali« ..-(L 

- ' VtnllyOlnile. asota. 

WOOMopenbomBA. x. toSp. K. - 



4m MV on ibtli Onnd Tilomplitl Tour, cnmiad wltb tho 

noft flttteilnfl aaoooo. 
«ll flitt an Am piindpal oUlu IB the United BtaiM md Canada, 
..pnnoni to their dspAiture for Boiope. ■ . 

llti'AiBnMthOositiliutlonliaonipoMd aifbuowi;— 'r 

ooHHOsoBE lobzi; 

1 JMH iiM. jg-faohea hlghi-and weigh* M pooBda. Bla ilftff, 
,.r^ lil4TCaiioId,lTlnohe*blgb,aiidw«l8hlUXPOi>>)dl. ; . 

I--- • . ootoNiSliiAit, , 

— — -niTyMii old, 99 Isohea high, and welgha 99 ponndf . " 
Uawholawoildiaohallaagedtoprodaoe their e^oal InalMi 
~ ~ * Of ednaatton. 
__Utlo9 to this giAt attnoUon to 

, :aomo'Ain> BENnuBNTAik , 

Ctn tonttm ttetan appeartaw in one Oiand BntartalnmenbJ 
. J, D. VXiroOlu, Boalneaa Uanaoer. 

'^■ \:. ■ OOL. WM. ELLINe^, , 
W- Oi O. BUBSELL, Agaot DliMtoi of ArnnaamanllJ 

■XV. B. haSEiSon, oouio yooalist, huhoboub 

T, la at pRBent inTdlng vUb OoL EfUngar'a Bntartalnme)it 
Paihawpcn. Ela tdandl lilll pletfe addreaa to Oums 
- - 88.9I*- 

•The ibanagiment. »«»p«etfUIy Urfoma 
UnM BlaUa and the Oanada* that thej jl* *S?*?l 
aeoDKtf one of the beet looatlona for a pabUopIaoe 
IntheOaiden Oltr, and SaTdoiloA the ooakg aeawn tfcer wp 
pnientaaerlea M ' 

bleodadwllh ' «... 

PunoKniu, BniLDQUis, Bnoriou, ^ rwtB, 
l«.rt,l.nn.t,«»pl5Jta^«nn^^ ■ 

li one of the bert oonatnoted fbr tW*". «2°fSSI!:I?Sl522l 
oomfbrt, and aooomnloditlon ertr bonatrootod, "»"S»£ff?ff- 
^ tototet the appijobatloh of thoee who paltonlie oqoeatrian Ifi 

**!^(M'the irtwa eBgeged to appiat dnrlng the; Initio foii- 


the duhlna TOung Baneetileuit. 

Ohamploa Bldtr of the World, 
■ ' Wit, Clown, and Original TUker, ■; , 

Ueear«.'0ABLO and BOSS,' ., - 
Beat of QjmnaMa— nnaarpaaaable In all ther atteinBtrr 

the Beat Soeolo Bldw, . . , . . , j 

■ ut. Sauis'be Hon, 

a gUled Eqnaitflan, 

' CDown and Comedian, 

' lb. ALBEBT AtUAB. - 
Looal Clown and acoompUBhad HonemaD, ' 
1.- Hutar WILLIE DUnON,:. a ' ' ".'^ 
In'hlatwo and foTnyhone pony act— new teatnraatn the prefea- 

:rTB01UB BUBNB, . 

JOHN BABB7, . : 

ooanurauiTAii thbatrb-: .. ' 

^^7' '.. ADD UUSIC BAU; ' " ' > 
'' - >; :Walmitatreat above Eighth, TUladelDhlB. 
. ' . ''AUJBOH & . BINCKER . : . . . .Leaaaea and Managan. 

Ibe LamM and Beit Oondnoted.EitahVdunent In America.' 

Wko am greeted nljihtlT br- 

A Saiitomtme;Ilia]lat,'Biu;U^iii, Ethiopian Aota, 

Oema of the Opera, Oymniatlna, &o., bc.,; 
.^^Uh are proaented ' (o , the pnulo - In - perfeetlan In an th«l> 

;.'' 4Vr:P0Bpetent AitMiean meetwlih'adrantagCNniitaniibj 
V ■lUiiuuaa.aboTe.;- - 

' . JUSl^r-. JAUEBPILaBIB. Stage Uanager, 


-1o;^//'l t-Mi:'.< /^itaniTlTanJa ATenae and.Hinth ateeet, - - 

■j-r^i.'cF'.'aiJ.'n^r.i :;- v'v WABHIHOIOH, B. O. 

ini'Mir. mP LPl: h. Co,. .-. .W. . ..Proprleton. ' 

iU't l-iWTnS'BnaiO VB,,. : .. . .stage lUnagar.and AdTeiltoer, 

r. /; r. Y-aOBB.' BAP JIBXIN. . . . 1 v. . k . 1 Ualtre da BaDet. ' 

.>>U(i'l;' ' ( ?r.>4^LQENIUS OUBiOUIDINa BTAB. ret . 

K'CM'tt ;>'.Zh*!rirtt01aia Uoalo Hall otWaahlngtoo Oltr. > 
Ir}i)alMb>raaa br the IsidOg Joninal«.of the Natlon'a OapUiA 
Ur In 9^fIi'iMcdJdlroommandatlonlprOTSowaMertloni.... 
.' li<; -(-<i«BAHp7ci,USIBBINa . OF' ABT AND ABII8I& 
■rl r.'f jiflBdilif Adffllaalon, 60 andU oenta. iPrlijito Boxea, $1.- 
ooaeay PwifraaliniilB of aterUng^ablUtr,' and STABS of naiit 
iu •■MMitatbuL.wlihlDg engigementi, win addreaa 
'' "■■'J'^ -' ' ■ BAMBUN * Co., Proprletoii. 



,v:4<'ltaBAI>WiaE...'...,.r.:..k proprietor. 

1;,'.:'. >OE0. F. MoDONALD. Stage. Uuiager, 

..i-^: .. low W Tna vuLL.xiDi or iDOona. 

JKHlilUhHj T^led b; Crowded and Epthnaliitlo Andlencei 
of Lidlea and Oentlemen. ■ '.■ • 
alaae having aooommodatlona for ■'■ 
~' , , MOO PEOPLE, 

,«oeiigh .toaooomcidata .tlMa|[owda|.that aaeken- 

ood.engagaBcnta hr 

can alwija meat with goo 
to the above proprtetora, or to ' 
- / J^AB, OONNEB it Oo., 

IS Weat Bqutdn' itreet, N,' F, 

■«»W BUiliB Of BVBUT DBBtSafTtOh. 

./BafTto iafbrm hla old Mends, HanBgan, and the Pnhltojea- 
_.taAri'£aihelBnowloc(tedatthe . ' ' ' "" !; 

— .vi.i.S... .! j u BPBU0B-6rBEBr,.MBW.¥(«Sj'! 7' i Y ' \ 
i«iv-'1ManhewlU(dTahla peraonal attanttos touie prodtietlon, 
e'«MttjMe,otairkllidac3 :,, . T^;... - | 

•An n 1;i ■ • . ParttonlarlT' adapted fbr 

«34PiifauKa EKHmmNB, . ' , - m, 

Hiiie^idh i ■ I OntOnBSS, HENAQEBIEfl, 


-«PMBE-0S38 OF ALL SIHDS, . *'"*"P' 

' :')!:>r'r < v. I>OUBLE TEAKS OB BUHNIKa BOBgES,' 

.N^XiQt'.iniiti that hla maarreara ezperlenoe In'thebnilflaa, 


.'i^BTiqr^nKsaaaprtnieotaf Ootaat hlaoomiiiand,anjofwhIdh 
ifMtavnnied in one or more' eolon, the aarrloea of the bait 
_|hiitBMi andBngraTera for new work, wU aaonre to Urn a 
y Ifliiiya.of paat f^iTpra and a trial hj new patroiia.'' ' ' SS4 


ra.NswBUBaH; h. 


i*; '''ttii.OommadlaTii dill haVJng been r»nMaDed and ealarBtd. 
'';,?SlRr,Ojenltothenie oT '.■; . 
"'Yi'Fv' ' ; " 00N0BBTB, LB0rtBE8, to. ! 

'VkMlBa hare been apared to make It oompletalaan M4r. 
;:iMlieiUnto.. , one of Canm ft Faa«her> ^bert^ Planoa haa bi&i 
- '^^^J*** fernltDiV«Mwm beMiUA tillh' tka.IbU[t7a 

^jdtar fliriher InibrmaUoa can baebtaiaadrai'-lhe Boek.'aad 
if «S0IMfa!of ' OBAa BBIABBOOXt .Agent, . 

" 8T Wattr atSefc Nfwbnrgh. 
.OpD|itkaiaLLn,7aaltot. Septal. IMS. aB-oi* 

■ . . FBANK J. BOWES. ■ _, 

Thaorchaatrawinbeandarthedlraotlon.ef"' . .' 

o™«»"» oBOBttE OOLSrON.. • ■' 

I BixouLHoTzai. - ; 

Artlitai of abaitr,wlihlnff either ataror regolu aagigtmanii 
„SrStoaa BoSlMBON 4 HO^ftog^W 

■ 'tut-- ■ BoxU4SOhuagoP.O.^ 

yOX'B OA BIWO, ^ • 

'POZ'flOASQtOI ' . 

ForeoAHiHoi ™ : 

.. in PhUadalphla, 
ForthafaniliUigaf . 
. .pnre.LMdluiate,BaJoTabIeAfflnaeaent. ... 

^rmrarnvT'oa wqbld. 

; PmoDlad Blffbtlr to' ' '■ 


The moat attractlta ' ' - . , 

Erer offered to a Delighted Pnbllo. 

Torrenti «f Applaua, 

Sareama of lM|tf>te> • . i. 

Tbondaia of AppnbatlaB,. - 

PMUve Boari of Sallghl^ 
hma the Edoaatad. the Oittical. the laflnsd, 

W#'Ht BWXE,. Stage Iluager. 

OBtitB. HOBBIB, Bulneaa Htniger. 
N.'B. Aitlito of aokhowledged abUltr oan alwaja meet with 

' .S9'tt aiWe>tBaiiatonBtrMt,H.T. 


OOiniDiaKD TBSD HBVBBXU BnanXilB Buao>i 
jf ffH»ii| nm >|i|| HHii, PELL k TBOWBBIDOB'B UHSniEU 
Conalatof thalnDowlng Oenfiement ' 



J, QUEE N , 
J. J mr.T.Tmn 


The Haiiagenuiit call partlaglai noHoe to the ahora dtitlB- 
lolahed azrsr of Talani 

Tloketi 9S cantat SeMsred Baata SO eeati, 
, M>;tf - . LON HOBBIB, Huaaar. 


A Bnooaaalon of Crowded Bonaaa Qreat , 
.. Brarr Right 
. ' The moat nnanlaooa token* of approTal, 

The Preai ana PobUe, - 

, Uni te In declaring It ■ • 

' The ooDpanr la Perfection In an lla detalla. 



I n ahor i,an thatgoeatoniakenp : . . ■ ,. > 

- XSB aiOAHnO company of the I9TH OKnTDBY. ' 
An Entire Change of Pimranuaa Ererr Week. 
, ■ : B. W. BuJLEB, Hanager. 

: HONSLaTBOBN^BfagellaDigar. 
. J. AHHEBUAN, Tteaauer. . 
PAUL BBnUAHT, BaBatHaatar. 
F< YAH OLEEB, Uoalcal Director. SXtf 


The Otaat Original, and oniT 



' At the teiDlnatton Of the proiant aeaaon, 

Thejwfll appear in ; 



,.. ■ BALimOBE, 

' tad WABBntaroN. . 

M-tt.., . Hinager and Proprietor.; 

' 'jBUimCA'CB'FIBHAH, ' ' 

.. The Dlitlngnlihed Yonng Aaierlean 


'' Hal Jut' eonohided one of the noat ancoeetfol aadbitlllant 
•ngagemaBtaatthe YarleUeanieatre,ln St. Lento, ever known 
InthaDramatloannatoofthatoltr. " - 

. Bar HAZEPPA to pronoonoed the moat Arltotlo and Daring 
Venule ' Btneatilan peiionatton ever aeea npcathe AmerlcAa 
b^nffli, .). 

:.The Stage Bone DON JUAN— trained. brWiniamB. Darr— 

Kanaoara of Iheatrea wtohlng to make propoatta to M*" 
Ftoliar»rEDgagementa,mnit addreaa ' ' 

• ■.<.- i . . Tarletlea Theatre, St I^nlf, " 

•r, JAa OONNEB * CO., ' 

asWeatBaiutoaitn«t,N. Y.' 



UanageMwlabloa to engage thaierrleea of thaiw TatT taldttad 
Artlati, fW STAB bgatfamantt, wUl addiau Iheih oiM of ' 
SVJkt ; (n»m Omoi,oraSBeni7ataeetiBraoU7n, 



Ihia beaTrtUld Thaata* TO JJtT, nlghtlr or weddr, aatn the 
wiitwiDwiinaBt of Pecwnber. Amrte ; 
SS-lf . " ; . '. . '•lr> BUOELAHO, Ubsirail, 

- - - -"^^^^^^T^ - WW W WW— — 

jSURt'BKL^ VnoB^_at_{ljO_a piece. ' Bead fmi Order 

VHBI PBOFBBBIOll.T-Baad FOX'S Card on IBB and meaanre to PAUL DiSPOXTB, Theatrical Wte lUtr, 
anor-lB'S DBBAHj or, Wsaaa'a ki Vutz Douau T mt ' t2*M* 18 Weat Boutoa itXMt, li, Y, 




Detroit, Kloh. 


W. B. OAYANAaB.:..,.. Aottli«Uaniger._ 

' nmoHAin Otb All Oihbbs. 

Condooted on a far more Ubaral aoale than Ita competltoii. ' 

Hlaa LIZZIE mLDDia, 
The Jtarenlla TALAXTES, 




'ThehlghettSalarleapaldtoflrrtolaaaArtlita. tl-tf 



' raoS. HAOUIBB PraprletOTudHiiiBBari 

JAUEB DOWLIHa Stan Hanager, 

J. L. BOHMIT Leader of Oroheatra. 

^ .'W. BBVENSOH TreaanrtVt > 


■W. CNEI Li 
D. 0. ANDEB80N. 
' Ac, 

F. B. WHITE, - 
&o~ . Aa. 

Biaii iUtlna Oillfaimla ihonld bear In mind that Hr. H^TBlra 
Uldao proprietor of the Hetropolltan Theatre, Saa r amento^ and 
the HarTBTUla Theatre. ■/ AB-T.z.if; 


Saouner atreeW^oear Waahlagto n) Joa ton. 
Eoldlng twice UBunr People aaanr UlnatoalBall In Boston, 
. NolwllhatandlDg the Fact, 
.. Hnndreda are Tnmed Awar from Ita Doort Nlghtlr. . 
ja^ TBE BUOELEyS. -» , 
The w6rld renowned 
Ennonadad br a OonateBatton of 


And eTorr Stir a Brilliant one, Inotaidlng 
. Ae Qaean of Song. 

1^* . Bmported by a Oorpa de Elhlope of 90 Profeolniialii 
V JST' I&a Boeklaya' Bepertolre embracea.inanr.ftMhganiiot 
TooaUiattOB, Hew Acta. Operatlo Bndeaqnea, and ' 

Dona la thUr own peoollar atjie, and not outdone br aai 
Ttonpe la the Profenlon, for which the cUtoena of Boaton antl 
thepreaa tukTelaTtohednpon tlumthe moat flattering demon- 
itradenaof approraL 

JV THE AQUABIAL toopen AtteiBoenand Xrenlng. fSB 
Admtoaton to both EihlUttona. 91 oenta, Btairred aaati, 00 ota, 
NOTI0&— Peraona'dBltIng the Oardens In the dartlme am ett' 
tltladto aaheck of the aranlng entMtalninenf 

• warn* 

b e loagto gto 
are TO BENT, - 

At aa7 tiae doling the winter. 

With the Horaaa are 


(Dreaaea, Saddle Olotha, Baddies, Ac.) 
The Boieea are an thorongfaly broken. 
Thoaewlihlni to aegottatote either lOBgorahoit engagfr. 

menti, wlllplaaaeaddrtaa .* 

DAN OABDNZB, No, 93S Jacobr itreet, 

PhlladeliAda, Pa. 
P.& Thoaelntendlna to bring forth Show Plecea will, find It to 
their advantage to appJ^aaabom '8041* 


The Celebrated Anther, Comedian, and Delineator of Zcoeatrlo 

wmplay a Farewen Engagement In the principal etttea doriag 

the Faffud Winter, aaHited br 

■ i ■ VLLE and YANKEE OLUU, 

The Great Prince of Yankee Eooentrldtlea, 
Thna forming one of the Qreateat ComblaatloBS of Talent that haa 
•rer appaaRMl together, 

(Aaraoiaitotlo jQloalntlona of Beal Life; Von, wlthoat YnJgar. 
itr; Ulisth. wltfaont Allor. 

Look ont for Uanhan S. Pike and Yandee Olom, 
9»4f OEO. K. GOODWIN. Hanager, 


- ■ WAB HINQT ON, D. 0. 




Ro WaKer^Hrla amptoyad. bdlea tad Oeatlamea b( known 
lUUtyalwa}! wantad." 

Ro oatitde paitbrmai* eBployed— aoae tat the varr beat td- 
■Ltengaged. .... 

Addnaa to WIEUAH B. BINN, 

Bole Proprietor, 

•M* - . WBdilngtOB, D. a 

" ' _ (Bocceaaon to John B BaooiL) ' 

11 aad li Spnoe Street, New York, 
Paj partlealar attantloB to getting np an klnda of 

F«i trareUagoompanlea, and have on hand a large ABdidaBdld 
' ■' aiaoriraent of large and kmaO 

SillahlaitaClMaaei, Hanageiiea, Ethiopian Per<bnniuf,'aia. 
aiati,HagloiaBi, Ac, Ac, which oan be printed la one or bmn 
ooknt; to aott onatomen. 
JV-AdepodtrciialredOB an work ordered. ' I 

M Men addreeied to "CLABBY A BEILLEY," BacOB Print- 
lag jM Engraving eettbUehment, 19 and U Bprace atieet. New 
Yon^Wfll bepromptlr attended to, '80-u 


AoertalniNnn.erfrom Waahlngton,who haa had the good fo^ makeafewdellan br keeping a half atarred oonoert 
room, more thicnoh dumb Inez than good management, to in the 
haWt of vtolUog Philadelphia in qneat of talent. Be invartobly 
Tlilli the drlnUng aaloons froonented by the profeitlon, and to 
alwajareadrtotaleaimllewUh an7one,eipeclalljtf there to 
uiT "champagne" aronnd, bnt he waa never known to "ahen 
ont" and retnm the oompllmeat. 

. Th]«8Um.6r to alwna readvto liatniet performen how to 
break tbalr engagemena, ki order to obtain tnalr aervloee to go 
to WaafalOBtca- Be oan teU a ballet girl to pot all her aUna 
fiadar her dreea when aha learvea the thow, ana leave her emp7 
tnak behind, which of oonnehewin make good) and he att 
alio olfei' a fong and dinoe man, or a' bai^o player, a iajur 
which he never had the ooarage <o pay, and even Uhe paid It for, 
tiie lUft traek, he wonld, aa anial, nave to cut them down th^ 

Theohlectof thto card to to put mtnagora on thtlr guard 
(gajiKt ftto Blnn-er. who goea aronnd like wolf In aheep'a 
cbt^lBg," and to foBy qiaUfled toaotthepartOfthabeit black 
ihfe^'ln thi boalneat, tnd although thto eipoanre hu done huh 

good, and la aome manner checked hto naaty, dirty, praotloea, 
yet he to not thotenghly repented, on^ checkmated, and will, 
nodonbt, atarathome for a abort time, antll he aeea another 
chance to ply hto nefuloai ocoiipatlon. 

The perrormera' namoa mentioned In the Card of "Hto Boyil 
Rlbi.'f are people who, having algned Contracia, dldnotknok 
how t4 keep them, and aa our ''Shanghae Uioager" to iren aware 
tbAt Bepiard totooamartto let either manager or performer, 
matter who they are, get the beet of blm; henoe tbeftct.Ve 
have never to bewail tholoaaof apiltry Fifty DoDara, and try 
by pntltoa fiota In the newspaper*, that oannot be iobaiaattoted,' 
to ujnte the character of any perfomer. 

At the Cailno. when a peraon engagea for a certain aalary, he 
knowi very well he to going to get 11, and oonaedaently we never 
Have to advance money either to act aa a "ttXV' to gat them to 
leave their preaent altBUlon "dirty," or u a gawaMeeof our 


' Thto QalUmore Kng haa thto week been eadeavotlaft to'iM the 
Delaware river on Are by caatlng hto "Fowler'a h«to" lA the dlty 
of Phlladalphto; bnt aa iito tackOng was of a fotirth elida deicrip- 
tion, the Orand Storrlng Tonr waa a failure, and''i lofty 
hqgei fin to the ground. , . ' 

Trnatlsg theie remarka win have the tffiirtapofi (he mlada of 
Pfofeaaiosato and the public in gene^il, we leave thto wicked 
Blon«r for the preaent to hto own refleotleni. 


tbh eAHp'sBUii Asiai'bbiiiirai *" 
•;. -laiioupBHiBjSSfloKiaii 

'illD OHIT 


aW > BBiBi LUTD, 

Who inbmlta the fdlowlng aamea of ^ nHi.i_ 
Troupe aa a aniBolent n^teefor the axoeUenMof u7 f Ul 
^ , v..v?w.. tteada^dto^SiaSSft** 

Have I 

and wbgae brilliant' 
) gai ned fo r ihem with Pteaa and Public the uiu .< 
THE EX0BC8I0B BAND ftF llPoS ?.'"'* «« 
49> Bead the nimea:- ---^lua. 

. H. 0 CAMPBHTiTi. Proprietor anfl M... 

N ED JAYIB, C omedian, , JOHNNY BOoE3l n»-^ 
JOHNNYIobaNO, Comedian NEB FOSmr^£'*^ 

N. W. OOUIO^aaltar, Tenor, ^ 


' BorBamed'Khibaa,"! 
A. NI0BOLL8, Leader, . 

J. FBAUNIOHT, Contra Baaw, YioiunLy-.. 
J. H. WABD. Tenot , A, BTEWABT. SmSfSEfe 
JBdo. JACOBS. Oeneral Agent..^ 


*">™<* raouPB'OF HnraraiMv 

.w JS^'i^ ^PfJ?? *" yo" IMS and -fir"' 
Tenth Triomphaat Annorl Tour of the UneonaUid uyi iL,^ 
.,. .,;DUpaEZ A OBBEN'B^^^' 

' suBumnB orsai iboufi m Baiae b*»d 
The reanit of Ten' Years of ezperienc^ patronlaed bv l&i* ^.i., 
and elite of the loien ortUa BSi^tOariTSi^^!^*'^ 

Rever before concentrated into one Oompanr " 
On wUeh oceadon many new lacea and all the^'fkMh. 
wfllappear. ' '■'"Wl 

During the pretest aeaaon they wm vlalt the Oaaadu 
Bronawlck, Neva EooUa, NewfouBdlaad, the laland oto^ .S 
aUthe prinolpBl OlUes in the United States: lntrodaiSu£itti 
pubho the beat Regro DeUneatora, the beat Slngwtrt&iM 
Dancers, the best Uoilclaai, the beat FemalaPeacoa^lS! 
beat Bnaa Bead, and the beat Oreheatra la HlaitnlarT^ 
' Alao, the Ihoomparable 

Ocmpeied of the nnapproachable QUSZA'VE BIDAUX 
J. E. Oreaa, Edwin Bohnea, and Clonaalvo Btohcp. anlvnii 
admitted to bottabeat and moat poweiSl ^'* 

tUa Behowned %onpe to the Fbust mM 
Begaat, SeaiitUB],.aud meit ooatly lot of ZlnilhoS m 
aeen' emaected with one Company: the whols wu aadato 
apeoialorder, atanimmeBieeipenee. ' 
la one Of the.prladpd Unee on the great Uammo&Peain 
now need by thto Troupe, reoently completed at dairy A BdOn? 
Spruoe stnet. Hew York. Itsnrpaaaea In Deaign, BtnTSu! 
dear, and Eipenie, eventhlBg ever ' before attempted, not eta 
axeeptlilg Olnusea or Henagerles. Thto ImraeBae Bfll oM 
lUOO, Ittooompoaedofthlrty-flveaheeto,workedlntrarebka 
Hto. nineteen aheeto larger than any Poster ever printed. Bffl 
Poster* along the route will tike notloe and leaerve goodsotlk 
ptooea for thia ornament ■ 

. each evening prevlaua to opening the dMM 
For fOB partlenlaiB, a«e Picgnmnea^f the day. 

Btoge Kinagei J, & OBEra. . . 

Leader of Orohestn and 

Huloal Dlrtotor JOHN KELE. { 

Leader of Braaa Bad ALFHONBE BHBaiBOK 

Yocal Dliector QUSIATB BIDAUX. 

ThawhOtoiudartheanaptoeaandlmmadlatooontrolof "A 
■ Dvtaaz ^ aBBXN, SoiePropdataa 

OHAS. H. DUPBEZ, Uanagar. 

'81<tf A. B. PBENTiqS, Adverttolag A|«tt 

■liliBfiBH'g ATHBHJBDM. 


JOBN A. KTiTilTiint Hmagar and Piuptoln. 

The only proper and Popular Building in 'the^r,te'Cbi. 
oerta,LeMara^and othar Exhllritloni. Can be rented by the 
nlghi or week, during the montha of Joly, Angait, Beptaottr, 
October, November, Deounber, 1868; and April, Ku, indjiu, 
18M; the other montha being occupied by my regular Diaaulli 
Company, All appllcationa directed to 

JOHN A KTiTflT.EB, Jr., Cleveland, 0,, or 
Wt O.AWAaNEB,CclBBAu,0, 


Thto truly eleoant and very beantUol theatre la kapt opanta 
lag the whole of the year. 

of aoknowladged position and talent, negottotedwlthiRlaaia 
ahort engagemeao^ aa matnal intereati may requite. 
Addno, ALEX. BEN^iSON, 

AStf' Bole Iiesaee and PrepriitoK 

DBAOWB VAamriBa, > 

. ST. Lotns. ' 

Aas THBliiaain IK thb Ukbd Burs, a bow n m 

nut Claaa BTABB treated with at aU time*. Nona attfl 
need apply. JAUXS OONNEB A Co,, Agents, 
S04m or OEOBOB DEAOLE, St. Loili, 



JOHH A HTiTWiBK Hanager and Proprietor. 

The iMai and moat popular Bnllding In the City tor Ocnceiiih 
Leotnrei, and an kind of Zxblbltiona. It oan be rented bylti 
night or week, during the montha of January, Febtuir, ul 
Haroh; dao, July and Ai«uit,'UM, the remalalag mutM t» 
' « oceopted by my regnlar Dramatic Company. 
»tt Addreaa JOHH A ELLBLEBrcleveland, OMe, 

BT. OIiAOi HALIt, ' 

107 by S8 ioat; BUge U by S7 fbet 
Appropriate Boanery for Draoatla Compulea, aeated with iiB' 
ed Chalie cane bottomed, lighted with Osi, 
Uceoae paid, Police fomiihed. 
Liberal arrangemente made with aU first olaaa EnterhlSBeaa, 
Noneothenaeed'apply. > Population of Padnoab, By., lOim 
8(Mm UaHHONI) A JAKEWAY, ProprlsM. 



Win be nested for Ooncerti, Lectures,' EahiblUona, U, 

Addieai W. A BEtNOLDB^ „ _ 

9Mm* ^ sg Arcade, Bccht*tar,R.i> 

DAN OOBBIR wordd teepecttOUy infbrm membeis^^f; 
■atlo, Haalc4 or Equestrian prSliaaloBS, Oat ha haa esWiUw> 
an Agenoy in ua Iteclsoo, and to prepmd to negctm •on' 

mania and tranaaot an other baiuieaa pertsintaig to tMjP 
(tasloa. Addreaa BHEBIDAHOOBBIH, BannanciiMiW<^ 
N, B.-AU letters retolrlni answen Boat coBtalai^aaM 
pie-pay the aame. 

r. BVbLnAN'B 


B«B* 88 Beat 14th itreet, cor.«thAl«W_ 

' ' BOOHEfiTEB, 'N. V. 

T. E. HILL8. Acting and Stage Hsnjaa. ^ 

Flrar Ctoai BTABB, Op«r» and BaUet Troupes, asgolltWf*» 
oa liberal torma. Addnss u above. . •'fL 



Winiaaugniato'(helrWiater'Btfaaon,at ' _ 

NIBLO'B OABDEN, on Honday Evening, Nov. 9M,^ 
In a steles of those plsuing and aiostlc periomuoM, vjK 
have gained for then the sonbrianet of the most attraoun b"^ 

X^estrienj&% oan be ftnmd at all times the comlii8«u|f 
Newtown, Long Island, where partlea xeqalrlngher ■""^j^n* 
apply Of addren by letter. 

agaat of Oaatolo A Vaa TleoVa Ciioiu, M$or of '^lonni ^ 
Smeat," sad ether ioags, to at the Yariettei Theatre BiJJjT 

.■WAHTBD.— flPwo or fi»« «?5Sr^2S?«»i 
Strictly flrst class need Kff^'jOoci^lMam^^^^^ 
engagement* madefbr one or two years.' He*<*vMW 
SmkUMy toUU. BOOLEYi Hoolsy's Opera Booie* ^ 
lyn, or ierBioadWBy,,Nesr York. 

BINN-BB'S DBEAH; or, WoiBi'i n Ttm DowJ" ' 



■dltoT Md Froprltlor. / 


/ VOlM,kl.^a. 30. 

\Fiuca iix oBRm. 



Be Tine Histoiy of "The Pretty Walter Qlrl." 

wumx ExmanT roalm nv lou oLims. 

mud tscsrdlsg to lot of CounsH, In the jtu 1843, bi Fam 
QuziM, In tlis Oleik'i OBiie of Uit Dlatrltt Court 
(or Uio Boathern Slalrlel of New Totk, 



Dot Blowmu knew dliotetlon Im t put 

Thit ofl«n li lAopteA bj the brate; 
XlMDoa bnilel Is hu gluud (he'd no heut) 

Hie dMghtei'e otlinee— ha did not ffet nor me ; 
ind Boale, with a genuine woman'i ut, 

Conoladed (or tha pteeent aha wonid walTe 
Allualon to a theme whloh ha, no doabt, 
Hid Jiat aa aoon ahoald b* ba aje forgot 

Since ihe had left her place bj lagil dolngi, 
Bhe'd llred a lUb raooh tultt thin be(bre; 

Hid hid more loran, foiapea, and tender woolnga, 
Than erer In the banpx OAjt o( jora. 

Thtt xontUnl ebrer, Loa,, kept np hla ooolaga, 
Uata the thought U ben to glre him o'er, 

For aomethlsg flereer, byaTOTj tiolder. longner, dri 

A fniiltH. haidioiie, moaetaahed; Union olBgei. 

Bil altar aO. Ihla Uh grew flat at lift, 
A«d Siala wlihad tha whole of Jt wia orar; 

OieilDdad that tkanlaa|iBt win eaat 
let In Ihe paik or nuia'who vlar the i 

Eoiw thoraa predomlnaled la tse Cut ■ 

OieilDdad t 

■ i rarer: 

iaKinej lite ahe lad. One ooutaatlrar 
Wire batter than the doien bolteiaiea, 
nhe laltoad laual the light et her brigU area. 

Htr quiet home amid Hew-Hrgliafl hlBa, 
Came up before her (inor In her dieaaa; . 

The ihadr itiaet, broad delda, and aaoleat Blllai 
The lUent foreat aad the noliy atreami ;> - 

na old (amlllir wiUa. tha ilaglng rllli, 
Whlcb aaemad to drink the Bommir auUght 

The merry cricket, and the merrlarbtrda, ' 

Whole aoag la Uka the horeriim angela' wacda. 

All Tnnler aporia annnd the great wood lira, 
\rbm coantrr bellee and beiui had oengregatadi 

The thoaghta their pleuant simei ware wont t' Uuplrt, 
'kloDgit yonlbawho wtahed, of all thlaga, to be mated 

TTato 8ao. When the llunei leaped high and higher, 
And ill the party had beoomt elilad. 

How huhfQlneaa amongit Ihe boji wee mlulsg, 

Aa loog, loud amaoka proolaUned their powers at klialng. 

Ahroa, who In the town drag out ezUtenoe. 

who've alwni llTsd within the laatleai city, 
more men at heart are erer at a diatauoe. 

Wtaorelire la but a game, and few hare pity: 
TRien yon (If euoh your lack) become the rlallanta 

Of ume cool, oountry cottage, neat and pretty. 
Pee If your thoughta don't run In purer ohannele. 
Thin when jon're lelllng ilooka, or bonda, or flinnola. 

tfo Saile got e plan all nice arranged. 

Of going beck to aaa her former home; 
Of miking up with thoee whom ahe'd eetranged, 

From thence to go no mora— no more to roim. 
Paihipa her (rlenda would find her aomewhat changed, 

And wonder much thereat, when aha ahoald come; 
Ho ehe reaolTOd to nee a lltUe art, 
Dreai up In black and play a wldsw'a put 


Well, lo her fithu ehe dlioloatd thli plan— 
yot In that lengthy ityle thit'i ipt to weuy ua, 

Dot with the teneneaa o( a bailneia man. 
In locenia allghtly haughty md Inperioui: 

And he aaeented, (or few pireone can 
Hold out agilnat a women, when ahe'a aerlooa. 

Unleu the women folka haro their own way, 

Juit muk my worla, there'll be the do'll to piy, 


Two daya from that they left the town together— 
Sut I malt tell yoa how, betore they went, 

Oar heroine. Soala, put the crowning feather 
Upon her trlumpha: thia one Incident 

YTUf finlih up the naughty loenu. But whethw 
I'll do ai well upon mother bent, 

I einnol iiy; If not, I greilly feu 

You'll wlih to twaik ray noee or pall my au. 


Sae Ibooght ihe'd rlilt Laura Eeane'a that night 
— Twia when the "Seren Sliten" had lla run- 
She liked the plioe, u well Indeed ahe might. 

For then and there ehe aaw good acting done. 
PulEi ire a thing I know not how to write. 

But thIa I'll aay. our laura gala more fun, 
Uore Jollity, end common eenie oomblned. 
Inio her plaji than eliewhcra you will find. 

Thla being Bue'a laat night In Tork, ehe thought 
Twia right that ehe ehoald iport a lllUe etyla; 

Aad ao eome extra trinketa ahe hid bought 
And brought her genlui Into play, the while: 

Bo when full-rifiged no amorooa Tork had iought 
A pietUer girl on whom to caet a amlle — 

And. by the Sy, thoia Turki do. belt the dtrll 

In gelling handaome women for a rorcL 
TO na ooKTnmD. 






The Theatre, Turr, Rbg, and Bagnio. 

mrm npsiaiLT ron na axw tou ouno. 

tofrmn Anuipn to xacirn— i BmaooLB ron Lire— surn 
or Dnuos— niLL im> nunx iiiiiHTXHnoHu.i,T nzaoOE ooa. 
•OH rnou nia dooh-toz aaBOOHin-ui ll amd wni ax btatIw 
uuMD-^Qz aitn or oaodb— tub un add douhle ounutiE 


ViiiuLT pMscd the hours In the lonely caxem where Ked Bur- 
^xta condned; Ihe dayi and nlghte ha could not dlitlngulih, 
""■tlmellaelthebadloatalltnok c& One long, dirk night 
?{!Bad ipreed out before him, and to add to Ita borron, nla 
JJV lUowince waa redaoed lO fkr that be already began to feel 
!* (Higa of hungu. liagerly wonld he wait and wall till the ir- 
?'a(hlinext moiael, anddeTOar It with an iTldlty whlcb 
'h' lUrrlng mm can feel, ^ad to pick up erery onunb he 
^ did, ind bitterly dliappolntad when all were gone, 
Jn pinge of dapair hid entered hie aoul. and while In hla 
S*"" lie would revel In fcuting md liberty, making the wak- 
H nalliy lU the more (rightful, bU body waa now beginning to 
he felt hla alrongth dlmlnlahlog, and with theae fided 
rV hb bopos of release. He now prs;ed for death, and In an- 
lo Ihe Jeers end tanula of OUl end Barney, begged Ihim to 
PMn eal lo hla auDbrlngs. But with wild laugha they onlr 

^- ... _ „ It 

him the more, and chuckled oror the agosloi which 
■"1 alowl; but anroly orertaklng him. 
lil'Jxti one day, inaloid of Iheaa two mlBanai the old pun 
^ brought him hla food ind, lUenUy lading II down, da- 
""N, eitaugo to. gay, II waa ihoreaaed In iiuinlltr, and a 

ohaage. I 

HONS. V£BBECKE— Tbi: Paiubiak Gthnaet. 

Tnia cebbrited gjmnul waa here at Orand, i;' ljluni, in 1834. 
Bon of an ancient ofDcer of Kipolecn DcntpuU). Bla earllnt 
trlnmpha were achlercd In the country of hla birthf^d there 
be, in 1833, Inrented the pecullu exerolae which he Iab render- 
ed (imcui throughout Suope. Uids hla ildnitln ;«n4«n, at the 
Alhimhri Filice, at which eitibllihmint u iit At>datlsg pe^ 
formincea hare been Introduced, and wheriV'ilijJ]}.' ohlalned in 
sxtnordUiary auooew, which la 'not taiprislng, la an ullat of hli 
claaslarare- Hlsperformauoelaof anataremoitremukabls- 
ou a aUigle trapeze he boldly bangi on by tha nape of the neck, 
and In thla perlloua poalUoa aooompanlea an air of maalo on hla 
dram, and thla at the height of alilyor elghly feet from the 

EreiynmniatwhahaalmlUted this perfonnanoe haa been 
careful to place a hook at the bick of the neck to aeoura hla 
aifely; but Tenecke hia lucb ilienglh In bli neck that this pre- 
caution he dedarea to be qnlta annecoaiary on hli part Tbh ex- 
erclie wu created by Terrecke himself In 1899, since which time 
he hai nerer found an Imitator. He hai a iltength In hla neck 
which surpieeea all Imagination. He haa had Ihe honor to be ap- 
plauded by the Emperor Kapoleon IIL, the Emperor of Rojala, 
the Elngi of Pruaala, Belgium, Holland, and the Queen of Epali, 
who wu graclouily plaued to make him a handiome reoompenai. 
After thla meet daring exerolae he went up nndemeaUi a balloon, 
when he itirted holduig on by tlineck and beating hla dmm 
till lost to Tiew. He hia tiao been Ihs admiration of Ihe ParU- 
lin public during four leirs it Ihe Olrnaa'Nipoleon, where he 
fliat made his perilous laip at Ihe rope, for which he wia hlahlj 
rewarded br the directors aad aoclety of the Olrque- ^hen Leo- 
tard arrlTcd In Paris with hla new performance oa the trapete, 
Tarrocke, alter harlag aeen It once or twice, began Ihe ■ ami ii- 
erclie, which for him wu ni^t difficult, and Varrecke left the Olr- 
qan at Paris to do the uma parformaica u Leotud In all Ihe 

Brindpal towna of Franca and Africa, from .whence he hu 
rougnt Ihe laurls of hla auooeai. Aflu hla tniala In Bpiln he 
rttnrned to the Olrque NipolaoD, Pirla, for.u engagement of 
one yeu, when the director of the Alhambra, London, sent for 
him; hut aa hla engagement wanted aomeUmaof llalsrmlnalloD, 
ha paid a conalderahle lum lo have him at hla eatabllibment 
*- The auoccu of tha great gymnut at the Alhimbra mora than 

JnitlQ«d tbo' expcctitlcna originally formed of him. He la. In 
hla pecallu exerclua, nnapproachable; he altempla feita from 
which the meet dulng, iklirul. and cirefuUy trained athletta 
have ihmnk— h ila which the public would eoiilder ilmplj Im- 
poulble did ther not beheld them ; and the world hu never be- 
fore wltnused three snch netfornienoei u those reapecUraly 
conntc'ed wllh Ihi namei of Leotard, Olmir, ud Tet«ekel 

About the middle of Augnst 1883, ha ealled fbr America, aad 
landid In Hew York among stranger*. Mr. Jimf i IL Nixon, the 
olrcui manigtr, leimlni of hla arrival, Irnmodlalely aecnnd him 
for hla country circua, uen In operation on Fonrteenth sireet 
Tdrrecke made hla ddiul on the Slat of Augaat, and owlng'to ihe 
canvu (under which ha wu to perrorm) not allowing his lei^ 
leg to be properly put up, AL VerreckomadeadeidraUure; 
that la— so ar ai doing hla act ai be ought to have done It cn his 
dnt appearance, and oretllng the exoltement he certainly would 
hive done had ha been properly brcufht before the pubUo. which 
for his own aike (tMlng a lirangu In i foreign land] we are aony 
to aay wu ncttheeue. Beingwell ivnre ihit he wu dinmlcg 
hla falure proapecta (If he hid not already) In thla oountry by 
continuing his engagement with Klxon, he bronght It lo a cloae 
ifler hla aeccnd or third appeirance. II remained, however, 
with Ihe enterprising manifer of the New Bowery Thtatre—Hr. 
Llngird— to introduce to the American puhlle. In a proper man- 
n«r, Ihe tilante of (hla young gymoiat Allar a thjei wieka* 
rest Verrccke made hla daul at the Kew Bowery on the Slat of 
Bept, In his wondtrfal aet auA proved beyond a doubt Ihithe 
wu ill that ha wu repreaanted lo he nnnof Ihemottdirlng 
gymnasts of the age. 

In the dramiUo columnn of this paper, hla lint appeaiiDee at 
Klxon'a wu apoken of In nry plain terms, eeniuring hlffl veir 
aeverely— the crIUo at the Ume not knowlngwhare Ihe lanll lala 
At hla aueceaiful dibtU, however, when we "aee what we did aei," 
we took oeeulon to apeak of him u we found hUn, and give him 
credit for hli line irtlallo performaaoea. He remained one weak 
at the Hew Bowery, meeting with great aneoeas. He then en- 
gaged irllh Managw Geo. Las, of BuUmote, for one yeu, at a 
vary large uluy. HenudehladratappuianceuiiderMr.Lea's 
management on the lllh of October, u the rrcnl alnel Theatre, 
BiltlDor*. At pieeent time performing In Phlladalphla, 

gleam of hope now spring up among the now almost . manlie 
thoughta of the oaptiva. On the next diy the aime happened 
again. Burton caujed to apcik, but the old man only ihook hla 
head and then went away. The third day Darton spoke out:- 

"Old man, do you need money! If ao, I have plenty." 

"Ucaer— money I" half aoUloqnlaed, half cjMUlatid he, "whit 
would I do wllh money ? no— no I The time wia— yes, tune wu 
wiawhen I dldwantlf ind gotlt— andspentU. Toolata,nowl 
no— nol" . 

And Ihoa the old man commnned almnat iMBfllbly to hlmt'^ 
while replying to Burton 

"Too lite I that cmnol be; I will give yon gold In plenty— tike 
cm of you— 11 yon will hut help me to eicape (torn this place. 
I will make you rich I" .. ... . 

"Bloh— esoapel no, nol that would never do— my Uie would 
pay for It Qold I Ihe time wu— thetlma wu"— 

And moodily turning away Druck left him. It wu evldtnt 
that he wu In nla aeeond childhood, and bom hla Incoherent ta- 
vinga It wu plain that he did not comprehend what Burton 
meant. For aevcral daya Burton ^pealed tha experiment of 
trying to bribe' hlffl, but he either would or could not nndt^ 
eland him- A week had now elapead since BUI and Bmei'i 
lut visit, end strange thoughli crept through Burlon'a bralni 
he would at any rlak make one'clforircr liberty. 

In eiger expectation he waited tor the next coming of Bruok,' 
and when he heard hla foelstepe, got npon hla feet BUll closer 
they approach— he enleiarrand with a bound Burton endeavortd 
topuaulm. He succeeded, and aped ^ong the puiaga and up 
the sulrs, but horrible fklallt/ 1 he could nol ind ibe spring 
which opened Ihe trap. With all his might (and In hla neble 
condition that wu not very great) he tried to forte It optn, hat 
In viln; and now he feele a bind upon him, and Ihe old man, 
with a powu hardly Inferior to hla ovm, endeavors to drag him 
downwards. A struggle ensues. In the pllohy dukness%hlch 
envelops Ihem, neither can see the fice of hie intigonlat, but 
with deep drawn breathings they atriva for the mutery. AI 
let t the old man (Alia back, wtlhfiurlou In hla grupi they roll 
together to .the foot of the ilcpi In a heapiafswgupsand 
groans, and all la quiet .... 

BUI and hla companion, xeturalng to the hovel, ralieed Bmck 
for a time, and daicendlng to the cavuatosea ihelrvlotln, 
stumbled over the bodlu lying In their way. Buiton'a hands 
stlll'.'cUipod the tbnat of the old man who, wllh llvU (ace, pro 
trading tongue, andalarting eyeballs, wu stone dead. Burton nad 
received a. wound In the head, and was, to all appaaranoes, la 
the eame oondltloa. . .... 

"Velll". exclaimed BID. " 'ore's been a Jolly row; Ihey'ftbeen 
and gone and did It vllh a wengwnoel Theold'un's had a 
pleuant Ume of It to look at hlffl, and that coisedohip— velll 
p'r'ipa It'a Joit u velli he's uved ni the trcubia o' Anlsnln' our 

"An' It'a a i—i good thing for him, too, I can tell him I It 
he only hnow'd wot a bllitin' It la lo him he got off ao hauy, 
I gucu 'e'd be bloody thankfol. " remukod Damey. 

"LeI'a get 'em out o' thla, then, u aharp u poaelble; It aint 
quite pleuant or lafe to have inch dead neat around vara a 
chap puts npi Ihem 'ere kindo' osrcassea don't pay to keep, 
It'a a Jolly dark night ind ve miy u veil do It at vnnce, butlt 
von't do lo put 'em together; If they vu found II vould blow on 
this 'ere plioe mighty quick, u the old 'un vu known," 

Ther then took the body of Ned Barton, and between them 
carried It down to the rivonlde, where they dropped It In. Ba. 
turulbg,'.they dug a hole In the eirth. not (u from Ihs hut, and 
in It dapiMlted the remains of Ihe old nsn. Brook. 

But Ned Burton had not UovMlcd to the land of splrlti, Woak 

In body, he had been oaly stnaned by the (ill ; hla Immersion In 
Ihe water refreshed and reilored him to eanaotcuineia, and he 
had Jnit ilrenglh enongh to keep himself adoit Oolng down 
with the etreao, hla hand name In contact wllh aohiin, and 
gruplng II he found hlmaelfdoee beside a amiU echocner an- 
chored at acme little dlilince from the ahoro. Hla feeble effoita 
to hall Ihoea on board were fortunately heard by a men paalig 
the deck, who, though at flral acared by Ihe unearthly aound, 
ealled up acme of hla meumitea, and with some trouble Barton 
wu got on board* 'Herahowueoexhauatad and weiktbithe 
could neither ipeak nor aland; the captain, however, took him 
down to his cabin and, admlnialerlng s<vne reitoratlvu, Qnrton 
wu loon able to relate his elory— begilng st the sama time that 
at preeent II ehould ba kept eeerel, aall the burglira becane 
aware of hla dellvennee from deilh, llrnlght betneneana of 
defeating the ende of JoaUee. 

Barton wu wall taken cue of by the captain for a eonpleof 
days, till he had somewhat recovered hla atrength, and engagtd 
hlmielfdurlng Ihe time In a cloae InToatlgillon of the ebore 
witbhi hla view, tn the hope of Hading some elue towhere he hid 
bein In oonOnemeBt He wu certain thit It could not be fw off, 
for If he had been In the water any length of time he would un- 
quuUonably have been drowned; and be did col Boat long 
enough, alter he cane to hie leneei, to oanr him any great dls- 
tanoe. Still he filled to detect inypirllcnlu ipot likely to be 
vhit be thought the right one; but nuking a cirefol plm of 
what he aaw, kept It for future reference. 

By a truly hand he dispatched a note to yuk Oliver, and Is-. 
tanae wu that Indlvldual'a delight when ha onoe igiln beh^ 
Ned all aafe, and ecnipuiUvely aound. It wu thendtdded be- 
tween them that Jack ehould return and like A prtvala room for 
Barton, whose mhraculons oacape wu not la be dlvnlged uutll 
hla htallh and atrengtb had been le reatored u to enable hlra 
penoniUr to aiiut In the eearth of Ihooe who had hlra In Iheir 
handa. Of Ihe death of Druck it hla htada he knew or remam- 
bertd nothing, hla lut remcmbrtnoe dating frsm the Ume ha 
made the nan to eacape-eU else wis i blank. 

Theabeeiue of BUI and Damey wuoaaaadbyanexcuifton 
they had made Into Ihe country, for a few daya, on apeelil busl- 
neea. By ciu of their namenua acacmpUcee, they learned not 
only the pertlcnltrs of aU the Iraoatoilons connected wllh Ihe 
prize dght but also of the large inoonla which had been pock- 
eted by DeU end VTyae In conaiqucioo of that reeult Encwlsg 
wall tkat they would hive to leave, or keep hidden for a Ume, 
BUI the Tiger had them ouefuUy witched ; and certain that thiy 
carried their money on Ihclr persons, he detaralned, If pooil- 
ble. to handle the pUo himself. Ho tnced then to Blaten Iilind. 
•ndpoithighlmlalfulo everything conneeted with thom aid 
the cottage, prepued for a bold alicxe lo relieve Ihem of their 
vlllalnoualy earned cub. 

BeU and Wyee, to eioipe deleoUon ind ebservillon, hid to 
keep verr doeei but by means of a ItOeral bribe to the keeper of 
an InteUlgenoe oflloe, hid enocecdcd In obtaining a reiptclebia 
Diddleaged, though ocmely woman, to ittend to their wmla. 
She urived at the college Juit the very laomlng afler Bam. Oik- 
ley had followed Ihem up. They laid tn aplantiml auoply of 
Uqnor, and their prinolpuemptoymeDtwuslillng day snd night 
playing cards and drinking. Thejpbyedof oonne (or money, 
but tkey were both euoh Infernal olicits, aad were ao well ao- 
qutlntcd wllh each oUier'a tricks, Ihtt they genoraUy camo out 
pretty near aqaue. ..^ 

It wu a few nights after Ihe arrival of Uioir domeiUc, andlbty 
sit u usnal It their game and glut. 

"D — nlir'cried Dell, it Ihe ond of Ihe game, Ihrcwisg tee 
o.^rdguFO^UloUble, "I'm sick and tired o( thla worki I wllh 

to (led we hid lame etray grsentaem to plneki of,' d 
I have a mind la eat up town to Hias Whlts'a, tor a 

_l^.!?I*{?f **'"'5£?'"'^ Jon'" eidilmed Wyae, who 
JSffiVl.T^.v'"' . »•'" bti one Inlhahouaefor 

tTa r! . '^ ''>*i *"> * mighty nice moisd aha li, too I 
"sSATSJd'Sl'SS'Kte" •oompuuanthinanyof 

Lllirt^'ll!"wh:i'ifJe'£j\S''" '■•''"-a'^'rt'" 

I H^l'* *°?". "^v**! »» >«"" •*>- I fold her, 4han she 
noretlSSht^ ' *• "X 
^j^Thenl/ahe ean'tccme, lel'e go lo her-any way will suit 

■•ru teU you what" aald Wyse, "lefa play a game at oardfr- 
tha winner to take the Ant ehsnee o( a look it h.™" " 

"Agreed I" repUad DeU: and the two ut down, and wlUi Ihe 
abnostcantlon exerted aU tbelr pcwira to win the chance of 
ant Ininltlng an nnpntactad female! <, •m^<n vt 

Wyse wu (he winner, and taUng np a light he slaigeted up 
stain to the chember where ahe liy. Hut a ahoit^llffle elaneeS 
when BeU heard htr tsreimi ind strngglu; thtse dldnotlut 
long, and In a few minotee Wyie reanpemd, flushed aad'teusb- 
ingatlhesuceeu hehidmotwlth. She oUier ««n fol- 
tewed up Ihe advanUge, after which. In oaae ahe should escape 
from the house during the night, they locked hu ln..Nid ait 
down to continue their carouaal. 

ItWBs dnwtaig towards mldalsht and Ihe two wrelehu wer« 
tut getting Into a oondlUon which wonld soon lender.thn help- 
tabyUitoilcatlon. when wiUi an 6alh, B«D, WhoM titttnf 
wiUi hU hoe towirda the doer, started to his feet fcllew 
■ng his eye, toned round in hla chair, lad beheld a pair o) uy- 
thlny but prepcstesalng.looklne Individual entarlagVhd room. 

"Evenhi,gimn>an,"nld Bill, whoatoncaoomprehehAd the 
'*^^i^T^'^ • I""* S*"" •» oardarih r' • 

ue yon 1 aad whu do yon want r aaked. «r 
rathualammersd. Bell. 

'.JlS'ii!!?.' ''••IV'' ;ow yon made a pDe 0' money', lately, 
S?'JSa,?.'? and 'avln' a ngud (or vu honois, we Utoagkl 
It might be coavanlent tor yu tolei us take can of It tor yuTtk 
yu in^ht vant it; lo ve took the trouble lo come down la' eel 
yar about It In cue some von halu might 'a' taken the n<dlca. 

Wyse, who by this time wu ahnost aohuedbywhat-wug^ 
Ugon.plnnged hla hand Into Ua breiil,lat Barney wu be 
quick Yor him, and ere he oould diaw his nvnlver bid hUuma 
flrmly pinioned. Bell, on the eU^r aide of Uie room, wad men 
aaaceeefal, andhidtlaetollreoneahot before Bin raiahed hiss, 
aadwIUitheblawofabludieoa felled hlffl to tie toei. net 
ahot however, took eAot In a manner be did nM Intaad; tor hla 
hand, rudered nnaloidy brhli llbitlons, wavered ha it* aim, 
and the baU went cruhing iLroagh Wyae'a brain. Ha gate one 
leap la the air, and auk to the door a corpae. BUI and 'Barney 
made abort work of their buslneaa; atarohlng thalr persons, and 
einylng off their wiUata, they Ireitad themulvM loa "drone' 
aommnt and left the premises without leaching anything elu; 
for, u DUI eigely remuked, "li vould look more nat'rall&e, U 
leave things u they woe." ^ 

on the eame night on which theie events occurnd, BanL Oak- 
Uy, by speolil permliston of hla muter, psld a tlslt to HevTork. 
wlUt an eye U> Uie winning of the twenty. Ave doUan reward fo? 
the disconry of BeU and Wyse. As the meat llkdy place to 
find Ihoaa he wu In qnut of, to eld hlffl In thla nkpeot, ha 
went dlnoUy to Julius Andrswi' Baloon: It wu a free aad 
euy night and there wu a large nnmber of the sporting 
fraternity preaent: Harry Qreanway wu not there, but Jerry 
Iliomaa, Air. Cook, and BUI Ball were. TIUi tbua thna Bam. 
vu well acquainted, and aoon nltted to Ihem bla edveniuRS. 
BlU Ball wu exceellnily JubUllint on launlng Ihe news, ind 
dedired Bam. to be "Ihe JoUleit Ullle tnunp he ever aet ^pen 
on I" 

Tom Blapleton and one or two of his pirUcnlu Meindi wen 
nquealed to Jobi In a counoU of wu, which wu hdd In ainog 
lllUa pulor behind the hu. The reanlt iru Ihit a party ahoald 
at once nuve for Ihe scene of action, under tbe guidance of Bul , 
It being considered pnrerabis lo tttick Ua enemy during the 
night, rather than In the dayUme : aceoidhigly, a aaleol ^arty of 
seven wen dispatched wllh full pcwera to ut u they might aee 
best and In leas than an hour'a fame wen on the Isuud, and oa 
the road lo the cotUie, which Uiey nlUmitely rushed without 
any Inlermptlon. Hen It had been igraed they ehould dsmind 
admlltinca, but If thit wu denied, they wen then to foroe their 
way In. Burituddlag the house, Uier diecovend by a Ught 
shining through the cartilna of • window In one of the rooms, 
thit tha occnpanta had appirenUynotyelreUiedtorettbatlt 
wu In vabi thai efforta were need to Ulract their ittanlloa. In retdUy yielded lo Ihdr hind, aaid the 
bo)B antend, pnpandfor in exoIUng scene. 

But they were acucely pnpwed for what now met thatr u. 
ionlihed gue. On one ilde of Ihe Ubie lay Wyae, the blood stUl 
oozUig out from the wound In hla forehud, hla body fot yet 
ohld; on Ihe 'other, lav DeU, his nvolver beatdl hlmi wllh aa 
empty baml but racenlly dlacharsed— from bla heavy nealhlng 

II wu anrmlsed that he wu drunk; cn the teble wen Ihe cards 
aad hqaor In which Lbey had been Indclgbg, 

SauL, who from the Imporlant pail ha hid played Inthafu- 
ntting cat of the acoundnls, felt that he wu bound to ai4f some- 
thing, wu the lint to break illence:- , 

"TaUl I cells this 'ere u deu 1 cue of murder u ever vi^ 
and ve'sjlstln line lo betoolile. Slarmaml vy oooldn't they 
• kept their ihootln' UU ve voe 'cretoaeofilrnlay? How,'' 
tummg to Tom BUpleten, "doee yer know 'em t Tloh la vlch 7" 

That dead feUow Is Wyse, Ihe other Is BeU; lAey vront try aay 
non tricks In a hurry, in wirnnll " 

"Tell, I'm sorry for the poor devIL" Slid Bun. 

"What poor devU 1" uked BUI Hall In inrprlae. ' ' : . > 

"Ty, old Nick hlmaelf — to he awe i vlUi snob a onn u thU 'en 
Is In his pramlau he'U have to keep hla ayufpeeled, m ball vy, 
be'U swindle him out o' hla altuatlon If ha kin"— HnUo I volii up 
now!" ■ ' 1 

Thla exolamitlon wu produced by lome one In tharocm above 
epenlhg a window, tnm which criea for hdp wen heard to pr» 

Bevenl of the party ruabcd up ataln, aad unlocking the door 
of a room discovered a poor domeatlo crouched In a coma*, tar- 
rlfled wllh the beUef that hutormenton hadretnraed,-'bat ahe 
wu soon somewhat pacUed, and they wan eiubled lo gather 
ftom hu Incoherant etalemenis, and the disordered etateof hu 
venon and Ihlngi anund her, some parUculin of the base out- 
rage that had been ccnmltted. She nad baud the ahetflred, 
and Ihe subsequent deathlike aUence hid Impreaiedhulhat 
■omelhlng wu wnng. She wu taken down ataln to asothu 
room, but nothing could Induce hu to look upon the vlBAIna 
who had been hu ruin. 

Ueuuree wera Inatanlly taken to communicate with thfaa- 
thoritlea, who on their arrival appraheadtd Bell, who w snf- 
flolently recovered to glva an accccnnt of whit had taken place ; 
bnt II wu "no go"— the whole Ihlng wu u deu u day. A cor- 
oner'a Jury wu inpinded, indhenid thefeUdtrotMlngoom> 
milted for trial on an Indlctinant for mnrdir, and inolhn one of 

FennUeu and friendleaa, BeB had to stand his trial i WM ecm- 
mltled, and condemned to death, whioh wu alUmatelr commit- 
ted lo imprisonment for Ufe, u the evidence wu martly dr^offl- 
■liBtld, snd two pohits having been elucidated which wen taken 
Into eoiisldenllon by the exeeuttre u tending to prove Ihe poeal- 
bUlty of hla atory having aeine fhandatlon In flcL Theae vren : 
flratly, that Ihe domeatlo awcn mat poelUvely that she hsd ss- 
onrely futened the front door befora gohig u bed, while lim. 
and hla friends dsdarad that when they reached the placelt wu 
merely on Ihe litch ; Ihe atcond point gilned was, that no money 
oonld be found on the penon ol ellh w, or In the hoaa^ and that, 
from the podtlon In which DeU lay, wllh the pUlol near him, he 
oould not have moved from Ihe plue after having Ired it 

One rcaaon why hla atory wu ganeraUy dlicredlled was. Ihit 
blideacripUonof the burglin tsUled eiicUy wlUilhalof:BUl 
Ihe TIgu, snd Oneeyed Birney; while II wu an estahUahed fact 
Damey bad some time before ccmmlUed suicide In the Tombs. 

In a hindsone speech byToffl TIdley, chilrmin of Ihe free 
and easy, Bim. wu praaentcd wllh the twentv.flve doUan which 
it wu conceded he bed won noel deservedly. In reply, Bem. 
merely aald "he'd be blessed If he could tcrk--bnt^ven tUng he 
conlddo vlch vu to drhik aU the company's 'aalib, 'opin' hofen 
to meet 'em In this 'en convlvUl auemldyi" andatandlng on a 
obair he poured down a quart of ale it a ifflgle dnught aad the 
eheen and plaudlta of hu frienda, who on tnla oocaalon treated 
bIm K llbenUy that ba had to be cirried up slain to bed. In 
the mombig he ind his nloney found Iholr way aafdy oru to 

Aflu BUI and Damey got poueuloB of the money Cmn tte 
sonthenen, tkey took a turn in the conntiy lor eome days, but, 
fladlng that It "dUn'l pay" so well aa they onlldptted, latuned 
to wiuiimiburg- not a whit too aoon to uve Durton'e Ufa 
(Ihcngh they didn't know, nor by iny means Intend II) snd bury 
the old man who, thongh known round about had often been In 
Ihe hiblt of dlaappearlng (or vneka at a time, and wu not 

In a week or two Burton iru suOldently eIroDg lo enable him 
to lake part In an espedlUon which wu dlled out irtth the ut- 
moet seoKsi to hunt out the cavem. The memorrrot Bruck 
haunted Ned, and he wu iniloue to ucartain his (ate. Dyln- 
qalriea cauUouilf Instituted, he at lut (Ound out hla rraldenoe, 
the hovel above the cavern, ud wllh a powerfnl poses ol ssilit- 
aula bealagad Ihe plaae. Bul BUI end Bamey, who wen ever on 
tha watch, had aumclent time to stents thamsolvea; and tbongh 
every nook and corner wu aeanbed. the cavem renulned nn- 
dlicomnd, and Button lea the puce u wlio u he entered It 
This U not lo be wondered it, when It Is kept In mind Uut on 
both oeeulons o( hla entrince tnd exit from the cavern he wu 
not In a oondldcn to be awan of when he wu, and thoogb when 
ho endeavortd to eacape he found the place oleilli he had BO 
Idea whtn II led lo, 

10 ni coimiiTU. 





A««waBt *(> ooBKMMiaonaTi. 

evMomn, Billon End, a a— 1. Will fonntd jona Utter, 
% ymttw, If UI7, praprldM* tnowUi«lr*dT«>llMn,p*ncii. 
■Or, vblcb u prMlwIr U>e ui< *<ll> <■■: ooDHqoaBlly, we »n 
Iteult <o ■<«• u ojilBloD 00 Uioir hoontj. Thoj m (or Uielr 
■dnitlwDCBl*, ud Ilut !• (U, «IUi hw •utpUoni, Ui»t w« 
kaow kboat Oitm. Ton we <o qanUon ttftm In legud to 
tteir noni cteruKr, ibry wcold no doobt lake It u u ttinili, 
•Bd perbipe **glTe «§ ooe od tAe knowledge boi'*— If tbej could. 

Tim,— Flora Tenple'e bttt ttmei on any Iadr Iilind Inck 
vere nedeos thenolon Coiine, Jane Sib, lUO, n. Fetcbro. 
«b<n •bennkfd down to 9:11; and eielnet Etbin Allrn uil 
luXe on Ibe FukloB Oonnr , Jaij 9Mb, IMl, 9:«>K dli/onrifvfV 
lam. At tbeir •■Iwl" neesnteron thla ooiine,Fionwu bnloe 
taitbrfo itnlabtbeatii but loattbe leoondty a tort nrlr ool/, 
ln9a«K, nUweionSepLIIbilBgL 

H, 1. 0.— We otuol glTe yon tba eiad tine nide tij Tlnrt 
Temple n. Etbea Allen end ntle, on Feiblon Ooune, Btpt t'li. 
ItGI, ter Ibe leitoD Ibet Flrn did not win enr odo el the tLii <> 
beeU. But ibeloettbe 9db(itb; cnly a niri', InSrlOX. Tbe 
nsBlag bone Bocke wu ulil lo b*Te lltoreUT puUcd wegon, 
Sbin (Od all OTe> tbe ecoie. 

H. C. i„ floidwater, Hich.-Iftbe ball, no nutter wbetbtr rrd 
•r wUtMolled back off Ibe oniblon wltboul bifloR coma In 
oOBtaet wUb tome penon or olber object, It abonld remain wbere 
It itopicd rolling. If It reaalsed on tbe oublog. If a rM ball. 
It ihonU be placed on lU prc^r apot; If a wblte ball, It would 

J, B,— Flora Tenipln'a fbtteat Ume on tbe Fublon Ooonn 
«u made on July M, IMl, wtrn iho won a beat agalott Ettaan 
Anjtiij wHb a running mate, dUtasdog tbemin 9:90J<, Gan, 
Baller'e balMt time on tbe aune ooune wu made on OoL lib, 
jm, when be acblerad 9:91K <"i^' n. FUllogbtm. 

LtoBT FntON, Kew York.—!. Tbice alxra and two tnyi In 
cxibbage count twenlj, tbna; twrlre br flfteena, eU for a pair 
ton], ud two for a pair. 9, Fire card oribbage li tbe better 
and more Inlereallng game. In our opinion, wben two penona 

t, W. E, Oajton. 0 In playing All Fonn tbe polnia an 

taken la the following older: Bnt, bl«b| aecond, low; third, 
Jackitourtb, game; ameequtnlly, botb being all pohite, tbe 
•n* boUIng nlgb won Ibe game, no matter bow many polnia bla 
csponent belL To enm np briefly— T woo, 

•<16M."— 1. Oibae le mantca and baa bad two cblldren, oae of 
vbem li Uvlng, 1 In onr opinion, TMn Bayem waa a better 
taaa than lam Mae*. 8. Be waa, 4. Hew Orbiane ranked, befon 
<h* tebeUlOB, tbird dty In tbe Union In coBUnerolal Importance. 
Boaton to ahaaa of Baltimore, 

Mai. W,, gonib Otrella— I. Tour flnt aubecrlptlon did not 
•xplietmta'tblalaaua. We bare glrao you credit for 11 mora 
-vnlobBakee yon good Ibr another eight monlba' mbacilpllon. 
f . The book yon litnlre for !• not for aale. 

B. W., Baaorar Bwlloh. Ud.— I. Life of Tankee Kulllran la out 
•f prM, 3. Daa Donnelly bMt nail In ID roundt, Bept 14, 1814; 

. Oooperla99inlo.I>eo,18,Ulll;andOIlTerln84r«nnde,TOnila, 

AOTBOB or Bmi Ihioit —Tbe King waa In bla eonntlDg- 
kowee oonUngonl hie money; tbe Queen wu Intbepailry 
aattam bread and honey, and— we forget Ibe reat; but will nply 
fey man la a week, mon or leei. 

Anioiii, Bgin, 0. W,— We nerer aaw anob a work. By pur. 
•baaing or getUog acoeu to a lUeof tbe "TnrtBeglatar" Ibrinarlr 
BBbUabed I» the Old Sfirtl c( thi Kma, yon may pculbly find 
What yon are In aeaicb ot 

A BprnnaiBia, Bofton "A beta B that a while bone betia a 

black bone on • certain heat, Ihey make a dead beat Vbo 

'Wlnat" Aa A bet that Ibe while bone would btat tbe bluk, 

•Bd U renlled la a lia only, B won. 

Bam Vr, Albany.— After brgglng, llim carda nnit be dealt lo 
•aoh man each time tbe aune urnmple turned. The dealer 
aar not change lo a leaa number ot caida wllbont Ibo conieol 
tt a» oppoalte party. 

t. A. H— L Dear Burke wu defeated by Dendlgo, Feb. It, 
lot. In lOr,, 94 nin., and br Mick Ward, Sept 19, 1810, In 17 
lounda. 9. WebaTeDoknowiedieof aoygenUemanglrlng Joab. 
Ward a whip lo be held until aome one beat bim. 

C. D., Fblladelphla.— ir Wllion'a colore, u deacrlbed hy ne In 
•aotber colonn weie not tbe American colon, we ebonid lite to 
^ow what Ihey ue. They were compoaed of red, while and blao. 

Bn Tana, Oohimbua, O.— Should bo pleued If we could 
ebilale Ibe dlOcnlly, but being an adTcnlaement we ctonat 
II may be remedied, probably, by wrlUng tbe partlee tbemaelrea. 

O, luaaoi, St touli,— 1, It la lupcealble for na to glra a 
•erreotauwar l« ycuraueallon. 9. Ur, Conner la theoldeal 
(In Ibe bnalneaa) prnteaaTonal of tbe two, 

H. A. F„ Earrlahnrgh.— Ibe lait we beard of the partira Ibey 
•mm Id Fblladdphla. A leller directed cere of 8am. MUler, 
Cheitaat Btnel Ilouae, Fblladelphla, will probably leaoh thom. 

EniM.— Flora'a qnlckeat tine (ulde from the Kalamazoo 
ttnX) to ^* 9:30K, agalnat Ethan Allen and male, Faahlon 
OnuSe, July J«tk, 18(11. ' 

"Sum Ooujoa, Hew HaTen.— Ibe lady bu been married and 
UTorced. She baa one child llrlng. The gentleman yon men- 
tloa ui M( got charge of the "IndMdual." 

W, E., Trey, V. 7.— We know nolblog of Ihe party eicept that 
tteto adrertlieaenl la paid tor. Will abow your letter lo Ihcmi 
knt to pnbUab it would lay na liable to a aolt for llboL 

K EnEA, Waahlnelon, D. 0.— In plajlog at bagatelle, If a ball 

Inmpa off Ibe labia, alrlkea tbe waa anf then nlle back aiain 
Bto a oup, It docB not count and ahould be taken off u "dead." 
Bnn.— 1. Tom Sayen alanda left foot and left hand fonmnet. 
S. Bcodlgo and Jack nandall were equally good either way 
Vew priie Ighten atand wllb Ihe right band out 

B. Dtnnt, nttabnroh, Fa.-Teal Ihe feat bu been twice ae- 
•ompUahed; once by Ttnalee in V) mln, 3tH eeca,, and once by 
I,ady Fallon In U mln. H aeca. 

TBLioaiPB, Pouiibkerpale, N, T Ward'a qnlokcat flre uUe 

Hme, IB a pobUe match, wu that at Ibe Bllrer Bell Champion- 
•hip match at Blalen laland, wbere be won in 9t mln. 10 eeof. 

J. F, I.., 90lh Valne Voto.-Ulke Wehb died In New York clly, 
Varob 17, 16(0, It la generally bellered that be wu foully dealt 

D. B,, Detroit— Ho mailer If all Ibe balla bad been pnokeled, 
lb* fbttellare woild only be two polnle, prorldlng Ibe cue ball 
Bad loaobtd Ibo olber white ball before going In. 

X, T. P„ Itocbeeler.— OIto up all anob fooUah Ideu u adopt- 
tog Ibe etaaefor arroreaelon. Vol hare not tbe lout Idu of 
vbat yoa will bare to endure. 

A. W, K,, Waaklaglon.— We bare not heard of Ibe lady for 


}. C, HEINaN, AM AniucAii, 


TOtI Il!ia, AM BDouamiAii, 

la Jnat ebout a moatb horn ibe dale of Ihto toane of the Cur- 
ru,oneof IbegreaUal puglllallo conluU that bu erer taken 
place, will be foncbt la England belween John 0. Heeoan, b- 
mlUarly known (a Ibe Dtnlcia Boy, an American, and Tom King, 
an EngUahnian, and Iho oooquerorolDrltaln'a champion, Dolb 
are reckoned to bo npieiculatlTe men, Id point of phyiqw and 
poglUallc iklU, of (be two counlrlci ; coniequently, II to not to be 
«cnd<red at that Ihe grMliitlolaiut abonld be manlfeeltd In 
regard lo Ibe rcaull by Ibe pnbUc of bolb natlona. The Imnenir 
eiim lo be fooebt for, tlO.OOO, alao adda ccloi to tbe iffeir, and tba 
nonnenlaof IheotD, and tbepiogieaof prellnlnarieabaie 
become flnt daea topica of conveiaallon In iportlng olrdea. In 
proof of Ihia, we night aUte that at Ibe late CuanwItcb Ilact, 
Ileenanand Elng.uwell uTcm Sayen, Dyalland theSlaley- 
btldge Infant, and olhrn, were pieaent, and tbe Pilnce of 
Walei, and the Elcg of the Oietka were aniloua to bare Ibem 
polnled out Ibat ILey might take nolo of tbemodelgladlaton. 
In regard lo Beenan, It la atelcd Ibat "be already iMkawoudei- 
fully Implored aince bla locallon at bla Iralnlog bead qnarleia,' 
King bad not, at laUit adrlcea, done much acUre work, but had 
been taking tbe gieateat care of blmaolf. Beenan allllcontlnuu 
to be the faroille In betUng, allbougb tbe manner In which 
Klog'B filtnda take Ibe odda In anal] and large beU would Indi- 
cate Ibat he la not without frienda who tklnk bto chancre o( auc- 
ceia are good. We look upon IMe aUlo of ±lnga u a good 
omen, and Indlcallre that Ibe nerrle mill at nenle Xnaa-tlde 
will be right metiUy coutealed. Many of ncenan'i fricnda ban 
alieady left Columbla'a aborea to be there or tbcreaboute on Ibo 
day, and bto brctber Tim left Ibla pen on Ibe Stot ult, to are 
tbe aport, and pnbtbly to lake a band In gelling bla biolber 
Into condition. Clber pnmlncnt apotia are to take ahip In a 
few daya wllb Ibe atme object In riew, eo that tbe exdlemcnt 
ccnaeqnent upon Ibe altcUon once over, we may eipcctto aee a 
luge ebaie ot public alUntlon drill Eorope-ward. Ibo Sporting 

Zv^« we aee alatee that Joe Cobum will be there (bra certainty; 
bnt we bellere be bu not yet made ap bto ml£d. In other worda, 
"he to on tbe fence," Aa tbe eportlog fraltmlty of America 
naturally look to Ibe Cuma for all detalla of all aoehpnnn'nent 
erenla, we bare glren quotoUona from onrfoialgnfllca elae- 
wheie, which, to Iboee talereeted, will repay peruaaL 

Tbb Laar CoacaiT of the aeaaonat the Centre! Fark, wu 
glren on Batuday, 9ith nit, Itbarlag been dcdded to inapend 
them tlU Ibe annner of IBM, They bare been deoldelly good 
tblBge to haTe In Ihe Fark, and II to a pity Ibat tba "mualcken' 
can no longer aland tba nlpplDgand eager air. We fear their 
withdrawal will canu many of our Lady Day Bpankan and Lord 
Dundrtatia to eielalm with tbe Immortal bald "now to ihe 
winter o( our dtocontent ;" but let Itaem not commit auldde, ft>r 
In a few abcit weeka, Zen permitting, they will bare as op- 
portunity to eiebange their riding hablte and white palfteya for 
fJalmoiali, (pndcauy they are iamoral but wedon'l aee It,) 
and BkaUng paiapbemalla. Oannol aome ot our 'Inlbientlal 
uonmlllea" prevail on tbe Bnaalanaio prolong their alar uatll 
tbe Central Fuk -pond to In condition I They would not, Judg- 
ing fiom Ihe preaenl elate of Ibe weather, bave to wall long after 
the grand bait What a grand Inauguration of tbe akallng 
carnlral It would piore to !». By all meana let na bare an op' 
potluolly to aee Iho dear Uoioorlte ducka on the park pond. 

Tnn nwacnD Wirs.- Anolber, and a crowning woik, by Iln. 
Ann S. Slepbeni. From Ibe daya, long gone, o( "Fublon and 
Fa mine," Ibe fame of Ibla glflul auUioreu bu been ateadlly on 
the i ncnaae, and Ibe pnaent work, Kabe produced no other, la 
a fitting climax. Space forblda na a rtitieir; we can only nay, 
buy It— CTerybody, The mingling o(pbaaee of bumble life wllb 
tbe higher ptnonagca to, Intbto cue, peculiarly happy. Tbto 
TOlnmelllnatialealfra. Btepbena'blgbcat qnatlUei; hercbarao- 
tora are pneenled wHb aucb point that tboy eeem our own orary 
day acqnalnUncea, and we feel an Inlenae aympalby with Ibem. 
Ind c«d Ihe depth to which Ihe heait to mored In many panigea 
la' profcoidly beyond all appaientifforto of art, ridepp. ICS, 
993, ITt, 881 (comic) << Uf., and the Intenae dramatic power of 
the whole doalng chapter. It to a tale o( Aaron Buir'a earlier 
life, Tbe bock to a magnificently printed 19 mo„ pp. 438, T. B, 
Feloraon & Dna., 3M Obealnnt atteel, Fblladelphli. For aale 
by H, Dexter, BamlltOD 1: Co., 113 Kaaua alreat, Kew York. 
Paper, tli mnallB,tl.W. 

'VoTZ Eablt ard Orm" bu been the adrice bequenlly 
Rlren by Intereeted bttt unprincipled polltlclana to thalc conall 
tuento. Aa wo are not pollllolana we cannot endoiae auch ad- 
tice; but being Inlerultd In Ibe peipalulty o( (he ITnlcn and tbe 
lability o( Ita inatllutlona, wo can empballcally eipraaa the 
hope that oTcxy Amcilcan olilMn will role at tbe New York Slite 
election on tbe !d tool, boatlug In mind Ibo Jackaonton and 
damoontio moUo 

"the UnlOD mufl and boall be preaerred," 
and role (or no man Ibat dooa not ondone It 

0. B. Wonrn.- We oannot give yon ibe genUemaD'a pnient 

J, R., Brraoue,— We cannot tell you of any party mann^ai- 
Sagologahoee. > 

•v"; ftrJ' r!f 'J" "I""" 0' tte Turf," but another Flon 
ttat "kicked the backet" 

A Bonicni»ia,-Poole andForrlaecy (ought (or |M a aide In 
Ihali celebialed "keg fight" on Amoe etieot dock, July 98, 1884. 
T, B., Ebnira, H, V.— The carda enumerated coniUtutej a 
aoaUae or aeqaaaee, 

S"?"!;,,**! rj'ael'M, OaL-Fapen reoelred Jnat In 
tlaa, Hncb obliged. BcOraUi bu arrired, 

0. B, P., Boetea— We can fomlab yon with June 911b and 
4tpt3(KtL WebaTeBoneo(llay9d. 

Joeii Waan. OonalagloB Bnok, 0, W.— Tour former loiter baa 
MTorreuhed aa, 

B, J, H,, Bante«a.— A good bone trainer mlabt cure bin, bnt 
II la donblfol. nniau tba horae to quite yonog. 

BDnoaiBaa, R, Y.— A man being of age, 91 yean, and a voter, 
la eligible to a aaat la the Aaaemtly, U elected, 

JoBii W, RoLARD.— Your pnMBt BobacrlnUon expiree wllb 
BUmber 84 of thlB velunw. -r r 

A BoiaoaiDxa, Philadelphia.- We have no reoolleoUon et Ihe 
■evileman ever playing a leading part In tragedy. 

«.?'.2:i.'''i!'**'''*'* P«'lln» (or each and eveiy 
Baeitlon; 98 per eeni off (or Ihiee monlba. 

i"* "«"**" reoelved-lhe former to 
good, bnt the latlar vary indifferent 



O. L.,Balllaen.-lloneya*(alytabaBd. Thank yon. 
BiiDaareir.-AddiMB J. iiegan who advertlaea in onr colnmna. 
B. A, O,, BlUtel BUUoa, Va.-9ee anawer lo O 0. 
B, 0. R. awkrier, O.-Tbey wan pat on Oct 9ttb, 

Tbb CairrawA Oaictar Ciuu, of Pblladelphto, givea Ite third 
nnd baU at IheMualcal FandHall on December 14th, Wo 
kop* Ihto third ball will be of Ibo rinbt l„gih, pitch and apeed 
l« bhe a wlaktt ke(oia "over" to called. Wa thank the genllo- 
ataa of the olub (er a eompllBentery Inviuiion to he there. We 
■ay maik a "polal" ie "allp" la, but not tor a "long atep, 

■ Ib» Tdbf i» CAKanA.— Ttai hven •( aporl en lha tirf, o( 
■eafiitb,0, W„ rurally bad a day'a raolag and Inlllngot'ao 
•attolaolaiy a aalara Ibat thay have ielemlaad to have a regular 
B|*tog aad wm IteaNng aeil aeaaoa. T. F, Ball, Baq., leontary 
•il Tnaaanr •( Ik* Aaaociattoa. 

Tni Lawe and Piuoiioi or Encrmx.- Euohn, oonaldered by 
nany, the queen o( oaid genu, and now one of tbe moet ex- 
tenilvely played o(aD7,la yet Ibe leul o( all ruled by ncognlr«l 
lawa. To aupply Ibla deficiency, Ihto treettoeli putforlb, and to 
now toaued in a "new and revtoed edilloo." Ibo eiplanallon of 
leehnlcallllea to eapeclally excellent A beanlKUlly printed 10 mo. 
pp, 188, IS cento, Patenon & Bioa., Pblladelphto) F, A. Brady, 
agent, 94 Ann atreet N. Y. 


Bnx Bnvma DarEan On. Waud. 

Di anoceulva ncllcea Id Ibe Cumn.lte readen bare been Id- 
(ormed that a five uUo aoolUng race, for 1100 a aide, wu to be 
conteated at Poughkaepale on Oct 18lh, ocor Ibe aane courae u 
the HaratU and Joah Ward racca for tlio Ohomplonahip wen 
pulled, between William Bteveue, of I'ougbkeopdio, and Oil Ward, 
of Newbureb, tbe latter a hrolbar o( tho ex-Obamplon. 

Qllbertward bu for aome time boon conaldoied apromlaing 
youth wllb the acuBa, and bU aobiuvemonte at the Ute CorawaU 
legalta, and at tbe rtgalt* at Poughkeepele tbe day after the lut 
Ohamplonablp race, added to bu reputeUon, and by many b« 
waa looked upon u t fli candidate for tbe ollce hli biotber jcab 
had BO long and honorably filled. Be to nut qnlte u tall or ao 
atontuhUbrolhor, buthulbe aamo long, aweeptog eirake ao 
popnUr nlib Uudaon river boatman. 

Dill Blavcna eu long bien looked upon u e flnt olau aeoller, 
and bto fellow-clUuna ct Ponghkoepaie bare talked long and 
loud on bto merUi, and have aomelimee thought ol pitting bim 

Satoal Jeeh whan he wu Champion, but never quite made up 
elrmlnda. He to noleolall u Oil Ward, bnt to atouteranS 
pnltoaveiTaliullaralnke. In four-oared and olber lacea or i» 
(atlta, be bu met ellb cooaldcnble aucceu; aad Ibla, added lo 
bla nunner of "raundlug the couna" el Ward and HamlU'a teat 
laoe, Induced a prominent edmlrer o( aquatic aporta of foogb- 
keepale fo baak bbs agalnat Oil Ward for tbe amount above 
named, and after II wu made bo wa« for tbe flnt time, pnt 
ihtougo a oonrae of training. On tbe day orlgtoally fliad for ib* 
race to coma off, lha lurboleni ateto oi thewaun rendered a 
poalponement oompnlaoiy. On the foUowlog day, however, 
Oct lllb, Ibe demeuto were deemed (arorablo, and U, H,, flxec 


Tba Judgee war* Tim Donobua, of Newborib, (or Ward, and 
J, 0, OaokunI, o( I^wleburgb, (or Stevene, while John Boon, 
o( Fougbkoei>ale, acoepled Qi* oncroue olllce o( re(eRe, Then 
mm buKewapeelalon, oompantlvoly, piueol, Ibe late Obao, 
plouablp matobia having overabadowed II; and the fight k* 
tween wilion and Fltigerald having drawn tbe allontlon of die 
belling >|iorte lii another direoUou, bardly a corporal'a guard 
wu on band tiom Hew York Oonalderable entbnalum waa 
manlfeated by the aporU of Newburgh and Poaghheepile, two 
rival rivor lowua, Imt tbero wu more tbrorrtlctl than praotlcal 
belling- III what liltlti then wu doon, Wiiil l.nil iho call. At 
13:01. P. M., all Iho neocaaaiy prelimliiarica bkilog been ar- 
rauKtd, at Ihe proper alueal bulb man dropped lliiilr bladw and 
made npld beadwayi Ward l.aillcg aligbilf. bkvooa did not 
puab bim muob tliu Aral ba)( u( tliu Uiilauof, or until about 
maklrg Ihe turn, whore bo luri,cd oo a little moru Hleam, cloved 
tbe ahnrl gap, and paaaed bla maUi gotling niind Itie aUka boat 
one mlnuio anil five iiconda ebead Tiilagaveliimagiwtad- 
vanlide, which Vard could not afterwarda uvircoioe, oiling, u 
la alleged, to bto arna alvlog eat Tbe conaiqurnce wu that be 
wu b.<aten near upon belt a mile, BUvraa doiag ibe dialaac* in 
ika axceUeal lia* (*eaaldarlag then wu a ilnag fle*4 •• lb* 

home itntcb) of thirty-nine mlnutee Uly-lhrea Btcoada, Aa 
night b». aeppoatd, Btevena' (ricnda were Jubilant over Ihe le- 
eult, and (nlle wlUlsg lo back their man lo do It over agaUi at 
evane; bnl w the Ooiswall lade wanted 1910 to tiOO, the propoal- 
tlonwu allowed lo gobydetonlKortbe-prwiit Tbla nee, 
owing lo Ihk latcntu of the eeaaon, may be looked nponu lh« 
tnale for 1888, wa enpneae; but In 1884 we abaU be pnpaiM U> 
look out (or aqnilla,i( not aome good conleate between the 
Warda, Btevena, Bamlll, and olben, In wblob the atoke* will be 
quoted at a higher flguie than the ebove. 


TuATTnooBAHnDoLitaTaoT-— An uaemblage, eeUmalcd at 
400(1 people. caiiiO logcther on the Natlooel Coune, Waablngton, 
to wllneaa the great trolling conteat (or 11,1)00, the captlal'prixe 
ol tbe Irotticg week, which, aa prevloualy anDOOOCcd, bad been 
poatpoeed to Ibe 97lh ult Three (ut 'una Snally appeAred iit 
Ihe kcntch, Butler, Prince, and Belle o( Hartford, UuUer, Ihe 
aUabIng black gekllog, owned by Ex-Ald- Oenet o( New York, 
wu tbe winner of thence, aawuea peeled by the koowlog onea. 
The race wu well coateeted, however. Dau Uace managed to 
land Ibo game Utile baygeUIn(, Prince, flnt at theacore at the 
end or Ihe tbird boat He came home lapped upon Butler In tbe 
(oorib and laat beat, Ihe (kateatot the nee. Bommary:- 

National Oouaaa, Wuhlngton, Oct 37lh.— Proprietor'a pune 
11,000. mile heala, beet 1 In 8 to bameaa. 

Br.LovaU entered blk gBuUer 1 1 9 1 

Dan Vace entered b g Prince 3 9 19 

Ur. Uaitln enteied on m Belle o( Bartrord . . .9 3 dr 
Time— l:34Xi 9:99>i; 9:31X; 

All AcciDr.NT OM TBB Dmior CoDiai, L. L— Houaci F. Jona 
Bxaiovatr Ihjubxd.— At the trot on Ibe above named conne on 
tbe 18lh ult, (or 11,000, mile heato, beat 8 to 8, between Lady 
Clifton and Puny Allen, tho driver of the latter wu capalxed, 
andwu to all appearance aerionaly tsjuied, Tbe quadnpeda 
had already done two beato which Fanny bad won, thtia maalug 
her the (avorlte to belting at exirangant odda, and had been 
Btailed evenly for the third heat which alio looked very much In 
favor of Fasuy, being over a Icngih ahead at Iho halt mile pole, 
wben Lady Ulinr>n m^de a aport and began doelsg, and u they 
went Into tbe lower lam her head wu cloee op to the wheel of 
Fanny Allen. In aninatent more tho vehicle* were together; 
then Jonea' wagon turned up elde down, and Faony Allen wu 
Bean running with all apeed around tbe track, irith the broken 
wagon dragging at berneeto, LadyOWtea did not aeemlobe 
impeded very muob by tbe accident, <br when the eyee of tbe 
cnwd vrere taken bom where Jona* lay on Ibe gronnd, they 
(onnd her coming np the homeelreteh on a aqnire not, and at a 
faatar gall than ane had ahown befon In tba race, coming to tbe 
aeon In 1:38X, accident iBcluded. Bvory body nowraahodto 
the aaalataaoeoC Horaee Jonea, aad lo aecertaln tbe extent of 
laJurr be bad received. H* wu found Irlng on the track In- 
aenalmefromlh* Jarhebad raealvadln nto fUL HIaearwu 
onl and bleeding vaiy ftedy t bnl apart htm thai then did not 
eppear to be any other external wonnda. Ha wu placed In a 
urrlage, aad aeni immediately to the dly tor medical aid. He 
aeened to recover bla reaaon aomewhal on bto way lo town, 
and complained o( gnat pain In bto bnut Pilfer, the driver o( 
I>idy (nilton, aecoonto for the accident by uying that Horace 
wu oMwdlng htm on to tbe gran, and at that moment Horace'a 
man broke np, and awervlng In etlll more on Pfifer, the totter 
bkdio go over Ecrace'B wagon. Pflfer'a eacape waa moat wcn- 
derfuL The Judge* aUte that they bad no way o( ucertalnlng 
(ram where thay wen atoUontd- one half mile fnm tne apot o( 
Ibe coUlaioa— whether there wu any fool play by either of Ihe 
pirllea, but felt UionaelvM compelled to award Ibe race lo Ihe 
hone bringing tho proper welgbte to the etonds. Summary: - 

Umoir Oonnn, £. L— Wednuday, Oct 98tb, match 11,000, 
mile hwti, but three In five. 

D, Pilfer named a bay man, mate to Lady Clifton, ha 

hamoa 9 9 1 

Horace F, Jonoeiuinedb m Fanny Allan, towagoB 1 Idto. 

Time-9:34X; 9:S8X; 9:38)(. 
TnoT at BAtnMOBB.— On the 981b ult, thar* wu an exciting 
Iroltlng conteat at BalUmon, for a puree of 11000, belween Prln- 
ceu end Qeneral Bnller, Tbe odda won at flnl on Butlor: after 
the flrit heat the betting wu even, bnt after the third and (ourib 
hutoPrincenwu tbe pet at one hundred lo ten. Upon coming 
op to tho etand for the flret dub, the horaee atarted off In apian- 
did atylo; Butler, however, broke and (ell tMhlcd, but apcedlly 
leeaened tbn gap, and rucbed tbe eland In MiK- The etcoud 
aud third healj wen won byPrlnceaa In 9:30 and 9:31. Open 
conteallng for tba fourth heat, Bnller aniprleed bto moet aan- 
i;ulne frienda b>' ble anporlor movcmeote, making theacore In 
2:31, and Iho flftta In 9:30^'i. He wu thonfon declared lha win- 

Tnonmo at BosTON.—Tboreiru a goodly aatemblage on Ibe 
Franklin Park Courae, near Doaten, Uaae., on Ibe 98ib ult, to 
wllneaa t>oaplrllrd and well conleited trotilogavenu, 01 tbe 
ilnt tho (oUowtng 1* a 


Matcb>'>00; mile buto; three In five. 

BWhltel (OigAg.mLady HalMo ICO lha wagon 1 1 1 

I Woodi Vraancd g g Billy Gray, to wagon 9 9 9 

Time— 9:S0X: 9:>IK; 9:81 

Tho next race wu one creating a great deal of Inlereat as It 
inaugurated a BOW (eatun In IrotllDg, and one thil muat even- 
tually prevail ou all our cuunea. Tbu to the appototment o( one 
Judge to decide the race. I( timekeepera are requlied, they 
cugbt lobe Independent o( Ihe Judge, aud u their pnvtocele 
enllnly ontolda tbat o( the Judge, tboy abonld not come In ccn- 
Uctwllhblm. Thtoracewu the (eatnre o( the day, u while 
both bonra wen coaaldeied fut the dtlrlng c( Ibem wu tbe 
moet totereatlog future, Ur, Bobhini never navlog pnvlonaly 
appeared In Jookay coatame. The competing naga were Ibe 

arey mare, l<oUy, and the black man, kllaapant the ownen, 
[eaan. D. llobblu and T, 0. Wblte, to drive, to wagon, mile 
and lepeat 


Uateb llOO; mile and repeat; towagona. 

TO White named blkmUlnapent 1 9 1 

D noblilna named g m UoUy 11 1 

Tlme-3:3S; 8:10; 1:18. 


nonoszM ve. Niw Yoax— Tbo grand match between eelecied 
ulBM (rom tbe above localltleB, which look place on tbe ball 
gronnda at 83d atieet adjoining Ibo 3d avenne rail road depot 
on Friday, Oct 93d. turned out to be, u a oonleat between lha 
atrenglb of Ibe two pirtlea, next door te a failure. Through wild 
pllcbtog. It wu not only a tedloua game for tbe apecteten, but a 
ureaome one to Ibe majority o( tbe fleldeia. After a conteat o( 
two boon, daring which only four Inotoge had been ptoyed, 
darkneu began rapidly to ai>proaeh. Tbna far the game had 
been enilrelr onesided, Ibe New Yorken appaienlly finding no 
dllBcully In battlog Ihe baUa pitebed by UcUweeoyand Wanatey, 
their aeon at the clcae of the (onrib toning* betog 93 lo 8, which 
wu not matarUlly altend In the next InnlDga, u will bo eeen 
bytbetollowing aeon:- 

B.L. aune | Niw Toai, 


Wanalay, o 

HoS weeny, p-.. 

ZeUer,9<1 b 

Fag^ lalb 

Booney, 3db.... 

Walker, If. 

Blokem, of 

Thoma, rt 











Hannegan, p. 

Dr. Bell, If 

Budaon, e a 

Abnma, lath — 


Faltenon, 3d b..., 
NIoholaoD, 8d b, . , 

T. Dallon. of 

Jewott, r f 

B-i. aim 

...9' 3 





Bma lUDX D) XAon unnwas. 
let 9d Id 4lh 8tb 8lb Tth 8lh >lh 

Hoboken 1 118 9. , . .-8 

Now York 4 18 8 1... .-J3 

Umpire— Ur, Orum, o( Ihe Bckford club, 
Fuaed ball*— Wanaley, T; Rooney, 3; Olrdull, 4, 
BUuckout— UcSwocny, 1; Booney, 1; Blokem, 1; WaUor, 1; 
Hndaon, 1. 

Put out on (onl balla— New Toik, twice; Iloboken, 4 tlmaa. 
' Piit onl ai flnt bue— Now York, 4 Umn; Hoboken, twice. 

Fly oatobra made-Birdiall, 1: Abrama, 1; Hannagao, 9: Bud- 
aon, 1-lolal, 8. Walker, 1; McBwaoDey, 1; Booney, 1-tolal, 3 

Calebu nilaaed— Blokem, 1; Waneloy, 1| Hndaon, 1, 

Leltonbaaea— llocney, 1; Nlobolaon, L 

Time of g>m»— Three honn. 

A Daaa Bau, UaTon wu played at Albany, on IMober 98Ib, 
between Ihe Star and Cow Boya, which raulud In tbe deroat or 
IheOcwDoiabyliinuB, Ibe aeon:— 



MoOlonla, p 

J Kelly, 0 

HoOairtek. 9d b... 
HEelloy, 3db.... 

Dolan, ■ * 

Halteiv, r ( 

MoCall, If 

Dunn, 0 (.* 


B.L. amn 
...9 8 

Cow Boi*. 


Uonagban, o 


JUny.latb.... . 
D Murphy, 9db.. 



04nnon,o I. 


.4 0 


81 Total 8 

nowa UAna «Aon nomiaB. 

Ill 3d 8-1 4lh 8lta 8lh Tlh 8lh Olb 

BUr 14 8 0 0 8 8 ; a J-85 

Cowloya J o 0 1 « " ' 0 8 

Tna KKmoKB AUD ATnrxTio BaU, Oinwi, o( PhlUiWphIa, 
played a atcana olbe match (or Ibeobamploiiehlp of muniulam. 
laat wee*, which wu won by the KojatoBa. Tho pUy of DIehl, 
'toll field fur tbe EtialonM, wu fint daaa, he making two Hna 
uatehia In Ilin Haaio-UcOleary, OopOi Pebdergial and Follerioo, 
alao plajcd well, The lelurn maWi wlU i4a placa on Tnaeday, 
Nov, «Ui, on tbo Alhlalle gionnda on H h and Huler alreeta. 
Mr. F, He Binder ntobaida, acted aa umpire, aiid gave mnlver..l 
aallilacitoQ, Time at gaato Iwo hgan. Bcon-IejalaM, IS) 

BAia Bail FLanu va, OaioxanBa.— Avery latanniat. 
wu played at Bedford on Oot Mlb, hatween Ibe Out tint JT 
AUaetIo Oluband wventeen pUyen. compoaed ol twelve au 
era and flve ball playan, the majority of the nlaven batwi* 
ben of Ibe New York Cricket Club, and tbe ball lUyaiTii 
Atlantic Bue Ball Club, Tho original airangemeut «h£ 
lanllo nine agalnat elgbleen old countiymea, but b<a T 
cauae or other, tbo whole of IhoelghtecB failed to put 
peanace, and in oonacqueuce, tbe game bad to be titlfZ 
beet they could, the mitch being iberabynhbed ofnratk^ 
Inureet attached to It In aplte c(lhe ocldaeaa ettu, 
nearly two tbonaand apecteten were pieaent, the nloiaiL 
net being manireated to re(eK0celotbe game. Itlunata* 
be one tbe moat lively, amuelog, aud Intetullng matcheaJ 
kind we ever uw, and w* Imat It I* but tho flnt o(ai«L 
atmltor ccnteata. Oe acoonotof Ihe colduaeaof tbadit, 
fielding wu almoet an tmpoaalblllly, and therefbnwiiJ 
from comment on tbe play. We muat uy, however, Ihtlii 
part of HIgbam, Hammond, Byroo, Datea, and DenbtakS 
crickelen, each and all did remarkably well In thelr^" 
A faitun of tbe mateb wu the very (rlondly feollig 

by Ihe conlealtog partlea. one to the other, the reauil hat? 
fralemlitog of the New York aid Atlantic club* m lha ttn 
that apuka favorably ^r their fntun Intertoutee lajZ 
gamea Already a ntnrn match baa been placed npoaCi 
gramme u orre of the flnl gamu of tbe ecaaon of 1884, U| J 
ubeagameofcricket belween twenl.v-lwo baie l>aU pjaig,' 
Ihe flnt etoven of tbo New York club. A match alio u igbi 
to wind up Ihe ptoy of the preaent aeuon, balwien elaviiii 
flea and the aecond eleven ol tbe Now York dab at oilii«, | 

Fearce, c 

Smith, 3db.... 

Blart let b 

Cnne, 9db 





Pratt, a a 

Obapmac, of.. 



n Wright c 3 

Hammond, 9d b 1 

Byron, p B 

Uanh, If i 

BulLrf. « 

Denbigh, a a 4 

HIgbam, latb 4 

Bndaon. of 3 

Bate*,Sdb i 


old cocionniBii, 
B.L. atnni 

White, r 

Luter, f 

Uackey, ( 

Btelle, ( 

Moore, f 


UoOarty, t 



8 Total I 

amiB KASB Di BAOB imiiaaa 
let 3d 8d 4th 8th 8lh Tlh 'ltta 

AUantlo 9 0 9 9 8 0 O-ltj 

OldConntrymen-.-l 1 4 0 0 » 1 1 |, 
Bntpire— P. O Brian, of tbe Atlantic club. 
Paued balla— H. Wright, 1) Haaunond, 3; Paaie«,-l; g 
man, 8. ' 
Home rnni— Blart 9- 
Blmck out— Bull, 3; While, 9; Lealer, 9: XlghAB, 1; 1^ 
Btelle. ii UoojB, 1. r 

Put out on ml balla— AUantlca, 3 Umea; Old Consbiu 

Putoutat Antbue— AltouUca, 8 ilmu; OU Ccu^bTaa 
llmu. ~ 
Put out at aecond bue— H- Wright, by Ciine, twice. 

Put out at third baae— Bait Haaacn and htoore, by B 

Put out at home hue HIgbam, by Bprague; and Bmm 

Flycatebeamada-Pearce, 4; Crane, 9; Bnngue, 9;\_ 

Aalvln, 1; Bmllh, 1— totol, II. Btelle, 9: Baainunl, 1 

Wright, 1— total 8, 
OatcbM nIaaed-Btene, 3; Boll, 9; J. Smith, 1; ban 

Blart 9 ; CraD4 1 ; Oalvla, 1, ^ 
Left on buea— Byron, 1 ; Btelle, 1 ; Bmllh, 1 ; Orana, 1; (I 

4; Bprague, 1 ; Ohapotn, 1; OalvIn, I, 
Bound catcbea made— Old Coonlrymen, 13; lt1anNc8,U 
Out>— by Iho twelve crtoketen, 14; by the flve kallplija^ 
Time of game Iwo boon and fl(ty mtoutei. 

FouiOR fmunKO lmi» in Daiir.— Our flte of fonlgaipa 
papcn having atrlved Juil bofora vo go to pteea, we bam 

room fora aliurtauinmary of ovonia Tbo .^rlin$£(rt«[i 

31 , lakM aide* with tie cobtemporary, and thrvatejia te um 

gtllam overboard tinleaB belter conducted In (dure 

Barry Holt (pogliutlc reporter of IkWx Life, and refenali 
late light between Dillon and Traven,) Jem Dillon, Dcbltai 
Jack Ulcka, Aleo Keene. Nat Langbam, Fred Oliver, Ot*. Br 
DoaTyler, and Bob Webb, were all aentecced lo tan daya'laifli 
ment at tbe Oxfcrdabin Quarter 8eBalore,oD Oe^okki^ 
betog preeent at the DlUon audTraven' fight Pretty mi 

the boya, particularly ao for Haiiy Holt Ted Mapptf 

Dob Fnrge fongbt In Ihe London DUtrlot, on Get lOlh, aim 
and protracted batUe, toallsg 3h. 18m., and 109 romlta 
darkneaa put a atop to It (Full parilculare In our neill.. 
Oor cotemporarita aUle that £10 to down for ike Bak^WL. 

JoeOcaa. Eowtotbto? B. Oaidnerand J. K JcawA 

Bwlmmliig match for i8ll on Ihe Ittb nit DletaDce, X >li 
yaxda. Won by Jonu In 8m., the qnlckeat time on lecati 

FiuiHOi'e Ucmn.— Tbe Ibt* depailmant «( Btvathlll,! 
had a grand parade and InapecUon on the 38lh alt, the pn 
Inga cToalng by a trial of taa throwing pcwera ct lha ^ 
"tuba," Tiger, No. 1, 41 men, threw a alnam 300 feet 10 
ThlB macbtoe to of Ji-ffrn' maike, baa a ten Inch oyl]ilit,i 
endetroke. Two end on^balf Inohhoao wuueed bylUii. 
pany. Tbo boya lock hold of the biakca wllb a will, aal a 
fint trial aent a Jet iquartly over the polo, leaching aa ikt 
according to the Judgee, o( HI feet aid 9 tochei. The 0. t. 
Mo. 4, 00 men, threw (4ih trial) 901 (act 4 luchci, healing It 
C Inchea. Thla tub to aleo o( the Jeffere pallero, with Kb 
cylinder and aide alroke, and played tbrcusb Ibe aame bie 
uaed by Ihe Tiger. Each tue drew Ite own water and |1 
through 300 feet of hoie, Ibe trial wu menly for aupiaaa 

OoAaLZT WALm'B BaHarn.— Owing to tbaetornyn 
there wu but very (air alli'Ddance at Uonlgonwy Belli 

30tb ult The (oUowtog boxen appeared and ipimd-^ 

1. . - . J - -m 

Doran and Alt Walker, Bill Dalseyand Pouch, 

HoLaln and Tommy UeakiD, Cock RohU aad Jim a 
Whitebraded Bob and UcOrath, Jem Parrel and.f 
Napoleon J.nkluand Brother, with Mike Dcraey and 
Walker In Ibe wind up. Bncto BUI Tovee appeaiedaal 
Ibe flral time alnce bto retom (rom Baraloga. 

Bio Cdallooe raou Jul Dokn,— Tbe late onpoaent dl 
Elliott la "pen to fltibt any man In America at from 148 la 1 
(or (Tom 1600 to $1,000 a aide at any time u may be egnal 
Han and money ready at PhIL Clan's, 401 Oolomtlai 

Job IBM WiLBia, Jake Beome wante to sea yon 

YosRO BroUT to Jahxs UnOAU.— ThU wall kasn. 
agrees to accept UcCabe'a oballenge to ma two mllei,aiJl 
meet bim at the Currxa ofllee on Filday, Mev, 8lh, at <a^ 
to make anangemente and pat ap, 

A Foot Dacx laku ptoce at the Oilon haUnll* tnck, 1 
Inadale, between Bait Caeildyand Janu Koaaba,to _ 
Bide, on Wednuday, tbe 4tb loat, at 8 o'clock. P. M., abeX 
ter o( a mile dub, free to all, for a pune of 110, and a Wi 
bruah over alx bnidlei (oi the Bam* amount 

OnALLxxoi TO Yomo Broar,- J. P, Jackaoa villi ni B 
aleeve a Ave mile race for 8300 a aldd aud give bla alilTI 
alart. The race to coue off at PloUy'a Track. Ua n 
Hport any when Iho latter may deiiguato. , 

4 yil llj 


Tea FnxKon Toar.— The Parte Aulunu Keeling, whkkl 
Ibiee dayi. hu bcco tbe moat aaooeae(u] tnrf eveot ariiM 
la ntUe FraLce. Hie o:oae wu brilliant In tteexlrraa 
great event of (be liKt day to worthy ofrecoid oa acecuali' 
magnitude of tho alakca Ihe betting wu even on linM 
to 1 agalnal Orpholln, 10 to 1 agalnat BeiivcDlr. 
enough Ihto turned out to be to the very raven* oidaiaj 
poiltioni. The aumnary of tbto great eveal, wllk'lM' 
hones otoced, to a* (nllowi:— 

Orand Frix do I'Emperaur of 9O,0OO(., tor tanr yearil* 
upwarda that have nover won the eame prlie baron; 
WCr., hrit: ercond to lecelvo hall thoenuy; honMemb' 
ivul allowed lOlb; four lollu, 
U, Bohln'a Souvenir, by Caravan— EmlUs, 

U. Aumont'e Orpbelln, 4 yn, 1141b 

Oonte F, do Lagrange'e Slradelbi, 4 yra, llllk. . . 

BcuLiiRO— Taoo akd CoiLBis.— On Oct 131k, J. Tilt 
OoUeu nwed a race over the (ull ccone tram Polnayv ■ 
lake, (or £98 a Bida Tsgg hu rowed eeveral good nK4j 
yean o( age, welgha lift Tib, and la 8a IIMIo. toMght 
IB 38 yean old, Ost lllb, and 8(i Bid. In bolght Tagg wtfW 
vorlte at 3 to 1, aud bla (rioiide wer« Juatlfied la thelrca*" 
ror, IboDgb bolb ruvcd fakt, Tagg gradually dnw away, to*' 
by 1mm lOsea Ha went over the oonru In lOmle, 30iM ' 

six miles walkbig match, ou the L., , , _ 

worth, eg the 13th ult lloth lids were In geag ccDilMiaM 
on betog told lo go, ni.llIngsworlh look the Iserf, which bi>| 
Utned for flve milee aud a bait, when Tiumtna want to Uai^ 
aud won by tvesty ywle, Time:— K,nt uiilr. Brats. <" 
K. ood. lOmIn, IBiec.; third, 20iulu.i0atc.; rnurlh, 8<aila-<< 
arih, IBoiln. loiec; alilb, Uuiio. 17scc. Tea "quid" *" 
atake at uaua. 

Two Tnizx Fionn IR ADsrnAr.TA —The ant wu hila**' 
Dardy and air. ll'Lareo, oho met Ihe lut (Ulurdaf U /"J 
contend (or t'lOO, After a gallaut ooiiteat at Imt houri 
durlcg which lime •l;ibly.two nuoda were feaibtto*'^ 
wu aecliied drawn, both being oomplably eiho"*", 
other fiiiht took place on Augunt 4, and wu k'.tveea "rLa 
llvinaad Uaonie Dodd, (or £300. Tbto fliklww i^Sa 
aellher appearing aaxlona to oonilnua lha eeaUat, anirsa" 
.waalf-alaat lenadi la 3 ksua 8 biIb. 

Bix UiLia Wauuro.— Tlmmlna and Bolllegrworlh d<^ 
Ocpenhagea On*°'^,? 





>«ahmI<Hn* fur Umn«. SUnw k Haln, 1. H. Otitor, 
nnr J. 0. Shirpl'T. F, O, Wttaon, DIok B«rth«l0D, A. 0. 
nuTTBUowont, M B. ImtIU, Losta flimment, 0. H. 
(T 0 Cbnroblll,! Tbw. Jwobn, L. M. W. BtMi*. U. a 
J^Dr. B. S. JooM, uul UU« Jannl* LmII«. 

ro r/7J5 PBorBSSiow, 

OLirrn li (he mot omn of lh« dniutla raA tliow 
__Jgii tnd o<ir dMrt !■ nod *nt hu bMo to mtk* thU 1»> 
Zat got ODlr nMhil (o (he proraHlan,bot InterMUof (o (h« 
iM'l«r. TbniKh (be mxHam of oor ll(U» ahHt, (hers- 
VuproffaloD uo iMrn (b« vhansbonti widbatlDeMot 
Keihtr. Dmpiu « pl«;blll,> nemptptr,* llat or two of (h« 
ZmM «' T0"r*<1'<* t<>^ Mwolt'ed with TOO, ao th*( 
RUh lu br Bitiirdt^ or Monl>T> *t the UtMt, ud Itte 
JhrgUhcd «in tppoar In uil week'! Inaa of the OLTprn, 
Vu i^r«r<1«l (o «gfD(< throughout theonantrTMrlran 
Sir nomlnit of oiob vaak. W« obwrgo nolblng (or reoord* 
At oMrcisant* of oor frlonda, noKtaer dows uk or aaek 
rlf lor klud for ao dolog. Va wlab to oonHoaa tha O^cr- 
uittlltbte onM fbr the banafit of (he profaailoD, tod 
eiKod the aphere of lla na«fiiloea. 

OITV ■oguUUlT. 

HOUDIT, Not, 4, 
Ml ibMlrknla, dorlag the put vaek, na hare Tair Utile to 
Biiitttbeopoiiloitof thapreaent ■aeaon we here been at- 
.unolthtd at the crowda on oiowda the'- dock nlRbllr to 
^Hlnt. The Broadweju well u the Bowerj eattbUab- 
ubin all '"'"(t * ^"T Kood ptjlng boalnau, 
^MUt neroa comotncad en enganmant at NIblo'a Otrden, 
u«ib ull. opabloit In "Camilla." The andlenoe, on thaoo- 
B0( her tmira la Ibia sllf waa rerr large, and ane contln- 
utUT on the off nighu of Ur, Forreat to large and aeleol 
>«ae. ll-r randlllon of "Uedea' waa moat eicallent. On 
^MUl. Mlw Heron la to aopear In "Edith," and on tha 7th aa 
ristUMUTri'r. oneof luH Racbel'agtMlaatrolct. Hr. Bd- 
^^lipp<tr<A on the Mtb nlL.aa Old Febro, In'Tbe 
iu«rDoiie>a," andltwaa oaoof the moat ancoeaafnl oha^ 
n Uul be haa repraaenled thia aeaaon. Ur. Wheatler 
liuttrtt Kfftmna (tinc» bla lenglhaned rlalt to Fhlla- 
^1 ai Anlonlo do Cabarero, and waa moat «nthnalutlcall7 
^tH. TbiB evening Mr. Forreat appaara, for the flrat tima 
mwi, lb Bhakeapeare'a Ho dud tragedy of "Oorlolanna," 
ig~| sltb a Ine cait, new ecenarj and aplendid monntlnga. 
"jMUtk'ii Theatre Ibare la nothing to record eicepi the (wt 
ijiurlfall'ck'a oomady—drama— faro^Uelodrama-trage- 
i^t/ittiAt" eouHnnae to draw hogelf. 
-Ml Wood, erar on tba alert for producing anrthlng 
pioTe altracUre, brioga out at her Mhu eelabllahment, 
Obnpic (hie erenlng, the great aanaalloD of the daj, ot 
M VM'/i Tiit^ of Sorrla laland, wbloh ahe haa had 
>in"tip'eaal7 for the oocaalon. I( wlU. do donbt, prora 
^-Idtoble fare*, and If Iteonlalneonehtif of (hefua(ha( 
TiiZiMXItwlilaerTetoallrupthe pnbUo curloalty and 
iitnil'lo(heth'atre, "Focahonlaa" wu ' keptWlaat 
^u4fJII remain for a abort time longer. 
wi ^ Cbtke cloaed a aneeeaafol two weeke' oniigement at 
fubr Oirdan on Ibo 31it oik Tbia evening Ur, and Mn, 
en, Ike w«ll known loparaonalor* of Irian and Tankee 
tarn, commence an engagement, opening In "Hagdj 
I ■ "kUacblevona Annie." and the "Betumed Vvlonlaer," 
bi nil bionihl by niobard Bacott agalnal the rzeootora of 
niu Vm. E. Borton for tll.MO damagea, waa decided on tba 
jah, In Ibe Snpreme Court In thIa dty. The trial occnnlod 
Itmr dajTiand the Jnrj brought In a aealedTerdlcifor 
rcl (or M sn 80, It waa alleged by the defence that the 
luj nre Incompelent to aing Eogllah opera, and that Ibe 
nlftilloiltoproTlde a proper wardrobe and •alBclantor> 
ml >ol Tocal moalc, acoordlog to bla agreement Tbe 
int ni aiarolned aa a witneaa In hi* own behalf, and oallad 
lUn bla let Umony it number of mnaloal eiperta and other 
Man. Tbe plaintiff prored bla readlneaa to perfbrm tbe 
ncl and hia (niaioant generally of all the brma of bla 
aStl The company aajg "Bohemian Olrl" and "Trora 
'la Ibe Drat week, and bid rehearaed "Karllana" for tba 
bI wMk, whan Burton cicaed Ma theatr*. The company 
iin angering from tbe effecla of a atomy paaaage from Oaf' 
•bra Ihey commenced to alng, but Barton inalaled upon 
rfolnit on the alage. 

r.OKinyan the Armanlan Turk, gm one ofhla lectnrea on 
il( lift and aoclaly In Turkey, at NIblo'a Siloon. on the ]9th 
III iKture waa llluatraled by tbe Introduction of aenral 
1 Id a uriely of characterlatic Torklab coatnmea. They gave 
laira of the dinctng of that country, and Ur. Oacanyaa 
I T«rr InU^rMtlng expoaltlon of the charaotor of the harem 
ftiracilic Inalltullon. 

L Goo. Vandanhoir commenced a aeilea ot tbroe readloga at 
Rilb'a Ilall, on the 3let ulL 

iiUricllona at 444 Broadway the piat week were nch li no 
kr place of entertainment haa gtren amongat na for many a 
Aa aome of the poators aay, "crowda, crowda, crowda" 
b Kt tbbugh there waa only that particular nigbt when we 
Ictoaet apart to be mon crowded than any otber nl^bl. 
nxd ao to na by tbe way peop'e docked Into the American 
n on the laat day of Octoberi but In reality It la not to, for 
!t Jnot Ibe aame lim every night In themok. Amongat 
retw ficea which haa llgbled op Ihe American during the 
It ilaya, are the beautiful Hlion Slalen— Frank and Ade- 
-Ihe former a dancer and tbe other a ainger, Adelaide 
ud ainga very aweolly, bnt bu hardly enough compau of 
1 1« be heard dlaUnctly at a dlatanc^tbla, however, will 
be iliengthened by practice, the lady having only recently 
M Ike etage. Frank— a downright pretty name— aa a 4a» 
la very agile and graceful Ulaa Emma Temple, anolher 
lomtr, la aald to be a voiy olever actreaa ; we abaU be able to 
lefber merlla afier wllnenlog her performance, aa we dldn'l 
mill tbe laat place-the only one In wblch ahe appoand. 
Chiilakl, the win walker and Tcntrllooolat, cloaed a very 
nltd wrrk on Ike Slat nit. Ur T. L. DonnaSy, a favorite 
I lha boya. la back again, doing Irlah comedy, and tUke Uc- 
u glvM pracllcal lUualratlona of the dancing at Lanergaa'a 
.<blcb Tony Pwlor alnga with aucb gnato. All tbe old fa- 
Ua are allU nlalned— the fonambuUatlc bevy of "darka"— 
tey White, Bob nart. Lew SImmona, Jim Vambold, Dick 
i, aid Johnny Wild ; and It le aeldcm we eee a company wort 
tU logolber, with ncne of that profeaalonal Jealouaywbloh 
muiee oharaolarlaea actor folka. The American Tbeatre 
I tbacbcapeat and moat veraiUle entertainment on Broadway, 
ra Dawrcn, Ihe dlatlogulalitd double-voiced Tocallat, com- 
«e at Ramum'a ourlcalty ahop on Ibe Mb tnat. 
a Bindford Droihrn and Mile, Medea, oomnoalng the tnope 

rtomlmlala and rfcrunuf), who bare Juat cloaed an engage- 
at Baroom'a Uuaenm, an prepared to engage irltb man- 
I for dial claaaenterlalnmenta. Fartlea reqnliug tbalr aei^ 
mnai addrcaa Iheir aoli aganla— Ueaan. Conner & Co. 
rania' Ulnilnia continue to give pleaiing and mlrthfnl en- 
lamenta to very Urge and anprcclatlve audleneca, Dan 
el and Davo Heed appear nlghtlr in tbelr challenge dance, 
k li vary laughable. Tbe Bryasla bare alao added to their 
L-llona tbIa week the laat aeraaUon ot Ullea O'Ballly, and 
«wbo lake part In Ibe act make a good dealoffoo. 
Ike New Bowery Thoilro hnalueaa haa been the aame aa 
^ On the 30th nit., Ur. 0- C. Boniface, one of tbe moot 
Lhr adore on the eaat (Ida of the town, look a benedt, and 
bnenae crowd prcaent fully proved to bim that hia endea- 
llo plraie had not been fcrgollen. ThIa week eommancea 
Kbedraiiaof"Iha JeworBouthwark,"and tbe revival of 
rflrlnc Dulcboan," Boniface playing the Jew and Yandex 
m. Ilumor aaya that Ucllle. Leo will aborlly make her Mat 
[la a new dramatic apeclacle. 

BitirFoi, of Ihe old Bowery, haa been ao •uoceaafnl with 
tfl dramu, thai be will In all probablUly coutlnue them 
■tblbeeniireeeaaoD.oraaloog aaagood onbjeot for tba 
■locllon of the aptclral lUualon oan De foiud, Tbla week 
■01 Inlrodncee Ibe comic piece of the "Oboat ot Ollea Bcrog. 

Courted Uolly Browa" Alao (be drama of "Korah 
*mU." Finny Herring, owing to accntlnued IndlapcalUon, 
^ible lo appear. 

>4ir laat week, Barney T7llllama had an additional member 
oltd to the 1Tlli''.ina famllr. The newcomer la of tbe 
'(vian ^lon, and will dou'.IJeai prove a aecond edlUoo of 

jafi Ulnitrala continue aa altracUvo aa ever. The panorama 
^crlh river baa been revived, and le very popular with 
WHf. One of Ibe great fea(urea of thIa talented cos- 
iMDbiairela le Ihe vocalization of Haater Wood, wllb plane 
luconpinintnl. Uu(er Wood'a voice no longer labora u 
■inwaihorl lime alnce, and, no longer fettered by Ibe 
<( ulaalDg hia Inlonatlona, he nvela In the tVSl diaplay ot 
2!™ genlua. The elfect produced by bla voice la that ot a 
■>nr eearcblnr Kmln. Without any Tlalble Inoreaae of 
\ bla high, beU-lIke ncloa aotr above tbe Inalrumenlal 
f- Such an effect la pecnllarly lyrical, the diallncUon be- 
"Wnl mnalo and the inatruroental being that the former 
y» lonmiely note lodlvidnalily, and that tho hero abould, 
>«> u pcaalkle, remain Tlalble to tbe eye, like a grral 
niln tba pictan of a battle. TbIa la one of (he moat dlffl. 
r^la any ainger can make. Hie Tolce la remarkably high 
£oM of abrlUneia, and from the higheat nolo ot hia range 
r^tdi, with remarkable eaae,down to theloweatnoteaof 
vhlcb, from the effect of the aodden contrut ot the 
?^BH, tell with mon effect upon the ear, Bla anatalned 
'"(Tolonga with wonderful caro. In part* notte- 
Jj*<>liy there la great landerncaa and aweetneaa, and bla 
^aienta are full ot playtulnaia, and ao rapid aa not to be 
?ra Ironi Ibe anbJtcl matter. He la yet quite yonug, wllb 
?*Kilarra, good eyea, and an eipreaalva moulh, and hide 
"Mmme, by oarefnl training, one of our oo«t promlaing 
^■viKia. Ti,, (Ills of Ibe unalcal compoiltlon aang by 
^'^1, la "Bid MeDiaconrae"- UennBlebop'a maater- 
^Tha pianoforlo nned ou tbe ocoaalon la a micnlUcent In- 
^1. ><«! wu prcaenlcd to Uaaler Wood by Uuen, Bled- 
'>)Iottl.,of iliiaclty. 

iM '.'""'nbraClicua re-opened In Fonrteerlh alrcelon the 
,7.' '° 'alliiir a alira hoii<e, and the allendanoe Ihrmghont 
'"•Tuel that alim order which wae nellbir dalteilDg to 
2|°'(rr nor to lha /ev artiala engaged here. We were 
^ M Ike evening of tbe Ulk, asd (here wai probably 

about >IM cub in tbe bouee. Since nnr lut Tiall 10 thia ahow, 
then haTC been only two addillona worth mentioning. The flrat 
ia Ibe ■ngllab eoneetrlenn^ Uad. Uarla Uacaila, who la one of 
the moat beautiful ridera we hare bad la Itala connliy for aome 
Ume. Her cue, her darl 9g, bar oerlilaty and her rapidity. In 
all tbe diffloolt fcata abe nndertakea, bare won tbr her (he 
admiration of lalL Tho olber artlat apoken of lo Ur. miliam 
Penny, lata of lha " Olrcoa B^al," who li one ot tbe beat 
" L'EcnaUe" pertonnen In the oonntry, Ur, Ootk, tb« BngUab 
down, ImpTOTea upon acqnalutance, and alnce he baa naolTcd 
to give na tbe pan nnadnlieratad Qaeen'a EugUab, makaa a tut 
clever down. Tbe weather waa very oold onder canvu, ao mncn 
ao (bit we could not alt the performance cut On tbe 301b nit., 
La(e Nlion took a beneflt, and Ur. Andnw Niien takuhia "ben" 
tbia (Uonday)aTenlng, 3d Init., wblah ocuaalondoaei up, rath- 
er aummarlly, Ibe pnaent aeuon. 

Tbe Trencn Tboatn In NIblo'a Saloon commenced it* tegular 
aeaaon on tbe 37th ulL, under the maoigement of Paul Jniguet. 
Tbe Initial performance oooalatad of " Balallle de Damea, cr no 
Duel an Amour," a comedy In three acta, by Ihoae eminent 
antbora, Ueaara- Scribe and Legarve. Wllb elamenta of ancceu 
much Increaaed and alnnnbened ainoe bla lut aawon, M. 
Juignet will doubtleu baTa toe aetijfaotion of llnding hia liberal- 
ity, in furnlablng the loven at Fnnoh acting an elegant enter- 
tainment, appreolated at lla full worth. 

Kalhleen O'Nell, tbe popular Irub balladlal, arrived la tbla 
oily daring (be early part of lut week, alter a lenglby profea- 
alonal tour Ibrougb tbe weatero eouniry, Bbe wu Immediately 
aecured by tbe manager of Ibe " Oanterbnry," Wwhlogton, and 
opena than thla oTenlng. 


On Wedneaday, October SSIb, Uin Charlotte Oaihrean ap- 

B eared at tbe Brooklyn Academy ot Uuaic w Lady Uaobatn, 
onltace playlug Uacbetb, and llctdannt, Uaodolt, (be occuion 
being a benelt tor tbe OranuUc Fuud Ataoclatlon. Owing to 
the bad management by thoae who bad diarge of tbe arranga- 
menla, not mon than Iwo-thlrda ot tbe aeala wen occupied. 
The demand for aula would bare led lo the bouH being crowded 
to eiceaa, bat for the action taken In placing Ihe whole of tbe 
tickela, lo tbe beat aula In the bouaeL In Ibe Eande of tbe regu- 
lar New Turk apeculatorc. Ibia tba Brooklyn pnbllo would not 
anbmlt to, and nance tbe comparatlrely allm aUendanoe. Con- 
aldering tbe grut dnin to aee tliu Coabman act In ttila play, 
Ibe managei* wonld bare done vrell to have add tbe aoaia at 
auction, the whole of the proceeda going Into the Ircaaoiy of the 
Aeaoclatlon ; no one would tben have begrudged paying (be pre- 

mium; but, u It waa, all the proBIa beyond ine legillmalo price 
of tbe ticketa wen pocketed by tbe apoculatort and thoae who 
wen In oollualon wltb them. The local papOn, we wen glad to 
aee, for once commented independently on Ibe aubjeol, and In 
fact It eiolled tbe Indignation of every painn ot the drama In 
tha dty. Ot the performancea, we have upeclaDy lo apeak of tbe 
truly airtletlo nndering of the principal onaracter br Ulu Ouah- 
man. At one time a pin might tiaTcbean burd to utop, ao fidly 
abiorbud wen the audience by her powerful acting- Bonlface'a 
Micbeth wu quite a cndllal>le effirt for one of bla peculiar 
achooL Mordaunl'a Uacdoff wu moat praliewcrthy, nia read- 
ing being nmarkably good and bla acting worthy of mon expe- 
rienced artlata. Tbe chorna ainging In Ibe witcbM' aoeiM wu 
capitally done and elicited hearty applauee. Taken altogether, 
it wu a far mon aallafactory performanca than we expected to 
have aeen at the bauda ofthe oaat named for Ihe occaaloiL 

At Ihe Park Thutre, Brooklyn, " Kate Sumey " bu been Oie 
leading card ot the week, and tne excellent acting of Lennox, and 
tbe altnctlve vocal cfferta of Ulw Shaw in tbla piece, together 
with (he fun and frolic peculiar to the play, bare drawn very 
good honau. The attendance on Wedneeday, whan the pertbrm- 
ancM at tbe Academy and Ibe political faroe In tbe Park wen 
(he counter attracUona, being anch u lo Ml tbe bouae wllb a 
bigblr fublonable audience. " Satan In Parte " la ret down tor 
Ibe proaent week. On Ibe occaalou of Ibe QoUachalk matinee, 
on 'Tueaday. Ibe bouM wu ttUed to npleUon. 

Bonee'a Dramatic Ocmbhtatlon Tnaua waatal Scranton. Fa-, 
ontbeSStbulk ' r . • 

Tbe dramatic company now IraTelIng under the management 
ot O. H. O'Hara, waa at Etmlra on the Mlb nit., playing tbe 
"OuUe Bpectn," introdnclng tbeOboet bnalneaa. The com- 
pany wu then to gotoWatnna and Anbum, and then down 
Ibe Centnl Bead to Albany- 

At Pike'e Opera Hone*, Oindnnatl, Ur. and Ula Couldock 
were tbe atan lut week. On the 37ib nIL, "Orlctel dta tbe 
Hearth" wu produoed to a large attendanco, and wu npea(ed 
on Ibe 3Stb. Tbe mluai acme la uid to hare been iplendldi and 
reflected great oredit upon Ibe acenic artiat Hcna. and lladame 
Zarlalowaki conlinue to be u popular in thtir (ercelchorean 
moTcmenla u (bey wen laat aeaaon. Butlneu contlnaed tct/ 
good tbrongbout tbe week with the Oouldocka. 

Joaeph Kioctor made bladttof at Wood'a Theatre, OlodnnatI, 
on the Mlb nit , in tbe rob of Vuglnlua, iu which character he 
made a Teiy fiTorable Impreulon. On the 37lta. he appeared aa 
Jack Cade, and the preu of that city apoak rery highly of it. 

Oubaa, Ibe Spuiab dmteiut aad pantomlmlat, opened at lha 
Buffalo Theatre on the Mtb oil., in the "Fnnch Spy" lo a houia 
crowded lo ileatmoet capaolly. Ur. W. H. Loax wu engaged 
exprtuly to anpport her durbig thla engagement, and appeared 
aa Ucbammed, and In the broad avrord combat It la aald he wu 
meat excellent. The "French Spy" waa npeatod tbnagbont 
tbe week to Tary laive andleDce*. , 

AI Ihe Deflance Theatre, Oadro, n., the drama ar''ZTUybudy'a 
FrUnd" iru performed on tbe 3aib ulL, to a Teiy large altend- 
anoa. The pfece^ It la aald, wu not produoed u it onght to bare 
tMcn, and lla npreaenlatlon caoaed great dlaappdntmant. Tbe 
company generally were not perfect in tbelr parta, and the piece 
dragged dreadfully. Tbe dance wu apoUed by the nnalo, and 
tbe fane wu terribly butchered. The comedy of "Miae Polnia 
of Uw" and Ibe (area of "The Slameu Twlna/' wen announced 
tor the 37tb. - 

TbeHobnan Opennonpa tinlabed their engagement at SI. 
Lonla on tbe 34ih ulL, with "Oindeiella," and an now oi miU 
for Chicago, reeling by the wanlde at Spiringflild, m. 

Uaggle UilcbaU wu the ndplant of a oompUmantair beneflt 
at Fcrd'a New Tbeetra, Wublnglon, D, 0 , on Friday erenlog, 
Oct. SOtb. We an advlaed by onr ccrTeapondcnt that thla MueBI 
wu the gnnd theatrical cmp of tbe ecaaon at Ford'a, the hcnae 
tMlng honored with tbe preaence of aeveral official dignltarlea, 
including, bcaldea tbe PreaideDt and Cabinet offloen, nonMroof 
mambera of the eoipi DijUmalique, and a large ntuiber ot 
mUltary grntleutn of blgb oBlclal capacity. Uaggle cicaed 
thenonlheOlatult. • 

At tbe eale of cbelce aeai* tor tbe Dramatle Fond Denelt at 
tbe Brooklyn Academy ol Uneic, on tbe 37tb ult., tbe Oral 
pnmlnmpald for the obolceof three aeata In tbe parquet wu 
fltaaob. Twenty-nine more were diapceed of atllewb, 

Sallie St. Olair commeued a abort engagement at Fnller'a 
LouiavlUe Theatre, on tbe Mth ult, opening In tbe "Fnncb 
Spy" and tbe comedietta called "Ihe Toung BebeL" On tbe 
37U1, abe appeared u Ura. Ormeby Delnialne in "Tha Serloua 
Family," aupported by Ur, Obarlu Barraa u Aailnldab Sleek. 
Tba "witard Bkiff" iru alao produced. Tbe lenaaUon drama 
of "The Woman in Wblle" wu underlined to b^abortlypto- 

JS- **■ Bowen cemmencM an engagement at Ibe Anb 
Street Theatre, PbUaddpbla, on Ibe Btb Inet, in aome of ber 
most brilliant cbaractera, Sbe opene In "Tbe Hnucbback" fd- 
lowed on the Mlb with "Love," Utb, "Lady ot Lyona," lltb, 

'Love'a SaariSca," 131b, "Bomeo and JnUel," aad on the lltb, 

'Plot and Faulon." Tbe aeccnd week of ber engagement will 
commence with one of Iboae new dramatic ohanotan la which 
ahe bu achieved a great npntatlon. 

At tbe Cheatnut Street Tbeatan%Fhlladelpbla,UdUe.T«atTa1l 
wuihe eiar lut week, and aucoeeded In attracting rery good 
audlenoea. The drama wtaweUplayed and eplendidumonnied, 
and lla great ancceu wu In no little meunn allrlbniad to tbe 
excellent muale and tbe cbomaw. 

Carl Anacbuiz commencM a aerlu ot opcru at the Academy ot 
Uual«rhlUdelDhle,ontbe2dlnet «v«icib7». 

Tbe featun of tbe pail week at the Arch Street Thutre, Pblla- 
ddnbia, wu tbe Davenpcrt-Wallack-Fanen Comblnallon. Ur. 
Wallaok'a Werner wu very highly apoken ot by the prew of that 
city. Ur. E. L. Davenport ia lha alrecglb of thla combbiallon, 
and le ably anppoiled by bla coUeagnca. 

Un, Oeollenuah give dramatic teadingaatUndoalFnndEaU. 
Pbiladdpbla, on tbe 37lb ult. 

Ur.uidUn. W.J. Florence look a complImrnlaiT beneflt at 
Orovor'a Ibeatre, Wuhlngton, on tba Wib nit On tba 3le(, 
itaalr engagement doaed, with tbe "CoUeen Dawn." The next 
atar wu to be Ludlle Wutem, who wu to open on Ibe 3d inat. 
In "But Lyme." 

Tbe Fcater Troupe concluded a two weeka engagement at tbe 
Norfolk pperanouae, on the 34lh nit, pnaenllog Ibe apecUcular 
drama of ibe "Flying Dutchman," Ihe "Forty Tblovea.^' and lli« 
pantomlae ot tbe "Red Oncme and While Warrior," On tbe 
37ib ult, a beneflt waa tendend to Ibe manager, S. W. ak>nn,by 
mUltary and clvtc offlclala anddtizene,on wUcb occuion Bvdyu 
Bvana and Jamu Oetea, together with the entire company, tuI- 
unleered tbelr aervlcea. The blU preeenled wu TOm Tulor'a 
comedy ot "Our American Oouain" and "Tbe Serloua FamilA" 
In tbe former, Ur. Uanlon appeared u Aea Trencbard, aoaain 
u Abd Uurcott, Evana u Danareary, and Ulu Uary E. BIB u 
Florence. While lacking thepungenoy wblch la a diallngnlahlng 
obaraclerletlo of Jefferaon'a Aaa, Uaralon made a favorable Im- 

fireuion. In "Tbe Serlcne Family," Olenn, aa Aminadab Sleek, 
utrodnoed acme Iced bile, with telling and approved effect 
Tbe crowded honae, whiob wu comnllmcniary to hie popnlailty, 
and to Iboae pieaeni for tbna iMtliylng Ibeir appieciailon ol bla 
labond efforta'tc p.'uent an entertdnmentwonby of patronage, 
acemcd to exerdae a favorable atimulua to bla randlllon, which 
wu uneicectionably gtveiL In ruponae to the demanda of Ibe 
audience, Ur. Olenn npealadbia pnuled promlate to ptcaentan 
enlcrialnment' wblch cannot fall to pleue, and pledging that hia 
efforia ahculd conalantly tend to Ihe fullluneni ot Uiat kudable 
Inlenllon. The Webb Siaten were lo commence an engagement 

We were agrwably aurprlaad on Ucoday nigbt, Oct M(b, wl(h 
tbe performancea at Ihe Brooklyn Academy of Uuaic, by Ur. J 
WUbee Booth u Bapbad, and Ura. Batrow aa Uarco, la Ibe 
grut French drama of Ihe "Uarble Heart" Boolb'i acting lo 
thla play waa truly excdient, capecliily in the totne In which he 
haa on ezplmatory luterTlew wilh Uarco. aud alao Ibo laat eceoe, 
ioblaowualoilio. niNhanJiome and nilelllgent couutenauce 
la Boeu tu groil advantage in giving play lo the varloua rxproiH 
ainna nt piaaion In Iboae accnea, aud hia rudliig waa nearly 
t.iulUcaa, He labored tinder the diiadvanlage of boaracnrar 
from a aivere cold, bui In olbf r rranecia lliere wu no oilier 
drawback lo the ancceu of bla effcrta In giving due elTectlolbe 
put bo bad lo perform. It la t« be teiratled Ibat hit ambltloa 

to excel ahonid lead bIm lo attempt higher llgtte than bla age 
aud experience. If not hia capacity, ahonid warnul bIm In at- 
tempting, and we think be dc« tbla when be alrtvu lo equd hia 
falber In hia nndltion ot Ibe leading obarulera of Bbakeapean. 
Tbe lut time we aaw lha "Uarble Eeart" performed, Qaorge 
Jordan anaoled tba part of Rapbaal, aad Laura Keena that ot 
Uarco, and of coune with tbe remembrance of tbelr flue utlng, 
we wen not pnpared to be canted away with aathualaam by that 
ot Ibe artlata In tbe aame cbiradan on Uondaynlgbt We wen, 
however, eapecldiy pleaaad wllb Ur. Booth'a Bapbad, and In mt. 
erd napecta wltb Ure. Damw, aepectally in Uu) loene wherein 
ehe axpWna her experience and dread of poverty, ber reading 
and acUng, which wu worthy of her well earned reputation. Of 
tbe othen, Ur, Kcrton'e Volaga wu the only one worthy otipe* 
oUl remark. The tocneiy and appolnlmenta wen fk ilty, and 
tbe attendance amalt, the houae not being more than balffalli 
yet we eee It atatod. In tha Immaculate dallite, that the dramatic 
perfcrmancea at the Academy are dwaya greeted by crowded 
nooaea. Tbe fact ia, tbcto haa not bun a crowded houae at tbe 
Academy tbie aeuon. 

Ur. Joe. T. Fannin, now eogaged for a brief aeaaon at Fotd'a 
New Theatre, Wublnglon, lanavlng a new drema writtan for 
bim, wbloh vrlll aoon be given to tbe pnblic^ with an eminent 
oaat, and all neoeuary eoanio and olber adcnmenta. 

On Thoraday niaht UiraUek favored Ibe Brooklyoltea wllb 
Flotow'e "Uartha,'' the altendanoe being veir good Indeed. Tbe 

arfcrmancea wen excdieni, hut not auoerlor to Ihoae of tba 
rmanlnupe under Anacbuiz lut aoaaoo. UlraEellogg, UOe. 
Snlzer, Berr LotU and Signer fiUcbi enacted the principal nta. 
On Saturday Ihe Academy wu llllod to overflowing with Ibe 
Brooklyn faahlonablee, on the ccculon of the flratgrand concert 
tbia aeaaon of the Pbllbatnonlc Sodety. Un. Abbott aang In 
place of Un. Ediogg, 
Un. Tan Zandt-mt Jenny Blilz, daugble? of SIg. Blitz, otlife- 

long memory— makea ber fliat appearance at the Brooklyn Aea. 
demy, on wedneeday. Not. 4th, It being btr itbit after three 
yean tuition under tbe beat maaten of tne art. She la to be u- 
elated by a boat of talent 

Uaggle UllohcU le Ibe alar tbla week at the HcUday, BdtUnore, 
opening on tbe 3d In "Fenohon." 

At Ihe Front Street Theatre, Bdtlmon, B. F.. J. MRmwu lo 
commeace an engagement on the 3d inat, making hia d<6iK In 

Edwin Bcetbwu at tha Boaton Theatre lulwxek. Hia Luclna 
JunlUi BrntuB la conaldered by tbe ciltlca of that city lo be bla 
muterplece. He remdna tbia week, produolag "Buy Blaa." 
Tbe allendanoe la noted down u being good tbrongbout the 

Tba much tilkedofplayof "Camilta'e Haaband" wu brought 
ont at Ihe Boaton Unaoum laat week and pr >Ted a euccwa. It la 
aald not lo poooeu that deep and auataiaed Inlereal of "The 
Dead Heart" by the ume anther, yet dtbongh ot incouatatent 
plot, la an (ffrctlTe play wblch affonle a good direnlty ot char- 
acter, and ia relieTca by the oomlc dement lo a mirked extent 
Tha piece will be oonlinned during tbe preaent week. 

AI the Howerd Athananm, Boelcn, Ura. D. P. Bowen* audl- 
encee. It la aald, hare not been what that lady deeetred, Dnrlog 
Ibe week "PeepO'Day" wu rcTiTod, to pnaent the lady In bar 
orlgind part of Eatbleen Rannagb, to wbleb abe Imparlod much 
nuIo-dramaHo effaot Ur, Hawk'e anumpHon of the dcTOted 
Irlabman la add be Ihe beet Iblng he hu done In Beaton. Ur, 
Owena la Ibe pmuni alar, opening on tbe 3d Inat in "Tbe Heir 

Uarle Zoo, the BowTarrpopntar <|/iiunias and panromlmlat 
oommenou an engagement thla week at the Indlanepolla Thea- 
tre, when ahe will remain two wteka. She goea thenco to Ful- 
ler a Lonlaville Theatre, opening there on the I9tb Inat 

Tbe tbutre at AioxandrU, Va., auder tbe management of Ur. 
Joaeph Parker, did a fair hoaloeu lut week wllb the Webb Ble- 
lan u the Stan, aupported by Uoani. Stevane, Dnun, Bury 
flowland and Parker. 

•The Duke and hie MoUo" wu announced to be given on the 
3d Inat at Wood'a Tbeltr^ daclnnall, wllb Joaeph Proctor In 
(be leading retr. 

Tbe RIcniDga Open Tnupe iren annonoced to open at Pike'e 
Open Ucuae, CIndnnatI, on Ibe 3d Inat, In "The Dangbter of 
tbe Begiment" 

Uary Provoat took a beneflt at Ihe Indlanapolia nieatra on tbe 
SOtb nit, and cloaed ber engagement on the Biat "Tbe Romuce 
of a Poor Toung klan" wu In active pnpanUon at laataccounla. 

Ur. J. IL Trimble, Jr., pmpoaea opanmg a theatre In Albany. 
N. 7., atylad Ihe Academy ef Undo, to be opened aboni tbe 16th 
ot December. Severd nUto end femals attula an adrettiaed tor 
In tbia luoe, and any good perfoimer in want of a "dt" will ad- 
dreu u per alrertlMment 

We an In nodptof alotof newa from a cerTeapcndent in San 
Franclaco, CaL, under date of Sept Tib. He uya:— "Fanny 

Werabam, at Uaguin'a, made a uilun Obuley Thoree 

could not open tbe UelropeUlan, u be could not get a company. 

Un. Oeorga Jordan opena at Uaguin'a on tne 13tb of Sep- 

Iem1>er Un. Letghton nu become ono ot Uagnire'a atook 

company Ur Leigblon la at lha polnlot death Uin 

Btlrllug, the American glanten, la In a elole of dwUlutlon In thla 

city The Uoloo Thaatn opene next week under Ihe mau- 

asomentof BberryCorbyn; It la cdled Ibe Mew Idea, I think it 
will torn out a "bad Idea," u Ihe location la bad...-Qllbertbu 
add out Ibe Uelodeon to Little and Bradly; good bouau all Ihe 
Ume The Bella Onion la crowded every night Tlia compa- 
ny at tbla place la a whole tram. Ix>nnla Uari^ Uarlan Lee, 
and Blioaoolnotl«cannotbabeatbranyartfit<lnthdrliBe. Bam 
Setcoort, the proprietor,' hupotrnuad a bleak of bnlldinga on 
Stockton etrait for (7O,0O0cub; he la one ot Ibemanagan that 

we read about Tbe lueka Tboatn bu good houaea 

The tbeatn and malodeon at Wuhoo bare ranted up, and tbe 

company baTa returned to thla eUj Jack Wllecn'a Olnua 

bu ninrned from Dragon Zm'* Olrcna la eUll InTdlng In 

Ibia State The Uuih ObOdren win be hen about Ibe mid- 
dle of October Stan comlna ben tbla winter (If they will 

take year coneapondenl'a advice), can do better by coming hue 
Ont and make tbelr aRangamcnIa attar tbey get here, or tbey 

will aland a good cbanca of getting bit Jamu Btuk bu 

gone Inio the qnariz mill hnainen at Anron. .Julia Dean 
Hayne, wllb waldron'a company, are at PorUaud, doing wdl, 

Uadame Acoeta, tbedanMar, bu got a Judgment againat 

Uagnire for 1600 for adary, bnt getting tbe money la another 

On the 30tb nit, Ibe Bkihlnga Open Troupe made their bow 
at tho Olereland Opera Houae. The high character of Ihe treupe 
u orlblo, coupled wllb tbe dIrMtlon ot the nnlrenally popular 
Ulu Caroline BIcbloga, could not fail lo Monn them good 
bouaea. During Ibe aiay ol Ihe troupe, Ur. BUder took bla 
oompany lo Columbua, Ohio. 

On tbe Slat ult, Ur. Alt Burnett, the humorlel, wu annonnctd 
tooccupy tbe Academy, at Olevdand I and on the 3d Inat, Ihe 
regular company wu to roapprar, wlUi UaryPnToat u Ihe 
elar. Her engagement la for ux nigbia, and will doao In a few 
weeka. Ur. £ going to Oolumbna with bla company for the 

J. WUku Boolb, Un. Bemw, Ur. Snllon, end Uin Fanny 
Brown were announced lo appewln "BicbirdllL," Oct 31tb, 
but to (be diuppolntment of Ihe audience, gaTo "The hiarble 
Heart" Inatead, "Ricbard IIL," lha aeoond nigbt, and "Hamlet" 
tbe laat wltb ancceu, et New HareD, Ot 

Ur. Ohanftan bu been playing Ibe "American Oonalo" to 
crowded bonaea at UuVlokei'a Tbeatn, Chicago, The "Ohoet" 
wu on tbe boarda lut week. Jennie Hduhf appeand u tbe 
ghoet, In the draaa of the ■•Uldetoe Bough?' 

The new tbeatn at Nuhvllle bu been doing a Ten excellent 
bualuen wltb Ulaa LaureEeene aud ber ccmpnoy. Ber beneflt 
on tbe 33d nit, wu a pirtaot Jam. "Bwbd Ike Bwper" hu 
been tbe chief albacilon. 

Ura. Wdler, at the old NuhTllle TbeUre, bu not had Ibat at- 
tention paid to her which ao derer an arllit deeerru. A ccr- 
reenondenl alal<a that Ihe atock company here la nol what It 
ougnt to l>o. 

Bniiio HALiia. 

A new Concert BeU will ahcrlly be opened to Buffdo nnder 
Ibe management ot Qcorge Winablp, tbe airong man, and 
to be oaUed Winabip'a Yarletlra. Pattiea wiahlng lo engage 
ahonid apidy at once to bla agenia, Ueaara. Conner & Co., cr by 
mall u per adTcrtlaemtnt 

Erer on tbe derl to engage talent of tbe blgbut order, Uana- 
gu Lea hu added anothw name to Ibo already brilliant cldoter 
of atan belonging lo hia Hammoth Oemblnailoo. Ha hu ae- 
cured Ibe eervicee of Ur. J. H. Cbllden, who te a wondaiful 

Srforaier wllb tbe muaket Ur. 0. hu never appeand In Ihe 
atem cIIIm, but hu been ccnflulng blmadf lo Cincinnati and 
many other of ibeWeetern dllu. AtPoikopoUa he played an 
engegeuent of one month at Dorvd'a National Ball, and at Smith 
ancluilaon'BBdl,crMlIngquiteaaenaatlon. Be la nowondor 
contnci lo Uanager Lea, and nanagenwiibiogtoatcura bla 
aervlcM can do ao by addreuing Uanager Lea. 

Don Santiago Olbbonnclae, tne honeteoa man, and one of the 
beat conlortlcnlata In the bueineu, bu been engaged tor the 
Bemandea oompiny In Ohicago. 

At Dorvd'a Unilo Hdl, Oinctnnall, Uuter Angalo, Ibe child 
wonder, le tbe princlpd ftalun at preeent Frank Vonddaon, 
Qua Shaw, Sophie Weltcn, and Llxzie Donddaon, wen alao re- 
engaged lut week- 

The Newark Theatre UuMc Hall la bow In full opuiUon under 
the management of Mr. UoUanua, with IhefoUcniDg company: 
—Bob Bullu, Bam AInewortb, J. B, Taylor, Frank Lum. Amelia 
Wdia, Ulu tit OlaIr, Jcaepblno Barnard, and Utzle Wdby. . 

At tho Oauterbuij, Wublnglon, quite a variety ot new acta 
were given lut week by Ihe company engaged. Jolia Uorllmor, 
Ulllle Fowler, end Bnnllne de Falber, are Ihe oaprcid favcrllee 
ot Ibo patroua of that eatabllihment Thla week, Eatbleen 
O'Nell commeneu an engagement On Ibe afternoon of the 8d 
Inat, a matinee beneflt wu annouDCed to be given to the Waak- 
IngtonPnlMlantOiiiban Aiylum, given nnder the auaplcu ot 
the Lady Uanagen ot tbe Aa)lum. Every member of tbe Oan- 
tarbury Company volunteered bla Mrvicea. 

At Hamblln'e Varlrllea, WaihlDgion, a moat excellent pro 
gramme wu offered by Ihe management lul verb. Meun. Wil- 
liam and Jauiea Uudwirlh continue two ot Ihe eapocid feTorltee 
of Ibo Inatitntlou. Meeaia Uafflt and llarlhulomew. In ranto- 
mime, are nigblly applaiidrd in Uielr aeTcral acle. Miaa Lizzie 
()cbuitr.o haa appeared Ihroiigbont Ihe paat week In ber new In. 
venciiatloL of Jack ahen|>arii, a part In which aha la aald lo ti- 
crl, Lizzie mnhee a pallua Tbla wrak there lean I'nilie 
chipgn In the proframme, inlrodnclcg Ibe ecTeral arliiiK In 
uiHi.y itcptilar acta. 

Tho III OlaIr Ball at Paducab, Ry., la now ready for oocnpiney 
for ilrel-cla»« traTellIng p>rlnruan(va of ail kinda. The al^o la 
a comniodloua one, and anilable lor ilramalle performance', a iin 
appropriate actuary. Tba audilcrlum la furriaUnl wilii irra- 
etialre, and diogethct la a Tciy flue buUdlng. ParUu mianJIng 

vUltlng Paducab— allrelytowB of lO.OOO people— wlB bear lb* 
St OlaIr In reind, 

Parker'a Uuaic Hall, corner of Elug and R'>ya1 alreeli, Alo(> 
andrta, Ta., la nightly flUed with loren ot mod einting, Willi* 
olame. negro exIraTaganiaa, dandng, ko. The idneird baud, 
with Dick Parker and Larry Tooley for end-men, aud Ur. Harrr 
J. Riynor u middle man, hu piorel a onccwi. Tbe eompiov 
conaUU ot Ulu Fanny Forreat, UdUe. Uaion Avaeldl. UIh 
Frank U Fdl^ Ulaa Bain^kBlrah, Utile Ella, Dlc« Parker. 
Barry Riynor, R. Fraier, tarry Today, J. Walaen, H. Banker, 
and the pnformlag dog Lilly Dde. Ur. Jamu Flake, oomadla^ 
"d Ulaa Miggte Bowen, are anderllimd to appew thla week. 

At Foi'e Ouino, Pbllidelphia, U'Ue OalleUl and Uona. T0» 
boff made their <f<eii< on the 3d Inet Ur. Oolllna, Ibo "Perfacg 
I'dao one of tho principal foitnna of thia eaUhllahBent. 

AI Lea a Uelodeon, Dairolt, there were no new facM lutireeb 
The companv remdaed "u they were." Jennie Bngl^ Ada 
Teaman, Fred Sbaw. Fanny Oavere, and the Romtn and andan 
auiuary of M'lle De Ucntagii% conUnun to attract exodteul 
55.1.'^.. ^* Pentomime of "The Ooopon" wu glren lul waok, 
wilh BUly Oavuagh aa Zollakle, and Emma Bon u LlaattaL. 

Ur. Oeorge Daoeh inUnda ow ntug a mualc bdl at Tork, Pa., 
abortly, lo bo atyled "Drech'a Oontinen(al." Ned BerTy la to b* 
atage manager, A lady vccdial and two rtwxuMi an wialed. 
Bae ad vettlument from Heaan. Conner fc Co. in another odamn. 

The HumonU Haa Cain. 111., la In Ihe fun tide of aw Ihr 
. "'!''•• Theodora, the Clinetop BMeia, and' 
and E. a Qoodwln lately cloud an engagement tben, and Ibas 
leflfcr Uamiibla. The company al preaent playing tber* mm- • 
dala of Ihe rollowiug:— Obrla. Banaom. Dick AoOowan, Tttm Al> - 
un, Obuley WlllUma, Ohu. Hele, D. W. Orilfllb, Prof. BoUflrao^ 
Prot Ploaaker, and Uin Uyera. Ohulu Uehnu le pmprletor. 

At Toronto, a W„ Uanager Bayleae, lalo of Ibe DetrolWarlfr 
Ilea, buinauooeululoperalloo a flretclauUnaio BaUoaBar 
etreel nur Eing, called the Albenaum. At lut advtoea tba eoB> 

Siyconalalad ot U'lle Ltaetta, dan Day, Charlie Oardnar, 
uny Clark^ J. Leon, Harry Butler, and Uaotw Lewta,bak 

jisaBO ■iiiaTiuii.sY. 

Hodey'a Uinotrela on Broadway, under the Banigeaeal ot 
Ooo; Obrlaly, attraoted vary good honan lait wuk. Ur, Jaok- 
eon Balnw, Ibe Champion Skater, wu one of the oltracttona bar* 
lut week, and be oerUlnly daurrw to be biUed u a alar, for • 
mon talented one In bla line It arould be a diaoull matter la 
tud. Be la u active and u amart upon ekatea u any man oonU 
be without Ibem. He pironetlu betutltully, and movu apoa 
the "ateela" with graoafnlnen and preoUion. 8. 8, Putdy con. 
Ilnuu to be a great twtun of tbia organUtUoa-lie If a Ont 
clan perfcrmor. 

Boolay'e Uloairda over In Brooklyn ocntlnue lo dnwlarg* 
andlencu, and apread ovw tbelr Immenu caavu the meat 
cbewlnl and pleuing cJiore, that produce a gdeiy of taoUog io>> 
ponlMe to auppnaawhlie drinking In tbe mirlhfutacenu npr» 
nntad. Orer the whole float the wllcheriu of muilo end abado v 
land, forming a pinorima that le not often nnnlled lo Ihe pub- 
lic Drop la and au than aable pbUoaopbcn, andobwrve tben 
uidnlge in thdr pleaaant profenlon, wblch givu everybody andt 
entire ullafieUon, 

Dupiei and Oicen'e Ulnatrete are Jogging along tbnngh Dm 
country movt barmenioudy. Their nule ahead la u fcUowai 
Ueriden, Oonn,, 3d inet, Danhury 3d and 4lh, Ncrwalk tlb. 
Poughknpaie Olh, Hudnn 7tb, Troy Dtb and lOth. Bobeaaotadr 
Utb, and Albany lllb. lltb and Mtb. Thar expact to apread 
tbdr tblrtv-flve eheet (Yorii alto] poatar, Ibe brgeot aver ptlnlat 
in Ihe world, at AlbaDy, for tbe flnt Ume. 

Liberty Hdl, Alexandria, Ta., lately occupied by Sam Lalhrap 
with a dramatic company, wu r»«pened on the 30lh nit by K, 
T, Skiff, with a Uinatrd llompany of fonrioen performara. 

The Blppozoonomadon UlnaMo, a new orgaaluUoa, with 

Opcataro, are wandering through tbe SIsIa of BUaola, evl 
/ intent on collecting onmnoy. 
Arlington, Leon and Donnlker'e Uinetnla are huvllr bHUd la 
dl Ibe Interior tcwna of nilnola. Tbey made tbelr Oral aland, 
after luvlng Chicago, al JoUet on tbe 34lta ult, making lha dfw 
cull of Dloomlnglon, Sprlagfldd, JackoonvlU*, Qnlncr, Oala*- 
bura, Peoria, Aa 

Ulnatnlay bu recdvedlta fluiableg loneb by the orgaBbaUoa 
of a baud of rad African brolben, who dlapenee eaflrdywllh 
burnt cork, hot have Ihe gennlne anvunlabed eeble bldoTheM 
gentlemaa elarala tbelr vdcu at Wyman'a Hall, 81 Loulo, aad 
attraot the cnrlona mrala lo bebdd tnem. - 

Newcomb'a Uleatrda coolinaa to bddpcaaenlonofSmilbk 
Dltaou'a Ball, OlaclonalL Tbelr prolonged aUy la eTldenea thai 
they an tally appreciated, and aettlu Uia quuUon of permit 
aency. They can now be condderad a fixture at thla haU. 

Buainan with Duprez .% Orean'a kUnatrda continuw ota vur 
livdrcharMter. On tha SOtb alt they were alWeatfleU, Ueoo- 
and bad a large aUendanoe. On tba 81at tbey wen bUlad ai 
Ulddletown, Oonn. 

U. a CanpbdI'a minetrd parly, irltb Jobaey Booker, Nad 
Davia, Oonld, Waddee, and Eddy, bu made a annnanfiil hrip 
wedtward. Aflor leaving Detroit, Ihe party elopped one nigbt 
In each of tbe ICUowlog towna:— Ann Arbor. Jackaoa, ar'^-K'tj 
Kelamaaoo, Chicago (lbrMnlgbU),Itadno,UUwaukaaL aad WIS 
at Madiion, Wlo., on Uia 371b ult 

The Buckley*, at tbelr newUlnatnl Hall aadAqoarld Oai» 
dene, Boaloo, an in the blgbeet Ude of ancoiea, and an dnwinc 
crowded houannlghUy. ThebrbaUlaabuutUutona,andbdda 
fCnrlMn hundred peoplei bnt notwittaalanding tlila,bnndi*da 
are frequently turned away, unable to gain umlllaaca. Tha 
troupe U preaent oonalata of B. Blabop Buckley, a Sinla* 
Buckley, Fred. Buokley, Jamu Bncklay, Ulu tulla Ooold, Bolla 
Dan I, J. r. BuniTon, J, K. OamnbeU, Obulle PMUngoL J. A. 
Pdmer, J. 0, Lonadala, 0. Pntt, Brutna Jackaoa, Flaiiiraawla, 
Rennedy,'et«el«,aadkIaatarH<waid. Ueaan. Tcnag,Jokaaoa. 
Duffy, aad Wlaahd bare charge ot the aqnaild depailiMBl. 
Oooig* A. Buaam la Irunrer, aad D. O. Watdroa (toraierlTlka 
opanl couri? tor Ihe Alteghaalana) la bnalnen iaaaag4r,maAlna' 

Uorrla Bralbete, Pdl k Ttowbrldge'a Uinetnla bad a varr at- 
IracHre programuM on band, laat week, at thdr popular ball 1b 
Boaloa. Bpta Bom la on tbe "end." and wu "dowa" for acoa* 
lo ditty. Bpb Bom appeared u "Oeorge'e Con," and Lon UMk 
rtegaTe"BlgbTlmulnVaMa'aEllcheiL" Thetbroewuedled. 
"Sdpio, or the IntelUgenI Uonkey," with Japaneu Tmamj oa 
the "Uonk." Daring tbe piece Ibe cbarulerltlle "Oocea Oo^ga' 
Dance" wu latrcdneed. BoalnanbubeenTerygoodwUhlbaat 
popnlu dladplu ot burnt-corkdom. 

. TankuBoblnaea'a "Triad" doaed the aeaooa at PeoilLlV ' 
onlhe33dult . ■ 1 r- 

Balley'B Olrcna aad Uenagerlawu blockaded UWlacheolar,'; - 
BL, bythenddeatalllaibelempemtunand a alx-laabbU «I ' 

. Aa Yea Ambugb'a Heaagerie fu iurtag NUu, Ulcblgaa, a . . 
tew momlag* alnce, a tbnadu alorm cgme up, aad a kwvy balk ' 
of Ugblalag otnuk a tree in tbe aoutb but of Ihe city Jtut aa tt* 
depnant wu paaalng, wblcb knocked down Ihe kupor aad laad* 
old Baanlbd whirl aronnd wverd Umu very npldly, bat ba 
Anally atralghlanid np dl rigkl, much lo Ike aallatuUoa of tka 

Tan Ambnrgh'a Uanagerle abowed at Albany en Ibe Vlb aad 

30lh nit 

L. B. Lent'a Bqaeoauniculum ahowain Brooklyn aU Ibia weeky 
wbloh dty will, in all prebabUliy, be Ibeir lul aland Iblsx 

Uadame LonUe TOuralaIra, Ibe well known equwtrleia^ 
arrived In Ihe city on tbe 3glh nit, after a rery auoccMfd auiB> 
mer'a tour with S. 0. Wbcder'e Olroua, Uadame hu diapoaad 
of ber fbrm In New Jaiaty and bu moved lo Newlowa, Leaf 
laland, where abe bu taken up ber winter querlara. 
' Brlan'a NaUoiul Clnna opena In Pbiladdpbla on tba Mtb laoi. 
In NaUond Ball, Uukel etreel, aad tbe proliablllty.lalbeahov 
will nmdn tben all winter, 

Uiaetn. Gardiner i: Beminlnga, wlio bare Joat dcoed a •mf 
ouccentul aummer'a campaign urougb tbe country, adTerUu la 
ano'birdeparlmentoftbiapaptf Iheu entire ring atook to b* 
hired out to any parties during the coming irlnler, by tba week. 
Tbdr I'alock," la an excdient one, aad parUn nqnlrlng tap- 
thing of tbe kind, ellhw tor tb^ arena or tor diamatloapc^ 
taclea, cannot de netler than by applying al once ta Ueaan, 
O. k fl. tbt Irapplnga aad monntlnga an all comp lata bn akow 

Thayer h Koyee' Olrene remained at Oticago all tut week: b» 
log the aecond week of their atay there. Bualacu wu axceUaak 
wlUi tbe company. Ur. Jamea Bobinaoa, lha Champloa Bldor 
of tbe world, wai the gnat future. The management angaied 
Ihe aervlaea ef John u. Davenport, Ihe Amencaa dowa, wha 
made a veiy faTorable European imptMeloo net 10041 aUea. 
SaTwd otber tdentod arllau wore added lo Ihe coaoera. It ia 
admitted oa all ddu to be one ot tbe "beat dnnau"*Tar ntaa - 
ju that dty. 


Elllnger and Nevoomb'e Uord BxblblUca commaaeel lha 
put week al Slomtord, Conn., ibenoe lo Banbury aad Ronralk. 
Thla WMk tbey appwr at Bridgeport 3d| BIrmlagbam, U; 
Wderbury, tlb and iih; New Haven, Otb end llht Raw Loadoo, 
Olb and lOib: and thenco to Norwich, WlUlmanlle. Hartford, ko. 

Tbe Oerter Zooave Troupe opened at Beeheeter on Ibe tlak 
ult for two nigbu only. klr. L U. W. Htun bu gone bank to 
blafltatlove, andia agent tor the company once again.' 

Fdbcr Kenp'a Old FdU had vwy good bonau ai Library 
Bdl, Newark, N. J., lul wuk, and have oondnded to nmala 
three nighta tbla wtek. On lbs Olh they xppeacat Newbnrgb. 
7tb Pougbkeepale, SIh Budaon, ttb Trey, Uunoa to Bantoga, kok 
On lha 3«ib, al Spencer Hall, Rom*. 

Dick Bandi' patly wu adverUaed lo b* at Dlica on the 3d and 
3d Inat 

The fliereoptlcoa exhibited tor Ibebenifltof IhaNawBavea 
(Conn.) Toung Uen'a IneU'ule, October 30tb, bu kaan r»aB> 
gaged furelx exblbltlenaln Undo BalL 

Mcea Ohirlakl.lhewlje performer and excdient venlriloqnielb 
bavliig Juat clotod a abort engigeueul at "444," la ready (0 na- 
gcilile wllb "anyoibrr man,'' 

Parilci nqiilVlug the aorvlrca of Eva Brent Ihe alwaya popo* 
lar TOi^allat, wiD find hor addieu Iu another cclumu. Sbx ia ola- 
ei'gajiM aft^r tho Sth Inat 

I'rof Karl Kahr'n Drawing Room Novelty Troupe and Vagi* 
Bolrre waa al 0"lumbua on tlio .8tb ult 1 bn coiupany cenolaM 
of T. W. Nicbola, bnaiiiraa nianaurr; Kerry LratiK. alaae 1 — 

" ' ibu female TioK 

, and Prank JeeelTB, 

ager; Prof Kahr, mfgicim: ll'tle Uriguull, ibo female Tiollnlali 
hrank WblUey— nee mchola-J.S«catand,ani 


r«r eoBllaiatiaa «( Tbntritai Btaarl^ M* |a<* lil, 


yiBW YOBK olippeb: 


TO AOVJCU'i'ilUBfl- 

-n IfeonlTMcf Ui» •«»«»»»» diniUUOB oMhfSiw Tom 
wtaT^STte tETtaOawlaf MUdokotntMiv - 


III Mr Ua* tir MCb tad (TOT iBMriloa t te liuuU' 
>m olhw Mwn. lumpontoa b 001 nmmur, U onii 
• UbMil^SoaUon. wUl, bowtnr, U D*l* te lATa- 
ibr thmot lUiBoolulaianatti Dtr 

i^St^utoLn* *l«mlloB U <h* IBM fertUt VNk. 
iMobu li]rlIso^aoiBlB(.*l taUM, « ettu«*r<< 

■BTAimp OPKRA Honaa, 

MwliiiilM' Hall, in BiMdmr, tboro Otud 
nTlMT BBOTBXBa.TnBiMon. JO^ BIlIF80R,3mw«r, 

Wnri Kg uA BOOKAKAH, Tihw*. A, B0B8. OOoM. 


Ik 0(BVujliaoapoHaoftli»(<iIlo«liigTtIaiuaAnlftf:— 



BkVm BBSD. t. B. SITOR], 



W. L. B0B38, DAK KMlBrr, ud 

k ■ n*v Tutotref BoDgi, D«ii»«. Bn»I»lOM, PUntAUoa 
mtma,»a, FoTiiutl«iilu«,u«Ultaeftta«<*r. 

natto of AlalMton W ooati. hMI 



B. M. HOOLET Solo Froprlttor. 

O. W, OBIFFIR Dlndorof Amuounli. 

T. B. PBENDKBaAST Tooal Dlnotor. 

Fnt BTRADB IntnuuBlilIMnaler, 

■OBDAT gVEMlBO, WoTimlwr Itlb, and dulDf Uw vetk, 

nrt WMkof thi Oonlt Qurtotta, 


1)7 HubM, Bojoe, aiUBo, tod Fukenon. 

BLtniDBBnia amdy, 

br HaahM lad OrlBn. 

immnu kwoobkof, br j. t, botm. 

••WHAT U IT," br B. Balpb. 

UHOLB IBOW, bF AmbT Hagtaw, 

MISSlHSIf PI FLIXa, bj 3. T. Bona. 
BsVia.BaDjoBoloa, BawBoua, Act*,Duoaa, aid Flaito- 
Msa Seaaai. OondodJag with tba n«w Walk Annnd, 


fey Itaa «Dtln Tronpa, In Plantation Oettnm*. 
OMalUX; tooonmwnnatlK. 

n^aUWoanta. PrtrataBoiatta. n 


Ornon nc Orn Hau, Biooelhi. 

Ttinn and Manager uAOBIEL BASBISON. 

etifs Kanagar B, A, BAKBB. 

■Ma Raw and slegant BalabUahmont 
Dson optB at TM; eomnuDoa at 8 o'oloet. 

Varonat. i Moia 

OnfeMtn Okaln II. 

7aa]lF OiKia 15 ota. 

SaloODF Baau Ti ota. 

FriralaBezaa, (tandie. 
■nOBoa qpaa bom 8 1. M. to I r. M. 


■ixinaBia dt hbwcoub's 


An aaw on Ibalr Grand Trlnmphal Tonr, erowned wlUi tlie 

moat flttlaring aucctaa, 
«■ fMi an (ha principal olUaala tha Dnilad SUtaa and Canada, 
prarioiia to tholr departora for Ennpo, 
ma laminotb OomblnaUon la oompoaad aa foUowi:— 
9jian«]d,98IsoliaabIgb,andwaUlia>9pouda. Hia alttar, 
!■ 14 rean old, IT Inotaaa hlib, and watgha U}t poonda. 

fi IT jaan old, M Uebaa bigta, and walghi 31 ponnda. 
no wbola world la ohallangad to prodnoo tlialrofnal InaUa, 

WalghL or adocatloiL 
IB addition to thla gnat allraoUon la 

In Bombar. all appaarlsg In ona Qtasd BalarlalnmanLI 
«. B. nWOOMB, Blulnaaallanastr. 

O. O. BUSSELL, Agait I>U»ctor of AmtuamanU, 


Walnut atraet abora Elgbtb, PbDadalpbla. 

AIUBON * HINOKEN Laaaaea and Uanagan. 

na Largaat and Daat Oondaolad EatabllahmeBt In Amarlcju 

Wfeaato graotad nlgbll; br 

!■ Paotoolma, Ballat, Bnrlaaiiuo, Elblopltn Acta, 

Oama of tba Open, ajmnaatlca, Ao., fco„ 
iriitah are preaaolad to the pabUo In peifecUon In all their 

■ Oonpitant Artlati oan meat wllb tdTanttgaatia tannt bj 

Mvl/lng aa aborc 

~S4( JAUEB PILaniH, Stage Uantgar. 

FannijlTtnla Aranoa and Mlnth ainet, 
WABHIMaiOB, D. 0. 

■AUBLIB k Co FioprleUn*. 

Crre BOOfONS aUge Hasagar and Adraittor. 

ItDHS. BAPTiarm Haltra da Ballet 

Iba Flnt Clau Unalo Ball of Watblngtoa Oltr. 
Btderaed bj tha leading Joonila of the Matloa'a OapllaL 
nielr dalljr commsndallont pnre oar aaaartloiia, 
OcdaotAdnilaalon, MaadMeenla. Prlnta Boua, gg. 
ftoftiaalonile of atorllng abllltr, and STABS of noill 
■iSiqpilatloa, wltUag angagenenta, will addreaa 

BAHBUN ft Co., Fioprieton. 

""coiralQO^VARIBnBBr ~N-N~v~w. 

C, H. OHAOWIOE. Fieprletor. 

<iBO. F. UoDONALD Blaga Manager. 

vow ni TDi WVLL TioE Or aooons. 
4bA Blgbtty TUIIod b; Crowded and EnthnalaaUo Andlencea 

of I^aa and aenllemeD. 
ma ftaee bavlng acoonunodatlona (or 

Mn*t taraaanosgb toaocomodala the orowda that taakaa- 

SMd Farfotmen can alwtn meat wtlh good engagemenla bj 
■nMag to the aboTe Pioprleton, or to 

JAS. CONNER fc Co., 

U Weat Hontton atreat, N. y, 


■t^ (a infgnn bla old Manda, Uaaagera, and tha Fabllo gen- 
y, (bat ha la now looatad at Itae 
I be will (rtre hit mnoaal attanUca to the prodaoUon, 


Fartlaaltrlj adapted for 

tamausa exbibitions, 






T. D. tntti that bla ffiaaj jaan aipertenca la the botlaeaa, 
Ba TO7 large aaiortment of Onta at bit command, tnj of which 
Mn be printed In one or mora colora, the lerrloaa of the beat 
nettgoaia and EngraTeia for new work, will aeosre to him a coO' 
Mnaoee of paatlaion and a trial bj new patron*. a84m 


sua Oommodlosi Hall hating been le-modeDedtad aaltrged, 
aaar aptn (or the nee of 

coNosnn, leotubes, Ao. 

Vevtloa hare been tprnd to Inako It oomplata In all llatr- 
■eagementt, Ona of Oanntn A Ftnoher'a beef Planoa hat bten 
•Had to 111 (ntaltu«,andwiu berenlad with the Hall at a 
■aaaenabia prloa. 

Any farther loformatloB oin be obtained at Iha Book tad 
— ' 9 Stare of CBA8. ZSTABROOK, Agent, 

3T Wtter ittaat, Rawbnrgh, 

I HiLua, lanllor. Beptli, IBM. »m' 


TWetet utU ul Theatre TO LET, nightly oi weekly, anlDtba 
■waiiiliiniiimil nf riinniiiliiir Apply to 
tut J. W. BDORLARD. HentieiL 

qniR-EB'S DBEAU; or, WBine'a n Fim Doix«>a7 



WOOD'S anavBaL HAuu onu. 

Ill BBOADWAy, _ ^. 

OpuHtetlia BtRkholMEoW. 

HBBBT WWD BoU FinrMor tlA llaatgec, 


MOHDAT, Mot, lOUi. aad ereir armag dorlai Ih* weed 
Obarley Foi. liaak Sprwa, A. J. TtlbotL Oool WhJja, 0. 
D.a«amb(fli,XcdnnMd, Olann, Bohwloaidl, Htitar 

Wood, ItaaaBrothen,Hailaia, Led, Lawla,Aa. 

Tea Oaacxin Bt&tuib, OacnLTT io /onnT, 
Roantioa Omtom, Dikoh md PTTBu a, 

Qua AraxoiH Ooomn, Tn Bias Bunoa, 
HatoT Ann, Aa., Ac 
Ooea ena at tKi enminmoe at TK o'clock. Ifckati Heeali. 
4ir A Gnad Htllaoa, Satarday ABaraooo, Mot. U, eoai> 
Baadag tt 9K o'clock 

Ronoa.— No eonnectlon with any tnTeUng company aaaomag 
tta Bam* of Wood'a Hlnitnla, «■ 

FOZ'B OAfl mO. 


Foi's otsmoi 

In Philadelphia, 
For 1^ fanlahlog of 

Fare, Lagltlmata, Enjoytble Anoaaiaiat 
Fieaeatad alghlly to 


Xka meat attneUra 

Erer oSeied to a Deliobtad Fnbllo. 

ToireaU at Applaaae, 

Sonaaa of lAagktar, 

Ibinden of ApprobaUen, 

piUttteBoara of Delight, 
From the Edaealed, the OrWcal, the BaBaad, 
AB agree la proaonaelag 

W. R. BXnV, Btaga Haaaier. 

0HBI8. MORBIB.Baitaaailfanager. 
R.B. Artlltaof acknowledged ability eta alwaya meet with 

tatf ltWottHoaatonilreet,N. Y, 

omatMMoaD nam tzTEKta aiooLta lauoH, 


Oontlatof Iha teUowla^OeiitlamaBi 

tOVmt FELL, 
t. F. KNDB E9, 



J, J. HTT.T.TABn, 
D.J. M:AOm RRlS. 

L. A. 1 

Tba Haaagameat call parttonlar aoUoe t« Ih* abora dlitla- 
lolahad array of Talent 

IlckeU IS canta; Bcaarrtd Beat* CO eanti. 
tMt LON HOBBIS^ Mantgar. 


A Bucceatloa of Crowded Hoiiea Greet 


Erery Night 
The meet nainlmona tokeat of appreral, 

Tke Preaa and PnbUo, 

Uni te la declaring It 

The company la Paifeotlon In lU lla detalla. 



la abort, all that goea to nuke np 

An Entire Ohange of Froffimmme Erery Weak. . .. 
^1. W. BUILEU, Manager. 

MOMS La THOBNETstige Htnagar. 
y. AHUEBklAN, Traanrer. 
F. TAM OLEEB, MualctI Director. Ol-lf 


Hio Great Orlglaal, and only^ 

naiit DiMP, 

Toa UiBwoxD Hioupi or xm Would. 
At tha tarmlnatlon otthe pieeant aeaion. 

They wlD appear In 






ei-tf Mutgar and Proprietor. 


The Dlallogolibed Yonag American 
Hu Jnit oonolnded one of the moat laoceaatol and brilliant 
aagagementa at the Vuletlea Theatre, In Bt Loalt, erer known 
In the Dramatio anstla of tliit dty. 

Her MAZEPPA la prononnced tha moit Artlitic and Daring 
Female Bi^nattrlan peraonatlon erer Been npoa the American 

The Stage Hone DOH JITAM— trained by WUllam B. Deir— 
need by Hiaa Flaher, la tke beat tn the worU. 

Managan of Theatre* witlilog to mike propoaila to Mlaa 
Flahai »r Bagtgemeata, moat tddteaa 


Tarletle* Theatre, St Lonlf, 
or, JtB. OOMNBB b OOr, 
tl-tt ig Watt Eouton itieet R. Y. 


The grealeit remedy eilait for Iha care of 

And Inttaatanaooa reUtf of Bairtasua, Inflammation of the 
Throat etc. 




To PobUc Bpeakera nd Piofeaalonal Bbigen they ue inraln. 
able, aa tbey itra tone and rigor to tbe VOOAL MDBCLBB, allay 
Irrilitlon, and wholly rellero Ue Ibrott and artlcnlallng organt 
of all tendency to hoaiaenaaa orlaialtude, A ptckige containing 
UQLoiengeatanttteaBymallonreulptofMoenla. Addnat 

ll-lt* T8 Broadway, Wllllamabargb,L.L 


Uiatgen wlehlag toaggigetheaetriceacftbeia wy taleoted 
Artlatt, for STAB EBBtgemenlt, will addren them carrot 
Sl'tt CumBOrrior,or33Heniyalreel,BfOokJyn. 



Will Intngnrale their Winter Beuon, at 

MIBLO'S GABDBH, on Monday ErenlBg, Mot. asd, 
In a aarlea of thoae pleating and arHtUo penormanoea, which 
hare galaed for them the aoabtlqnet of the moat atUactlra STARS 
In the profeaalon. 81-tf 

WAIfT^D-for a flnt olaia Theatre, Immedlalaly, (Int Low 
Oemedlani Singing Obimbarmald, (good) i Jutanlla and Light 
Comedian: WaldlngGeat: and unni good BtUllyMen. 
Addreaa W. H. ffARO & Co., Dranutle Agenia, 

31-lta Box 1013, Bnffilo, N. Y. 

BqneataleBn^ oan be fOead at ill tlma the coming winter, at 
Newtown, Loig Itlmd, where ptrttet repairing bar atrrloea oao 
apply or addreaa by letter. eo^* 

THB ADBRBBB of J. B, UtlBPBY, Uta adrarlltlng 
tgent of Oaatcllo A Van TIeok'a CIrcni, anlbor of •'Yoang Ephe'a 
Lament," and other aong*, la at tha Vtrletlea Theatre, St Loala, 
Mo. 8I-it 

WAHTBD,— Tm or three Ont clue end nan. Hone hot 
atrloUy flnt claia Dead .apply. Good lalinea will be paid, and 
engagement* made for one or two ytan. Ro Irarellng, Apply 
Immediately to B. U. IIOOLEY, Hooley'a Open Booie, Drooh- 
lyn, or UC Broadway, Mew York. JO-U 




OBOBOK LBA Preptlator. 

W. a OATAHAOH *»*«"jSSR5-r^ 

Taip armr Orxa All Otbu. 

Ooadasled oa a (ir more liberal icale thin lla compatltom. 







ohablh kahb, feed shaw, 

billy dzuhamty, johrry wabd, 


The JbTaalle TALAMTES, PAUL CARE and 80R. 

4^ TheblgkeilSalarlaapaldtaflntclaiaArtlala. 32-tt 



THOB. MAGDIBB Proprietor and Maaw, 

JAMES DOWLIRa Btage Manager. 

J. L. SOHM TT Leader of Orekeatra. 

W, BTEYEN80H Traanier. 




Ad,, kc, Ac 
Stan Tlaltlnt OaUfonia ahonld bear In mlad that Mr. MagnIn 
la alao proprlalor of tha Metropolitan Theatre, Bannmanto, and 
the Marynllla Theatre. « 



Sammer atreet (near Waahlngto n) Boe t on. 
Holding twice uminy People at any UlntlrelHtU In Holloa, 
Rotwlthitudlag the Fact 
Haadrtda are Tu rned Away nom Ita Doon Rightly. 
Tbe world renowned 

Enrronaded by a Oonatellition of 


And oTery Stir a BiUllint one, Inolndlng 
The Qaean of Beng, 

Bapporlad by a Cotpe de Elhlope of 10 Proteaalcnata. 
A^ The Bookleya' Bapertoln embncea many freeh gem* of 
Tocalliatlon, Now Acta. Operatic Bnrleeqnra, aad 

Done In their own pecnllar etyle, and notonldcae byaai 
Tronpa In the Proraeaton, for wblob the cttlt;ntof Bottonand 
thepreat bare larlabed npcn thamthe moat flattering damon. 
atnUona of appcotaL 

49- THE iQUARIAL la open Anaraoon and Eraalng. 
Admltalon to both ExhIblUona, 21 cenla. RaaerTod aeala, CO cit, 
MOnOE — Pencil* rUIUng the Otrdena In the daytime are an- 
tilled to a check of admltilon to the erenlng enlarlauunent 


are TO RENT, 

At any time daring the winter. 

With the Bonaa are 


(Dtestea. Saddle Cloth*, Btddlea, ko.) 
The Hone* are all thoioagbly broken. 
Thoiawlihlnf to negotiate for either longer abort eogage- 
menta, will plaaae addreaa 

DAR GABDREB, Rc 9U Jaooby etreat, 

Philadelphia, Fi. 
P. B. Thoae Intending to bring forth Show Plecea will And It to 
their adrantage to apply u abora. - 304t 


The Celebntad Anlbor, Comedian, and Delineator of Eccentric 

WOl play a Firewell ZngtgamaBt In the prmolpal dHea dnrlnir 
the Fall and Winter, aaalaied by 

Tbe Orett Prince of Yankee BcoentrlclUea, 
Tha* forming one of the Oreatett OomblnaUon* of Talent that h>* 
erer appeared togaltaer. 

Obanotailatlc uloatratlon* of Beal LUe; FOn, wllhool Yolgar- 
Ity; )linh,wllhaatAlloy. 

Look out for Manhall S. Pike asd Yaadea Glom. 
l»-tf GEO. E. GOODWIN. Huiagar, 





- Ro Waller^lrla employed. Ladle* and GenUemen of known 
ability alwayi wanted. 

Ro oatalde performon employed— aona bat the rary beat til- 
ant engaged. 

Addreaa to WILUAM a BIRR, 

Sola Propitator, 
30.11 WaahUigloD, D, 0. 



(Bacceaton to John B Bacon.) 
U ana U Bpmce Street, Maw York, 
Pay partlonlar attantloa ts getUna op all kind* of 

Fw IraTeUng oompanlei, and hare on hand a lirg* aad iplendid 
aeaortment of large and imub 
BollaU* tor Olrenatei, Menagerlae, Ethiopian Peiftmnan, Gym. 
naam, Migtcliaa, Ac, Ac, whJsh oan be printed In oae or aura 
oolDii, to anlt eaatomen. 
4^ A dapoalt reqnlred OB an work ordered. 
All orden addnaaed to "OLAXBY A BEILLEY," Bacoa Print- 
ing and Btgnrlng estabUahmeat U and It Spraoe itnet Maw 
YorkiWUlbepiompUyattaadedto. sMt 


AcertilnSlnn^rfiom WutUogton, who bar had the good for. 
tone to make a few doUin br keeping a half atarred conoert 
room, more tbroajh dnmb lack than good nuzugement It In the 
habit of Tialting Philadelphia In queat of talent Be InTariabli 
rlaiia the drinking aalooni ftequeotad by the profaatlon, andl* 
alwaya roady to late a amilo wllh any one, eepeoIiUy If there la 
any "champagne" aroand, bat he wia aerer known to "thell 
out" and return the compliment 

Thla Slon^r la alwaya ready to lialmct perfcrmen how to 
break their angagemanta. In orderjo obtain Uielr aerrloea to go 
to Waahlngton. Becaa talla b^l girl to pnl aUher aklAa 
nnder her dnaa whea ahe learei the lEow. and leira her empty 
Irnnk behind, which of oounehewlll nuike good; aadhe can 
alao offer a aosg and dance man, or a bai^o pAayar, a aalary 
which he nertr had thecourage to pay, and eren uhe paid It for 
the flnt week, he would, at ntaal, nare to cat them down the 
aecond week. 

Tha object of thl* card la to pat managan on their gnard 
aoaloit thl*,who goee aionnd like "a wolf In ahaep'a 
clothing," and la fally qaallaed to act the part of the bnt black 
abeep In tha baatneai, and aUhoogh thla expoaare hu done him 
good, and In acme manner cheeked bla natty, dirty, praotloea, 
yet be le not thonugtaly repented, only oheokmited, and will, 
no donbt alar at home for a abort time, nntU he aeea another 
chance to ply hit neCarlona ocoopaUon. 

The perfcrmen' name* nentloned in the Card of "Hit Itoral 
Mlbi," are people who, baring algned Contraott, did not know 
how to keep them, and aa onr ••Bhinghae Manager" la well awire 
that Beynud la loo imart to let either manager or performer, no 
nutter who they ar^ get the beat of him: hence the fact we 
bare nerer to bewail ue loaa of a paltry SMi DcUin. aad try 



HID 0 »LT 

. . iiip Biiaa *ia5t_ 
Under the penoaal laperrWoa of 

Ma Ita oaattix, 

Who tabmlla the foOowlag aama* of the 

Trenpe aa a aaataleat gninataefor Iha eiotlltacaiMi£ 
Ulamnta, aad which their many Meada aad the pik£ 
will *ee at ajlaaoe. embodlei the lalaat to pertrur^ 
aad whole btmia at 
Hare galaed fgr them with Pram aad Pobllo, Ikt I&, 
4^ Bead Che aancat' 

M. o OAMraRLIk FroprielamaHiatM^ 


R BD PATIB, O omedlan, 
JOHRRY WBinNa,aoiudlaa RTO 

R. W. OOULD, Guitar, Teaor, 

BarBamed "Oabaa," 
A. NI0HOLL8. Leader, 
J. H. WABD, Tenor, 

J. BAILBY,(ian£ 

J. LmHasioir. 


TBEO. JAOOBS, General Agent 


by pnlthig tlota In the aewapapen, that cannoi lie aubilantliM, 
tolnJaretbe charaolerof anyperfbrmer. 

ipereoaengageafora certain aalii7,be 
ilaa to get It and eonaequenlly we nerer 
either to act aa a "bait'' to get them to 

At tbe Culoo, when a 
knowa Tary wall ha la gel 

hare to adrance money I _„ 

leara their preaentalinallon "dlity,"oru* gnannteeot onr 
own raraolty. 

Ibl* Ualllfflore Flag haa thla week been endearorlag to act the 
Delaware rlrer on flte by caitlag bla "Fowler'e Beta" In the city 
of Phllidelphli; bat a* bla tackDng waa of a fonrlh clue daaorlD. 
tlon, the Orand BlarrlBg Tour ,waa a Callue, and Slnn^r'a lotu 
hopoa fell to the gionnd. 

TmaUng theie remaika wUI bare the effect npon the miodt of 
Proletelcntla and the public In general, we leire Ibia wicked 
Sinner for the pteaint u hit own raaeoUcDi, 


Enlarged and Improred for the year Utl ai « 
Tenth THoBphaat Annnel Tear of the Uneqaalu u 


anaLitQoi opbia iboutk isd aaita aitt 
Tbe remit of Tee Yean of experience, palnnlaadbA 
and elite of the loran of the Bamt Cork Fi^ 
Oompoiad of a g leat Cent of Dittlanhhtd a 
Rarer befon concentietad late eie Ooema. 
Oa which oceadaa many new facea and all tktj] 
will appear. 

Owing Iha preaeat eeatOB IhaywIB Tialt AiOm 
Bcwnawiek, Mora BooUa, Mewfomdlaad, tke Uialifl 
aBtka enaelpal ClUee la the Uniled Slitee: labelM 

Biblle the beat Regro Dallaaatora, Iha beat Btan 
iBcei% the beat Mnalclaaa, tha keH FemalalK 
beal Bnaa Band, aad tha beat Oiehaatn la KlatlniK 

AIa>, the lacempanble 

Oumpeeed of tbe aaapptoaahaMa GDgTAYinii 
J. a Oieea, Edwin Eofanta, and Geaaatro BItkah a 
admitted to be the b eat and meat powdl 
Tbe Baggage of thla Banewned Tronpa It Italhi 
Blegint BetatlAi], and moat ecally lot of Zlaeti 
Been ccaaaoted with oae Company; the wfaola ni 
apeolal order, at aa Immenae eipenae. 

la one of the prlnelpal Usee on the great Miu- 
now oaed by thlt Ttonpe, reaanlly ooopleled at Cliii;ll 
Spraee atreet New York. Itaurptaee* In Dealga,! 
deur, aadBipenae, CTetylhlag erer befcn tlliii|^ 
aioeptlag Olroniea or Meaagerlea. Thla imoaa 
tlSM, Itlacompoaedof thlrty.BTeaheeta,workellth 
Ml* nlaeleen ibeete larger than any Poller entpihl 
Poeten ahing the route will take notice and raaain p 
plaoea tat thla oraaaent , 

each erenlng prerlona to opealaitti 
For foil parUcidiia, aee Programmea of the day. 

Btige Maaager J. a GBEBS, 

leader of Occheetrs aad 

Moalctl Director JOHR KELa 

Leader of Braai Band ALPHONBB BDOI 

Vocal Director GU8TAVE BIDAOI 

Tha whole under tha anaplcea and Immediate ccaU 
OHAB. a DDPREZ, Manager. 
9>.tf A. B. PBENIIBS, Adrarilriv 


^ IRB 


ElOBTlDI iw MuKBca. 

Sea "Union Democrat," Oartoa, 0., Joaellk, U 
Bneh la the nalrenal oplalon of (he pieaa aad the oil 
when, npon wltaeaalng the rcry rerwtlle and ein 
entertalalng emblUUonB stTon by tta« abota tn 
tronpe. WbUat moat oompanua hare felt compelled i 
eitnoidlnary heat of tbe paat nimmer, toUkait 
the OARTEB ZOUATE TBOUPE hu beta perf ~" 
only "fall," bnt eren orowded honaea. . . 

Tha leaaon of thla great popnliilty la eaiUyAlt 
ofaUthebaateiblbUlona of the day, and the 
maBigar It "onward," "forward," and he wfll nolari 
make* It Ih* belt exhibition of the preaeat ige. 

The manager of the abora tioape, costampl>lta| 
Europe, next aauoa, will be happy to rccelTO pnfi 
minmen of lint eliaa eatabllanmeata. Any laisl^C 
nnder, will recelre due attention. 


^ Manager "Carter Zotare Tnqi 

Care of Faun Qduh, Ounn On 
304ffl* NewYoik 



JOffif A. XT.TJIT.tttt M.n.g .y .w* PlC^ 

The only proper and Popnlar Bnddlng la tha Q 
carta, Leenuea, and other Exhibltlona. Caa be la 
night or week, daring the montha of July, Aogu^l 
October, Norember, December, IMS; and April, Hu, 
UMj theothermaathtbelBgocoapled bymyregiai 
Ccmpiay. All appllaaUau directed to . 

JOHN A. ELLBLER, Jr„ OlaTalia&l 

16-tr C.A.WAaREaOlla 




iL, L 

TUa tmly elegtat aad Tary beiatUal thaabau k«l 
las Ih* whole of tha year. 

of aehBOVledged poiltlon aad talani, aagotlaledvBl 
■hsit engtgemaai*, u mutual Inlareat* may reqeta 
Addteat^ ALSa BENDSiSSMl, ^ 

dttf BeleLMeiudn 



An) IBB LiBonr w thb Uinrxs Srina, a tn' 

Flnt Oui STABS treated with at aU 0mm, ■ 
aeed apply, JAMES OONRZB A Oe.,'Agialt . 
■-■^ ifcAO«» 





JOHN a ELtSLER Manager and Pn^ 

The belt and moat popular BuUdlag u> the aitll*' 
Lectnrea, and all Uad of Eihlbltlona, Iteanbtr^ 

Bight or week, daring themonlhaot Juinary,!^ 
March: alao, July and Angntt, IWI, the lAulalll ■ 
Ina oocupMby my regular Dramatio Company. - , 
U-tt Addreaa JOHN A. wr.rjiT.gfc fftmUl 

lOT by gg feet; Bhge og by OT fMl-^. 
Appcoptlite Scenery for Dnmitic Oompaolet, eitlKi 
ed Chain cane Iwttomed, lighted wllh OA 
Ucenae paid, Police fumlaked. ^ 
Liberal anasgementa made with all flnt olaaa 
Hone cthen need apply. Population of Padoakl 
Bill ■ 




WUl be Benled for Concerto, Leotnree, BihlbUM*^ 
Addreaa W. A. REYROLDB, 

DAN OOEBYB would rea u e oU ully biform maaMJ' 
matte, Ma*lc4 or BquMbrun piofeaaloa*, that hakij< 
aa Ageaay la Baa Franolaoo, and la pnptied to aM"* 
mast* and traaaacl all other butlneaa pertalaul! 
lattea. Addreaa BHXBIDANOOBBYN,Baar!«f 
H. a— Alllalten leqnltliig aoiwen aiut oewv* 
in-pay Iha iiBM. 



I14me 63 EulMlh atreet, cor, 


T. UILLB Acting and Stage llw 

Flnt OlUB STABS, Opera and Dallel TiCDpM, Bf 
«n Ubenl termg, Addreei aa abOTC 




Utsr BBd Praprltur. J 


{VOIk ZI^o. 33. 
paioa iix oaan. 



uhvuaa WITH tbb oibi< wb IiOVB. i 

\nnTiN nnioLT TOB THi Rw TOOK ourro, 
Brilie Aathof ot 

omMaieiict of the eitnoidlsur demuil for Ibli, ou 
ufflTnlobte boaodto ubton ■ popolultr «na tioaod- 
igndMooor, w« u* canptoulroaiot Iho namborooD- 
i^t oMilag XIX •Unsu; bat •» Hut til but bo fQinlili- 
1 1 1'coDfUta flle," wo bomrith rapoit uld lUniu.] 


m JoUleot or«w von wo Uut orar met— 

ronr TOiy opon-boutod men, ud fno, 

Itu }un ogo, wbon mtj OMh OQO now b* i 
Wall, Latin otyUk I'm Uriu wd in dobt; 

And ono, olu I wu lort fii ont ot iot; 
iBoUier thilTtth u • Mow York Dootor, 
ju foaitb bii f-"—— li, tomod oontnotor. 

lb rot I 'tlojMndnMllntwoeoTDologolbor, 
kai woQ doot monorr plotan foilh tbo nigbti 

■Twu Intbomidttofcbiur Wlnlar wotthor. 
Bit In OUT VTivii nem 'iwu wum ond bi^bt 

nioogb TImo'o oU-nirlng, ihllUnff obuuoo, wbolbor 
I Uta, or dMtb obill Hil Dj mortal otihl, 

nu nan, tbot dab, ud in tbo fbn wo bad, 

fill form a Ibemo to koep mr iplrit glad. 


Iboie boon art doad, and emtl Fata baa thrown 
noma In Ibo path wboio roooo bloomed, 

111 Tot I oan't forget the rooekoj blown, ' 
lUbonb to tread on thomt bonooforth I'm doomed. 

Imklagbou* X draam, tomotlmoa alone, 
(K an&MO tbingf , and I'ta at lut prenmed 

To lot our wordi and daeda down on Ihia paper— 

jMli (null u Dlaeft lonla— worda light aa rapor. 

Iloll TOO we were foor; each bad a name, 
(Ve being Obrlatlaga In a obrlatian land) 

Bat not dtuilng to obtain the tame 
ittubed to baoimere— TOO will uidentand— 

Ve Iboagbt sa of oar booo, and need the atmo 
(Wblcb laamed nun can't do fall oR«b) and 

Va found that "Okib" In Oraek (what conbl ba naatoi t) 

Tu lappa. Lambda, Upallon and Beta. 

bwab adopted (or bla mm dcpliau 
Ona of the lotlen of the nuglo word, 

milch oinng to blm like a lobeooo tamo. 
Old Lambda waa a Uralr bird, 

Vho bonght oar ram and dtted np the room ; 
To him onr qneattona often we raferred; 

Aod tlnaUon waa loond: bat tar more dapper 

Than dl ot thcie wu ho we cbrlatened Kappa. 

Tall, when tbe ttalnga wero Saed, we bad to meotj 
TodrtwourBj-lAwaapandOonitltntlon; , 

micb waa about aa brtet u It waa neat, 
Wa dropped all rhetorlo and aloontlon. 

Twu Itaua: Each man ataall tell a tale, or treat, 
Whane'er wo met; and that ona wboia eSatlon 

Wu daemad tbe worat, IT all aboald chance to wrlt^ 

Eboold bu)' olgtn and Uinor lor the night 

Bo maob for bitrodaoUoD. Mow eappoaa 
Tliat Tou ware loatod In tbe room, inag. 

lOTltlbleandgboat-llko. Nooneknowa 
How skob jou'd boar therein, yon laekr dog I 

Juit me TOorgboallT ean, yoor ipoctral noae 
Wodld be regaled witb wblikT-aUna and nog : 

Bat you'U pleato tuta not, tooob not, handle not, 

For faar jonr knowlodga will bo aoon forgot. 


Umbda remarked 'twaa cold oalalde— yoa, Terr I 
And to we piled tbe coal a Ultle higher; 

Kappa came m and brought aomo Tom and Jerrx— 
HU entrance, be aaaared, routed not oar Ire. 

We took a drink and all felt aoDiawbat merry, 
Drink liquor hot and by a routbig fire 

Oo Winter nlgbla. If yon would know what Joy 

la gometlmea melod out wllkont alloy. 

VTa talked and laagbed, and when onr ahlna wore touted 

And altar we hid lighted our olgara, 
Amd eaten quite a lotof cheetnnlj, roaetad, 

And drank eiob olher't health, and bleued onr tttn; 
W" turned to K., who frequently bad bout id 

Ot fooUog giria, and fllrthu with tbeli ma't, 
Audukedblm It he wouldn't Ore away 
Aud tail ui the flrat atory of the day. 

I laid ha wu a dapp) r Uttle man, 

Oood looking, too. with bright and tparkllng eyw; 
Aid one of tboia kind natoret, wbloh we ean 

Kot often ace below the angel'a tUee; 
But fond of blowing when he once began, 

And any oila be greatly eoold aurpriao 
Ea alwaya garo himielf full ahare oi glory- 
But let that ptu and Utten to the atory. 

"Boya, whan I Ured In Torit I knew a lad/, 
A loraly, wllchlng, brown-eyed little olf " 

(Onr cloae attenHoo ba bad won alreadr) 
"She had » hnibind older than beneu 

B; fuU a ecore of yeare; but he kept abady, 
And gave bla time to gathering IQlby pelf; 

Aid eha, whote yean had acatmly numbered twenty, 

111 Uko to llrt— the lorer being plenty. 

"I, at Ibtt Uma, wu rather abort of money, 
A ftlUng which I baren't quite got orer; 

Aid I dIaooTored only tboae who'd won a 
Bofflclenoy In York could live In dorer: 

Bo I concelred a nlan-yon'll think It funny— 
Of being a uUlCtarlan lOTor. 

lUtell you how It wu, I got my Bitnrea 

Anuged and tried my hand at palnUng plotnrai. 

"Ibit la, I boaght a ptlatta and tome thlnga. 
And knowing now to draw, toon learned their nia; 

Mj beard wu long, that la an artiet brln«« 
FtDo and dlitlnotlon like the Tory denco. 

I hummed poor tune*-an artltt alwaya ainga— 
And ibua prepared for tblt my little rniei 

Int an Introduction to ttia ladr, 

nnugh DIok, my oonitant friend, one pleuantHay day 


"IgaTe myeaU a good, hlgh^onndlng name, 
And Ulkad with our grace about fine arlai 

And made bar think tut I wu known to fabe— 

J mUed my lore and 'obeek' In equal parte, 

DaUl (u ikuruUy I uaed the aame) 
tba wu oonTlncad-thongb In bet bout of hearli 

1 bisk the felt my thongbta did aomowbat border 

O* lore ; but for aU th^l got an order 


'^0 paint her portrait, and I toon begun 
Open the atrango but Terr pleating tuk, 
'wtnotblundereditooni Ittmtd what (an 
,.11 wu to know inoh ladlti, and to baak 
wiUUnthemublneot tbelramllM. Upon 
.Uy word, old boyi, I aouoelr had to uk 
<« tiToia ; they, to me, wera naely giTen _ 
Aabribea (or Tolei, or dewt (tbat't oU) bom Hearoa, 


"lUA the pretty Urt. J. that the 

Vould \oSk the beet In aome light dreu, oat low— 
"ottulontl tbe italemant wu with me, 

And yet the look of mltcblef, and the glow 



For Biographical Sketch, see anothor uMmniL 

Which lit her (too I oooU not (all to tee. 

Ptomp, wlilt»4Unnad buatlai are not lolh to ahow 
Their thonldan, and In ttot, 'Iwen wona than (blly 
lo uh asoh women sot to drau iatlU, 

'•Bo, at bar tilting number one, I found' 

Eer dieaeed In very antl-qotkor atyle. 
I oan't deiorlba her hair, her eyat, her tonnd 

'White umt, her tentnal Ilpa, bar ninny tmlle. 
Ear anowT breaat, which awalled u Ihoufh 'twere bound 

TO breex away nom thla It* doraaoa Tile: 
Bnt, O, ye godtl I uk what wonder is It 
That I anonld make an extra langlhy Tldt. 

•ITndoabtedly 'tit tne that women bold 
A higher moral place on earth than men; 

Tbei 're not ao pugUlttlo, nor to bold, 
Ata mora ■nnrlng,' u a nle; but tben 

Bometlmu we flnd their blood will flow lou ooU, 
And In that cate, partloalarly whan 

Ton chance to be a UTorlla, you'U dltcorar 

They oome balf.wAy to meet a bold'liced lorer. 

"At laait' twu to In my cate. I had bnnd 
Borne thlnga about tbli ladr— queer auggeitloni, 

At bu been Dialed— by whldi I infamd 
It would b« tafe to put eome loading queatlonti 

And aba wu tuoh a pretty little bird. 
Among the flneit-iooklsg. and the batt one 

I arar uw, which wu a dne iDcanllTe 

For making lore and being qolta attentlTO. 

"Bo I commenced my painting and lore making 
At the ume tlma, one plaaunt afternoon; 

■Twu when the bnda ot Hay, ao long In waking. 
Bad bloomed hito the (tagraot flowan of June, 

That t wu paid (Or all my great palna taking. 
I'll tall you how It happened raiy aoon ; 

But that my doalns may In grtndanr bunt, 

111 make my moraiking atatamenu drat. 


•Uoet married women Ioto the Joya o( lore. 
And K tbelT apooiu ohanoa to be old mm, 

And they good looking, "Tlrlne'a Uka a gloTO" 
With them, drawn on and taken off again 

At chanoe may dlotata. Ah I the book abora. 
In wbloh onr aotlont an raoorded, when 

Vnfoldlng to onr wondering tplrlt gate. 

Win ahow queer dobga in thaae lanar dayi. 


tilmiglne, if yon pleate, a page or to- 
For Inttanca: 'fneeday, Urn. Slebbtnt (ell 

riomgrwiebTmeanlng Taal'tndtaying'nor 
On 'Wadneaday nliht young Lawranoe, (now In Hell) 

Who'd told bla wtfethat he muit do 
Borne work whloh wu o( gratt Importance, lUll 

Sonnd time to court a pntty widow, wji^ 

TO ararlatthigwoa It tentencad, tco.'im- 


Ben Beta Interpoaed:— "Now, look ben I 
I want my atotiu like my wblakey, plain ; 

Ihera'e Xappa painting like a tool or laer 
Thejoyt ot beaTan, and hell'a outrtgeont pain. 

Ibtt mutt be atopped, or ha ahtll bny the beer. 
We want no BwedenborgUn, half iiune 

Productlona of that kind; ao fln awaj I" 

And Kappa took the hint and lald bit say. 


"Well, the had on a low-neoked dreu, her butt 
Wu half ooncealed, yet could I not butknow 

\7hat titong templatlona to man'a yltldlng duit 
Wan hidden In tbe deep receu below. 

I am a moral man— quite to, I Inut; 
But when a woman't breut la while u mow. 

And the bu too a cbannhia foot and leg, 

Morall^ knookt under, Juat a peg, 


"I know It'e all quite good, tblt moral teaching. 
For termont, eauyt and dldaotle xbyme: 

But piaotlalsg it harder mnoh than preaohlng, 
And man do (all (Km Tirtue oft to oilme, 

I caught a atinnch old morallat onca naohing 
Hla arm around slady'a waist: and time 

Hu tangbt me that trne moral men an ran 

Ai pure champagne, or real tea taipentt am. 


"Dnt sometbisg else at that Uma bolharad m^ 
Would It accord with mr companions' tuta, 

Klihouldiall rightia— t>eTal7(ta^ 
And pat mr arms aronnd bar anpple walat t 

I thenght s moment, then raiolrad to aeai 
Ooooludad dinien qnlckett fled when deed. 

Bo on the apot I oluped that walat ao email, 

Bka blnahed, looked lorlng, amOad, and that wu all. 


<nrat, till but 'twu aneagh. I (all Jut thin 

The full fruition of my hose wu aaar; 
And, aatwar ma, ye honett fellow men, 
' WonldnmhaTafallidlowhltDerinherear 
Borne wordt o( men than Maadly lore t and whan 
. She dghed, would you're not hnned her wllhout fear, 
And praaud npon bar pretty moolh a Bu, 
And drawn tiom mby Upa long <rtD|hU of bllu I 


"1 did; and tben I fonal mon quick drawn tight 
Wen an the antwer that aba made. Her obums 

Arouted my paatlont; her rlob, languid ayu 
Looked aenauallrbrlghL fre acta some formi 

That did approtebpnftotion; bat than llu 
Within that woman's botom, neck and armt, 

Hon of the Ideal grace and wondioni bwuty 

Zhtn are befon toned erring man tiem inij. 

"1 thoulu a tnoBsnt what her hutbandft In 

WoulfM it ba tboald obanoe to catoh no then : 
How JealMly.dolh nua a amonldertng fire. 

Bat playing with the long brtlda of bar hair, 
I (elt mr half mlda "laws o( right" axpln; 

And ao I Uaaad again the wliUag U\r, 
And praubU'to nr haait bar bUTlng bnut 

I— boyt, p f iue plotan to yoorulTW the rut" 

Han Lambda started ont to get tome therry. 
For Ktppa teamed to hare a lengthy tale 

In tton for as— we'd dnift the lom and ^erry, 
Bealdu Imbibing tndy ot old ale. 

Wa Jnat began ta (Ml a UUe marry- 
In (aoty goad drinks is oopbmt draugbta ne'er (all 

To ronaathaloUyqlrltlnona'a bean, 

And richer lua to erery loene Impart 

Wa bund tlu aheiry tolerable etaff, 
AinoulKkAldttt hare that mallaw imt 

Of opoloar bnndt. Wa alvayt ptld enough 
To get Uia bettMiot wlnat too often UTor 

Of dy»atalb. OnaalgottemOnok ADua 
An artlola (I nl tt, traa, by (nor) 

Which had the flneat nwirii fraarer aeea. 

And I In drinking wtaia am no ways green. 

But u U wtk^^adk a bgfflBO-ai><L-fr7-a~ 
OoDflti^*' a I mit^'tia waai^JRwrbilefl 

TO wuta among the Piirllanlo band. 
Perbapi 'Iwu wrong, and we may come lo grief 

For pumeg at oar "Oonohu"— Ant nta brand— 
And drinking ellnga, Oan't help Itl I'd u lief 

Bo to, u lire a hypocrite exlttence. 

Though la tbe end my tool gou down tome dltlanee. 


The (nltmjnum being orer, we 
Drew op In order, glring dne attention 

To hear what Kappa'a other loiapat mliht be. 
With that fine luy whom we'd heard him maiUon. 

But Lambda, alwaya thnwd, inquired if he 
Woold not cut tboit tht rat; a great txtanilon 

Ot time we oonld not giro; for etoh dMired 

To tell hit tale befon the Club ntlrad. 


"0, bolhenHonl" Kappa oled, "don't blowl 
I gnau I know how euch thlnga thotUd be done; 

Thia Uqnor glru my wordt an exm flow. 
In (act, I gneu It deu to erery one: 

But I'U be brM u pcatlble, although 
For mau daya I did anl^ tbe fun 

Of whlofi I tpetk;" and Lambda lald no mon. 

But grumbled to UmaeU "OhI whataiore.'" 

"Iha plotan got on tlowly. Whan I next 
Otlled on my pntty aabjeot, bar I found 

EnStgad hi nadlng Byron'a amonoa lait; 
Bhe tried to hide tbe rolume tt the lounl 

Of coning footttepi, and aeamed aomewhal rosed: 
But when the uw tbe artlat wu aronnd, 

Bhe amlled a waloom% offarad me a aeat. 

And aald the had oijoyed a bookltb treal, 

"Upon a «la a (<l< abe balf.ncllned, 
In that rolnptnoua atutude of eau 

Whloh ladiM, If they'n young and prelty, flnd 
It by all oddt the luratt one to puue, 

It't wholly In aocoidaaea wiHi my mind ; 
But than the UlUa wltobM like lo teaaa 

A (eUow, too. They ehow a prottr ankle. 

And hide the leg— one'a eplrit II dou rankla. 


utahj, to be diTlded equally imongtt thtm ithlsdaalh; bat It 
contained a apeolal dinnrihat my o( lham learbu him baton 
Ust Umt, under any oInnmtUacM whatarar, akonld be eat off 
bom Ibe beaedta of Iha biqueat, and her ahan dWttbalad 
ISfMJS,*??*^!'."* »<"''•' ctautafotther illpaltted that 
tayaddlUontothelraumbaraboold be Inoladed laths daed. 
:f JfSSi'*^'' f"* •» ""J "»«^ litd raaohsd that 
ha^irald not to long u Itwu In their power lo piaraat II. 
Ining uy tddlUonal memban Inlo bit aeiagUo; bntlhtaeoon. 
eldenUoBi weta ot tbemtelrtt tnOoltnt for UBlan't salMy. 
Bhe bntd Iiard, howarei, by ptamlau ol oacraoy. lo Indnca Ibam 
toattlttharlo Moape,bnt faar of the oouequeoou dataaed 
thtm, u Ihey won at Ihj metoyol Ibe Colonel, who mlgblat 
aw dme turn Ibam adrlfti but they (tit tusra to long uUlu 
Earbart wu baalde them, u he know the pcatlble danger ba bi- 
oonad of dltoorary thould he by banh ooadnet prarna Ihea 
to relillallon. 

Bad LDlIan retlgned bartalf TOtnntirlly lo the Cdonal'e anna, 
thatparttolpatloD wu what they eoold not hare prertnltd; hot 
had Ihey aOowad him to perpetrate the oilme be meditated, and 
LUIUa'a (riendt bad appalled to IbeUw.IniTlUliledettrncllon 
lo tbilr protpads wcoidbaTa ansned. 

Kanutawu the (inrlla of the OolontI, and aha, with her 
Spanish blood, ruled blm wltU Jealoos tyranny. The mldnlahl 
Intsrrltw between him end the barglanopiaadiiBtobBruw 
anawpbualn hla oharaoter, and aba wu not Ibeooelohabl ' 
euoh an adranttga wllhont making nu af It Fnn what had 
than taken plaoe, abe laaned that Ihey had some mntbitous 
hold upon hun which rendered blm powerlau lopotanhlBSiU 
agilut them; and bom expnttlont which had tulan tna thdr 
llpt, the gueieed that be wu Implicated in a way which mida tt 
daogeroos for blm to retltl their dcmanda 

Bat tbe Oolonel bad not forgoden nor forglraa her inlaiteaaoa 
whan, by bar timely aid, tbe r«icuid LDllaa ftom bit aatanlt; 
and pitnlanlly woold npbrald bar wllb hariog. It bar oondnot, 
deprlndhlmof apleatnrebebadwroagbthaidtooblala. Kow, 
howerer, ehe ntorlad npon blm. In turn, and made him awara 
how much he wu In ber power. Be wu lying one day, hla 
bead reclining In her lap, and hla flnien playing wUh thaiOBg 
black treUM wbloh bung In beautaooi pionalon orar btt tubu- 
lar ntck and bceom, when eoddenlyitateicltUnid,lnatoB»ot 
rolto e Indicating a flrmaeu ol pnrpoaa which could not eaoapa 

"Ton muat get rid of LiUlm Herbert." 

"Varzetttl'^he cried, ttirtlng to his (eat, "wbit maaa four 

"Ton moat gat rid of LiOlaa," the npealed, In a calm and an- 
ImpualoDed manner. 

"Huutts, yon uk too much." 

"I uk too llltli," abe npUrd, 

"loooannotbaaarloaa. Why tike roo such an Iniaiaitbi 
this girl? whatmattanit to yon whither abe remains hsM or 


"Sid you not make bar an offer of manligat" 
"Tul wbattbent" 

"If erer yon do marry, I muat ba thi bride." 

"Tool Uanetta." 


" M i n e t la. what madneai hu taken potaettlan of yonf what 
amy dream It this that bu tntertd lonr bialnt Haniyymit 
Ba1 bal And what would Babeecs,>atili, Kaiy, indAoastls 
uy to auob a proceeding T" 

"Tbeynead nerar know." 

"How could that ba piarenttd I" 

"By onr aeont nuptfali and they mnit ttke place, toonar or 
lalar; and no one needsTerbelhewlter, nnleuyonchoowlo 






The Theatre, Tuif, Blog, and Bagnio. 

waimK ixniaitx roa thi mxw tobi ourrxa. 

i,P,t.nw ExanxBT't raoraoiOBS— TBS wiu,— uinzarTA and tux 
coLoinL— AH orrxa or luaaiAox— no coktuuioh, omlt too 


naxAX nt a near DwoouonASLa artOATioM— loiis bu 


TAnamoAOBU lawaaot bxb dooh— raoH a bid or down 
10 A BXD or aooi— UAOTi BU n> ux WITB Toa saur— 


Bntox the altampt by Oolonel French to commit aa outrage on 
LUllsn Herbert the had alwaya found in Hanetta, tbe Spanlab 
(liL a true friend sad pnleolori aad, taideed, the tut of the 
(Irlthtd ttunretnchaUBd^apMI towardt bar, th^ the felt 
eompiraUnly aeaon from any further Tlolenoe on hit part 
They nerar permlttad herlobaalone,andeTen firing the night 
one of them alwaya ahared her couch. Ihey uelgned u a rea- 
ton for Ihlt, that they bad learned ber bliloir and had delar- 
mined to tare her, to long u It wu In their power, but Ihil they 
dan not openly attempt to laleaM her, u II would coopnmlte 

Depeolett tntlnly upon tbe Oolonel for topport, he had tome 
UBOIiirinmidetwlltlnwblob he bad left Ibom his ent'xe 

"Ah I wbattbent you calculata npon that already I" 
"ARar yonr dutta,It I anrrlra yon. It nost be mada pobUo." 
"Why tot" ' 
"Bacaute I thill then ba the Inheritor ot your estate." 
"Kerarl by hearenl" .'-Xt 
"Be not rath In yoor attardons. I thalll" and Miiiilli. 
drawing berialf uptoherfnll htlsbt, gland upon IhaOoltDai 
with a amlle. In which trlnmph and hate wen oomblntd. 
"Harutta, you an notroiuatlf, l<May." 
"I ban not been mytelf for a lonR, long Ihnt— nerac dnoe the 
time when, an Innocaat and belpleta m, yea ton me bom my 
ptiaola' home; and on my niom to lue found mynlf a polluted 
thing— a rlctlm to yonr unbild led lutt. Long ban I walled tat 
my nreoge; long hm L diy after day, watched tot the bnr ot 
nulbstloD, and nowllli appioichlng. Too ban tptataHte. 
Uma la the Indulgence of your bnilal pualoiu— pauuns which 
donotseemtobluntbul oidy become the mon airoe and lotlb. 
toma u tge ntent npon yon; but the time Is now tt hand, and 
yon ainnot aroldronr doom." 

"And who thall compel me tolakeaparthtthlslnttiatllag 

lilttaal X r J < »«mxnc'niiTtTt tmitn. Whattwo<lda^ 
, ^ aaautto- Ttwonld enttaijwa H trumpeted forth thttOriOBtl 
jtyiirnle long tried frianf of n-^.— «. CJ— ij-ff 


~i , _ r— • 

bit ahlld for the pnipws of proifllnllag her to hit Heai. 
tlontdulrtal How would the Oolonel than appear bete* ut 

Babllc,or how woold he esjur Ihelaxnryot apttaonl Than, 
lereare roar IntrlgneewlthilidameBiourl; and laat though 
not lout, then an certalo taorett between you and Iha iiurgltn 
who pild yoo a rltlt a few nlghta elnce, and which In yonr alaap 

Ku cannot keep lo youiulf, Ibat might be rtiy unplaaitnt lo 
ra nToaled." 

"Ha I what know yon of then t" 
, "Enonib lo oiute you lo tiamblr, at yon now do," 

Hanelia bad tnccaedad well In bar plan, (or by otostaig the 
Colonel to bellen he bad betrayed blmielf, ind the knew he 
oonld notgneu how much, the bid bin the mon (uDy In bar 

Kwar, Aa Colonel, u the proceeded In ber obargea agtUut 
m, (elt that the had Indiad tnand him in a net, Iha msaha o( 
Thloh he could not nndi bit tua grew aaby In Ila baa. aad M 
■ha, with oonnlng mlnntaaMi, detailed ber knowltdga ot hit 
dlfflcoltlu, laina dropa o( peraplntion ttood anon bit biow, aad 
u the oondnled ha tank inlo a chair, uniblt lo oonfaol.hli 

UaruUa at a glansa eomprehended thenlac of ttiatilninitt 
■hs hid aohlaTca, aad aatlafled that the bad giTen him aafidaat 
foe ooattmplaUaB to antwer hit pnrpcaat tor tha piaaaai ak- 
ropUy qulUed bit pratence. 

The Oobmel wu moeh affeoitd by Iha peiili of bit poalUsa. and 
could not tbnl bit ayu lo Ibe (tot tbit be wu no longer hit owa 
muter. Surrounded on all sUca by danger, aad dictated to on 
ireiT hand br thoaa be bad been aeonttomed to look npon u hit 

tools, bo feu lie wu detoended to Ibe degrading podHon of a 
•lira; butha wu netaman tonmaln long louon, aad, Uka a 
lion at bay, nnderad fUrloui br Iha attackt of hit. tonuntora, 
ha mida np hit mind fCr s bold stroke to rid blmialt of hit 

Tne ttffls erenlng found tkeOolcnel cloielad In aprlnta room 
of the Emerald Honta wllb its pioprletor, tbe raialt ot whloh 
wu that a meiaanger wu dltpatobad to WlUlamabuigh. On the 
night following, be appealed atUieumeplace and (bond a gnldt 
In wtlUng, who led him orer to Brooklyn, wbaia. In the bouae In 
AUantlo atraat In which Barney bad found refuge whan hata- 
uped (tom the Bnman, tbe Oolonel (ound BUI Jaokaon la axpo> 

"Yell, Kemtl, 'ow It ytr? lookln' Up top-glad to SMrer I 
'Opu u 'ow yer / :i't bear any 111 wUl tot our little wlalt t'other 
night; but blaneu, Eenal— buaeu mutt be did." 

"Meinr mind, BUI, we wont aay any mon about that allbougb 
I think yon came down rather bard uponafrKnd; bat^bathal 
u It may, I bare got aomelbing (or you nor that will pay yoo 
such beliai— praridad yoo do the righl thing— do you undti- 

"I ralher tblnki I doet, to ftr— tat out wiUi It" 

"loo know Eadtme Bourl-ehe mutt be got out of tht way." 

"Anythin' to oblige yer;" and wllb a wlok he made a tInUl. 

canlalgiiuU onltGig hit throat Ihe Oolonel abnddarad and 


"Ho, Bol— no bloodi then bu been enongh ot that; bat 

Set potiettlon ot bar, and do wlUi bar u yon plaaitt but kill 
er not— neither let ber Ironble me mora." 
nit tint reiy dlfflonlt lo do. Bhe la a nice Und of a' 

and I gueu I oonld make her oomfcrtabte In mylltUa al^tol t 
thlnia u 'ow ehe'd bo wery glad to kefti qnlat there, taelB^ai 
sharcoldn't like to titk her asckby blabbUi'ont— MitMl» 

Tud Till yer offer (or Ihltt' 

"Of Ibat I win tpetk tfltrwarda. Than la uokhir Job, aat s 
mon diflloult oaa, In whloh I deain yoor atsltlanoa. Toa ira 
twan of certain peanllarlUu la aty attabUthmnt tad thai Itet 
an buuUu then which, (ot my I k«p trooad 

<}ne ot thue, a Spaaltb gill, hu, I belltTe, lost her I 

IwantloBndaqnIelplue whin aba can ba kept acuta pia^ 
rent her taijurlng beraelt or othirt." 

•Ty, ny oioMffAmnl alnl got wiry mnch aooonmodaUcn for 
ladlu;bntpeni1dedItwoiinadaralhmytnnbIe. I aiUblbe 
aUetomaragalt" — . 

"Iwillpayyoa Bra bandRd doDara, on ynu aecorlu Kld> 
ame Boor), and fln hondrel mon on roar dlipoalsg oCKinet- 
ta, tha Bpinlih glit: tod anoUieT thonaand, on your bladlaa 
youaalf la tha mott tolaminttaiiar that nillbtr they aor ma 
akallaTtr,bywoidor dHd,KooBpr«mlaa me In the lUghfast 
ounatr,or In aay way tiODble me again; while, on my pirt I 
ghaUgoaraatae that tmder ao otioamitancM ahan anyaotof 
mine tend to your laJnry, or tha hart of iny of yoor oompea. 

"Veil, that's fair aad aqoin, and re'U oaU It a bargaU," uld 
BIU, who wu well asoagh awan thai hi, by ooDsaaUag u nob 
an arraotimint got tha Oolonel aUUfBilbarbito hit powtr. As. 
tot wbatlhe Ooload might do to him be wu not mnoa afraid oi; 
baring too mooh at atska himaelf. "But" conUnned BO. " 'ow 
anwatogaltheglrlonlofronrhovial" .^.^ 

"That will ba a matlar for altir thought Ten mail dnt tt< 
taadtoUaduna Bonrt; when yon- ban managed wllb her, lot 
meknow, andlahaUlMpnpartdforlbeieit" . .„„ 

"That'a Milled, then; Upneyer daddle oo the held of 111" 
and BUI btld out hla hand for tbe Oolcnil lo like hold of, nu 
wu rather too mooh tor hit tqaanUBlly and be ihnak Bom tb* 


MBlMt: bnt BlU't tj» •braid he would tjit co 

Cdond •tntclu4 cut hb BiigMi, which the boinltr Uta*. ma, 

Hoailiuua diHMted. «>« Col's'' '?'^'''!..tPSS,i" 

»£SrBS/ch«uiir'rtthd;iighi »t *«p»'?'L»j^;rs.*.V2 

«ceulonc<f, pr«f»t»d to Bit* imniMnwU tor MirjUig out hu 
- L— TabtcoBUoued. 




Tn UinBABU', WJnfumbarg —The woid In "Oontto' 

Z^SlIb EsBluh, nsnutiablo Tal(*rltr, Whtthw lla u* in 
SwDchli Innnchbtttor Uitojon eu Jsdn whanthogritt 
i^dud Uilcon of Ihit Unituge, the DlettoBur of the 
AaUmr, nj' °' fmmna polla n' mplelaM panl a lud 

(a mtrmllcn. Kow, then, if id t«*ln the tnX doMS par- 
mtmlM of Ihe/ollowiiig oh«pt«r, uA }on biTO an eitalbllloo of 
St« ud elyleud (wonipoM the tuthoi thogght It) nbllmliy 

M. 0, &> IM Dl- Toll.—]. John aBeonudld Inua i(«i<i^(lt 
chellesKa to B|bt Uoirluoy looa tfKr the btUIe tt Long Foul, 
bnt It wunotMomttd, w llr.U.b«d nUnd from psgUlim. 
1. Foolc ud HorrinoT'o "tintnto" on Jnlj 90, leM, wu of the 
imuhud tnmbtoUad, and Poole wu repotted ugellloglbe 
bMi of It It U alM lUtod that Poole'a filenda look a band (or 
feot) la, tmt not being "tbar," we cannot alala poalllTelr, 

caCBaadlngor Phlladilpbla, Fa.— Wo bare no iMolltc 
Mm In niaid to wbo aenl for the letter now, Of coune, the 
BUtT tmVu props name or they oonld not bare bad It. We 
ST'not Dniene mlacellaneou coneapondenu, or we ahoold 
■MB naa^ one of Uncle Bam'a tlorehonata fa) itow It awaj In. 

BLicn Hawi. Phlladelphl».-Thero are two klode of "retile' 
nSlob ponllTT are liable. One arliee from eatarrb,andla 
■u^brmbblng the throat with tarpenllne on a feather. The 
•Chwl* oalledtha dry nlUe, for which the remedr la garUo 
M*da Ibnad down the IhroiL 

A BmouBD. N. y.— Tbla esrreepondent uka na to decide a 
M between A and B In reiaid U> who had aoit moner la bli 
SUM. wltbont telling na the imonnt each or either man bad. 
Irsw Bolon li aald to bate been a Torf wlie man, but If be 
■Mid get orer iicb a tnerr he ean rake onr pile, 

laouaxroua.— Wa don't eiacUj nndentand the nalnn of the 
M, Whan UoirlMtx fon|hl Ileanao, be weighed 108 Iba-al 
ibesiMtnt dayhewelgha ■omewtereln the neighborhood of 

Asioui, SpilailiUi 0.— 1. Baren won Ant blrod In the 
antconnd wUhBeaaan. a. The odda here are (100 to $70 oo 
aba BoT. which la boltar than yonr own. S. Joe Cobnrn la not 

Ouin MiTTioi, Foltaabun, K T.— Tonr lellor dated Nor. 
Illh, li the ontr oaa we bare recelred from jojl Your one 
4allai pap for fonr mcnUu nbaoilpUon, commencing wllb the 
y iM e ntMmber. 

gno inn Ihowlxsoi, Philadelphia,— jr, In addition to 
ant daaa leferaneea, jon can bring lomo penooal Indnaoco to 
baar npon maataii er owaaii. joa might aacnra the poiiuoo 

ram Put, Aleiandria, Ya.— 1. Bob BrotUe knocked Tom 
Bajara down In the fonrth round, and thne won drat knock 
Sewn. I. Bareri waa oolr doorad once by Nat Tj,.),!..- ^ 
that happened In tb« Olat and laat ronnd. 

QnunoKZB, Brooklyn.- We belleTe there la a Itaatlae In 
••Walker'a Uanly Sxeiolaea." Ur. Kehee glna InitmoUona to 
an hla enalomen, gratia, we beUere. 

Waxniun, Uemphia, Tens.- In cribbage 9 fonra, 1 Ore 1 
■U and a fonr tnmed np connt at; ylz., alz by fliteena, tlx for 
palMoyal, and nine for atqneioea. 

QmnioiT, AleiaadrU, Va.— The iTaa of dlamonda, olnba and 
nadaa, and Jackolbeaitaln hand, with the Sto of beaila turned 
np, eonnt M, the hlgbeit hind that can be held In cribbage. 

Lom Hi»o, Bonlh Berwick, Ue.-If yon get encbred on a 
lone band, yon dctnre to Icae fonr polnlj, but your oppononU 
cnn only acore two. 

Eaauw — ir< held that the dealer cannot play alone when 
bla partner aaalala; the inlaaiya, that he mayor be may not, but 
Ihat the qneatlon ahonld he aeltled before commencing the game. 

iBooia WiTHOOT Braia.- B la enUUed to the money, harlu 
' Migated the worde glrtn him. A wu oremached, we think. 
Ma he ahonld at once band orer the amount of the wager. 

Wicnr Knrxi, PbUadelpbl«.-Mr. Creely'a feat would, we 
tbfaik, take Ihe palm. Will Inntdgate tnitber, hraerer. and 
pent yon neit week. 

J. a., Soxbnry, Vua.— We ihall bafe to Ironble yon to repeal 
TmiranuUon;fortbelirecr uwe cannot make ontwhatron 
wlahioknow. Wbatia a ••gtak," anyhow? ""lyou 

Baix Aun, Rewpori— The game la not mncb played here, 
aad we hare narer been fcrtosate enonah to eee a aet of mlaa 
IB tact, we do not keUarelhey are to be found In print, 

J, E, L., BoakiUle.— It puilea na u mnch u tt do« yon: 
bnt wa bellne IancuteTiPa.,la the correct addieaa. Wrlla 

, ^niuBD, Waablngiui.--xv.vw— • "••••icd a few noDlIu 
gnat to a wealthy tenU«man,iand hu leOrM ^m SJ^iVJ 

j ^Mmo pM, Bt Lonla.— We are dnyi pluaed to hear bom out' 

ll,DDBou,>hllade]phU;-aeol:tleller loonraddreu and 
•WewtUadrertlaelt forhlm. "•.ana 

W. 1. T., FhUadalphla.— We know no other melhod than br 
gasllBg throngh the malL ' 

Tnoima S., OInalnnall, O.-Iha coat for fonr waeka Inaertloa 
tt your adTeiuacncnt will be tl.N. See It In another column, 

A Vicmv, Fblladelphla— Ihe partln, ao far u wo know are 
bonorable men. Will ult their attention to your cue. . 

TioiT, BL Lenia, Ho.— We bare not heard of the naitr for 
aome time, ' 

T, H,, Kewark.— We bare eicbangea, andcorrtapondenta tnm 
•myol^lntheeonnltT. ' 

J. Ebbuoi OanTDi, Uirana, Ooba.-Sent letter and newa. 
japara on Ihe 31at laat 

Lnnoaaara, Boalon — Jamee, or Tankoe, BuUlran'a rioht 
same la aald to hate been TraukAmbioae, ••>• rigni 

Binni.— "Haieppa" lathe only piece the lady buasneared 

J. 0. E., teilnglen, Ey.— We do not aell booka. 
•Ireitlaen nay atlend to your wanta. 

Borne of onr 

Piii»BD»aB.-We hare not room for them now; wo hare 
tepeatedly pnbllahed Ihe nlea. ■ 

H. W, L., Kewark.— The nnmben yon want ore out of crinL 
We oannot teU where they an fa> bo obtained. 

. He ladylj not matrled. 

% IbebidylaSOyeanofafa. 

-^^J?- ""fwd—Yoni anbMiripUon expired with 
Xe, 31 of the preeent Tolome. r niu 

jjCo»«rurtnn*»iB,-It la tne that Ban Btercna U the wife of 

^•n"oifii;gTl? B"""'^-^"'" W'" »".»«» tho« 

Kac BtWTOH, V. v.- Drop a line to the FrealAenI of Urn v«w 
ro tk lacbt Olnb. aad he wiU giro yon the Su full 

W. H. L 0„ WaehliiBlon, B, O.-TheChamplouahIp Belief 
BsgUuia la Talned at flM, or fOOO. " 

T, B., Army of the Polomac-WlU uk UcOabe, and anawer In 
onr next, 

J. Z. B,^Any tent or awning maker can make one for yon. 
niio. Oo?rua.— We bare a Virginia Oil; lellcr for you, 
JoinntT AaaoK.— We bare a latter for you. 
B. aauuM,— We ban a latlor for yon.' 
P, B,, Beaten Bee anawer lo ■'Ulhogtaph." 

OooD Bocirt: or Oonlruta of Oharaoter, I* the lait new book 
by Kre. Orey, anlhoieea of ■■Paatagea In the Life of a Fut 
Tonng lady," ate., and a right capital one It la, loo. We hara 
mokteea a book lately we coold more truly and cordially ooO' 
send. Thedealgala welloeneelTedandexecnled; theoharac* 
t«a paitlcnlarlj well dran.and we hare aeen nothing mote 
■harming and Tlradona than the dialogue In many paiaagea- 
>Ue baniiaet acena, ele. An exoeedhigly leadaUe norel, with 
eeReotteacblBiaaadtendanclea. OompaoUybntnutlypilnled 
«onb, coL8to.,pM0». McanU, John Bradbsm. pubUaher, 
n Walker itnel, Kew Tetk, 

Utir rouiaa Brouniiti Ncwa-Prom our Enallab ei. 

■trtct training. Beenan and ll" lOl doS^^iKlr «rt fJil^'^Jl 
oooulonallr.'uaoa bu been b«:k fo, JmT? iiftSfSffi 
tinder bait an bear, en Sor.mU.r uib. Tho bl?ita. S c "Si'f 
«d^. toJonlI.c.,alnatll,aUi and 0 ?? 1 o'S'i'a'ni 

aad If dMinee would lendaa aomeSlTg Son mb.uSt^d ihS 

Tnx day tied upon tor the great pnglllaUe encouler between 
John 0. Heenin and Tom King, the repTeaentaUvee, reapcctln- 
ly, of Young America and Old England, to taat approaching, aad 
although In thU conntiy the Inlereat In Ihe Inpoitaat aUilr la 
lanened by the more exclling erenta oonnecled wllh the great 
lebelllon, yet In England, we are Infonud, themoat InleaieeX' 
eiiamcntnowpreTaOa. There, the Prlie BIng U on achnowledg' 
ed Inatltntlonj aome of the meet prominent mea In the cosnliT 
taking an Inlereet In II, and ltc»uenllyconlrnmUng,iiil««— 
which mcana "keeping ahady"-to the money fongbt for. Here 
It to different, the ring apparently Daetlng wllh bnt UlUe faTcr, 
on acconni, In a meaanre, of Ihe abametnl condnct of ■ 'tough 
alleya" who ate lo be found at ereir aaaemblige of note. We 
aay Ihe ring tpparenltf meela wllb little farot here. Now/ 
though the attendance at our ring conteata la not generallj 
large, yet It la an nndenlable fact that the dally paper* nerr 
giro their ruder* a more palatable Uterary feut than whr 
they giro elaborate report* of weU fongbtbaUlia In Ihe pugUliI 
arena, The detalla of auch aOaln lie icad wllh the giealeat 
Inlereat by nearly all clauee, by old and yonsg, the grare, Ihe 
gay, the tatbir and the child, and occulonilly by eTonlhe 
aotter aex. We remember whataa excllemaat wu created In 
tbla country whan the newa of Ihe Eeenan and Bayen Bghl 
reached here, Oongrtu dlacuued It, and for ought we know 
the Cablaot held * meeting on the altength of IL The papeia 
ware neter read ao carefully u they weie read then. Ereiy 
llem connected *llh thelghlwu culled cit of the weU-llllad 
oblnmn'a of Ihe dalllee, and eTerythlng elae gare place to Ihe 
then all-abaotblsg toplo-the Sght "Head* of famlllea" wore 
np betlmea in the moraing, In order that they might aecnre an 
early copy of the papom The women folk* ahmed an equal 
Inlereat In the etent, and dlactiaied "upperonla," "crcea- 
butlocka," "couoleia" aad "ciofa.ocnnlen" wllh alooaeieu 
worthy of Totarana of the rltii pii^'KidTue, The boy*, (eelng the 
old folk* "on It" ao ationg, got op tmpnunpcu conleeti, and^bhuked 
a^h otheia eyu with a aeyerlly worthy of a tMttat can**. Why, 
IK t-nou at BCTeral loatancea where otu fellow dlUea* of the 
"clergy petauulon" obtained a copy of Ihe Ouma, and uUng 
It Into their elndiea, eagerly deronied oui great aceonat of the 
"International atiuggle" between the AmeitBta and Ingllah 

Well, allhongh we hare laid then la nottheaaaa inteieit 
itUched to Ihe fcrlhccmlng encoimlar u then wu lo the 
Decnan and Bay era Dueling, we hare ereiy naaen to baUere Ihat 
the report* of Ihe Eienan and King oonfllct will lUTe tolly u 
many reader* *i the detalla of the Parnbotongh Ighl had, and 
already newa dealere an aendlng la their ordeia tor extra 
qnanlltlea of the Ourna oonlalnlng the npott of the battle. 
We aball endearot lo meet the demand, and aupply th* ooiutiy 
with Ihe moif tmelwortby •ocount of the meeUng. 

By Ihe lut arrlTal from Europe wa learn that nine thonaaad 
dollaia of the battle money had beea duly plaoed in the bindi 
of the alakebolder, u the attlolea of agieemant caDed for, and 
en thl*, no doubt the lut atake of one Ihonaand dollan hu 
been added, making complete the enm total to be fonght for. 
The battle money, ten Ihooaand doUaia, la equal to the largeat 
anm erer fought for In the world. W* belleTe tbla amonni hu 
only been equalled once befon, and Ihat wu In the eTei-nem' 
arable Sght between Tom Ilyer and Yankee BolllTan, In Feb 
mary, 1810. In the priu ring of England, no anoh anm wu 
ever fought for, although it doca not follow Ihat large alakta 
bring about good llghia; aome of the beat Dght* on ncord hare 
been for inma varying from tvenljf-fin dollan to flTe hundred 
Yet II I* tine that the oulalde world ailachu men Importance 
lo a match for a big atake than It dou to one for a amaO alake. 
It la uld that acme fear* an enlertalnad Ihat "maglaterlal 
lutermptlon" may biisg the Heenin and King aSali to a ter- 
mination without a Ight; and to throw Ihe apoU apotla off the 
aceni, It wu recently propoaed— while the tiro glidlatoi* wore 
attending aome racea at Mewmarkot— Ihat Ihe Hgbt ahonld lake 
place there and then; Beenan. we bur, waa ajjreeable to II, but 
King dUaenled, although weighty aur goldtu Induamienla mre 
offered him to anllolpale the day drat aet ^ail, and "hare It 
cat" on the apot. We praanme Sing had good reaaou* for ob- 
jectlng. The genllemen enttnited with Ihe management of the 
"eicnralon" wen saing erery eadwTcr to hire Ihe affair come 
off fair aad aqnaie on lla merll*; and It the thing la at all feaal. 
ble, they will glTo the rlotonanbble lhe,«old ahoulder, and try 
tu RM u— o "Hioot-lhelr preaeaoa or yi^^lanee," At nearly 
erery priM tJibt— and alTmaal an'lloita oflarge gathelliga, for 
Ihat mattei^nnmbei* of notoy and dlaordorly oharwien maoage 
to inlnde themaelTea; and It they an In aufdclent force, Ihey 
ellhar make money by breaking np the dgbl, or, picking pockela. 
We haTO plenty of anoh fellowa hen, and II 1* only a wonder lo 
u* that the ptofeaaon and admlitn of the ring do not drlre 
them away by glrbig them a "good warming," For tho cening 
meeting, the pruenci of the rabble la not it all dealiable; their 
loterferenee at Parnboiough greatly lojnied the Brtllab lUng, 
yet It ktpt the "Ohanplon Belt" In the coonlry; and allhongh 
Hecnan loat the Inphy by tho oulalde diatnibance, yet be 
gained aome Tory Influential trienda among aU olaaaeaof Eogllah 
aodety, aome of whom an now backing him for the coming en 
countei, In order to ahow Iholr appreciation of hto conduct 
dnring hla aojoum in England, 

The "beUlgennta" ue In actlre lialnlgg, and hare boon ao for 
acme time paat "Oondltlon" muat net be loit eight of for the 
approachlog panage of flit*, and well do both men know IL 
And though tho Amirlcan la booked lo win among thoia who 
knoa the two men, yet we caution onr readeie agalnal looUng 
at thto or any other apoiting eront aa a "certainty," Wi don't 
boUeve In "ceilalntlea," except where two parllea are "lo" to* 
gather. It wu the general opinion that. In the Bghl aome 
month* ago between King and Maco, for Ihe ohamplonahlp, the 
litter would win, owing to hla auperlor Klonce, eto,, but King 
got In one blow that knocked all tholi calcnlallona, and Mace 
wllh them, Into "Inoitrloable cootuiloo," and that ended Ihat 
certainty. King may do the ume again. Wo uy that we do not 
undoKland why then ahonld bo aucU odd* on Beenan, Know- 
ing, aa wo do, that In height, weight, age, olc, the men ace eqnal 
while King ha* fonght oflener than Ueenan, and hu had, there- 
fore, more practical oiptrlenoe In the ring: he alao hu Ihe al- 
vantage of lighting on hla own ground; that to. In Englaadi 
while llcouan, u In hla flght wllh Bayen, doca battle "In the land 
of the elianger." AU thing* conildeied, the advanlagea an In 
favor of King, and Iherefore wo etc puziled why Beenan orortopa 
hla opponent In betllog. The only reaien we can aee for it, to 
the Miraordlnary ablllllia he dlaplayod In hi* conleot with Bay. 
era, which, at Ihe time, our InnaiUintIc frionda were not ao 
wllUng to admit aa they are at prc»cnt. HowoTor, we aball aoon 
hare Ihe none of tho rcanll of llio Impeodlog tiniggle, and then, 
IwAojuoTerylhlngwIU appear u plain u "houiehold word*." 
It to probable, u we aald lu a pnvlona lane of the Ourpia, that 
tho day fixed originally tn the "artlclnof agreement," may be 
ohanged, and an earlier day named, hi order to mtolud the 
"bnm ballUb" and olhar aplea. We aball endearor to giro a le- 
Uabla aooount of the great erent, although we may not be qnlto 
u early In tho fleld u onr tHenda of tbe dally preaa. When the 
gnat IntamaUonal Ualoh wu In prognaa, we pramtoed lo giro 
thefallutdetaU*. We more than fojfllled onr pnmlae* Ihen, 
and circulated nearly (Am kundwl nuniuti iijila rf M« Cimo, 
oonlalnlng the nport of that ImporUnI event. We ehall alrlve 
to give equally alabocato nporU of the ecmlng aet-to, wllh "pto- 
ten" to matoh. Thenfon, let Btwa agntt prepan tbtmielrea, 
and make their ealcnlatlona for a large ulo of Uie CLirpaa, con 
lalning the detalla of the Beenan and King pugUiitio oonlMt 

On)iAiirjiT;>t and 1Tar.ruL Piuint in a hDFFALo Fnmuir.— 
We wiire roccntly abown a veiy handumoly piloted ud var- 
Blahad lodlis rlob. Intended for prracLitUou to John 0. Ualo- 
ney, cx.uililani foreman of Eagle Ifoie Ca , of Duffalo. II to a 
30 pounder and wu raanufOotund by 8 D. Eeboo, the original 
and only man In tbto bulnru. On the lowor pari of the dub to 
a very Due oil painting, by Jobnaon, of the hoie cirrlaie. oolcnd 
pieclaelylheMme u Eagle Boee, evea to the ■pokeeontb* 
wheato, and alonoalde the "muheen" lUnd* the nimilar remu 
Bnffilonean, with the Inimnet under hla arm, umrer nrdui. 
The background and general eieontlon li euloudld, and flienni 
Ihe flneat piece of workmanahip oar youg Bochcattr trlaga, Kr, 
Siho*,butTeilueaeul, - 


TaAKaaoirno Sit to the recognlxed cloalngdayol Uie ball 
playing tralernity, and If the wuther li proplllona on the occi- 
alon, Ihero to nanally a very gineral turn out of evoir man and 
boy In the matniiolla who can handle a baU or wield a bit. In 
tut, every available apace ol gnnnd, on thto holiday, wuther of 
conrae permlWsg.U oeonpledwith nirUe*who*e aoto enjoy, 
nant tola laak* nnagamaot boae bill and haTO a Jolly good 
Ume of it befon dinner, Partlu tor a milch an made np who 
oever touch a b*D at any other time, and gamea an played be- 
tween centaalania wboM ocoapatlon* only admit of^tbelr anjoy- 
mentof . 

ider t^ edicnmalaaoea we nay eay qnlle a brllllint mt, 

put no u aforlcltln thehandaofawen-knowngenUeauini 
dty of LoutovUle. The nmalnder of Ihe money, 1980 a ■£ 
be put np on .Baturday, Kov, 981b, at Walker'a Eiohia? 
IwMa the houn of 10 and S o'deck, I will peat yon ra£ _ 
ttlruilproceeda. Yoai*. iMpectfnny, A. F, TiiJ^ 


FOB tCOO, "^"^ 

Utile bantam* met at onr offlce on the 18lh but ^ 
lug to appointment, and dnw np artlelu lo flght on tha^ 
January, 1804, at 108lba, for 1300 a aide. The BrookM 

«-ii..-K„i. Kium »r. •nMoaafttl anAI wu tn company wllh hto bnlher, Phil Olan, aad oUimI 


anynl*,the inooeia attendant upon tha progieaa of hue ball) 
during the put thne aeaaona of the exialence of civil war, not 
only afforda evidence of the great popularity of the game, bnt 
alao of Ito complete utabUahment u a permanent American In- 
atllnUon, Our aoldlan play ball on all letoun occulobe, Jnat u 
the Eogllab aeldlen pacHolpale In their national game oTciI *' 
Every regiment In the army olmoat hu Ito ball club, and 
lint clu* gamu have been played In aeveral of_lfa2_8onthoi 

imSlocallUu outoldo of the me- 
tcbpolto. Tbe Alhlatlca, of Philadelphia, opened Ihe acuon by 
paling na a friendly Ttoll,glTlngna a week'a brilltoni play In 
oonacquence. The Budaon Blver Olnb, of Vewbuigb, foUoved 
•nil, loo, and learned aeveral valuable luaona from tlie expe- 
rience they received; and It to but a few week! aince tbe Col- 
lege Boia, fnm the Princeton College, ulonlahed Ihe Brcoklyn- 
Itea iriln a dlaplay of akill that hu not been anrpiaaed by any 
dub oulalde Ihe metnpoUa, and by but few In tbe oily, Tbeie 
aereral vtolto have not only tended lo promote that aoolal and 
bntherly feeling that ahonld exial throughout the whole bill 
playing community of the oountiy, but alio to Incnau the wel- 
fare of the game, and pKmote lie general popularity. We tmit 
Ihat next aeaaon Ihe olaba tcom the wutem part ol onr Stale, 
and Ihoee (rem Boelon vrlll pay na a vlait, In addition lo tbe 
dnbe which have done ao thto aeuon. The aerlei of champlon- 
ahlp gamu reaulled Ihl* aeaaon In Ihe triumphant aucceu of the 
Eckford Club, who can pride themulvM on achieving a anccen 
never befon equalled by any dub In the country, via., that of 
winning every match, both flnt and lecond nine game*, Ihat 
they wen entaged In. Conaldering thit they played agalnat the 
atnngut dnna In the counter. It to an achievement they have a 
Juat right tobepioudoL Tne Bckfordi, by the way, played In 
Ion flnt-nlne gomea, acorlng a total of 917 rnna, lo 60 on the 

Sut of their opponent*, playing game* wllh the AUantIo, Hntual, 
nlon, Athleuo, Budaon Blver, and Ituolute dnbe; the blgh- 
ut aeon made agalnat them. In a aingle lanlnfa, being by the 
latter dub, and Ihe hlghwt In the match by the Kewbnijih Olnb, 
Kelt oeaion Ihe grut oonleit for the chanplonablp will toy be- 
tween the Allaaho of BiooUyn, Unlual ol New York, and Eureka 
of Kewark; Ihe two former will wpeolaliy make alrenuoaa exer- 
tlona to lake the lead, and an eidtlng time may be fully expect- 
ed on the occaalon of the malchea between them, bnt both duba 
have determined that no anoh oulalde Interfetooce and dlatutb- 
anoe u marred their gamea thto year aball be permitted to dto- 
tuib th* bannony of their gamu next aeuon. 

The next event of Importance to the ball playing fntemlly la 
Ihe aaumblage of Ihe delegatw lo the ngular annual conven- 
tion of the HiUonal AaaocUUon of Bue BaU Player*. Thla meet- 
ing take* plice at Clinton Hall, Aaloi Place, New York, on tbe 
evenlni of tbe ucond Wedneaday In December, and It to expect- 
ed that fully one hundred dub* will be npreeeoled on the occa- 
alon. Delegate* from the duba of Philadelphia, Baltimore, 
Wuhlngton, Alloona, Buffalo, Bocbuter, Utioa, Byiaonae, ill- 
bany, Tny, Boiton, Lowell, Ptovldenoe, Trenton, Princelon, 
«o., kc, have pnmtoed to put In an appearance on Ihto Inlereat- 
Ing occulon,ln order to get thonugbly acquainted with the new 
rulu that an to be Intnduced at tbto convention. In ngard lo 
thto aubjoot, we have to uy that objeouonakle u It to lo change 
the rulu often, it to nererlheleu aeceaaaty that the game be 
made u perfect u proper aupervtolon and Judlcloui changea 
can make II, and It to well thenfore, until they an made 
oomplole, that, every two orihree aeuona, aundry changea be 
made In the rulM, whereby Ihe expeilencce of the put aeaaona' 
play can be made available In Improvlog Ihe game. Ko ohangea 
hive been made In tbe mlu ahice lUI, and ilnce then levenl 
Important ohangea and Impnvemenu have been abown to be 
Impenllvely neceaaary In order to nach that poUit of eicellenca 
which ahoold chaiacteilu the game. 

The Committee on Rulu and fiegnlallona have now under con- 
aldcratlon a boat of augguUona in regard lo the wordlos of tbto 
nad that rule, and the Inlroduellon of new onee, which they will 
bring to the notice of Ihe convention embodied In their regular 
rtpoiL The moat Impoitut Improvement aoggeatcd to that of 
the InlndncUon of wide balla, u In eilckel, with a view to do 
away with tbe wild pitching In vogue. Whether the plan aug. 
gelled to an available one or not, we tmat the cODventlon will 
aee to It that aome plan la adopted by which the evil referred to 
can be obviated. The fly game, too, to to be brought up for adop- 
tion, and on tbla account there to likely lo be quite ao exciting 
trial of atrenglh between the two partlea wbo advocate and op- 
poae tbto atyle of game, fiucceufnl u the pait aeaaon hu been, 
we have evarr reuon to balleve that the lauon of 1884 will be 
the moat biUltint of any known in the brief annala of our na- 
tional game. 


100 TAiiDa Foot Bacz ninnEii Tnoiua aid McOabe.— The 
Orange. N. J., half-mile Inch exhibited a Uvdy appearance on 
the IBth Inat., u between fonr and flvo hundred gay apoite 
f"* elaewhero wen congngated to iritueM the 
RKit 100 yatda apurt between John Thonua, of Newark, and 
Jamw HcL'abe, of Canada, for $}00 a aide. The match «u mide 
on the Dib of november, (made memorable by Old Ouy Fawkw' 
trying lo aend the mombera of tha Brillah Parliament klUng 
with hto gunpovder plot, which will never be forgot) by William 
Olwker, for Thonua, and HoOabe for hlmaelf, wlinuaed by Oeo. 
Condlt and lllchacl Oearey, and the varlou* depoilU duly pelt- 
ed in our hand*. We arrived at tbe track about 3 P. M., by meana 
of aleam and hone-power, mMltng Ihe familiar facu of Jem 
Qlddlnga and Uany Huklnga, from Brooklyn: Pugh, Thomu' 
Cuildy and Frank Prlnli old oppcnento of UcCabe; 
Bill Ctocker, of Newark : John Qrlndel], tbe ten mile champion, 
andolbenol lew notoriety. The pioprletorof tho Irackhadtbe 
aainrtnce lo uk UO for the uw of It, but came down alter much 
long auffgring and talking, to a men moderate flgute, taxing the 
■pootaton 3t cento each, except Ihoae who acalea the walla— by 
fir Ihe grwter majority adopting thto method. Oeing to Ihe law 
dank wuther, dihough dear overhead, the tnekhad to be nkid 
over, and wu Ihen doggy and dlppeiy. The betting wu In favor 
of the Newark man, at tho odda of two lo one, which wu fre- 
quently taken by BcOabe'a tijesda, John Orlndell wu nnanl- 
moualy ohoaen referee, and a Judge wu appointed lo atari, and 
anolhtr lo call back when Ihoy didn't atait even. Boon alter 3 
o'dock the men doffed their fleeh-baga, ul but tight nuder-ahlit 
and drawera, and took a preliminary canter, Thomu, who la a 
native of Newark, la 93 yean ot age. and alanda 8 f L lOU Inohoa 
In height ; he to a floe-made, alhletlo young fellow, with a 
bounding, aprlngy motion chancteilillo of apeed, ao ranlr 
10 be fonnd In men of hto weight and atatun. ' He bu llg' 
ured eitenalvelyonthe rao*-tr*ck,wjlhNevlna,KdIy, Suhullze, 
eto,— bto but nee to 900 yarda. MoOabe, we beilevo, to a Canadi- 
an by birth, of abont the aame age, and aome two Incbu ihorter 
In atatun ; be hu onlv flguied three timw iloce hla dtlrtii In Ibo 
Stole*, defeating Frank Priniz In a 100 yarda race, Halt Caaeidy 
in a two mile hut, and anfferlng defutitom tho latter In andher 
ol two mllu, Afur the track bad been deared, u no other one 
man could have deared II, by BUI Olacker, the men toed the 
aorateb, and, after acorlng dght or ten tlmu, got off even In a 
iplendld bunt of apeed, and from our i nd of ihe Une. they look- 
ed to be aide br aide for the flnt forty yarda; bnt hen the Jei^ 
aeyman begin Inch by luoh to gain on tbe Canadian, who labored 
huvUy, owing lo tho lofineaa of Ihe ground, yet gamely atrog- 
gled on. but wu beaten at Ihe hoiitcatcetch by about ten yarda. 
'X'imo otthe wlDner-IO>,' aocouda. Tlio race wu nobly conteit- 
ed,Uklng Into conaldorauon that McCabe had Ihe Intlde tndi. 
when Uie groond wea tho wont, and allpped at almoat every 
atrldo. whoreu the Newaik man, by hla aprlghUy motion, got 
over tho coune much uaaler. That UcCibe did hla but to win 

S? {K.^J^Jf ''!*'■' "'^ • ""1 """"l" 

that hto opponent cannot lake any llberUee with him. 01 tha 
two men, IJomaa' alyle to fkr men Ihe Ideal of a runner than 
MoOabo », the toiler having abid fublonof boldhighla head low 
and aptfadtog hla anua loo much, which, however, can euUybe 
""St?*' ,i?'"'l'f • '«<i:J'«'my tried It again, and aeemed to 
go quicker than twfon. Then la aome talk of gelUngup another 
matcn between Ihom tor a quarter of amlle. From the track 
the honea heada were turned tor Joe BaUwUi'a hotel, In Centre 
Market PUce, the headquarten of theaporta in Newark, where 
we melThonai' father, an old ToteranwhodroTa the mall coach 
I?!? H'*? ""*."• *^ Atne'lca, and know that palilot weU. John 
iloOormlok.and a houae fuU of aporthig men. Ur. Oltoker 
caUed on Uie 30ih and recelTed the lUka on behalf of Thomaa. 

AjKOTBtn tfATCD Uaoi.— A* WU anUdpaled, Thomu and 
UcOibe made another maloh, lo run a quarter of a mile for tliO 
* lido, on Ihe Puhlon Trask, L. I., on Monday, December 7th. 
Aa both have demonttrated that they an tut men, we have no 
doubt but that the matoh will altroot oonalderoble attention. 
Arltdci vrere algaed on the 9lat Inak, and tlOO a aldo depoalled 
In our hand*, 

A BriBirxo IIaci— SroiT AnxAS,— A cocTcapondent oendeo* 
tboluUoivtog account of a capital Utile race which hai taken 
plice "onl bto way," wllh a pnpotal made and accnplcj for I 
nnt'Ciara iporUog event from a quarter whence we do not ollcn 
hear. Ihe note to veiy wdcome. Heaaya:— 

LautovlUa,£T„ KovemborltUi, 1803. 

Eon on Currzn — t><ar£Vr.'— A fool race came off here lo-diy, 
ofonniiuodirdyaida.forWlia alde.betuMn an Unknown and 
Mr. Brown, of Ihto city. The race took ptoce about one mUe 
tnm tbo cliv, the belling bobg all in favor of tbe Unknown, at 
u much u tlOO to tulmflfoffered, wlUi but tew token. .Ther 
gploff wlUi a falrala^at bolf-put 8 o'dock. keeping aide by 
aide for Ihe fliet aeventy Tarda, when the nohnown took the 
load and came hi a wlnn*r,.I)y 3 teet. In llMteca. Altor the nee 
wu over, a FenUnnan of aporiina tame, advaaeed to Ihe baek- 
eraof tha Unknown and offei*a.lo make a match tortl,CO0 a 
•Ide, lobe tun fo> In thru weeka from date, Saturday, Nov, 
Mlh. The ehaUeng* iru aoceptid oa theipol,and|]Oa*lle 

lanJohnay, Evantbiagwuoonduoledaeclablr, andflta 
eputatlon ol boUi yonngaton, a pnttr lllUe mm to aatu, 
«tween theu Tom-Uto of Uie Pibe Bing. Attached mtpH 
IfllQtal document:- 

AancLxa or AoaznoiiT entered Into thto 18lh day etj^ 
,jer. 18S9, between Blohard Bdlywood and John KaahK i 
'aald RiohaidBoIlnroodagnu to flght the aald JohnKai^ 
fair aland np flght according to Ihe Buluof Uie Lend*! 
Blng, by which the aald Blohard Bollywood and John jZ 
hereby mutually Bgie* to be bound. Tho <ald flght ihigi 
place onXuead^, January lllh, IBSt, and ahaU be tn|k 
of Three Hundnd Dollan a aide. In punuince of ttfe 
ment, tU a dde an now depodted In the handa ol TttniS 
who ihan be flnal alakebolder. ' Tbe lecond depoalt of ^ffT 
aball be made at the houae of Patrlok Uurphy, oornatt ci 
bla and Begnw atreel*, Bnoklin, on Tundty, the JiltZ 
November. The third depoelt of KO a aide at my Unn^ 
Cenln atreel, on Tneaday, the lit of December. IheM 
poaltottMaalde, at PhU Clan'*, 401 Colnmbto alm^f 
lirn, en Tueaday, the 8Ui of Decemnar. The flIUi dapodg 
a aide it Dennu Elrwan'a, corner of Pavonto AvenniMl 
Toet ainet. Jeney Oily, on Tueaday, the lOUi day of SkM 
The alxlh depoalt of tW a aide at PhU Olan'a, 401 oS 
atnel, Brooklyn, on Tueaday, the 99d day of Secanlo^ 
aeventh and lut depoalt of tU a aide, at Ihe CuprxaB^ 
Uonlgomery atreel, Jeruy Oily, on Tneadar, Ihe 9«lh Uvd 
oember. The aald depoilt* eboU be made between Uukaa 
8 and 10 P. M., and either puty tolling ah*U forfeit a** 
down. The place of flghUng lo be muniaUy agreed njag 
laat depoalt. Co be In the Bute of Raw York. Thewi|' 
take puce the day befbn flghUng, at aome place lo be a 
agreed upon at the laat depodi, and either man eiceedlu 
to forfeit the money down. Tbe men ehaU be in tho ili(( 
the houta otlOA.U.aadlP.M,nnleu eUierwtoe aM 
bybothnaitlu. Thai la the event of maiialaTlal labL_ 
the paitfu aball meet at the office of the alakebolder a'^ 
lowing day. ornoh other time u maybe agreed upontak 
day of flghUng. That the expenae* of the ropu and ah^ 
be borne mutually ahan and ahin alike. Toe atakaaBti 
given np, unlau by mutual conaent, unlU fairly won or h 

a flght. JOBUKT Kuim, 

Wllne**:— Tno*. EzATno. Bichabs Hounn 

Damn* Xinwax. 
NiD WiLaoB'a THAaxsocnxa Fuirvu.— The bold wi^ 
Game Cock hu had the good tortnoe to aeoun the I 
Isatltnte. No, IM Broadway, neat Sleeker atreel, fori 
log night. Not. 98lh, when than wlU no doubt be an la 
alleadanoeot hoUday.keopen, compitoed of manywhott 
they can't get Into the thealTM ormlnatrd halla,wlllit 
aparring exhibition for the flnt time. The regnlar "ham 
therefore, muat go early to enjoy the fun. Bee Cobnn 

gallant Grow, luyLaxirna and the genUe lloberlo BbU) 
ton and hto nephew Yonng Benlcto, Con Orem aad Oa 
hero BUlyMcOiath, BUlyDcnndlyand Mike Cobnn^' 
wllh miay olhen. WUaontbeBnvelitowlndnpwIttL 
Tovea flUa the U. O.'ahip, which to proof that thenifl) 
lickotipott The Uoket* an flied at the uniform rtlk^ 
cento each. 

Bill Tovxx'a Qbxat Kiobt n BaooiLTit,— Thto(Taaatli; 
21Ui) erenlog, the Father of Boxing la lo haTe a reallinV 
at New Temneiance Ball, oorner Fulton and PIneanUa 
when we on» want * flue night lo make IttheblggeatailL 
the old gonUeman arer had. By the bUto, we aee Ika 
RiOTe flghlaan to be oonleeled between Ed Loweiyul 
D«yer, Billy Donnelly and Miki Nnnan, and twooUiaalai 
with the aaatotanca of PhU OUn, Jem Olddlrga, Jem Dm, 
Hunter, MUageComeU, Jerry Conklln, etc, elo. TaooBac 
pun an lo hare a round or two, and tbe whole enlolali 
will lormlnale wlUi a tnmendoua boxing matoh betna 
WUltom* (Inatead of dark) ind Uie eveigreon Uede V 
ToTce, which la euro to be both exdUng and amualo|. i 
tar ind Ally cento are the charge*, and tbo boxUig c — 
BP. »L 

FncnXD nut,— Our pungent bint lo the min called Qi 
hu elicited a reply from Ihe parly moat Intoriatid, le 
Geo. Baker, who choUenged Con. Orem— tbat'a Ihe sua 
poied lo ban been Ike. We pruume he la a broUei of r 
bnt for prudential nuon* he didn't wtoh to have Ihto 
George to now located at Ur, WeU'a, PedeatiUn Taven, 
Troy, and toanxlonato flght any man In America next 
at 110 Iba., for tMO a aide. It to currently teporied UiU aL 
big 'un, ncenUy Imported, to now keeping ehidy, nady 
proper Ume to "ahow canae" and flght aome one of on 
men here, 

Axorsn Broninia Bonn n Bbooxltk.— Ed. Lowov 
opened a adoon on the coiner of Proapect and Pearl atiM 
to nimed Damp Cryatd, aad fnm the popularity of thi)i 
feUow Joat turned bonlface, we eipeotll will turn oidl| 
thing tor him. V 

Ormio AaomiD.- Harry Latanu baa got ao fkr onl ttlL^ 
u lo be about again. We have aeen anhotographcti 
taken aInce the affny; he look* aomewhat hagga>(,li 
Jauntily amoklng a olgir. 

Dick nourwoonronuccATUiRKVAarikc'a— While nia 
road, " lo a coach and four horaea d[awn by a gray miie,"* 
32d, we atoppcd at Ibn Oiyura llotcl, ood tboru learned fnall 
n. Ofodo thai Dick Bollyword woilil verv llkciv Ulio up hi) f 
Ure there, and train for hla dght irlih JuLnoy Kcollug. Ilati 
go'lo a bolter place. 

FroKTO* Lv ra> FiEis na "nrvuR n-rniAcx"— Iitoaa 
notion to ibtok ihit a aport'ng man lan't at good a mao for Qi 
nor aa any other man, which will do dniibi ha proved In the c* 
eledJoQ. Among otiien ruonlog for ofllcc ero Billy Watobforll 
man, Frank Boelghl for Juallce of Police. Dive FllrgenM f*( 
dimio, Nick Judge for I'olico Juillce^ and Ned Cnnnlon for i( 
elUorahlp. Aqualk*, poglUam and Uio drama are all ropi 
Ihoao four oamea. 

niA.\GXO ma IIiAo<)DABiiiu.-Ulke SmIUi, " ooo of the boni 
Ihe caai ekio," l«t a long lime employed lo tbo Kavy Yaril,«tl 
Ualono, under Ihe UcCormack regime, hu loft lowo Ibr Forth 
to Iwk after tho aanltary coodlilco ef the " f ojcr foUen," eli 
Punsui'isiiiD MitiTART Aaan-Ai — IJeut. Ool. Harry ngrp* 
In tin city lou week, and farorrd ua wllh i call. Ourlog bhi 
neoco of the wor ho hu made Ihe acqualninnco of all Ibegral 
of Uie day. For a year and a half Uarry wurblorotPellcahl 
Orknoa, under General Ouller, and became M popular Ihil Ik 
dl(9 of Ihe Creieent Qly prvenlcd him with a heauilfol (ild 
chain. Ho Informa na Uiat Kolias— not the onearmcd beiei 
falgar, but Jamu the boxer— bni rCAigncd hla I'ccmnilal' 
Taylor to well and hearty. Horry met John Wood* oa nvmli 
Bloni, but Uie Yankee Boy look* wan and haggard. Ihe IM 
left ror Boauo on tho lOih lut. 

£c<x Hobo I"— Tho Ullo qunlailoo hiding Ned Wmli 
hu cruted u much talk u the bome-caMog bua'DC*s-4n(|k 
winto lokBowwhatltmeaoa. WIUou baa Iborafon preaM 
explain all about it at hla bcnoaton IhankaglTlog Bl|H,ill 
SluyTeaanI Intlllule. • ■ 

IIardt IIiu. ix a nw cbamoioi —On Tliuradiy, Noremba I- 
Thaokeglvlog niabt, Harry lllll, of tbo Houaion aircet aab-W 
will (0 Ihrouih the Indian olub eicrciao. at iho Bluy venal IB' 
wllh a pair of Kobooia 80 lb. club', rboirlng nil the nrloaaili 
on a icIcnUOn prloclple. To Uioeo wlin biro handlod IbcH a 
Ibo weight, 30 lbs. each, will leom rathir alrep, bul by Ibevir 
uic* Ihe 20 ponndera, 11 won't bo much of a to!k lo bin. n« 
plon la Ned Wllion'a bcneDt, and Harry tuu glvoo ua bb'ttc* 
help Iho Woohawkcn boior, iluco Iho bu:a wore prlaloOi (Uti 
account for lla non-appcoraoeo Ihero. 

Faiorauiuxn'oStccTOOR— John llakewen.a ponulirr. , 
man and one of Ihe old Wa^blogton Uarhct Don Duicliui, Mil 
choud the liolel on Ihn coroer of Droailway and 6Mh aunt,*' 
ncciiplod by Fred Falkland, and lind II reOxod In Ine A* 
aploadid view of Ihe bulral Park Is afforded from tbe hiM 
which to lllerallr awarmod on every One aflcrcoon. J^vd 
doubt do well lo hla uoiv eotcrprlio. 

Toi Cnunoii ir Wasuixotox— Jce Cobarn bu been af,. . 
few (lav* at Uie capltol. Ills pnUcotor reaaou fbr Uio iSp H 
tranaplred, but gome uy Ihat ho'a after a Brigadlcr O«»>* 
The alidlator and Undo Abe have undo up friends, ud 
apcoilog toraia, ^ 

GuaoB Baixr TtAcmitn erAXxija-Thla Weal Brcmwlob,(I> 
pugi.llsl to DOW domiciled under Ihe root of Br. Wells, Ftdif 
Tavern, Natl Factory, Troy, giving Irsspna In the art of Mlf-W-~ 
□corce alao attend* gcnUemOn at Uiolr own place* of abcdi. 
for (Teorgo I 

A Fo.TOY Fioiii.— J. M. L., aeoda ni an account of a bBI 
move Yard, Weal Philadelphia, between Jelmoy Bmlih it 
Douilin, which torled bul two roaoda ; tho nimotiho o( UmP 
"cullcrcd panon,"Frod Doiig'isa bolting aflcr a wbackoelb" 
to Iho diagiisi of tho looken-on In tho Drove Yard. 

ItAt KiLUKo IT i> iUAST.— On Uio lOih Intl., wai luaf*^ 
nt killing setron by a swceralikea hir dl rorto of "dorgt," •>, 
Bell rnrcm, llC?ouUi Pearl alrcel.kopi by Waller D«ll,»b«" 
flrly of the vnrmlnl^ were oroakril In vory fair llmo. So»»J 
rniorod aod killed their rats lo rullonlng order : 111 dog kn* 
latolnlmln. lTieo.;:d,ein48a. ;3d,10 In 9 mIn : iM 
inln. 13 ace. ; tlh, 6 In M2 ; Olb, 8 In 30 aee. : 7lh. (■ lllllo tlf 
er) 3 In 1:3J. The proprietor of lllll ulnon wa* ono vWlloUi»< 
buying rau, u they haven't got * profralnnal nt catcher d> v~ 

, A Maiob It Bnuinss, lOOO poInU np, tOrtMO, wu pM* 
Ueam. BaUoy It UonUl'a sdoon. Court atnel, Ooaloa.WB 
30lh Inat., between Jacob UoiriU and WUllam Ulnh•U^' 
oont««t wu very doM, and en the lut acore tlenbaU luce 
poluto and Uorrlll OT7. the toUer to pUy. UorrlU made • >* 
ahot, aad tbu) won, 7b«(*DaUal«a0Bou(*adl9Dl>'" 




rtiT*, mfVBffi Am ZHiiiDuni of m tbhahzoa^ aaon^ 



>ir«b>r«l«Uenf'riItduiaUMU<«; Un. FtDo; Ttomp- 
L H. n°e>t— Mowoombg'i HUutnll; Un. Emllj F. Str- 
i.n Sobwn— btnjo miler: V. L. Ltwit; f. BtynoMar 
1 Ktimiry; Jobs Kelk; 0. HiUbtm— gliM blower; 0. B, 
,1' Frtok P. Mortimer; John D. M«woomb«; Mr. BiUtj— 
SlUulicli; Fltdulck W. Foid; Frtnk Wejut— 

KiMU. - 


UoifDiT, KoT. 9S, ie«3, 
>lt CJmo to put iD Ibe iMj* of y* Jooolfir tnd bonMt old 
um, U»t lb* cll7 ol Ootbtm wu Oouod \illb ■ nmobnoM 
■jsnj i^oDbBcti, ud 7« "IUch*bl!«t" wbo dwoU Uiartln 
uKb rrjolcod tbtrut: jw, (boy did wii tit, and indolge 
luiulllMaurlbcdIa tbo udentOiil tunlllMof Virgin- 
iittKrebTgiilscdsgr**tuae,«bloblt ls"8hodd7," r« 
ilMouniuclintolltd for fcuUiidatM to 7a pwploof 
I fbt, to iboir thoir plou tppitoltllon of the 111*07 UTor* 
nl.did tprnd tbtli tTtuoru wltb t looio bud tad in open 
t-lbetempleiio/ the dnniB tbe7dld mnob ireqnuit, ud 
I'nelitiw did th«7 beitoir npon ye nor pltyen who war< 
, i tmaie tbem ; bnt 70 pUyen old not lock with ttTor 
inButiiblluandTa Shodultaa, knowing ibam to b« mare 
^itd procoUi, and to pla7 bofor* whom ww Ilka Ibiowlgg 
Aible potrla bofore 7a well'led and dirty iwlna. Marer- 
m« i\a]fl and gonial muigara did fratemlia wllb 7a 
tioijt Ilocbabllr, for bad It not boao aild tbat Ibarawu 
nlia In Ibom > 80 7a muigaiB did kill 7a fallad aU, and 
pgt 111 re otbor fattad ulTaa to tbelr labemaclaa, and did 
,Mtle Ibeo with pla7 aatlag of mnoh merit; and ya Bbod' 
I lad IlArbBbllca wera nnoh flittarad, and did ia7 all man< 
^nod tblaRa abont 7a moril drama, and did ptirobaaaman7 
f olxliBUal'in to tbe Ismplaa, that ihalr frlanda migbt na 
ftj pli7«ra wall beitowed, without mone7 and wtlbost 
(lad ibuB It la tbat 7a drama donrlihai and gnwa apaca In 
^tra city of Qotbtm, 700 aran to 7a Tory gttaa of 7a pro- 
d tons data 7a foroe 01 Imitation cany glad tidlnga of 
Ijgf, mb)(iled with Ihonaanda of 70 Slmalaa, wUoh 7a rnl. 
Kprie call graanbicka. Ta lidafatlgable and fianllamanly 
aaif TV tUa calling with moch alaotlly, and hia otban- 
^ukeiiito bim mnoh frlanda of ya tna llal, whlob ye 

£kadi do call ye dead head pamailon; toancnonnplai- 
ytdnotoomaatlut, tbat ye wily and long drawniont 
llua bu taken to U* boun diver* of jre poor pliyan, to 
tUl" el'*" command to play before nlm atWaablngton, 
III] sot at Ibalr peril, aa ja bue Jtidklal aunmona 
fgtyuil mtbfDll7 eiprataea It Tbnj eodeth 7a Irtt 
M» InaoD oC 70 day, which may aarre to point a moral 

lion • laic, If ye dlacrimlnallng reader can aae It In 

[iniloiu oplalle, caanal mention waa made of the "f^ 
f Mti Intiltntlon baa been mnoh abnaad of lata year*, to 
pnldelrlDont of anndry plana of pnbllo reaort. Placea 
\inwM 10 the celling," bat there waa no money In tbem, 
i|lollielr<allata>a being In the majority, and moat all of 
tnacttnllaadnallycaDlnBlbemaelTe* "memben of tbe 
t," la iheDinlfeat dlagnal of the leglUfflBte membara of the 
I pti, who generally pay Ihalr way, and aik no farora, 
igfUienuoasereareDOWboglnnlDg toaUttheobaiT from 
liul ud icaitar the former to the fonr wlnda, whalaTar 
liym^AD; toallofwhlchwoorr *amen," and "ameni" 
^ntoiura vraa "hart" lutwaek, "owing to Ibe Indemanoy 
imlb(r,"and "the high price otproTUlona;" but tbe at- 
tceaaa not irry mcigra, aome of oar Bicbsblle fMand* 
m tut la roice, and turnbui In their reaerred aaato with 
^trr furco. Amoog tbeae latter waa Jake Herbert, aa we 
bollblm. Jakelaarollradbutober, UTlngonhlamoney 
aut btef. Jako la no acholar, bat ha la the aDAredaet 
itraotTcr met with; and to Ihla, tali great /n<r, he la 
ticdcblod for the gooda and chattels he now noaaeaeea; be 
i>l)tbliilog calcolalor" of the Dnt order, and could "anff 
ttprico Ota piece of beef with furloua rapidity, and gener 
111 Ike creditor aelllog cheap. Ve remember, "once upon 
%" ot being prcaent when a lady called at Jake'a ataud to 
luaiplcceof corned beef, M ahe hid promlaed her board- 
Rtd beer and cabbsge for tbclr Saaday dinner, nuiulDg 
nliger deep Into the roceaaee of ajalcy place, aald she: 
ft Uul a poond?" "Ten centr," quoth Jake, '^oo 
L* na Ibe lady'a rejoinder, "Well, I'll weigh IL and aee 
leu do for yoa." The corned beef wu weighed, and 
Imlug It Into the lady'e baaket, aald— "ton pounds; ten 
I hioOrcd and too, take It for a dollar;" and ahe did, 
kf, tccordloc 10 Jake'e mode of dolog "ligger work," that 
u ItlllDg a baigaln. Jake made a great deal of money 
El <*(cD teas a hundred and ten prluolple," and la now a 
V palion of the opera, and tbe Mew To» Cup- 

i;dffln Forrcat wound ap hla eogsgement at 

),ooUio20tb. Watrlodtopnrchaae two "atalla" on'tba 
iM or thai day, but were Informed that all snoh aeato bad 
Kid It an early hoar on the prevlooa day;^ we, Inolodlng 
teder Dulclnca, had to "longh It" among yegodaof the 
I Tbo bouae via "Jsmmed with peo|de," and the play 
knO'li-nne. Yon'vo aUee4nlt,DOdoabt; If not, yoo'd 
la. Corlolanaa, yon will rameml>ar,liaa no Idea of knack- 
on to tbo [Monte, and can acarcely be Indacad to make 
lipeccb, aner he haa been choaen aa conauL Ha'a doim 
iptople, and treala the "roloea" of the people with eon 
1 At the cloae of the play, the TOlcea ot the people In front 
lipoo Edwin for a apeeoh, bnt we really believe he still 
tieir 10 be Corlolanus, for It was some time before ha rfr 
U to tho call, and than mored off wlthont aaying a word, 
wicea" again called upon bIm, and bo ahowea "Speeoh I 
M speech I " abouted the TOlcea In the olnlaa; "apeechi" 
nltd tbe gentleman up atalrs: "speeoh I" aofLly otlad the 
leis of tbe atalla. The nnlted "Toloei" fetahed him; he 
lordabutfow, and thoae in tonee anbdned; "loader I" 
tithe gdollemen op atalrs; and the tragedian ralaadlils 
He thanked tbe ladles and gentlemen for their patron- 
t, and aald tbat whenbeabould neit baie the pleaanre 
JBSrbjg before them, "Tlmon of Athena" woold be pr^ 
,ln tho Bine aplendid etyla which had marked thapro- 
a or "Co-ri-o-lanua:" and then be wllhdrow, and tbe 

In front gave blm three oheers The pUo ot 

I dirt Is aim to be aeen In front ot the new dorman 
n now In conne of conjtraotlon In the Bowery, ye 
wtiaclor, wbo threw sand In the eyes of ye worthy 
a manager, "gelling out of the dirt," In some way. 
I a culo IrIck, and ahowa that they don't hare all the 

contraotora down In ^uhlngton We will now com- 

very totcitetbgand affecting little poem, In Terse, about 
tiy bootblack. We wlD write It In that atyle whleh bu 
0 popular since the day when Moih's ark oauie to anchor 
untAirant. AndthlaahBllbethe"burdeDotoursong:'' 
Come all my galUant pardeoers. 

Come Uaten to my aong — 
'Ha of a Bowery boot blaok boy— 

We won't detain 70a long. 
Hla blaokenln' coat talm pennies four, 

Hla bmahea, ahllllnga two, 
A carpentler did make hla boi— 

He owes talm tor It, yet 
Be patronlaed the Bowery pit, 
. And eke the pea nnt aland. 
And splaah-ed mad on people'a aboea 

That he might gat to clean 'em; 
A brigadier was paialsg by, 

Hla boots with lustre ahone: 
Our boot black friend of footteen years. 

Did mark blm all for hls's. 
At Bayard street there chanced to dwell, 

A gutter filled with mud- 
And onward did Ibe soldier sbrldo, 

Without no fear nor favor. 
Tbe gDihlng bootblack Ihonght him bow 

To make ua aolller slip ; 
A oringe peel did oatota bu eye; 

"Hoi ho I ha I ha I my hearty." 
Be placed the peel npon Ibe ground— 

lue warrior on II Irode, 
He fell, u many a soldier fell. 
And wallowed In the gutter. 
Be Toee, and aplad tbe TanemoDi boy, 

Aa yon may oil heard telli 
Tbe aoldler caoght talm by the neck, 

And vfpei] blm o'er the nose. 
Ha died— tbla fragile boot black boy— 

Upon the Held of strife; 
A vtcUm to tho brigadier. 
Be forfeited hla eilslance. 


Now an ye pardoners In dlatieas, 
Whatwanta to pity your praoka 
On brlgadlen and suon like folks. 

Be careful bow yon do It; 
For a aomething then la which ahapoi our ends. 

IIV can't teU what Ills- 
Dut take warning by Iho boot black's fate— 
Llkowlae the brigadier. 

'do you think of this I Wood'a Mlastrela bring out a 
■lae on "Oanilllo," tbla week, and If there won't be fun 
[vewlll give our lull consent to have oar ratlODa of baah 
f la sbu. Ksw aee bore— Frank Drawer, wbo Is fat 
t w in tUoimtn, la to do the conaumptlve Oemlllc, Willi 

BUalcb; whtlo ye wiry and altonualed Obarloy Fox la to 
w tbe healthy and nbust lover, Armand. Bee what a 
H roundiUon there la for fun? Wovarll7bc1levo, If 11 
' '<r rear ot what bla Oablnat would say, tbat Abraham 
V vonlil command thoae two oomedlass toglvo a perrorm. 
■t^ Capllol; and It would be proQUblo aUle to the Freal- 
*) the boys, for tho former might be Indaced to"ielale 
JMf'or two, whlob the latter oonld tun to good account, 
<■ Abe, give the OaUnct leave of abaence, for a few days, 
>«atot of tholr health, and call on Frank and Oharleyi 
yut niako yon abaka year bt aides (fat alias Is meant for 
q aUb peals of merry Uoghtor. Think It over, anon. In 
>uunie,all quiet families and pertena who do notvlilt 

or inuaemenl at night, are respeetfully notHed that 
^lailrela will givo a suurne!, or day nartormaDOe, on 
•Wtlag, Ml], lut, and tiao on Batacday, 98th, 

l[r.Hari,wbo has bees traveling In Boath America with tbe 
Uanlona, la now In the olty. He loforma ni tbat the brothers are 
now In London, after a abort vlalt to Paris, and that he eipecta 
to aee them In new York by Obtistmas. 

Wallioh'a wasn't "crowded to the oelllng" so mioh last week 1 
attributable. It la supposed, to bad weather and a too mactanaas 
of the ume fire. 

This Monday evening, Nov. 93d, Ur. and Mrs. Barney WU. 
llama wUI make their rouree-we Mleoe thaVa the word— berore 
a Mew York andlence. Ttaeyare popular, and always attract 
large aadlencea- Soring the engagement they ara now entering 
upon, they Intend to produce a number of novelties ot an attrao- 
tlve and enowy obataolar. Their opening bill comprises "Tbe 
Felly Olrdo," "Oustoms of the Country," and "Fat's Blunden." 
As It Is one of the ouetoma ot tbe country to set the WilUamtea 

Serform, there will be no blusdeis oommltted It our (riesds 
ran In at Mlblo's this week. 

Aoout tbe "biggoat ram In the pen" Jutt now, la Ueniy Ward 
Beecher. Ton are aware that Btory baa been to Iho Uon'a dan, 
which Is England. You know, alao, that be made apeeobea and 
a great fuaa there, and aaiaed tbe BrItlahera In hu own quiet 
end peeullar way. Well, he Is ell here now, "after hla return 
from Europe," and drawa bigger audloncae, and gets bettor 
price* thin any other actor on the stage. Liat weak, tae ap- 
peared at the Urooklyo Audemy, for one time only, and crowd- 
ed the houaa at two doUan a pop. This week, eo the Mlb, be 
shows at oiir Academy, the price of tickets being died at (Arte 
dolbri iJcM which knookUne Italian open scale all to smllhe^ 
eens. Henry will tell us what he did la England, and whit he 
didn't; what tbey did to k(m, and what they wonld like to have 
did; taow the Thnaderergot mad, and thought to Isita the Brook- 
lyn man, whleh It didn't, though; of these things, "all of which 
he was, and pact of wtalidi tae aaw," he wUl dlaooune to 111* de- 
luded brethren at the Aeidemy. To the credit ot Mr. Beecher 
let It be recorded that the proceeda of his "lalts at the people" 
are devoted to thefnndsortheU. S. SanltaiyOemmliatoa. The 
Academy and the people wUl be wall atuffed on the Mth. 

HankMudgels another big card- Ban Bryant shows him up 
every night, at 471 Broadway, and such ahouto aa greet tbe re- 
fhlginl Hudge were never dreamed of In our phlloaopby. We 
don't hno* which has the beat attraction, the Academy vlih 
Henry Ward, or Mechanics Hall with Daniel S. Oo and see 'em 
both, "and thereby gain great fame," 

Take ncllce. All ye people who have cans and kim ftmlUa*, 
and Itaeretors subject to the blaes, take a little bit of our seem- 
ingly dlalntereated advice, and go see Mrs. John Wood ss Henri 
de Lagadaie, In "The Motto." 0nconlrDllable laugtalar It doth 
evoke, dlapals the blue*, and leavea the patient In ahappy frame 
ot mind, and 111 to lace a frowning boarding bouse keeper to 
whom you owe two weeks board. Joat you try It. IPe know 
what It la, and can aafaly recommend a dose ot Mr*. Wood to saf ■ 
feting homanlty. Bbe's "all there" every night, at the Olympic. 

"Beata tbeie a heart on earth sincere ?" Inquires Ibe JUtod and 
IndaUUbla poet. We answer, "there beats." Dear fHends, 
ron might think wa meant to pblloaopbiae upon the Immntabll- 
.y of allthlnga ben below, and alria In partlealar; Inicwebave 
no such Intention. We only wish to aa7Uiatlfyoa would spend 
an evening pleaeantl7 and prcaubl7, and at moderito cost, call 
at UiDiger Bntler'a American Theatre, tu Broadwi7, where the 
new prize drama ot the "Monutiln Outlaw" la being played, and 
where Obarloy White, Tony Faetor, Bob Hart, and other "liale 
fellow* well met" will meet you with amllee, and aong*, and 
ocolar Jokes. Then'* to be a oaHnee at the American on 
Thanksgiving day. 

We're not much of a hand at politics, but In regard to the ap- 
proaching election for Mayor, we ahould advise our friend* to 
caat Ihelr united votes for Blunt, Boole, Onnlher, end any other 
man who may be shoved forward during thecanvia. Vote the 
whole ticket, and thoa aecuro tho election of "good and taoneet 
men." Prevloua to theelecUon, however, vlalt the old Bowery 
Thoatre, and aee the dog alars Lalkyatto and Wonder, who put 
In an appoeranca thia week. In Ibe "Forest ot Bendy." Fannj 
Herring contlnaea bar taklog pertormsncee, and tbe manager, 
Mr. 0. L. Foi, alaocontrlbatea to the Intereat ot the entertain- 
mania. Look out tor Thankagtvlng— day and night 

They've sot doge at the New Bowery, too; ttaalr namn being 
Carlo and BrulD, and they appear thla evening, under the direc- 
tion of Mr. Edwin Blanchard, In the "Felon'a Deith." We were 
jojt thinking what a crowd could be dravm to both theatres to 
see a good dog dght, now tbat the managan have got the slock. 
A tetocloua canine centeat In the atreet alwaya attract* cnwd* of 
Intereeted men, women, etaUdren, and other dogs; therefore. In 
a loaapubllo place, anoh an enooiuter would fill the house "Aram 
pit to done." Lal'atrylt 

Uaretsek's operatives abdicate the Academy this week, and 
AnachQU and hla Oennun troupe take hold on the 3Dlta. 

"The MounUln Ontlaw, or the Wreck of a Lite," by Jotan F. 
Poole, haa made one ol the neateat tails of the sesson at "tU," 
where It has been well plsoed npon the stage by Mens. I« 

bob Hsrt the wall known negroperformer of "M," who waa 
taken' to Havana by the ateamer £agle on the 3d Inat, by acci- 
dent, arrived home by the same steamer on the 18th. Bob bad 
a very pleasant time of It oa tbe outward and homeward bonnd 
piuige, aa he bad his baejo along with hlaa, whlob aff'ordad 
much amuaembnt to all on board. Bob- kept op a eontluued 
round ol azoitement by letting off bis qualot aa^sgs, and pick- 
ing on the dlA ImoJo. 

Ur. Jamaa Madlgan aalled by lbs ateamer Columbia, on the 
ISltalnat, to Join Onlarlnl'aOlroua at Havana. Ur. Madlgan ap- 
peared on the opening nlgtat of Lent's Clrons, and turned his 
double sommersault 

The well kno«n Srm ot Van Amburgh & Co., hiving taken a 
lease of the old Chinese Buildings, snd after lalog It up In good 
etvle, opened It to the public on the IBth Inst, u one ot the In- 
slltntlonaof Ihla olty. The collection of animals Is the largeat 
sver brought together In this dly. Tbe entire three doors of 
this bnlldug are used by the mansigen, snd every available spot 
Utakenpoesesslonofbysomeklndof sn "sulnula." The lust 
floor, or ouement, has aiing, where the alsphante and mon. 
key* perform. Arm chair* are placed here for the audlton. 
The lecond floor haa cages ot snimsis placed around the rocm. 
Here may be seen a striped byesa, the dnt one eihlblted bare 
for twelve year*. The third floor alao baa quite a large nnmber 
ot cigea, flUed with every apeolea of the bruto ctasiUon. The 
place Is beautltully fitted up, and hia been very wall attended 
since the opening night The location Is one of the beat In tbe 
city, and there la no reason why the Menagerie should not floor- 
lab throughout the winter, 

WsllaeVa Old Theatre waa opened to the jmbllo on the leth 
Inst by L. B. Lent aa a flnt claaa Amphllheatce. The pilvato 
boxea have been removed, which givca room lOr a forty feet ring, 
which Is built on the stage. On tbe openUig night the attend' 
anoe was so great that hundreda wore unable to gain admltianoe, 
and Itae Ireaauror atopped selling ticket* Iwtore Itaa perfoTMance 
oomfflenced. A flnt class oompanv in overr respect naa been en- 
gaged, among whom ere the Melville Fsmlly, B. BUoknoy and hla 
eon Bobect, Joe Pentland, Jimmy Beynolds, snd Tom King. 
Tbe perfonnanoes on the opening night wont off in oapltal style, 
and the attendance throughout the week haa been very good. 

. DiL&M&Tll/. 

On Monday, Nov. 10th, Bherldan Knowlea' capital play of "The 
Wife, a Tale of Mantaa,'' waa produced for the int time at the 
Park Theatr^ Brooklyn, when Mr. Qabrtal Hirrlaon made his 
flnt appearance on the atige of hla theatre. In the character of 
JuUin St Plem, Hlaa Irving enacting the part of Mtrlanne. 
The bUl of the evening proved to be very attractive, the altond- 
anoe It Induced being of a obaneter highly complimentary to 
the reputation of the worthy manager, for a more appieolatlve, 
and at the aame Ume indolgent, atialence never patronized the 
drama In Brooklyn, than the one that flUed the Park on this 00- 
oislon. Hundreds were turned sway, nnable to proeure a eight 
ot tbe stage, every aeat In the houee having bees engaged the 
week prevloua, alanding room even being at a premium. In 
view of the great demand tor Beats, we were pleteed to aee thst 
the manager refused to permit that dangerous unlasnce of pla- 
cing eilia seata In the alalea and passageway*, whereby all eafe 
egreaa from the building In ease of fln Is so completely ont off. 
On the appaaranee of Mr, Harrison on the stage he was received 
with round sfter round ot applante, and at the cloae ol nearly 
eioh scene in whlota he appeared Ibe audience testUled Ihelr to- 
.probation of bla flne acttog, and when the curtain fell in the last 
laal he waa enttaualastlcally called out Indeed we do not re- 
member aeelng an actcr more warmly greeted than he was on 
this occasion, ^he best of It was, his truly sdmlrable renlltton 

Total t8,M7 SB 

This manlflcent product of the genius of Mlaa Oushman, de- 
voted to Itae relief of our snfferlng soldier*. I* only the most 
striking exempUflealloB yet rnsde of woman's power and will to 
do her full part In the naUonsl straggle. Inspired with love and 
pity, American woman have been byihelr labon and aympithlae 
a real part of the army, and Ihelr ranks, nnderleaderalueMlss 
Onshmsn,wlll not bresk, while thali sons, bnthen, snd hns- 
bsnds an flrm and fallhfnl In the field. It Is due to Hiss Ohar- 
lotto Oushman to say that this eztraordlnsry gift of money, ao 
maglcaBy evoked by her apell, la but the leaat put of the service 

which, ever since our vrar began, ahe taaa beien rendering our — — , - . — . 

eauae in Europe. Her eameat faith In the darkeat hotus, her | plaaaanlly, and all wen gntlfied 

propheUe confidence In our anccesa, ta«r eloquent patriotism U J v ("d tbs Beul,' a musical and tetpslcboresn oUo, and <Na^ 
- •- • . — Vhe Oood for Nolhlng,' to an Immense coooanrse of ladle* and 

fecUve reading, and her Judicious sppnoliUon of the telling 
poInU In the cnarscler, together with her taattfoldreaalng an! 

Eace ol movement, wen such aa to favorably coatraat her act. 
g In the drama with that of the popular Un, Hoey, whom, 
br-the-way, ahe anally naemblea Id atyle and manner. Of the 
oihera, Meaan. Whiting and Melklff an the only one* that merit 
pralae, the former'* penonatlon of Qoazago being very crodlt- 
abletobtahlalrlonloabUltr, and Mr. MetkUTa Loresto waa de- 
cidedly the most pralsworUiy piece ot acting we taave seen Item 
him. Ur. Andnw* greatly dliappolnled us, espeolilly In his 
makenp, which waa unworthy in actor of U* eiperlence and 
reputation. Had ha been called upon to eot the part at a few 
mmutea' noUce, ho could not have been laaa erectlTO. At for tbo 
Individual who oasayed ttae part of the Duke, all we have to say 
la that be haa ovldoully mlltaken his vocation. A leas Indulgent 
andlence would have hissed blm off the stage. Count Horlo, 
too, lacks the jiermiiul nqalslte for the oharactcr be uaumad, 
bnt we ehould Judge he could play ttae Apotbecai7,ln namlet,>lo 
perfection. The aoenory waa admirable, and the stage appoint- 
mento pnlaawocthy. The orobeatral dopattment, a* yet, shows 
no algnaoflmpnvomonl; Indeed, Itanylhlng, Ilia worse. Ueliii 
ratborlato In atlendince en tbo evening In quoelloo, wo couli 
only procure alanding room near Itae door, lud In eooKnuenco 
we, wllb all those In the vlolnlly, wera prevented from hearing 
half of tbo convonatlon on tbe ataio through tho oiooUng at Ibe 
door, which was on ttae slide all lhe|evcnlng. This annoyance 
ebould bo prevented In fiilun. The producuou ot this drama Is 
bnt Ibe Inauguiallon ot a series ot slmUar ttandard playa at Ihla 
eaUbUsbmont atlnr which ttae old Olympic pngremmo I* to be 
reproduced On Wednoaday "The Lady of Lyoni" waa pro- 
duced, tho cast Including Ur. Harrlaon and Ulsa Irving, aa 
Claude and Pauline. From Iho compantlvely quiet acting of 
Harrieon In the "Wife," and tala truly creditable. UDBenonailon 
of SU Plem, we fully expected to aee a different rendition of tbe 
haokncyad part of Olaudo to tbat presented. We bed hoped to 
•e», at tbe hands ot Ur. Harrison, a toning down ot Ihs malo- 
dramaUe aoUons that ordinarily charactoriss the lotlng ot eve* 
leading artists la Ihls inal»dtamatlo pliy; but nil as h* per- 

sonated the ohander. In many ceepeots, and finely aa ha read 
the part, the usual alage mannerlama pnvalled to a greater ei. 
tent than hla pnvlotu efforta had lad ua to aspect Take It allo- 

8 ether. In comparison with other rspresenUtloas we have sasn 
leputtweseaaons, Ur. Harrison's Olsude compares favorably 
with Ihe beat that has been presented. Mis* Irring wu not a* 
much at home In ttae chaneur of Pauline aa taer ablUly led na to 
eipecli bntdoubtleu with different BurrooBdlnga ehe would ap- 
pear to greator advantage. By-ttae-wey, a "leading old lady" 
would be an edvanlageous scqnIslUon to Ihls eompanr, and 
more can In nhearalng theae ttandard pUys wonld not detract 
from Itaa merit of their parfonnanoea, Ot the othen. It I* 
acarcely neeeasary to spesk beyond slating that as a general 

thing they did well— Andnwa eepedally Tbe attondanca 

ttaionghout tho week wu eicelleni, both In etaaraotor and num. 
bar*. We noUeed that ttae "heads," that have been snoh llbetsl 
patrons ot Ihe theatre, have had Ihelr privUegea out off. II le 
about time, we think, that Ihe manager wu remunerated by 
these people tor Ills liberality to them 10 long. 

On Thunday night leih InsL, at tbe Aeidemy ot Unalo, Brook- 
lyn, Ibeie was one of Itae flnest aadlencea In ttae building that we 
ever eaw oollected together befon, the tme respectability of 
Brooklyn being for once faithfully npreeenled; for the majority 
ot those present were of the claaa repxesentlng tbe refinement. 
Intelligence, and gentility ot Brooklyn'* beat oltlzans, and not 
thoae whoee Inflnsnce and poilUon Is darivM flom wealth alone. 
The occaalon— oalenalbly for Ibe benefit ol tbe Sanitary Commit 
alon, tbe whole fanda received being ippioprlated IhenIo— wu 
aa ovation to Itae Dev. Henry Ward Beeeaar, on his arrival home 
tram Europe, and truly should that able and eloquent and we 
may truly aay patriotic citizen of Brooklyn feel highly compli- 
mented at the eameet and enthuslastlo gieeUog he ncelved 
tram such a aplendid audience. Uls address on the ocoulon will 
be read by millions on both sides of ttae Atlaotio, as well u on 
Ihe ahores of the Paelfio, and then la little doubt his words will 
ezert an Immense Influence for good In the cause of "peace and 
good will to all men." Ticket* wan two doUan, and Ihe receipts 
produced nesrly tlOOO to tbe Sanitary Oommlsslon. 

The following card Is firom the President ot Ibe United Btataa 
Sanitary Commission, In relation to the benefits given to thst 
society by Miss Charlotto Oushman :— 

The Preeldent of the United State* Sanitary Oommlaalon feela 
It to be a great pleaaun to call unlvenal attention to Ihe patriot- 
ic minlfioeaoe of our distinguished cconlrywoman, Htu Char- 
lotto Oushman, who, from Ins vesael In whleh she leaves our 
shores, modestly sends him the ton sooount ot taer 
splendid doaatlcns to ttae slok and wounded Ihrougta ttae United 
Btatee Sanitary Oommlssloa. They are u follow*:— 
Benefit at Academy ot Unsle, Ptalladelptals, September 

IMh ( tl.8H 3T 

Benefit at Academy of Music, Boaton, September WIta. 9,0M It 
Benefit at Qtover'a Ttaeatn, Waahlngton, October 17lh. 1,800 00 
Baneflt at Ford's Theatn, Baltlmon, October lOtb. . . . 360 00 

(This small result attributable to the negligence and 
aanlaeanaaa of the manager.— C 0.) 

Benefit at Academy of Unslo, New York, October 93d. 9,773 97 

munlcatlon wu again resumsd, Tlia Uceuae was allU in eilst- 
eaee.and alllhatwu wanted wu a fair atari TUawMmas- 
aied on Souday evening, the llth Inst, Ihe ladyallpping oat 
ol taer falher'a honse sDonI balf.pist eight sad meeting bee 
lever, who bed made the needtol preparatlona for a speedy flight. 
Off they alarled to Sonde*, when Ihe two were made on^ and 
uen they went on to West Flamboio, lo apend Ihe night. 
Whether ihay Intondad lo nlum to Hamilton, and In Ih* moat 
approved and ortlmloi style kneel down befon Ike •■stera 
pnent" we know not; sl any nto, the oppcrtunllr wu not aC 
forded them. The lady wu soon mlased, and a nasty seank 
made. The falhor got on ttae right trtok, and traoed them la 
their raating place. Tbe meeting wu a atormy one, and If w« 
ue not misinformed, the stick of the father and the header 
the lover came In eoutiet mon than once, to ttae great 
detriment of the laller. But Ihe knot had been Ued, asd lb* 
danghler had now become a wife, 10 Itaal nothing nmalosd tat 
tbeiktliarbut lo ntttmtohia home eorrowlng, leaving th* 
fatualed pair to tbe esjormenl of their mutnallillas. 

f*!,t*'?""^t.'?'°"°""* • "c*!" CBgsgement it UoVlok- 
er'a Theatn, Ctalcago, on ttae VIb Inst, opening to a crowdeA 
taoase- Bhenmatoad lut week, and wu aanoonced to btisc 
bfr engagement to a cloae on Ihe llet Inst. ' 

Tbe pettormancee at the Defiance Theatn, Cairo, lU. war* 
bnnght lo a oloaefor the preaent on the I«lh luat Alter a short 
latormltdon, It Is said, the honse wlU be re-opened under Ite 
management of Uln HoWlUlams. 

Mrs. Oeorge Jordan made her detui In Ban Fiandaco Odobst 
19lh, sl Maguln's Open Honse, u Oertmde, In "Tho UtU* 
Tteuore." She appeared for four nlgbta only, "owing to a Bi*. 
vlouely made engagement with the Minh Troupe." 

About seven o'olook Monday evening, letta Inst, as the stag* st 
ttae Boston Museum wu being llghi*,prap*tatory to tk« 
performance, aome of ttae sceseir caught flre. 3i« r 

apread quiokly, but wen put ont without caualag a avnaial 
alam, a ton* pnmp taitondedforanok ezlgendea bemg «8*ettv^ 
ly uaed. Tbe atage wu already set for the opening scans 4r UMs 
"Jaalons Wife," and this, logslher with much oiuer soanscj, 
wu badly Injured. The lea* wu sbont 19,000. Boms llva tan- 
dred persons wen In Ihe front pert ot the koose, bnt no paala 
occurred, u the curtain prerantsd Itat fln from being seen. 

At Lsagvlshe Sougharty'a Theatre, Denver Ol^Ti OeU nr.. 
the spectacle of "The Boa of Ice" wu pcvdnotd 00 ttae dih 
last, and wu repeated oa several oocaslena. His eUsf eban> 
tan wen sustained by Mn. Laagrlahe, Meesn. Blahmoad adi 
Dougherty, Mr. John SUlon, one of tne oompiny, ba* Mrasd 
the feUowtag oard:— "A mlanadentaadlag having trlssn b^ 
Iweea myself sad Messrs. lugrlstae k Deagher^rby wUota mr 
engagemeat with them wu forfeited, and I oeased playing for 
ttae tlm*, I deem It due to them and Ike public that I aeknowl- 
edge that I wu In fault and the canaa of the whole dUBoaUr, 
aad Messn. L. & D. having again kindly conaentad to leotvt DT 
aervloea, Ibegthelndnlgenoeot the pnbllo, while I aKSrM* 
fore them and uae my beat abUldea to entertain aat'faleMI, 
Your ob'l aervant Jobb Dnxoic," " 

Hlaa Alice Pladde Mann made taer Una at the Tfceeilia BhriL 
Hamilton, 0. W., on Ihe itlh Inst, In "Madtlalne," and naaS 
ed during the week. 

Ttae Uuata Clilldren, aRer an abaeac* of five yean In Anatn- 
Ua and New Zealand, made ttaeir appearance at Uagulr*** Optat 
House, Ban Frandsco, CaL, Ootobsr Mita. Bpaildng ot ItaSB, 
Ihe &a,ofttaatolty, says:— "The ttaeatn wu flllad to ovantow- 
lag. Several of ttae yoaag girls taave grown up to womanhood, 
Imprcvtog all the while. Other Juvenile member* ate added !• 
the tnnpe. But Ihe priadpal artlsto nlaln Ihelr relaUra pod- 
Uona occupied when flnt visiting Oallfomla. 'The LadluBst* 
Ue,' an Interlude otalnglng and dandng, and ■Toodles,'oon*d< 
taled Ihe opeulng programme. Tbe crowd wu *o gieal, then 
wu only a gUmpae for late comer*. Xveryttaing peaasd off 
1 r-- . Oa the 17lh, tbey gava T 

anprsMncas, havebeea potent Influences sbroad, and deserve, 
nod command the gratitude ot the whole naUoa. In compliment 
to the noble woman whoee genenua butowment of t8,907 30 I 
henby publicly acknoeledge, the Commission tau ordered ttae 
whole amount to be expended ttanogh our borne braachu la 
thOM olUes where Ihe Several Bums wen oontribnted, that this 
money may contlBue u long u possible to besanotlfled kyttae 
touch only of woman's banda. It .will thus reach our soldlen on 
battle-flelds snd in hospitals, charged with tbs bleealngs, pny- 
en, and lean of American wcmanhood. 

HodT W. Bellows, 
President U. B. Banllary Commission. 

At ttae Bt Lonis Tbsatre, Emma Waller dcaed taer engagement 
on the Uth Inat On ttae lOth, Emily Thome commenced, opea- 
tog In "Fccaliontu," and "Nothing Slope Ue-" 

Sua* Mary McWllllams look a beneflt on the Htta last at ttae 
Defiance Ttaeatn, Cairo, III,, the occasion alao being the lut 
night ot Ihe Beuon. The comedy of the "Honey Moon," and 
the drama of Ihe "Fnncb Spy," wen the pieces peifotcned. A 
Bister of the Icn^lalre arrived in the dty Just In time to uffer 
her services. Mus UoWlUlams being a favorite la Cairo, had a 
good house. 

9umorjttIS.P>at J;.WIIkn I)<)olh will shortly lead to tho byma. 
nial attar tho biuollful aud [uccluitlog Faaoy Brown. Wboro'a 

nc)i7r» ■. ' 

Ai Fuller's Loulsvlllo Thoitn, Laura Kcone and her company re- 
mained a second week, producing "Rachel the Reaper" on the ifiib 
loat Tbo epcclacle ot '-Ihe FOetcr Brother" wu at lut accouota 
bi active reneanal. 

Edward Adams closed a two weeks engagement at the DuO^lo 
Theatre on the 21st Inst The drama of tho "Dead Heart" wu re- 
vived and mot witb groat favor. 

At Ford's new Tbeauo, Alrisndria, To., the atlractloo laat week 
cooaMed of Messrs. Charles Wbcatloigh, Ur. aad Un. C. B. Blabop. 
and Alice Orey, In coujuncllon with the regular "Block'' of the 
theatn. "Love Chaso" wu produced on the IBth, and "Still Wo- 
ten Ron Deep" on Iho lOih. Mlaa Alice Ony'a benefit wu an- 
noonced for the 30ih. 

Ur. Jiooi E. Uurdocb, tbe well known actor, hu ntnraed to hla 
tamlly lo CInclnnall, Ohio. It will be remembered that Hr. Uur- 
docb went to (AUtinooga to try to recover the body of bis son. 
Fslllogln this, snd aver ready to render aid to tbocaoseof the 
Union, he accepted the eppolatmentof rolunteer Aid on tho Staff 
of General Rousseau, and, on that gentleman's asaumUig a new de 
partmeut.Ur. Murdoch hu uken tbe opportunity to revlalt bis fsm- 
1/, Intending to return and readme his pIsco on the Qenersl's staff, 
rblle wllb tbo army, Ur. Uuidoch put ols great clocottoairy talent 
j> admirable uto. Be read, on Sondav, the Uoly Ecrlplucoi to tbo 
men, and accompanied hiB raadlcg wlln leasooa of advice, while on 
other days bo recited petrlotle odea and scoga to Immense crowda 
ol aoldlers. and. Ilka tbe birds ot elder daya, Inspired bis boarcra 
with tUo ardor ol battle, and oorved them 10 deeds oT noble daring. 
This novi'l experiment was emlnenlly succeasrul, and both oIDcers 
and men wore csgor lor oonstaul npotltlons of those admirable ex- 

Tbe Webb Sister* commenced on engagement at Ford's Tbeatro, 
WaBbbigtoniOn Ihe lOlhhiat., In the plays entitled, respectively, 
"The Noblemaa'a Diuabter," and "la and Out of Place." Tbe 
dancing or Ulsa Ada la highly spoken of, and her appearance In five 
cbaractars In Ihe aame piece bu made lor her a beat of admlren. 

Loclllo Weateru made herappcaruaco on the Ifitb Iset. at Onvar's 
Theatre. Wuhlnilon, la a new charactor— Itaat of Uary Tudor, In 
Victor Hugo's piayeir that uimo ; and notwIUwlaiullog tho nio, 
tbera wu a large audience present She Is aald to have sueceedea 
very well In tbe part Un Uyron Is well spoken of In tbo cbarac- 
Ur ot Janet 0^ the 10th bist, UIss Western appeared In "VIcto' 
rhie: or, I'll Sleep On II." On Ihla occukw, a new candldau Ibr 
public favor made hor debut The lady Is UIss Annie Wdrd, and 
ehe Is aald to have made a decided hit Bho appeared on the fol- 
lowing night u Colin lu "Nature and Phlloaopby." 

"Leah, the Forsaken," Is In sdlve preporallon st Onvar's Ihca* 
Ire, WBsnlDgtoo. UUs Lucille Wcstera will enact tha obaneter of 
Leah. It will probibly bo produced tbe preaent week. 

EmllyThorne hu appeared with much eucceu at IheGt Louis 
Theatre, u Heater Onzebrook, In " Unequal Hatch." Her 
Blngleg la mu^ liked by the trequooton of tho "Bt Louis." 

Laun Eceno and taer oomblnaUcn compiny will ancceed Emily 
Tboroe at the Bt Louis Theatre. 

Hern Hapgood, lata sdverUslna agent fcrRumsey's Minstrels, 
Is no longer conneolod with that compiny, but Is now with 
Lsnergsn's party, atMllwankee,Wls. 

lAnergsn s dnimallo company opened at Itae Academy otUoale, 
Milwaukee, oa Ihe Itib, and business wu good sll Itae wesk. Ttae 
company stay than tear weeks. 

Business la Louisville, la ttae dnmatlo worid, hu been very 
good ot late. Fnm our correepondent " 0. B. B.," we have Ihe 
following Items ot news :— " Laun Xeeae's combination (mlnna 
Mr. and Mra. 0. Walcot Jr., who acceded at Nuhvllle) wen 
engaged by U. Baaer, Trcuuter ot Wood'a, Jo play for hla bene- 
flt on the Tth Inat, 'Our AmeiioanOoualn.' On the Olh, they 
opened at 'Fuller's,' and dnrlag the past week, they gave aome 
of the good dd atandard oomadlu ; ■The School for Scandal' 
wu admlnbly pnaented. Mr. MackayuBlr Peter Teazle, gave 
evidence ol ability that Is addom found on the Weatetn alage: It 
wu a most muterly delineation. The L. Eeene combination 
will romaln until Itae 93d, whan we may expect aomething In the 
apeclade line. Bam Oullok and aaalalanto taave for aome weeka 
been engaged In painting now aceneiy. A oorpa ol elBolenl ooa- 
tumors, tsllon, milliners snd diess-maken, to say nothing of 
sewing machines, U hard at work on the iracdrobo. At 
Wood'a Theatre, Ur. J. Proctor commenced hla two week'e 
engagement with 'Nick of the Wcoda,' which ptondaufllclentlv 
attractive to run Hues nlgbta, Bualneu baa been very good 
during Ur. Proctor'a engagement IiUt nlgtat (ITIh) ■ llenofll 
ot tho Poor,' tho bill wu ■Tlrolnlua' and the 'Eton Boy 1' tho 
bouaowufulL I ngnt that Ur.Albauah attempted the part ol 
• icUlua.' without more caretul atudr, lie la galthig very care- 
Iwa of late." 

At Wood'a Tlieain, Clnoloaall, Oubaa appeared on the lOUi 
Inat, In "Lavangn," the apeaklng part II wu played but 
once. On Itae following nlgtat ehe eppcarcd In "The Wizard 

Onu'a Italian Open Tnnpe geve three performances st Iho 
old Waahlngton Thutn, commencing on Ihe 93d Inal. 

An elopement csh In tbe theatrical world look place on tbe 
Itlh Inet, In Hamilton, 0. W. Tbe hen wu Ur, Edwin F. 
'Marble, formerly of Auguito, Oeorgli, but now a member or Iho 
Theatn Royal, Hamilton; aad the partner of hla flight wu Buiaa 
T. Cahlll, daughler of a well-known citizen of Hamilton, no- 
mantle In charuler, ahe fell In love with Itae actor, and taer at- 
lactament wu nlnmed. Some time ago, tae obtained a Ucenu 
of marriage, but the lather, bearing of the affair, refused tals 
consent to an alllaaoe wllta a alraager whom no one knew much 
abont and oompelled tals daughter to ninn sll lelten and 
love tokens that had pausd ketwsaa Itaem. Bat our ThaapUa 
was not thus to be baffled, and Mded hla Ume. She wu care- 
tolly wttslwd, bat lov* langbs It looksmllU, aad soon after oem- 

ceu may ezoeed. If poealble, that which she achieved dnrtag 
lito engigement at tbe Walaut. Philadelphia, when laka 

oblldnn at Itae afternoon pertormanoe, aad In the •vanlagth* 
•Uanlao Lover,' and •Toodlu,' fllled the blO. Tbe leading dgbtB 
of the tnnpe an OeorgsW.Uanh, Mm Battle aad Jannto Ar- 
not Jodglng from Indlcallous st preseat they will biv* a le^ 
and ssocesafal engagement" At ttae eondnsIoB of Ibis engsg^ 
Bsat Itae 'iCtalldnn" wlU set sail tor this dty, bom whloh plaea 
Itaey have beea abaent a long Ume. 

A letter recently received tram Bait Lake, aiatea that Joha 
^eldllnger, for a number of yean leader of Ihe Bacrameato (OaL) 
Udon Hiau Band, and flve other mnsldaas ooaaeotad wllb tka 
SecoadOalUOrBlaOavalrv, had Just flolahed a theatn BO byii 
feel la size, at a coal ot (1,800. Tbe letter written oa ttae dib 
ult, aay* that the new theatn had beea opened, and had- nsB 
with greitaocceaa. 
Hlis Mary Pravoit la Ibe ■ 'alar ol the evening" at the Metro* 

EoUtan Ttaeatn, Buflklo, N. Y., thla week, Itae ladr taavlas m ' 
er appearance tben on Itae 93d Inst. II Is to be hoped taat 
suoceu I 

nuule many Krlands, who will badallglited to wllnsss hCT ps^ 
formancu at some future *iul not dlaUaiday. 

At PIke'e Open EouM, Ciooiimatl, Ihe Blchlngs Opera TroDM 
prodnced "Bstanella" on thelieih, and II held Itaeboaid* aHIM 
week. Mlu Blobtoga took hb baneflt oa the lOlh. OnthtP^ - 
the "Enohantteu" wu announoed to be produced. The Slab* 
Ings are stopping than a conpto ot weeka too long. 

Oubu took taer tuewell beneflt at Wood'a Tkeatra, Otaialiaatl, 
oa the 90th tost, appealing for the lut Uiae la "InanBO" tad 
the "Preach Spy," On ttae aiat, atae took bar leava of uat city, 
appeariag In Itae "Flylag Sniehman." Ttala week, Oubas li a 
Allaa'B MutavUle Ttaeitie. 

Mr*. Qladslsae Is Itae star, Ihla week, st FaBar's LonlsvOa 
Itaestn. t 

Edwin Adams was to commenoe a bila^gagemeat on tba Bd, 
at Wood's Thutre, QinclnaatL 

Jane Ooomb* wu at McTloker's Theatre, Ohloago, last week. 

The Eolman Opare Troupe have foB possession ofltasMnaeiiB 
Hall. Ctalcago. 

At Uie Front Street Ttaeatn, Baltloiore, Mr. B. X. J. UIlM, tta* 
eqouMaa dnmaUo actor, liu been re-eagaged, aad appoin this 
week la "Mazeppa." 

At Fotd'a neatre, BslUmon. Usggis Kllchall hubaaalto 
bright etar Itae past week, aad will conUnne ao ltd* waek, brtaf- 
lug out on Itae 33d "Fanohon." On Itainkaglvliig day, she ic» 
dace* "Utile Barefoot" 

Hden Western commenou la eagegemeat sl Ford's Theatre^ 
BalUmore, oa Ihe 30th Inst 

The Now Tnmont Theatre, Beaton, (lately known u Ura. Jaaa 
English's) will be re.cpened on the SOlta Inat, by Ur. Jioob Ba^ 
raw. His company will embrace Ml*. Barrow, Hark BmllhaVOB 
Pladde, Mr. Wakot and wife, Ur. Nolin, and other*. 

Maggto Mitchell wlU commenoe an engagement at the BeatMi 
Theato* on Ihe 30lta last 

At Ihe Boetoa Theiln, Zdwln Boolta remain* anolharwaak. 
"Bay Blu" wu produced lut week, and mat wilta mneta favoc. . 

At ttae Norfolk Open Honse, Mr. E. Eddy oommeaeed an «■• 
gsgemeat on the loth Inst, opealag In "Bmtus." 

Eato Ushsr Is la the third wsek of ao already brilllaat aagagv 
meat at the NaatavUleTtaulre. Oa the ITth, ahe appeared In la* 
"Three Fut Men" and "Olande Snval." 

Ur. J. H. Bnwno, formerly connected wllta; Ihe Boetoa th*i> 
tree. Is sl present with Lanocgan's company, at MUwaakee. 

Mr. Oeo. Byer hu been engaged to lapport Mary Pzovoit Iblf 
wsek, at Ihe BaaUo Theatre. 

AmuaemenI* In Pnlladdphla have ezserienced a aUgbt taOtac 
off, ttae attendance atthettaealrw not being ao large uktnta- 
fore. AvonlaJonudoaedabadengagemenialtheOhestaatea. 
Iheatst Ur. Forreet who sucoeede her, opens In Blohalleu oa 

Ihe 93d Urs. Bowen remains at Ihs Arch. She appealed 

In "Lady Aodtey'a Secret" laat week, to Calrbulneu; ue plar 
wu produced In excellent etyle, and Un. B.'* perfonniaoe 

aled a very favorable hnpreadon Ult* Mary Pmvnst olo**& 

at tliaWamat en tha Jlat aad J. 8. Olarke aucoecds bsr ttala 

wefk Qlve Stuart Bobsoa a good chance at tba Arch, aad 

he will prave a prafilsble oard lo the msasgemeat 

Ladlu aad gsnUemen of kaowa standing la ihs dnoaUo pro- 
reialoa can Bccnn engagamento with Ueaai*. UoDonald k nafi 
fleld, ot Uemphla, Tun. Bee Ihelr advartlssment 

Mrs. Bamw and Uark Bmllh pUy In Portland thla wuk, prior 
to their teloia to the New Iremoni In Boston. 

EanrLangdon and wife, wllta J. B. Button and AndeBaeor, 
give a Thankaglviag eatertalnment In UUford, Uaaa. 

Jotan E. Owona' engagement at Ihe Howard, Boetoa, wu vair 
sncceastal, ladeed. „ . 

X. L. Davenport wu too lU to sppear on Monday, wHk Ik* 
"great alliance" at Itaa Howard AUieoainm, Boaton. 

Buaio uAU,s. 

The old Qreen Btreet Thwtn, Albany, N. Y., wu cpeatd 
on ttae 91at Inat. by Ueaan. Avery k West as Ibe "Oreen EUnet 
Varletlu." The thutn has beea thonughly npalred tad re- 
fnnilahei The company engaged la ae fouows:— wsmn Botd. 
well. Bob BoUer, Barry Bteto, Bam. Brimmer, NeUleHomid, 
Annie HoU, Amelia Wella, Fanny Thompson, BUlrTbonpeoa, 
Ihe Polish Dralhen sad the Leoal Tnape t Paatoinhnlstt. 
Waireo BocdweH la alage manager. Lao Undion, Oio "Uaieppa" 
of the dey. Is uaderllned lor an early appcaranoo. 

AlHarmonla Hall, Oalra, IIL, Ihe tneruaed attraoUoa* ooa- 
stoutly offered by the masagen, very aatnrally draw a auc- 
oemlon of large audiences. Dlok UcQowan aad Emma Wlathrop 
an Uio two priadpal attraoUona at preaent 

Ur. Luke Illvcra wu up for a beneflt at Itae Nttlontl, Oiaoln- 
natl, on tho 30th Inst 

At the NaUonal, Cincinnati, the masagei praduccd lut week, 
a variety oteotorlalumeBtewtalebmotwIihremuuenllTe honaaa. 
Uuter Angdo, Frank Donaldaon, LIule Donaldson and S. T. 
Oanla, won re-engaged lul week. 

The York Pa. Udodeon wID be opened to ttae publlo oa the 
30Ui Inat, under the prapriatonhlp of Uuara. Belack k Deach, 
wllh J. L. Berry for alage manager. It la a new hall, aeally and 
conveniently fitted up. Ttaey want two famda vocdiala ud Bv* 
daiucunr and negra parformanr Talent ot thla deasrlpUon wUl 
do well toaddreuat onoe u Instructed In en advorllsement 

The "ataost" wu produced at the Bt Louis Varletlu oa the 
IGth Inat, Uciar*. J, 0. Campbell, Wm. U. Uaeva, T. Jeffeno*, 
aud Baymond, conllnuo memben ol Ihe Variettu compaoy. 

The Hernandez party hu been doing a fine two weeka bli, 
at Ihe New Uuwum. Chicago, and atarted for Peoria, IIL, on tba 
lOUi Inst, nndsr Itae direction of maaager UeUen, of the 

At tbe Bowery, Bt Lonia, bualneu is nporled sa being not 
very good. Itae "Bevea Bona" wu Ihe lul etlracUoa. 

A eorrupoadeat Inlocma us that LIuie Wdby la lyui mj 
tick at 8t Lonls, and lean an enleriilaed as to her recovery. 
f« ooaUaaattn of Ttastliiotl Beeortt is* I*<* 9t>< 




, wuU, tlo., lo tho tbUowliig Mhedolo of ntM tor M- 

Xnlre eesU per Una for Mth tad eToir inHrtlOBi for dnnMo 

rUa*r* Ubml WooUoii, will, bowoTw, tw mid* in adw- 
oaia iibeg ptld for tbreoor ilimoiituliiilniiM. BtJ 
■ BttUwUon. ToMdiT of «Kk weak. 
*££!^wiloiu 10 innra •ttonUon U the tow fbilhrt wttk. 
Mould mob u br KosdAj moralng, tt Uait, oi Buaidtj U 




Will open lor ^-gp^aPHITflSlrai' '° ""^ 
VmibUmton aired, oppoilla Ibe Oonit Honie, 


Mecliuiloe' Hill, in BrotdwiT, ebora aiud itreet. 
BBTANT BB0THEB8, Prosrleton. JOBK BIlIF80H,TTeiniier. 

WINAMS end DUORAHAN, Uehen. A. BOSa, OBcer. 

BBTANTS' Kaemaa, 

n OoomtsTlioompoeedofUiefollowliiiiTtleotedAztlna:— 

J. B. SirOBI, 
J. W. HU,TON, _ 
0. 8. CONNOR, 
LriTLE llAO, 
t new Tirietjof Booif, Dmeee, Barl««iaet, PUnUUoD 
ForpertlonUM, leebmiofUiedef. 
Tloiatj of AdmlHloD 39 unU. n-B 



No. 189 UBOADWAT. 

Li Bi LENT MinnpFi 

TUi wUbUubnent will open for tbe leMon, 

Wllb Ibe noet tilonled Tronpe of 


Id the countT7, end 

Upoo tbie elde of tbe AUuiUe 
' Hubcen conalnicted, tbe Aadltorlum alforda eTcrreomrort end 
conTesleace for ililton, end It 1* conlldeDtlr bellered 
tb*t tbe eiUbUebment will be pioaoanud 
nT rAB 



Cwcn-Dr<M Circle and Ftrquet, tOcenU; ObUdreo nnder 
■Jan, 99 casta. Fiallr Circle, 99 cla, witbont dlaHncUon of age, 

TmE— Doon open at 1; Orand Entree at a U of 8 o'dod;, 

A Orand Perfonnanco for Famlllw, commencing at baU.paat 
3 o'clock. 93-11 


OPFoarrr TBI Onr Hall, Bboosltk. 

iMaoe and Manager uABRIEL UABDISOK. 

BUge Manager D. A. BAR PR. 

tUa Mew and Eloganl EatibllabmenI 

Doon open at 7K; commence at 8 o'clock. 

Paronet, Mcta. 

Onbaaln Cbain tl. 

FafflUr OInle 3S ola. 

Baloonr Beala ISela, 

Frirate Boiaa, Itandit, 
■OE Ofllce open from 8 1- h, to 0 p. v. 



■dn now on their Onuid Triumphal Toor, crowned wllb tbe 

Doet natlering turcaaa. 
WIU Ttall tU the principal cIUh In tbe Cnlled BUtea and Canada, 
prenont to Ibeir departure for Borope. 
XUa Uunmolb Combination la compoaed aa foUowa:— 
^ rain old, 38 Incbea high, and weight 33 ponnda. Hit tUter, 
la It jretra old, IT Inchn high, and welgba UH ponnda. 

la IT jeaia old, 39 Inotaea high, and weight 33 ponndf . 
Tbe whole world la oballangad to prodace tbelre^aal Is alio, 
^IgbL or edncatlon. 
In addition to thla great lUrtctlon te 

Ten In nnmber, all appearing In one Grand Entertalnmenil 
J. D, NEWOOMB, Uuilneta Uanigor. 

COL. WM, ElllNSBn, 
38- 0. 0. nUBBBLL, Agent. Director of Amntemtnla. 
lEOIURERtnd original "IUPR0V1BAT0I« "or EXTEMPORE 
'COET, It at prtaent biTtllng with Col. EUlngar'a Enlerlalnment 
•and Parlor tfpera. Ult frienol wUl pleaaa addreta lo OLirria 
'OlBce. 39-3t* 


WalnnI ttrMt abova Rlabtbi rblUd.lphU. 

ALLISON & HINOKEN .Leaieea and Manigtn. 

Tbe Largoat and Deal Oondneted Ealabl'abment In America, 

Who are greeted nlghllr br 

In Janlomlme, Ballet, Dutleiqoo, Ethiopian Acta, 

aemi of the Opera, OTmnaaUca, &o., kc, 
Whlob ue preaenled lo tbe pubUo In perfeoUon In all their 

Mr Oomptlent Axlltla can meet with adrantageoni lennt bj 
^pplylAg aa abOTo. 
Sk JAMES PnORIM, stage Manager. 

PannailTanla Avenna and Nbitb alieet, 
WASBINaiON, D, 0. 

iBAUDLIN 1: Co Pnprietora. 

•Vm SIMMONS stage Manager and Adrottlaer, 

,aiOH& BAPIUTIN Maltrede Ballet. 

The Flnt Ohua Mualo EiU of Wuhlogton Cltr. 
'ttdoned by tbe leadmg Joumala of the NaUon'a OapllaL 
IbelT dall7 oomoendaUone prore onr aaaertlona. 
flaidaoTAdmlaalon, 90and39oenta, Prirate Boxee, 19. 
Pnttaalooala of alerUog abllll/, and STABS of merit 
■d npniatlon, wlablig engaiemenla, will addraaa 
16,41 HAMBLIN k Co., Pnpritton. 



0. M. OHADWICK Proprietor. 

.OEO. F. Mcdonald stage Utntger, 

HOW IM ma rcLL tide or aucoEn. 
And nigbtlj Tbllod bjr Crowded and EntbnaluUa ADdlenoaa 
of Ladlea and Qenllemen* 
.,«bla ptaoo bating acconunodatlona for 
1(00 PEOPLB, 

la not Urge enosgb to accomodate tbe orowda that atok en. 
nnoe nlghUj. 

Oood Perfonnera can alwaja meet with good eDgagementa br 
Mpljlng to the alwre Proprielora, or lo 

H-91«-9m 3gWettnonttontlreet,N.T, 


Oega to tnfotm bla old friend*, Uanagara, and the Public gen- 
MDj, that be la sow located at tbe 

Where ho will (rire bla ponosal attesUca toue prodncUoo, 
Bl isjr atjle, of all kinda of 


_ Partlonlarlj adapted for 







_ „ , , „. . ^.POUnOAL CLUBS. 

_T. D. bnaU that bla manj rean eipetleno* la Ibe bnalaeat, 
-tto TUT large aaaortmenl of Uula at bla commaad, anr of which 
MBbaptlnled In one or more color*, tbe aenloea of the beat 
B e alri era and Engrarert for new work, will aeonre to him a con- 
Bwanoa of paat laTota and a trial bj new pabona. liMm 


TUa Oommedlona Hall haTing bees re-modelM tad enUraed. 
BOW open for tbe nae of ° ' 

OONOERTS, LECmniEa 1:0. 
So pilst baTe been apired to nuke It oomplete bi all lla ar- 
•tngemeota. OneofOaananfc Fanoher'a beat planet bat bean 
«Mad to Ha funltare, ud wUl be rested with the h!u at a 
ceaaonable price, 

Aay farther InfomuUon ota be obtained at the Book aad 
■tnalo Bton of CHAE ESTABROOK, Ages" 

8T Water abrael, Nawbanh . 
EoYLxa UiLtn, Jaallor. BeptM, IB«8. M-Tit* 

<8IMH-EB'B DBBAUi or, WaEsi'a in Firrv Doliau? VIM 

Sola Laaacea and Proprietora, 

EqnedrUo Manager 


Bsalaeia Agent 

H«*an. BosnrtoE a HovEa. 

Faim J, HowEa, 

Job* L. Howia. 

. . .> ..Biouao P. JONia. 

The mtaaieaKnt reipeettuUr hrfonsa the olUieaa of the 
Unlled SUlea and tbe Ctnadu that Ihe^ bare, at a Tatl eipeste, 
lusral one of tbe beatloeaUoaafor a pobUoplace of amiaemeot 
IntbaOaidesCllj, aad that dnilne the oomlsg aeaaoa they will 
piaaant a "^^g^y^m, ^j,^ QiinraiTio SBsntmoKa, 

blended witb 

PARiomiEa, BiBLiNOia. Sraoiacit, ihd FaacBa, 

attjl. u-tteDiptj^ "aSplSSLTBE 
la one of Iba beat oonalracted for TlaloB, aeoontllca, TonUlatlos, 
comfort, and accommodatloii OTtr conatmcted, arranged eipreaa- 
l7 to meet Hit appnbatlon Ihoae who patronize eqneatilan In- 

Amoeg tbe oifula engaged to apptar duUig (ba Initial fort- 
Bight wul be fosnd 

the daablBg joung Ennratarteane. 
Champion BIdtr of the World, 

Wit, Clown, and Oilglaal Talker, 
Meaan. OABLO asd BOBS, 
Beat of OTsmaata— UDasrpaaaable In all Ihey attempt- 
the mat Boeslo Elder, 
a Rifted Sqneablan, 

Mr. JOHN Davenport, 

Olown and Oomedlan. 
Local Clown and accompUthed Horaemas, 
In bla tvo and fonr-hotse ponr act— new featnrea In the profea. 
alon— _ _ _-„__._ 





Tbe orchetira will be nnder tbe directton of 
Brioiu, No«cE. 
Artlttoa of abllllT, wltblog either atar or regnlar eagagemenla, 
will addreaa nOBlMBOM A HOWES, Proprlelin, 

Sl-U Boi VM Chicago P. 0. 




In pblladelpbla, 

Pore, Leglllmato, Etilorable AmnaemenL 

Piaaenled nlahU. 




ETtr offered to a DtUghted PabUc. 

Torrenla sf Applante, 

BereasiB of LangbKr, 

Tbundera of ApprobaUcD, 

FMlUTe Roan of Delight, 
From tbe Edncated, the Critical, tbe BeBaed, 
All agree In nrononnclng 

W. N. SMITH, Stage Manager. 

OHBIB. NORBIS, Builngaa Managtr. 
M. B. Artlila of acknowledged abllllj can alwajt meet with 
good engigemeala bf applrtogaa aboro. ortoourAgeota, 
8)tf 39 Waat Hofiaton ftrcet, N. T. 

BUaiUB BROTHBRS. dc KO'H Bl.f sthbls, 



Conalatot ItaefoUOYlng Qentlemen: 








Ibe Management call (lartleiilar nottoe to the tbore dliUn- 
golibed array of Talent 

Tloketa 39 cents; Beurrtd Beala 90 oenla. 
30-tf LON UOBBIS. Manager. 


A Succeaalon of Crowded Honaea Greet 
Erery NlgbL 
The moat uninlmona tokena of approral. 

The Pieaa ant PnbUo, 

Unite In deobrtng II 

Tbe companT la PerfeoUon In all Ita delallt. 


In abort, all that goea to make up 
An Entire Obaiuo of Prograisffle Erery Week. 

£ W. BVILER, Manager. 
M0K8 la TBORNE, Sfige Uanager. 
J. AHUEBHAN, Treaanrer. 
F. VAN OLEER, Mualeal Director. S3-tt 


Tbe Oreal Original, and only 

imua DiXD. 

The MaininB Tsoufe of tbc Wobld. 
At Ibo tjrmlnaUon of the prteent aeaaos. 

They will eppear In 

'l-tf . Manager asd Proprietor. 


Tbe DladDBUlabed Tosng American 
Hu Jnat ccBdsded one of tbe moat mcceaaful and brilliant 
engagamesto at the Varietlea Theatre, In SL Lonla, ever known 
in ut Dramatic annala of that olty. 

Her MAZEFPA la prononnced tbe nloat Artlatio aad Daring 
Female Xtneattlan paiaonaUon erer eeen upon the American 

Tbe Btaga Bone DON JUAN— trained by WlUlam B, Deir— 
utd by Mlaa Flaber, la tbe beat Is tbe world. 

■anagan of Tbealrea wlahlsg to make propoitla to Hlia 
Flaber lor Engagementa, moat addrtae 


Varietlea Theatre, SL Lonla, 
tr, JAB. OONNER 4 CO., 
83-lf 39 Weal Houaton atreet N. Y. 


Minagen wlahlsg to tngage theaerrlcet of thne reir talented 
Arltata, for STAR Eagagementa, will addreaa them care of 
tl-lt CurrxaOmoB, or 33 Heniyatrcel, Brooklyn. 


Tbla beantUol Tbutie TO LET, nightly or woekly, nntQ Ibe 
aemmenotmaatof Oecenbtr, Apply to 



MINaTHKk WIUH, al 11,80 apiece, Bend yonr 
and meature lo PAUL DbBPOITe, Theatrical Wig lUer, 
tiW 19 Weil Houaton ilreet, N, Y. 




Detroit, Ulcb. 

OEOBOE LEA Proprietor. 

W. B. OAVANAOH Acting Manuer. 

TBimrBairr Otbb All OiBEBa. 

OoadiHled OB a far more Uberal acale than Ito compeUton. 








49- TheblgtaeetSalarteepaUltodntclaaaArtlaU. 93-tr 



THOS. MAOUIRE Proprietor and Uanager. 

JAUES DOWLINa Stage Manager. 

J. L. BOHMTT Leader of Orcbeetn. 

W. BKVENBON Treaanrer. 




sc., Ac, 4a. 
Stan TialUsg CaUfomla abonld bear In mind that Mr. Uagnira 
la alao proprietor of the MetropoUlan Tbaatre, Sacnmesto, and 
the MaryiTllla Theatre. 


gnismer atreet. (sear Waahlsgtos) Boa tos. 
Holdlog twice aa many People aa any Ulnttrel Hall In Boalon, 
NotwIthaUndlna tbe Feet, 
Hosdroda are Turned Away from Ita Doota Nightly. 
Tbe world renowned 

Surrounded by a Conilellatlon of 


And ererr Star a Brllllanl one, indndlsg 
The Qaeen of Bono. 

Supported by a Cotpa de Elblope of 30 Profeaalonilt. 
A7 The Buckleyt' Repertoire embrace* many freah gcma of 
Vocallaatlon. New Acta, Operatlo Bsrleatnea. and 

bhabdouanthian pboouabities, 

Itone In their own peculiar atyle, and not outdone by any 
Tronpe In tbe Profeaalon, for which the olllzena of Boaton and 
tbe preaa bare Uvlabtd upon them the meet flattering demos- 
atnilooa of appronL 

4^ THE AqUAIUAL la open Aftomoon and Erenlng. «GS 
Admlaslon to both Exhibltlona, 39 etnta. Reearred aeaia, 90 ota. 

NOTICE.— Panona rtalUsg tbe Oardesa In tbe daytlffle ere en- 
titled to a ohecfc of admlaslon to the evening entertainment 


beloDglng to 
are TO BENT, 

At any time during the winter. 

With the Horace are 


(Dreaaea, Saddle Clothi, Baddlea, Ac) 
The Boraee are all thoronghly broken. 
Tboaewl)bln4 to negotlatofor ellher long or abort engage- 
menta, will plaaae addren 

DAN GARDNEB, No. 919 Jaccby alreol, 

PhUidolnhla, ?a. 
P. S. Those Inlcnding lo briog forth Show Plecat will dsd It to 
their adTtntage to apply aa above. 30-41* 


Tbe Celebrated Antbor, Comedian, asd Delineator of Eccentric 

Win slay a Farewell Engagement Is tbe principal citlet during 
the Fan and Winter, aaalated by 

The Great Prince of Yankee EcceotrlclKea, 
Iboa forming one of Ibe Greatoat Comblsatlosa of Talent Ibat bat 
ever appeared together. 

Obaraetailatic Uliutratlona of Real Life; Fun, without Vulgar- 
ity; Ulitb, without AUoy. 

Look out foe Marahall B. PIko and Yandee OInm. 
3»-tf OEO. K. GOODWIN. Manager, 





No Walter-Olrla employed. ladlea aad Oentlemen of known 
ability alwayt wanted. 

No ontalde perfonaen employed— none but the very beat tal- 
ent engaged. 

Addreaa to WILLUU E. SINN, 

Sole Proprietor, 
Se-lf WaahUigton, 0. 0. 



fSaoceaaon to John E. Bacosi) 
13 and M Sprue* Street, New York, 
Pay ptrtloolar attention to getting up dl Unda of 

For traveling companlea, and have on band a Urge and aplondld 
aaiortmeat of large and amaU 
Snllabla B>r Olrooiaea, Menagertea, Ethiopian Petformen, Gym. 
naato, MagtoLtaa, Ao., Ae., which can be printed la one or men 
ootore, to anlt onatomen. 

A depoalt reqalred on an work ordered. 
AU orden addreaaed to "OLABRY 4 BBEUiEY," Bacon Print- 
ing and Engraving eaUbUabmant 13 and I« Spmo* atreet New 
York, will b* promptly attended to. go-tf 


A certain SUm-er from Waahlsgtos, who baa had the good for- 
tune to make a few dollen bv keeping a half atarred concert 
room, more Ibrongh dumb luck than good management, la In the 
babK of Tlaltlog Philadelphia In queat of Ulent Ue Invariably 
Tlalla the drinking taloona l^guenled by the profeatloB, and la 
alwaya ready to tale a emtio wlOi any one, etpeoltUy If there la 
any "obempagm" around, but ht wu never known to"thell 
out" and return the compUmest. 

Tbla Sinner la alwaya ready to liatmct performen bow to 
break their engigemesta, In order lo obtain their aervlca* to go 
to Waahlsgtos. He can telle ballet girl to put aUher tklrtt 
under her dreet when the letvet the tnow, ana leave bor empty 
trunk behind, which of coune he wUI make good; and be can 
alao offer a aong and dance man, or a baigo player, a aalary 
which be never bad ihe coaraga lo pay, and even If be paid It for 
Ibe flrat week, he would, aa niua],liave to cut them down the 

The object of tblt card la to pnt manaBtn on their gmrd 
agalnat ihla Sinner, who goea ansnd like "a wolf In abeep'a 
clothing," and la fuUy qBaUted to act the part of the beat black 
■beep to Ihe bntbiett, and allbougb tbla eipoaure baa done b<m 
good, and la acme maimer cheeked bla saaly, dirty, practlcee, 
yet be la not thoroughly repented, only checkmated, and wUl, 
no doubt alar at home for a abort time, until he aeee another 
obasce to ply hla sefuloua oooupatlon. 

The performen' same* mentioned In Ihe Card of "Hit Boyal 
NIba," an people who, bavlsg algned Oentracte,^ did not know 
bow to keep them, and u our "Bhanghae Manager" la well aware 
that Bey sard la too smart to let ellher manager or performer, no 
matter who they an, gat Ihe beet of him: hence the fact we 
have never to hewall ue loaa of a paltry Flltr Dollan, and I17 
bypntllBg facte la tbe newapapan, that cannot betnbetanllated, 
to mjon The character of any performer. 

At tbe Culno, when a person engagea for a cerUIn talary, he 
knowa vetr well he la going to get ft, and conteoaanlly we never 
have to advance mosey eltJner to act aa a "hall" to get them to 

leave Ibair pretest eltsallon 

"dirty," or a* a guarantee of onr 

Tbla Baltimore p;ng has thte week been endeavoring to tel the 
Delaware river on lira by outing hit "Fowler'a neU" In tbe city 
of PblladelphU; but a* bla taekung waa of a fourth claaa dctcrip- 
Uon, Ibe Grand Biarrlng Tour wu a Callnn, and Blsn-or'a lofty 
bopea Ml to tbe gronscf. 

Tmellsg thete remukt irin have Ibe effect upon the mlnda of 
Profeulonala and tbe public In general, we leave thla wicked 
Blnn-er for the nreaent to bit own rcllectloot. 




in> OBLT 


mo BBiat BUID. 

TTnder tht pereontl anpervlaloo of 
Who eubmlla tbe fMkwlng aamat of the mtmbtn 
Tronpe u a auBaleot gnaraatee for Ibe exoeUence of Ik^fi 
telnmente, and which ibelr many firlenda and tbe pshUaiTL 
win aee at a glance, embedlei the talent to portray " 

andwhoaebrillbnt ^ 
Have gained fbr them with Preta and PnbU& the UUt m 

g^ Bead Ibe nanet;— 

U. 0 CAUPBBiIk Proprietor and 

NED DAVIS. Comedten, jOHNNY BOO) , „ 

N. W. GOULD, Guitar, Tenor, T. WADDEE. Tynlaaa. 

Snmamed "Onbu," J. BAILEY. Oomtt ^ 

J. FRAUNICHT, Contra Baaao, Vlolla_„_ 

J. H. WARD, Tenor, A. BTEWABT, Saooi^doS 

THEO. JACOBS, General Agent 

AOAin oil TUB HOVB, 

Enlarged asd Improved for tbe year 1893 aad'U,^ 
Tenth Triumphant AsDspl Tour of Ibe Unequalled aad 



The reeult of Ten Yean of eEperieno*, patronlied bv tbt ^ 
and elite of the loren of the Borot Oork Profetika^ 
Compoaed of a great Corpa of DIatlsgnlahed and Pnfc 
Never befon concentnted Isto ose Oompaav, 
Os which oceaalon many new facea and aU tbe oil fag 
will appear. 

During the preaanl aeaton they wlU vltit tbe Caail>t 
Brunawtck, Nova Bcolla, Newfonndlasd, the lalasd of Oiki 
aUlbe principal OlUeaIn tbe Unlled Btelee: Intro^ndA 

Enbtlo tbe beat Negto Dellnealori, Ihe beatSbigeia, ibt 
lancen, tbe but untlclanf, the beat Female Peaaoulgai^ 
best Qrua Band, asd tbe but Otebeatra In Ulnatreliy, 
Altffi the Inoompanble 

Compoaed of Ihe aeappioachabte GUSTAVE BIDiV( 
J. E. Green, Edwin HobuM, and Oossalvo Blahop, ailia 
admitted lo be Ibe but and moat powairgl 
The Baggage of tbla Benowsed Tronpe la the Iba^i 
Elegant, Beantlfnl, and moat eoelly lot of Ztoonealii 
eeen cossected with one Oompasy; the whote wu ail 
special order, at an Immeaae expenae. 

It one of the principal llnea os tbe great Uammekh 
now uae4 by ihla Tronp& recently ccmpleud at Clarry AlB 
Spruce atreet New YorL Itturpaatu In Dulgn, aa,i 
deur, and Eipente, eveiythlag ever befOn altempled,Mi 
eicepting Clrossee or Uenageriea. Tblt Immeau BI 
tl6O0, It It competed of thlrty-flve abeeU, worked In fsvtri 
It te ntoateen aheete larger Iban any Poeter ever priilai 
Poeten along tbe route will take notice and ruerve fctdp 
placu for thit ornament 


each evening pnriona to opening thete 
For fun partlonlara, aee Piogitmmu of the day. 

Stage Manager J. E. GREEN. 

Leader of Orcbettra and 

Mualeal Director JOBN RELK. 

Leader of Dtasi Band ALPHONSB BEBQEBU, 

Vocal Director GUSTAVE BIDAUX. 

Tbe whole under tbe anaplcu asd Isunedlato central cl 

DUtBEZ 4 GBBEN, Bole PloniMa 
OBAS. H. DUPBEZ, Uanager. 
3]-tf A. B. PBINTISS, AdvertMngliw 



JOHN A. ELLSLEB Manager and Pr<mrltler. 

The only proper and Pcpslar Bnlldlng In thel}llr,(nO 
certa, Lecturw, and other Eiblblllou. Can be rental b; 
night or week, durtng the mostbt of July, Augnit Bapltal 
October, November, December, 1893; and April, Hay, sadJi 
IE61; the other moatha being ooonpled by my regular Diam 
Oompasy. AU appUcatlona directed to 

JOHN A. ELLSLER, Jr., Cleveland, 0.. Or 
I8-tf o. A. WAONSn, ColnmNi, 


This Iraly elegant and Ttiy baanUtnl tbeatn la kept «|a ' 
lag the whole of the year. 

of acknowledged potldon and talent, negotiated wllbteta 
abort eniagemeati, u mntnal latereeU may require. 

<>tf Bole Leuee and PiepiUi 


ST. 10013. 

A^°s TBB LtnoEDT n ibe United Brana, la bow n I 

Flnt Clan STABS treated with at all Umea. Nona I 
need apply. JAMES CONNEB A Oo., Agenla, 
ao.3m or GEORGE DEAGLE; Skis 



JOHN A. ELLBLEB Uanager and Pioptltta 

Tbe but and moat popular Ballding In Ihe City tor Om 
Lectures, and aU Usd of Exhibltlona. It can be realed t 
night or week, daring the monlha of January, Fabnia 
Manb; alao, July and iugual, 1801, the nmatnlng naafe 
Isg occupied by my ngnlar Dramatic Company. 
U-tf Addreta JOHN A. gr.TOT.wfe OleTdaad, H 


lOr by 08 feet; Bbge 39 by 9T feet 
Appropriate Bcenirj for Dramatto Oompulu, aeated titt 
od Chain sane tMltomed, lighted with Gat, 
Licesu paid, Police fnmlahed. 
Liberal amngemente made with aR lint clan Rattrlshi 
None olhen need apply. Popnhtlooof Baducab, Eri> 
g0.3ffl UOHUOND 4 JAKEWAY, PropiWa 



WUl be Rented for Concertt. Leotnret, BxhlblUont, fa. 

Addreu W. A. REYNOLDS, 

n4m* St Anade, Boohtttir,* 

oalifornul thbatrioal AaBiiof..d 

DAN COBBYN wooM rupeolfnny Inform membenifBi 
matte, Uualcal, or Etautrun profeulont, that he hu nbli 
an Agency In Ban Ftanelaco, and It pnpared to negoUtltal 
mtnit and Iranatol all other bntlseu pertaining te t* 
liulon. Addreu SHERIDAN COBBYN, San FtudmO 

N. B.— AU letten nqslrlng aniwen moat oontalii 
pie-pay U^^aame. 

r. BULL«Aii>a 


ll-9me t3 Eut I4lb atreet cor. lib Anrt 



T. E. UILI8 AcUng and Blago Uasaia^ 

Flnt Olau BTARS, Opera and BaUet Troupw, negotuu; 
on Uberal totmt. Addreu u above. 


Will Inaugonte their Winter Sauon, at ^ 

NIDLO'B GARDEN, on Monday Evening, Nov. 3K . 
In a aoriu of thota pleuing and artlatio petformascA'' 
have gained for them the aoubrtqnet of the moat altrMttnn' 
In Ihe profeaalon. 

Zquutriense, oan be found al aU Umu Bo coming •>'" 
Newtown, Long laland, whore partlu leqolilng her tf'''! 
apply or addreta by letter. ''^ 

TUB ADSRBS8 of J. B. MURPHY, late advert 
agent of CuteHo A Van Vleok'i CIroua, author of "Vonsf f~ 
Lament," and other aengt, la at Ihe Variattea Theatre, 
Mo. * 

WAIfTBO.— Two or three Bret clan eodmen. Koa* 
BtrioUyAnt olMt need apply. Good talariu wlU be palA 
esgagemeste made for one or two year*. No tnveUag. ' 
Immediately to R. U- HOOLEY, Hooley't Open Hooie, » 
lyn, or 189 Broadway, New York. 

BINN-ER'B DRBAU; or, Wntni'e >rc Firn Dolliii' 


Scanned from the microfilm collection of 
Q. David Bowers 

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and 
Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley 

Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight 
( }. a Digging into Data project 
sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS 

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